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Speech Aspects


No consistent
approaches native-like
pronunciation with good
intonation (10)
Speech is effortless and
smooth with speed that
approaches that of a native
speaker (10)
Very strong command of
grammatical structures; no
grammatical errors are
observed (10)

Some identifiable
mispronunciations; accent
does not interfere with
understanding (6)


Very good range of

vocabulary; infrequent use
of the same word for the
same idea during the
presentation (10)

Speech is mostly smooth but

with some hesitation and
caused by rephrasing and
groping for words (6)
Good command of
grammatical structures with
a number of errors that are
not serious and do not
impede comprehension (6)
Adequate range of
vocabulary with no evidence
of sophistication; some
errors in word choice impede
comprehension (6)


Speaks in a loud voice

enough for the audience at
the back to hear the
presentation; does not read
the report (10)

Speaks in a loud voice

enough for the audience at
the back to hear the
presentation. Reads the
report occasionally (6)


mispronunciation errors
that make
understanding difficult
Speech is slow and
often hesitant or jerky;
sentences are left
incomplete (3)
Any accuracy is limited
to set or memorized
expressions; frequent
errors impede
comprehension (3)
Limited range of
vocabulary; frequent
errors in word choice
often impeding
comprehension; has the
tendency to use the
same words repeatedly
Speaks in a weak voice
such that the audience
at the back does not
hear the presentation;
mostly reads the report

Presentation Aspects
Topic Development

Provides adequate context

for the listener using
appropriate background
information; the main idea in
each topic is
emphasized/mentioned (10)
Present ideas in logical
order including transitional
words so that the listener
can follow and understand
the speakers flow of thought

Provides adequate context

for the listener using
appropriate background
information; but the main
idea in each topic is not
emphasized/mentioned (6)
Ideas are presented in
logical order; however the
transition from one topic to
another is not smooth such
that the listener cannot make
the connection of one topic
to another (6)


Presents an adequate
amount of evidence and
details to support the
conclusions (10)


Spelling is correct and

punctuations do not hinder
understanding (10)

Presents an adequate
amount of evidence to
support the conclusions;
there are general statements
lacking in details (6)
Some misspelled words are
observed and/or some
punctuation marks are
lacking or are misused (6)


Important and abstracted

information are presented in
the presentation; the slides
are not crowded and the
letters are readable (10)


Important and abstracted

ideas are presented in the
presentation; however the
slides are crowded and the
letters are difficult to read (6)

Does not provide the

listener with enough
background information
such that understanding
the topic is difficult (3)
Ideas are not presented
in logical order; the
transition from one idea
to another is not smooth
such that the listener
find it difficult to follow
the speakers flow of
thought (3)
Does not present
adequate amount of
evidence to support the
conclusions (3)
Many words are
misspelled and/or
punctuation marks are
lacking or are misused
A lot of unimportant
information are
presented in the
presentation; the slides
are used as notes for
the speaker to read the
report (3)


Name:________________________ CYS:_____________ Presentation Title:______________________

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