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Encyclopaedia Homeopathica

Indian Journal of Homoeopathic Medicine

1995 Vol 30
A child with grandmal epilepsy
A child with grandmal epilepsy (P. Vijaykar)
[*Hon. Physician, Govt. Homoeopathic Hospital, Irla, Vile Parle (W), Bombay.]

Epileptic convulsions
A 4 year old girl was brought to the OPD for treatment of Grand Mal Epilepsy. Child was one of the twins which
survived an early abortion where the other foetus was lost. Child developed neonatal jaundice and had to be
admitted to I.C. U. when she got the first attack. Second attack occurred at age of 11 months. She was put on
Tegretol 2 1 / 2 tsp bd along with Sodium Valproate 1 tsp. ever since those attacks but she continues to have
convulsions frequently.
PRE-ICTAL PHASE (Aura or prodromal symptoms)
It was noted by the childs mother that invariably 3 days before an attack, child suffered from catarrh. The child used
to STRUGGLE TO THROW OUT the catarrh. Following changes in behaviour were also reported during this phase:
the child would turn obstinate, tearful and awkward in her actions. She would insist to sleep in the cradle, to have
her milk bottle and carelessly pass stools on floor. She also suffered from severe nausea during this phase.
ICTAL PHASE: During convulsions her face would turn to left, eyes rolled upwards, body stiff, fist clenched, lips tight
with involuntary passage of urine, attacks last for 10-15 min during which the child would shriek as if a brain cry.
POST ICTAL PHASE: Nausea, vomiting, weakness and sleep followed a typical attack. She would sleep for 5-6 hrs. and
wake up fresh.
Modalities: Mother had noticed that the attacks were precipitated by emotional disturbances when father leaves for
business trips or a visiting relatives goes back to the village. Her attacks usually occur at night or early morning on
waking. Also around full moon and when she has a running nose. Convulsions are pacified by music and talking to the
EEG report: revealed the presence of intermittent bilateral hyper excitability. Rt. more than it.
C.T. Scan: Showed flaring of Atria of lateral ventricles with heterotropic congestion.
Associated complaint: Recurrent cold, coughs especially when she is tired after physical exertion and during cold, wet
days. Cold is usually accompanied by high fever.
Patient as a person:
Child has a good appetite. She adores cold drinks, ice creams, fish, curds, buttermilk and eggs but has aversion to
sweets and milk. She drinks less water and is frequently constipated. She perspires on the nose and head. She
enjoys rains and is also fond of wearing sweaters when the mercury drops. She can stay without a fan in practically
all seasons.
The child appeared to be a reserved type. She is better when alone and occupies herself with books or music. She is
sensitive to scoldings and gets hurt easily. She is intimately attached to her parents and relatives. She gets
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disturbed when her grandparents leave their house after a long stay. Whenever someone is ill in the family she goes
out of her way to serve the sick. She has many friends for whom she is very considerate and affectionate. Because
of her illness she gets more than her share of attention from her family but this has not spoilt her. She is an
obedient child and looks after her belongings properly.
She cannot tolerate contradiction. She will never bend to pressure. She always wants company during illness. She never
complains of anything.
Looking at the sensitive yet contended child who would never complain OPIUM was selected. On 15-5-93 one dose of
OPIUM 30 was prescribed.
Date: 1.6.93
Follow-up: General improvement seen. No Convulsions. Child allows the parent to go out. Rx.: Placebo
Date: 7.6.93
Follow-up: Mild convulsion.
Rx.: Placebo
Date: 18.6.93
Follow-up: No convulsion. But vomiting + febrile + constant nausea, child very quiet.
Rx.: Placebo
Date: 9.7.93
Follow-up: 3 attacks. 2 mild, 1 severe. Nausea persistent. Cold + fever.
Rx.: Placebo
Date: 18.7.93
Follow-up: Severe convulsion at 1.15 am lasting 10 min with loud scream, fever ++.
Rx.: Opium 30 (I)
Date: 24.7.93
Follow-up: High fever - 102 degree F. No convulsion.
Rx.: Placebo
Date: 14.8.93
Follow-up: 3 mild attacks with consciousness.
Rx.: Placebo
Date: 28.8.93
Follow-up: 1 mild attack.
Rx.: Placebo
Date: 9.10.93
Follow-up: Acute attack lasted 40 min.
Rx.: Opium 30 I
Date: 15.11.93
Follow-up: Convulsions with hallucinations and weeping.
Rx.: Opium 30 I
Date: 29.11.93
Follow-up: Convulsions, cold and fever.
Rx.: Placebo
Date: 11.12.93
Follow-up: One attack.
Rx.: Placebo
Date: 25.12.93
Follow-up: Cough ++. No attack.
Rx.: Placebo
Date: 22.1.94
Follow-up: Attack on 18th and 21st.
Rx.: Placebo
Date: 19.2.94
Follow-up: Again attacks.
Rx.: Opium 10 MI
Date: 19.3.94
Follow-up: No attack of convulsions but she is very very dull.
Now writes in opposite direction.
Date: 9.4.94
Follow-up: Attacks ++ (milder).
Rx.: Placebo
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Follow-up analysis:
11 months of treatment along with allopathic medicines had failed to show any visible improvement.
1. Soon after first prescription, there was a short phase devoid of attacks or mild attacks but with dulling of intellect.
2. Recurrent tendency to cold and fever persisted indicating no improvement in general immunity.
3. On 15-11-93 new symptom developed i.e. Hallucination
4. 19-3-1994 follow up is quite significant. It shows after higher potency of OPIUM the attacks were suppressed and
translated into incoordination of brain powers by which the child started writing English like Urdu.
5. Above all the allopathic dosage of sodium Valproate and Tegretol could not be reduced or tapered off at all.
This called for reassessment of the case.
In cases of epilepsy and for that matter in all chronic incurable diseases nothing short of a CONSTITUTIONAL
SIMILIMUM can bring about curative results. All other partially similimum or specific antiepileptic drugs though
homoeopathic may give good initial response followed by relapse which gradually warrant more and more frequent
repetition of the drug or higher and higher potency which subsequently holds for lesser and lesser time.
Homoeopathic physician should be aware of the fact that our medicine does not cure but only stimulates organism to
cure itself. Need for frequent repetition does not arise since we are not supplying any chemical or drug to the body
which may lead to cure. When frequent repetition is required, it is a clear indication that the stimulates is not a
constitutional similimum and has not set the ball rolling curatively.
The fantastic inherent property of living organism will heal by itself has been considerably undermined, underrated and
underscored. If the beach in the continuity of skin or mucous membrane can be healed without external help, then
healing or functional impairment would require only a small stimulus. This stimulus has to be the constitutional
stimulus that has to represent constitutional organism as a whole. A partially similar drug shall never evoke a
permanently curative response.
A "constitutional remedy" is the one which represents constitution in its entirely not the mind alone. It has to go
through and through to every system in the organism right upto tissue and down to the cellular level because each
cell of ours is representative of us. Hence what special qualities are present in an individual cell or a system and the
organism as a whole is the "Actual Mind" of the organism and this is what determines the constitutional similimum.
Hence the "generalities" belonging to body as a whole acquire tremendous significance and should never be
It is our observation that thermal modalities off late have been totally neglected. Very often otherwise a carefully
selected remedy ends up in suppressing the symptom only because thermal modality has not been taken into account.
The childs case showed that one quality that went through and through the whole system was when the economy was
under strain, the system dulled or failed. The description of preictal phase, nature of catarrh and type of gastric
upset where in the child wanted contents to be thrown out but could not do that, support this argument.
We wanted a drug which would cover up all these factors that means system will fail when the economy is under stress.
The drug has to be necessarily chilly and thirstless. The drug has also got to be ardent, affectionate and
sympathetic. The drug which fulfils mental as well as physical generalities of this child is Causticum. Causticum 200
was given on 24.4.94. Immediately the attacks stopped.
30.4.94. Mild semblance of an impending fit. Allopathic medicine stopped.
21.5.94. Momentary fit with slight fever
12.6.94. Behavioural improvement observed.
16.6.94. One attack lasting 4 min but this time was conscious and expressed her desire to urinate.
16.11.94. Mild convulsion when father left for trip.
There have been no attack since then and patient is under observation.

A case of seizure
A case of seizure (K. Mehta)
Nirmal polyclinic, s.v. road, vile parle, (w), bombay- 400 056

Kalium bromatum
The patient came to my clinic with her husband. The patient; middle-aged, fairly tall, fair was smiling whereas her
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husband appeared anxious. Her husband made the introductions and both took their seats. The patient kept looking
all around the room, her eyes protruding, her face expressionless after the initial smile. Her husband gave the
following history very anxiously.
"My wife gets convulsions since 1985 and she is suffering a lot inspite of continuous allopathic treatment. I was told
that she should have to continue taking those medicines throughout her life. But doctor, she is gradually becoming
dull and has progressively increasing memory loss."
All these data were given in one breath while patient appeared quite uninfluenced by husbands talk. She was in her own
world, looking at me or my assistant or the lights above. However, a detailed history was ellicited from her husband
and noted down as follows.
Name: Mrs. M.S. Age: 41 yrs. Sex: Female, Status: Married (arranged) in 1978 Occ: House-wife. Vegetarian. Caste:
Tamil Brahmin. No issues.
Husband: 46 yrs, Violin Player, Father: died in 70 at 70 yrs, meningitis after head injury. He was also a musician
Mother: 68 yrs: Singer
Br.: 43 yrs, Veena Player, Sister: 36 yrs. Housewife.
Chief Complaint:Location
General 1985 March
5th day face-rt side
8th day Morn 10 A.M.
1.30 p.m.
8.30 p.m. Same day
One month better
Again Similar type of attacks since then frequent. Everyday, unpredictable at any time. Intensity less after Rx Since
85 Memory
Sensation, Compl and Path
Fever for 4 days amel. Allopathic Rx
Sensation of Something Creeping Convulsions- Tongue bite No froth but unconscious
Admitted in Hospital
No aura
Convulsions for 45 sec. Unconscious for 20-25 min, No froth. When gets up -weak, confused, does not like to get-uplies for a long time in bed and gradually becomes normal after one hour She was 3 mths pregnant during this time.
Pre-ictal phase
During convulsions whole body tonic / clonic - 45 sec / 1 hr. unconscious 20-25 min Post-ictal confused, weak Memory
loss, does not remember anything.
Gradually becomes normal
Feels neglected after attacks.
Weak -for persons, place events.
But remembers past very well.
agg. NOISE
agg. crowds, new people
No specific modality
Associated Complaints:
Resp. Sys May 94
Phlegm- difficult to bring out.
Occasional. Breathless for some time
No specific modality
Patient as a Person
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Appearance -Ht 55", fair, smiles but no other expression, eyes protruding, cheeks flushed; otherwise pale, tired,
fatigued look.
App- N. Thirst- ++ for a glass of water. Stool - N. Urine -N. Perspiration -N.
Menses -FMP - 12 yrs. LMP - 3 mths back Cycle - 3-4 / 27 days, N
No stain / odour.
Before menses- Low back pain Convulsions 2-3 days before menses
Obs. H:
1980 - Spontaneous abortion 2 1 / 2 mths.
1982 - Ectopic (Tubal) Preg. 3 mths
1984 - Spontaneous abortion
1985 - Pregnancy terminated
1988 - Spon abortion 3 mths. due to convulsions
1992 - Spon. abortion 6 mths.
Life SpacePatient was born in 1953. She studied upto BA and took up a job as a stenographer which she continued after marriage
upto 1985. She had to give up her work due to illness.
She belongs to a family of musicians. Both her parents and brothers are musicians. Her husband was a family friend
before she married him. He plays the violin. Her husbands family stays at Madras and they do not approve of his
profession as none of them are artists. This doesnt affect patient or her husband as they are away at Bombay. Her
entire problem centres around her inability to give birth to a live child. She weeps over this when alone. Her anxiety
for having a child has increased after last pregnancy and she seems to have lost all hopes. She feels depressed and
insecure particularly when husband is on a tour.
Lately her memory is deteriorating. She feels exhausted easily having lost all interest in life. Last year on a visit to
Madras she could not recognise her friends.
She has sound sleep with lot of dreams which she cannot recollect.
She is sensitive to extremes of temperature. Her father died due to meningitis following head injury. Her mother and
brother are diabetic Mother is also hypertensive.
An EEG taken in 90 reported TLE. disorganised forms in occipital area. CT scan was normal. Rest investigations were
also within normal limits.
On Examination:
Pulse - 80 / min.
BP - 130 / 80 mm of Hg
Tongue -Clean.
Patient was co-operative although she appeared tired and exhausted. She did not converse much during the interview,
yet gave asserting nods occasionally supporting her husbands talk.
Diagnosis: Post viral encephalitis seizures
Case Processing (Refer chart on page no. 13.)
Case can be classified as chronic with acute exacerbations of unpredictable type inspite of suppressive medicines.
Patient has developed seizures due to great impact of infection on the CNS which throws out expressions with
characteristic modalities. The damage done is permanent. Hence the prognosis is poor and one can only hope to free
the patient from convulsions.
The susceptibility is high as we get characteristics inspite of suppressive drugs. Her sensitivity is also high, agg. noise,
crowd etc. Fundamental miasm is Tubercular. The corresponding constitutional drug is Kali Brom. The second remedy
which comes in mind is Natrum Mur.
Indications for Kali Brom:
Convulsions agg. Noise,
agg. New moon,
agg. Full moon
agg. New places,
agg. crowd
agg. Menses before
agg. Excitement.
Dejected feeling after attack flushed face.
The above sector totality fits with Kali Brom considering also the miasmatic influence. Kali Brom 1M single dose was
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administered on the first visit. Patients husband was asked to maintain record of the number of attacks, the time
duration of each, the position during convulsions, and any other peculiar observations.
Follow up is as shown in the chart.

Perceiving totality in epileptic patients

Perceiving totality in epileptic patients (C.B. Jain)
Dr. c.b. jain l.c. e.h.


Epileptic convulsions
Zincum metallicum
Baby SNJ, DOB - 28 / 4 / 92, 9 months, Female, Jain, Fa: 27 yrs. Mo: 23 yrs Br: 4 yrs.
Chief Complaint:
C.N. S.
5-6 attacks within 1-2 mins.
-Jerky movements of extremities as if startled.
-Crying ++
-Difficult to make out the state of consciousness.
agg. on waking.
not agg during sleep.
taking Nitrazepam
1 / 4 tab / day without amel.
Epilepsy was diagnosed by a physician. Mother does not know about the ODP.
Associated complaint:
U.R. T. since birth
Cold-watery discharge
Thick yellowish
Stool: N
amel with
allopathic Rx
Urine: N
Developmental Landmarks:
FTND, Birth weight: 5 lb.
Mothers health during pregnancy - good.
Recognition - Poor. Only by touch of mother. She could not see due to congenital cataract. Cataract operated 3 months
back. She can make out light and movements.
Head holding: 4-5 months, Dentition: Not yet.
Sleep: Normal. Thermal reactions as well as any reaction to sensory input was difficult to make out.
O / E -Muscles - hypotonic
F / H: PU Paraplegic having tumour in spine.
PGM: Hypertension. MGM - Bronchial asthma
MGF - IHD, MGM - Ca uterus.
Vaccinations given - BCG, Polio, DPT.
21 / 11 / 92 EEG - Suggestive of neuronal hyper excitability. Frequent generalised synchronous episodes of spikes and
waves or polyspikes and waves are observed. MRI - No abnormality is detected.
T3 - 120, T4 - 11.5, TSH-4 (WNL)
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Leucocyte culture metaphase karyotype G band: leucocyte culture indicated metaphases having 47 xx chromosomes
complaint. Extra chromosome No. 21 is all metaphases suggestive of Downs syndrome.
Miasmatic activity.
Fundamental: Tub-Syph
Dominant: Syph
As the definition of case emerged without much of characteristics. Mental retardation and epileptic fits assumed
significance and patient received Bufo Rana 30 from 23rd Jan to 27th March without any benefit. Potency was
raised to 200. Frequency of jerks increased. On 22nd April she developed URTI with fever with evening aggravation
which resolved with Puls 30. Increased frequency of jerks necessitated review of totality, not having much
characteristics on hand.
1. agg. morning, after sleep.
2. Decreased sensibility to external stimuli.
3. Congenital abnormality.
4. Syphilitic miasm dominant.
ZINCUM MET 30 was prescribed daily. By end of May, Mother noticed some improvement. In July frequency reduced
by 50 percent. Repetition was stepped upto tds. No attacks after that Incidentally she developed loose motions
which did not respond to any indicated acute drug. In October, she developed eruptions on head. Treatment was not
changed. She reported till Dec. 93 without any attacks. Mother refused to repeat EEG for academic interest.
Patient is without treatment for 1 1 / 2 year. Patients relative reported no attacks till date.

Cuprum metallicum
Mrs. B.S. D. a 24 yr. old Kutchi Jain lady married for 2 months was referred to physician by a colleague. She is his close
friends sister.
Pt. came for the appointment on time but she found it difficult to talk on account of pain in epigastrium and severe
eructations3. It started a day before sleep thro out the night was disturbed due to eructations. Concomitantly she
was feeling dryness in throat and "munjharo" (i.e. anxiety), eructations used to shake her totally. I tried to assess
the emotional state or any causative modality but could not succeed in getting any. Nux Vomica 30 2 hrly, relieved
her. Complete case was taken next day.
1st episode started 2 1 / 2 yrs. back got-5 attacks recently within a month got 2 attacks.
Subsequent Episodes
During fever got up from her bed fell down
headache temple
numbness++ and jerks in both feet and hands, darkness before eyes giddiness roaring sound in ears and sensitive to
loud noise. Shrieks, unconscious for few minutes, tongue bite, tonic and clonic convulsions.
Thumbs getting flexed in fist
Pain in legs, calf. bodyache heaviness head followed by sleep
Ailments fromAnger, Vexation3+
agg. Anger, Vexation
agg. morning
agg. after getting up
agg. 9-10 a.m.
Pt. is on Gardenal
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30mg. + 60 mg. for last 1 yr.

Associated complaint:
U.R. T. last 4 yrs.
Throat pain
Cough with expectoration
agg. salt / warm water gargle
Patient as a person:
Nails: White spots. Bleeding gums.
Perspirations: nose. App.- N. Aversion -milk2, sweets2.
Stool: Constipated, Urine: NAD.
Menses: irregular, late 1 1 / 2 - 2 mths cycle. pain in abd. agg. during menses amel. with hom. Rx. amel. with Flagyl.
Leucorrhoea: yellowish white with backache.
Sexual Function: painful, frequency 1 / 3-4 days.
Sleep: Feels sleepy whole day because of Gardenal Tab.
Dreams: frightful, unremembered.
Thermal: agg. sun headache.
Cant tolerate excess of cold and heat
Ambithermal to chilly.
O / E: Wt: 41 kg.
B.P. : 120 / 80 mm. Hg.
Cervical glands+
Tongue white coated.
X-Ray: PNS - Bilateral maxillary sinusitis.
Brain scan: NAD
EEG is indicative of an epileptic disorder. There is a suspicious focal abnormality in the Rt. anterior temporal region.
Pt. is from Kutchi Jain family. Father and elder brother are in business. She was average in her school career. She has
two brothers and two sisters. Her epileptic attacks began 2 yrs. back when her first engagement broke. She was
very much disappointed by her fiance and was angry with him that he allowed this to happen without any fault of
hers. (Brother said it can be because of elder sisters divorce). She did not express it to anybody in family. (Brother
remarked that whenever she is angry on any issue in family she gets a fit.). Pt. was less communicative and gave
answers to the point.
After marriage she is much worried about her sleepy state because of Gardenal, and as she is the only daughter-in-law
is supposed to complete all the house hold work. She is also tensed as her in-laws do not know that she is epileptic,
only her husband knows about it.
While going through the case what catches our attention is the cause-effect relationship. This remains central to the
case, which otherwise is a non-communicative reserved lady.
The description of epileptic attack, the march of events undoubtedly leads to a single drug. By the time I completed
the case Materia Medica picture was in front of me. I just had to take few references.
To contribute to the entire totality the concomitant at GIT sector as well as at the sector of Upper Respiratory
contribute the characteristics like spasmodic effect and cough amel. drinking water (agg. by warm). Here the law of
generalisation of a effect (sensation) and of concomitant are keys to solve the case.
Cup. met. 30 daily HS started on 1 / 8 / 84, her Gardenal dose tapered off and stopped by 17 / 984. By this time 3
doses of Tub. bov. 1M were given. Cup. met. 30 given HS to SOS dosage. She did not get single attack of convulsion.
She continued the treatment till July 85. After this patient did not report but her brother and physician colleague
report that she is free from attacks.

A case of a mentally retarded child

A case of a mentally retarded child (A. Kulkarni)

Bufo rana
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A boy of 18 years was referred to me by one of my patients. This patient came with the father of the boy who
narrated me the sad story of his first child. He described his son as destructive and becoming progressively
difficult to handle. He said that there are only two ways left before us:
1. to beat the son when there are outbursts of anger and to bind him to a cot with a rope.
2. to increase the dose of sedatives.
In a desperate mood, he asked me, "Can your homoeopathy be useful in this condition?"
I gave an appointment and asked him to come along with the patient and his mother. And the patient entered supported
by the parents. The patient was not able to walk of his own and inspite of support, he was not able to keep balance. I
noted the following points:
The boy was drowsy. He had to be aroused from sleep with difficulty and he was going into the state of sleepiness
while responding to the question. Saliva was dribbling from his mouth. Appearance: childish, lean, thin,
stoop-shouldered with oily face. Fingers - elongated. Lustreless hair. The physical examination failed to reveal
anything significant except profuse sweating on scalp, palms and soles. Taking into account the inability of the boy to
co-operate in the interview, I turned to parents and this yielded interesting information.
F.T. N.D. child born after 5 years of marriage. The child put the parents in a stage of anxiety when they came to know
that he has low I.Q. and he is retarded mentally, although physical growth is normal. At the age of 3 years, the
child has the first attack of GM epilepsy. As the attacks started appearing frequently, he was put on anti-epileptics.
These attacks used to occur more at night, during sleep. The attacks controlled to some extent initially, but
subsequently, as the attacks continued, the doses had to be increased.
As the boy showed no progress in the regular school, he was sent to a school for retarded children. From 6 years to 12
years, he had only 3 attacks of seizures which occurred when he was off anti-epileptics. Although the child was
quite irritable and used to have temper tantrums, parents narrated that his destructiveness increased more after
the age of 12.
Parents described him as an unstable, moody, restless and violent when contradicted. He will throw things away or will
bite his own arm or bang his head against the wall or will injure him self when he is violent. Mother gave one incident
that once when she was cutting the vegetables with a knife, he took the knife and injured himself.
One interesting observation pointed by mother was about the prodigal memory. He recalls the names of actors and
actresses even if he has seen the movie long back or he recalls the names of those to whom any belonging has been
given in the past. Attempt to escape is another strong characteristic. He tries to escape from the home and will
come after many hours. Parents lock him up, but deceitfully he will run away within few moments without the notice
of parents. One more facet of his personality is the fastidiousness. He wants everything neat and clean, wants to
wear only ironed clothes. He also has multiple fears of being alone, of darkness etc.
1. Fastidious
2. Escape attempts to; run away to.
3. Injure himself
4. Violent, anger
5. Craving - spicy, sweets
6. Face - greasy
7. Perspiration-palm
8. Perspiration-sole
9. Perspiration-scalp
10. Extremities-coldness
11. Mouth-salivation
Repertorial Filter:
1. Merc: 7 / 17
2. Nux-Vom: 7.15
3. Calc: 6 / 14
4. Nat-Mur: 6 / 10
5. Sil: 5 / 12
6. Anac: 4 / 9
The patient was started with Merc-sol 30 TDS on 23 / 1 / 1994. In view of the use of sedatives and consequent
suppression, frequent repetition schedule of low potency was selected. It was continued upto 22 / 3 / 1994.
Assessment of these two months treatment was
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1. Salivation reduced
2. Attempt to escape reduced
3. We were able to taper off Tab. Tegretol, Tab. Trinicalm Plus and Tab. Epilex by one tab. each.
However, on 19 / 3 / 1994, patient slipped in the bathroom and became unconscious. Since then his destructiveness
again increased.
I saw the patient on 22 / 3 / 1994, when I found him quite restless, getting up frequently from the chair and trying to
get out of the consulting chamber. Mother said that he is giving a lot of trouble and is doing the things opposite e.g.
if T.V. is on, he will shut it off and vice-versa.
Taking into account the inadequate registration of the action of Mercurius in terms of recurrence of seizure, increase
in the irritability, I determined to go in for Bufo Rana. Pondering of the materia medica for the Bufo showed that it
covers the totality both quantitatively and qualitatively.
1. The mind remains childish, only the body grows.
2. Prodigal memory.
3. Deceitful.
4. Convulsions during sleep.
5. Destructiveness.
6. Sweat profuse, oily.
7. Face greasy.
8. Multiple fears.
Bufo Rana was initially given in 30 potency and then in ascending series as per requirement in infrequent repetition
schedule from 23 / 3 / 1994. The treatment is still being continued.
The boy showed improvement in all respects. I was able to taper off the allopathic doses gradually. His irritability,
destructiveness and the behavioural disturbances, which the boy was projecting frequently, were replaced by
natural human emotions. Previously he used to respond either aggressively or indifferently, but now he behaves with
sensitivity and sensibility.

Epilepsy with unconsciousness

Epilepsy with unconsciousness (A. Jogalekar)

Background information

Epileptic convulsions
Calcarea carbonica
The patient comes from a very poor Muslim family from a village near Mahad. Father had come to inquire whether
anything can be done for his son who was suffering with repeated attacks of convulsions. He also told that he had
been to many places including J.J. Hospital. He was asked by the hospital authorities to stay at Bombay for 8-10
days so that investigations could be performed. But financial state is such that even 8-10 days stay at Bombay was
not possible for him.
Father was informed that we may try Homoeopathy and he should bring the patient. He said that it was very difficult
as patient was bed-ridden for last 2 months and after every travel he got convulsions. But it was insisted to bring
the patient at least once.

Case record
Patient was brought in a bullock-cart and suffered from convulsions during the journey. He was brought in an
unconscious state.
Data collected from Father
Name: Mr. S.I. T. Age: 19 Years.
Siblings: Brothers: 24, 22, Sister: 20- married.

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Patient as a person
Appearance - Stocky thick lips, idiotic look.
Acne ++ on face.
Appetite- Reduced2
Since 2 1 / 2 years
Frequence / 8-15 days
Presently 1-4 / Day
Since 2 months
Foam at mouth
Eyes turned upwards
Unconsciousness- lasts for 1 / 2 hr
Occ. Involuntary urination
No aura
Patient on Anti-convulsants
No H / O Injury
Cr. Vegetables2, Salt
Av: Curd3, Buttermilk2
Stool: Irregular since 2 1 / 2 years. Occasionally once in 2 days.
Sleep: Disturbed++
Mental state: Wants to remain at home since illness.
Thermal - Covers - always required
Bath- Hot water always Chilly
Sweater - Keeps in winter
F / H / O - Epilepsy -MU
P / H / O - Febrile convulsions at the age of 2, once.

Physical examination
Afebrile P = 96 / min.
Nails - NAD Skin - Acne++ on face.
Glands - Cervical + Tongue - Large, Flabby, indented, creamish coating.
Eyes -Half open.
Twitchings++ here and there
Very faint response to vocal command.
Pupils - Dilated, equal, sluggishly reacting to light.
Knee-Jerk: Both - +++
Planter - Flexers
Flaccid upper extremities.
Current Medication - Tab. Epilan 1 BD
Tab. Eptoin 1 TDS.

Analysis and follow-up

We find that the characteristics features in the case are missing. So the reference was made to following rubrics: 1.
Convulsions-conciousness without K=1352 2. Clenching thumbs in epilepsy K-956 3. Eyes turned upwards K:268 4.
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Involuntary Urination during convulsions K-659. The remedies which standout are Cicuta and Bufo. Reference to
Hering indicated that in Cicuta, pupils are dilated in inflammatory conditions and in spasmodic affections pupils are
contracted. Bufo is also a good remedy for status epilepticus (Clarke).
Bufo 200 single dose was given on 19.11.91. It was given in infrequent doses and later potency was raised to 1 M on
27.2.92. The frequency of convulsions came down to 2-3 / wk. Stool became normal. Over a period of three months,
anti-epileptic medication was withdrawn gradually. On 2nd April 92 Bufo 1M second dose was given. This did not
produce beneficial effect and patient dropped out.
Patient reported back on 21.11.92. Earlier it was acutely felt that adequate data regarding mental state was not
available. So when he came back, further enquiry was made and following data was collected.
Studied upto VIIth Std. Then complaints started. No apparent cause. Used to look after cattle. Used to mix well.
Obstinate3 - once thing demanded, has to get it now also. Now if gets irritated, twitchings increase. Convulsions 2-3
/ week.
Sleep disturbed. Considering the above data Calc. C. 200 1 dose - Daily HS---BD-----QDS-----1M. He followed this for
one year. Tub. bov 1M was given when necessary. There was a gradual improvement. His father summed up the
improvement in following words-"Earlier the convulsions used to be either daily or once / 2- 3 days or 2-3 times in a
day. He was unable to even sit up. Now the gap has increased, he can stand with support and perform his daily
activities. Convulsions have also reduced in frequency so also twitchings".
The diagnostic possibilities which come up are a. Simple partial seizer getting secondarily generalised or b. Primary
generalised seizer of GTC TYPE.
Epilepsy represents a deep-seated constitutional disturbance and not just a local pathology of the brain. Hence it needs
to be treated with deep acting medicines, and not merely by so called acute medicines which are indicated by
common signs and symptoms of epilepsy.

A case of exfoliative dermatitis

A case of exfoliative dermatitis (S. Kumar)
Dr. subrata k. banerjee bhms (cal) director, bengal allen medical institute, 169 / b, bowbazar
street, calcutta-700012

Skin eruptions
Croton tiglium
A 6 year old child was brought for consultation on 12.12.89. His case was as follows:Skin since 6 months of his age.
Eruptions agg. Night, warmth
Itching agg. gentle rubbing.
Stinging and cutting pains2 agg. motion
Occ. Burning agg. Summer, sun
Weeps with pains agg. Washing
Small red bloches agg. sour food / fruit
Pustular and vesicular agg. perspiration
Discharging fluid and pus.
Patient was given lot of allopathic (including cortisone ointments etc.) and ayurvedic treatment without relief.
Child also suffers from chronic loose stools 4-5 times / day with froth and mucus. With Distention of abd, gurgling
sound agg. after full meal. Constant ineffectual urge agg after eating, stools yellowish watery with mucus.
Occasionally comes down with right sided abdominal colic which is ameliorated by warm milk. He has painful cervical
lymph nodes since past 3 years. Pain in nodes is worse in cold and is better by local heat. Mother informed that the
child also had otorrhoea with itching in ears along with cold and cough.
Child perspires profusely in face and axilla. The perspiration is sour smelling and stains the garments yellow.
P / H - Measles, Recurrent colds.
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P / H - Gonorrhoea and asthma in father.
Thermal: Hot, likes open air
Cortisone 200 / 2 was prescribed on 12-12.89
Date: 12 Dec. 89
Treatment: Cortisone 200 / 2
Date: 27 Jan. 90
Prescription done basis of: No Change
Treatment: Sac Lac 15 doses
Date: 28 Feb. 90
Prescription done basis of: No Change
Treatment: Cortisone 200 / 2
Date: 2 Apr. 90
Prescription done basis of: No Change
Treatment: Sulphur 0 / 1 15 doses
Date: 4 May 90
Report after last medication: No change.
Prescription done basis of: Stand still
Treatment: Sulph. 1000 / 2
Date: 9 June 90
Report after last medication: No change.
Prescription done basis of: Stand still
Treatment: Sac Lac 15 doses
Date: 6 Jul 90
Report after last medication: Change in the plan of the treatment.
Treatment: Croton tig. 30 / 2
Date: 8 Aug. 90
Report after last medication: Face clearing up. Cervical glands (swelling) better.
Prescription done basis of: Wait and watch.
Treatment: Sac Lac 15 doses
Date: 6 Sept. 90
Report after last medication: Improved but now stand still.
Prescription done basis of: Repeat same potency
Treatment: Croton tig. 30 / 2
Date: 16 Oct. 90
Report after last medication: No improvement
Prescription done basis of: Stand still.
Treatment: Croton tig. 200 / 2
Date: 22 Nov. 90
Report after last medication: Face cleared up. Glands almost diminished
Prescription done basis of: Much better
Treatment: Sac Lac 15 doses
Date: 5 Jan. 91
Report after last medication: All eruptions disappeared completely Glands also completely diminished.
Treatment: Sac Lac 15 doses
1. Unhealthy skin represents Psora.
2. Headache aggravation in sun and amel by rest.
3. Desires sweet, pungent and hot foods.
4. Various fears: darkness, ghost, accidents, incurable diseases.
1. All sorts of boils, ulcers, which does not heal fast with discharge of fluid and pus, which is offensive and spread.
2. Pus: Pyogenic destructive inflammation.
3. Chronic loose motion: diarrhoea and dysentery: as Syphilis perverts the digestive power and system. Recurrent
4. Sore throat from cold.
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5. Desires sweet, spicy (++)
6. Desires to be alone.
1. Recurrent and obstinate boils with profuse pus.
2. Skin aggravation at night, warmth, after itching, cold washing.
3. Cervical lymphadenopathy.
4. As a result of suffering from severe diseases suppurative otitis media appears.
5. Recurrent small painful boils and pimples in face.
* Sycotic point i) Father had? Gonorrhoea; ii) F / H of asthma; (iii) Suspicious.
Pseudo-Psora = Syphilis is acquired in the life time.
Tubercular = Syphilis is hereditary (being inherited).
U = Ulcerous tendencies
C = Cracks and fissures
S = Sore throat.
Father suffering from primary stage of Syphilis which child born will manifest.
G = Galloping manifestation of symptoms.
U = Ulcers all over the body (Child born with)
L = Long continued recurrent sufferings of the child
F = Fatal course Father suffering from Sec. stage of Syphilis child born then will have:
S = Swelling of different glands
O = Offensive discharges from ulcers
R = restlessness during sleep
E = Excessive salivation.
1) Burning, smarting (throbbing), sensitive skin eruption.
2) Severe itching----amel. Smarting------amel. but due
i) Severe itching with burning.
ii) amel. warm water washing.
iii) agg. in cold water.
iv) Dry no oozing.
i) Around genitals and Scalp, (like Croton but more in Croton.
iii) Rubbing aggravates, (Rev. Croton). as in R.T. If he touches the eruption, itching aggravates.
iv) agg. cold water and amel. warm water washing
vi) For burning and itching, R.T. is in distress, more he scratch more the itch. (Croton cannot scratch for excessive
painful soreness---amel. so in distress
vii) Burning (+++) in R.T. (smarting +++ in Croton).
i) Around genitals
ii) Crack and fissures agg. in winter.
iii) On suppression of skin eruption, diarrhoea results.
iv) Day time agg. of diarrhoea and amel. by eating.
v) Offensive sweat in soles.
i) Warts in the palms.
ii) Itching ++
iii) amel. by luke warm water
iv) amel. after eating
v) Constipation: frequent ineffectual.
i) Herpes and ringworm
ii) Appears in circular spots.
iii) More in the upper part of the body,
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iv) Very slow and insidious progress (Croton: rapid).

v) Itching burns.
vi) agg. cold water amel. in hot water.
i) Eruptions on the palms of hand
ii) With Rhus Tox modalities.
Aggravation of the skin eruption during rainy season and cold washing, Rhus Tox (+++), Calc Carb (++), Sepia (+).

Homoeopathic approach to the problem of cancer

Homoeopathic approach to the problem of cancer (K.N. Kasad)
Dr. k. n. kasad m.b. b.s. mf. hom.(lon.) d. sc. hom. (calc).

This is in alignment with the immunotherapeutic approach to the problem of cancer. It can be used synergistically with
Iscador. Cancer is the end-result, the end-products to the disease that has begun far back in years at the dynamic
and the functional levels. As the disease advances, the constitutional symptoms pointing to the constitutional remedy
progressively regress, till to the stage of pathology which advances further to the stage of irreversible nature so as
to become incurable. Then palliation alone is possible. The problem is to find the symptoms in the patient before the
cancer develops with gross pathology. Besides, patients come to the homoeopathic physicians after they have
undergone the usual rounds of the oncologists with their / battery of surgery, irradiation and / or chemotherapy.
These hamper natural evolution of the disease picture on account of tampering with susceptibility. Hence the
difficulty confronting the homoeopathic physician. Seldom do virgin cases travel / gravitate to the homoeopathic
physician. Yet the subjective relief of symptoms and occasional regression of the tumour could be effected. The
subject can be discussed under the following headings:
I. Building the Bridge: Clinico-Pathologico-Miasmatic Correlations and Repertorial Correlations
Cancer is multimiastimatic in its expression according to Roberts Mixed Miasm. Exophytic, cauliflower-like growth is
syco- syphilitic; ulcerative, fungating growth is syphilitic; and with bleeding is tubercular miasm. At the causal level,
the fundamental miasm is syphilitic on account of genetic and hereditary predisposition. In addition, the "drug
miasm" (Kent) is often superimposed on the multimiasmatic base such as the immunosuppressive drugs. Hence the
complex problem confronting the homoeopathic physician, when the clear picture pointing to the remedy is not
available to the physician. In advanced terminal cancers with irreversible pathology, the constitutional symptoms
have receded far into the background, and only the pathological symptoms surface. Cure is impossible; palliation is
the only possibility. Sometimes the constitutional symptoms are still available in the case despite advanced
irreversible pathology; the susceptibility is still strong enough to throw up the constitutional symptoms, and a clear
remedy may emerge.
Case I will demonstrate this clearly, as well as the correlations at various levels of the Totality of the patient. Two
ladies of about 26-28 years had extremely foul, serosanguinous and purulent leucorrhoea with blood over the last
few months, diagnosed as Carcinoma of the cervix, State III b). with metastases in the parametrium upto the pelvic
wall. There was an ulcero-proliferative growth in the cervix, extending onto the vaginal vault and upper one third of
the vagina. On visiting the patient, I saw a thin, slim, emaciated lady lying crouched up in bed, with the stinking
leucorrhoea with blood. There was also a distinct faecal odour, which I was told, appeared a few days earlier. She
had dry hacking cough with a streak of blood in the expectoration, fever, cough was aggravated by fan which she
avoided, and aggr. lying on the left side; there were rales in both the lungs indicative of Bilateral Bronchopneumonia.
Surely, she had Rectovaginal fistula. There was agonizing burning in the vagina, she had an anxious look and very
restless a pathetic skeleton and a picture of misery. She was chilly. This was a full-blown picture of Phos. The
history was that she had forgotten to renew the pessary introduced a year back for contraceptive purpose; This
became secondarily infected, which triggered off the cancerous process. Phos-30 1 dose, induced a tremendous
relief in pain, restlessness and anxiety and she died peacefully in about 6 hours time veritably, an active Euthanasia,
a desired Palliation. The identical events occurred in the case of another lady. Judging the state of susceptibility
becomes imperative in such cases to avoid the agg. termed "Killer reaction".
Repertorial Correlations - especially in Kents Boger and Boerickes Repertory.
Important Rubrics (P. 955,998,966)
Tumours (L. 1409) Fibroid, Neuroma, Sarcoma, Boericke: Cancer, Tumours / Cancerous affections (K. 1346)
Encephaloma, Epithelioma, Fungus.
Haematodes, Glands, Lupus, Melanotic, Noma.
Exostosis (K. 1358 Scirrhus)
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Induration (K. 137), Glands, Injuries after (Con. 3, Calc-fl), Hardness.

Leukaemia (K. 1370; Boericke (964, 1004)
Polypi (K. 1391)- Nose, Bladder, Rectum Nodules, Induration Condylomata, Excrescences.
Refer the rubrics-cancer, tumours, ulcer malignant / from Head to Extremities, under every organs /system / location.
Vomiting, coffee-ground: Phos., Kreos., Cadmium met.
Vomiting, faecal: Opium.
Tumours abdomen: Con.
Refer the rubrics pertaining to the common cancers in India: Mouth, throat, tongue, larynx, oesophagus, stomach, colon,
rectum, breast, male and female genitalia, leukaemia, Hodgkins disease, bladder, kidney, prostate, liver, gallbladder,
nasopharynx, etc.
References to other repertories are useful in specific instances.
Cases I and IV will demonstrate the Pathologico-Repertorial correlations.
2. Evaluation of Totality- "Portrait": Acute, Chronic Constitutional, Deep-Acting and Intercurrent.
3. Homoeopathic Prescribing- as per the indications in the case.
Acute Prescribing is based on the following criteria: a. Location. b. Sensation and Pathology c. Modalities d.
Concomitants e. Causation f. Acute Relationship of the chronic constitutional remedy.
Chronic Constitutional Prescribing on the classical lines of the following: Causation- Fundamental and Exciting.
General Sensations, Complaints and Pathology
Mental State - Emotions Intellect SubconsciousCharacteristic dreams
Particulars or Keynotes
Evolutionary Totality takes into consideration the Time Dimension as emphasized by Boger:
The Chronology of Events from birth to the point of observation.
The Phases of Expression: Acute, Chronic, Intercurrent, Alternating, Cyclic or Sequential, One-sided, relapsing, etc.
Speed, Depth, Intensity and Direction
Miasmatic cleavage and evolution from psora-syphilis, Evolution of the Personality from infancy to old age in its
psychosocial setting, just as the disease being an evolutionary, dynamic phenomenon.
Deep-acting Drug Prescribing- that drug which does not cover the whole constitution of the patient and at all levels of
the symptomatic expression, i.e. the physical generals, the mentals and the particulars. These drugs are the acids,
heavy metals snake venoms, the spiders, etc. They act on certain tissues in depth and with great intensity.
Intercurrent Prescribing- the drug introduce in the current of action of the constitutional remedy, when the latter has
helped partially but no further, and to remove the miasmatic obstacle on the evidence of the historical back ground.
e.g. Thuja and the Nosodes.
4. Specific or Organ Remedies:
Those with tissue affinities and in certain locations; not well proved, partially proved or not proved at all, yet used on
clinical and empirical basis. These also include the Nosodes and the Cancer Nosodes. The books of reference are:
Boerickes Materia Medica, Clarkes Dictionary, Anschutzs New, Old and Forgotten Remedies, Burnetts Tumours,
Clarkes Cancer Nosodes, etc. The combined study of the materia medica and the repertories reveals the following by
way of illustrations:
Cancer of the mucous membranes- Hydr.
Skin Cancer- Kali ars. Acetic acid
Fibroids of the uterus- Aur-m-n., Fraxinus americans, Calc-fl.
Cancer of the vagina- Kreosote
Hard Tumours, especially bone, and Exostoses; Calc-fl., Hecla lava, Phos. (phossy Jaw), Sil.
Sarcoma- Bar-c., Calc-fl., Cup-sul.
Osteogenic sarcoma- Fl-ac., Syph.
Cancer resulting from trauma- Arn., Calc-Fl., and Bellis-p., Con. in breast cancer.
Hard scirrhus cancer- Carb-an
Nasopharyngeal cancer- Cistus canadensis, also neck glands.
Tumours of the lymph nodes- Hoang man, Iod., Ars-iod., Phos.
Cancer of the urinary bladder- Taraxacum, Sars.
Cancer of the kidney- Anilinum, Berb-v., Chim., Solidago, Formica rufa.
Cancer of Tongue- Fuligo, Kali-cyan., Sempervivum tectorum (mouth and tongue)
Cancer of Stomach- Con., Ars-a., Ornithogalum, Condurango, Phos., Kreos., Cadm., Geranium.
Cancer of Rectum- Ruta, Hydr., Kali-cyan.
Benzinum, Benzol- Leukaemia (A case of Lyc.)
Perforating malignant Ulcers- Kali-bi., Fl-ac., Merc., -c.
Splenomegaly- Ceanothus Lipoma, Neurofibroma- Calc-fl., Bar-c., Lapis alba
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Cancer of prostate- Sabal serrulata (Boger)

Cancer of Testis- Tar-h., Spong.
Cancer of Mammae- Con., Phyt., -fl., phyt., Calc., -fl., -iod., Scrofularia nodosa, Iod., Lac-c., Carcinosin, Scirrhinum.
Asterias rubens-for acute lancinating pains, Bufo rana aggr. at night.
Sarcoidosis and Pneumoconiosis- Berrylium
Primary Hepatoma- Card-m., Mag-m., Cholesterinum (left lobe)
Styes, Nodules Lids- Platanus Myrica, especially following Hepatitis B type.
Lobelia erinus- colloid cancer of the omentum; malignant growths, especially of the face, Epithelioma
Cancer developing in the scar tissue of earlier operation on cancer of the breast- Graph.
Nosodes: Tub., Tub., bow., Bac., Med., Syph., Psor, - as per the indications + historical evidence in the case.
Cancer Nosodes: Carcinosin (Foubister) and Scirrhinum D.N. A.
5. Bad Effects Of Radiation- Calc-fl. (Boger), Rad-brom., Rad- iod., X-rays, Fl-ac., Cad-iod. (Grimmer) Rhus-Ven.,
6. Pains of Terminal Cancer- often intractable, and patients put on long term opiates in some form or the other. Cancer,
to relieve pains (Boer., P. 959) (Kent- in New Remedies)- Ars., Phos., Carb-veg., Tar-c., Lyc., Euphorbinum, etc.

Cancer of testes
Calcarea fluorica
Male aged 28 years. Unmarried. Non-Veg. S.S. C. at 19. Worked as a Clerk in private firms for 8-9 years. Of late a
Salesman in a Biscuit firm. Sought consultation on 24.11.1975, with the following history:
Gradually increasing swelling in the left side of the scrotum in 1972, resulting from injury while driving. This was
ignored by the patient, till August 1974 when the swelling became big enough for him to consult a surgeon at a
leading hospital in Bombay. On 17.8.1974. Orchidectomy was performed on the left side. Histopathological
examination of the biopsy specimen revealed left testicular tumour-Terato -carcinoma (Malignant Teratoma) with
patches of adenocarcinoma. He was referred to a leading Cancer Hospital in Bombay subsequently, where he was
given Cobalt Beam Therapy and later three courses of Chemotherapy- Oncovin, Endoxan and Actinomycin I.V. In
October 1974, he developed haematuria and pyuria with a sore on the penis, treated with penicillin and Urolucosil.
V.D. R.L. done on 6.11.1974 was negative. On 4.10.1974 an X-ray of the chest revealed old fibrotic scars of Kochs
lesion in the left mid-zone with pulling-up of the left hilum. Remaining lungs showed prominent bronchovascular
markings. History of Pulmonary Tuberculosis was obtained in the patient at the age of 18, as also in the family. In
December; 1974, he developed a mass in the upper abdomen (palpable paraaortic lymph nodes), along with liver
enlargement. On 14.12.1974 he developed convulsions with stiffness of the left side of the neck. Metastases in the
brain was suspected; he was treated with I.M. Decadron. He seemed to recover apparently. On 11.2.1975 nodular
liver still palpable? metastasis; he also developed another attack of burning with frequency of urination, haematuria
and pyuria I.V. P. done on 20.2.1975 revealed multiple bilateral calculi of the kidneys with hydronephrotic changes
and a calculus at the upper one-third of the left ureter. He also has brick-red sediment in the urine. Urine culture
reports not available. Plain X-ray of the abdomen of 17.4.1975 again disclosed renal calculus on the right side and
ureteric calculus on the left side. Plain X-rays of the chest on 26-4-1975 again revealed old fibrotic kochs lesion in
the left upper zone, and on the right side, along with bronchiectatic changes at both the bases. Lymphangiography
done on 28.12.1974. On 16.10.1975 he developed vomiting with highly coloured urine and jaundice, probably
obstructive in nature, with a persisting large mass in the upper abdomen and a huge liver. Blood chemistry revealed
at this stage Total Bilirubin 8.2. S.G. O.T. 208.3 and S.G. P.T. 26.75 Chemotherapy was continued throughout with
the addition of Methotrexate, but with little or no benefit. The patient was told that nothing more could be done.
With this back ground the patient came to me on 24.11.1975. He gave the history of recurrent colds since childhood,
descending into the throat, larynx with hoarseness and cough, and also into the lungs. At times the colds commenced
with irritation in the throat, accompanied by high fever, worse 2 p.m. , with chills. Cold worse in winter, DAMP,
Citrus fruits, sour tomatoes, bananas and cold drinks. Height 59", Weight 60 kgs. Reduction of 15 kgs. during this
illness. Lean, Scars of acne on the face, mole on the back and wart on the right cheek (operated). Loss of hair
following chemotherapy. White spots on the nails. Burnings all over after Co 60 and Injections. Now better. Coldness
of the hands. Sound sleep, save dreams at times of routine events, and of having been just saved from a motor
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accident. Amorous dreams since this illness; frequent nocturnal emissions since the course of injections. History of
repeated exposures; bleeding piles and constipation with unsatisfactory stools - must strain.
Sensitivity to chemotherapy due to which he left treatment at the cancer hospital. He had tonsillectomy at 7;
circumcision; measles; dysentery at 2 rheumatic pains in knees and ankles at the age of 10-12, with chilliness and
fever, the joints being first affected on the left side and then on the right side. His father was an opium addict,
aged 65 and suffered from Syphilis. He married the patients mother when she was 25, and he left her for Iran
when the patient was 3 years old. His mother had three abortions earlier to his birth- when she was 26, 28 and 30
years old. The father had already a wife and two children in Iran before he came to Bombay and married the
patients mother. Desire for meat, fish and fried food. A version for SOUR, sweets and chillies. Chillies aggr.
Irritable, anxious and apprehensive because of this illness. Hurry and impatient in all that he does. GETTING WET
AGGR. Chilly patient. Rheumatic pains amel. by local heat, aggr. fan Colds aggr. Bath warm all the year round. Renal
pain in the loin radiating to the abdomen.
Clinical examination: Orchidectomy scar. Liver+++, hard, with ill-defined border. Hard, ill-defined tender, fixed mass in
the epigastrium and the umbilical region. Sub-cutaneous nodule in the epigastrium and the umbilical region. Radiation
burns. Sub- cutaneous nodule in the dorsum of the left wrist well defined, firm and non-tender. Anal fissure with
sentinel pile. No other lymphadenopathy. Tongue- creamish coating. Offensive odour-mouth. B.P. 124 / 70. R.S. and
C.V. S. - normal. Plain X-ray of the abdomen and I.V. P. on 17.3.1975 showed extreme lymphatic calcification on both
sides of the abdomen, worse on the left side.

Treatment and follow up

During the course of treatment following acute remedies emerged based on sector totality.
MERC-I-F: Ascending cold, chills with high fever, halitosis, tongue-creamish coating.
ARS-ALB: Fluent coryza, cold extending into throat, chilly, agg. fan2, damp3, winter3, cold drinks2, sour3, fruits3.
BERB-V: Renal pain radiating down from right loin.
Treatment was commenced on 25-11-75 with ISCADOR Qi Arg. and Merc-i-f 30. On 4-12-75, Syphilinum 200 IP
followed by Calc-fl 30 4 hrly was thwarted, gradually stepping upto CALC-FL 10 M HS and SYPHILINUM 1M, on
12-2-76 pt was given Tub Bov 200 I.P. There was progressive improvement first in general condition, appetite. He
could resume his work as a salesman. Regression of paraaortic lymph node metastasis. Liver enlargement reduced to
++. Could withstand the stress of two subsequent surgical operations for the removal of renal calculi without
recurrence of metastases.

Squamous cell carcinoma of tongue

Kalium carbonicum
Male aged 61 years. Was absolutely alright till 22.11.1985, when he developed a high-grade fever with CHILLS and a
sharp, shooting pain at a spot in the right chest, aggr. on coughing and eructations. As I was out of town, he was
treated by another homoeopathic physician with Bry.-30 at first, and subsequently with Eup-p. -30 in frequent doses
with no amel. of fever as on 26.11.1985. I came on the scene on 27.11.85 when I visited the patient. History of fever
upto 102-103 degree F, with aversion to fan and aggr. there from. Sweats profuse on the head with least exertion
and after meals. Loose stools -painless, odourless about 4-5. Cough with sharp pain in the chest (right) and
breathless; expectoration whitish; burning in the chest; averse to talk, has to make a great effort, poor appetite,
thirst for cool water, depressed. Very chilly. Tongue moist, creamish coating. Clinically the chest was clear, and no
other findings. Warm moist hands. Patient was a highly diabetic subject for the last 20 years, on Insulin; and, had a
squamous cell carcinoma of the lateral border of the tongue for which hemiglossectomy with homimandibulectomy in
reconstructive surgery was performed about three years back. He was treated with the constitutional remedy Kali
Carb and the intercurrent remedy Tub Bov. intermittently, as well as Iscador Therapy of Cancer. He is still under

Tuberculinum bovinum Kent

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Male aged 61 years. Was absolutely alright till 22.11.1985, when he developed a high-grade fever with CHILLS and a
sharp, shooting pain at a spot in the right chest, aggr. on coughing and eructations. As I was out of town, he was
treated by another homoeopathic physician with Bry.-30 at first, and subsequently with Eup-p. -30 in frequent doses
with no amel. of fever as on 26.11.1985. I came on the scene on 27.11.85 when I visited the patient. History of fever
upto 102-103 degree F, with aversion to fan and aggr. there from. Sweats profuse on the head with least exertion
and after meals. Loose stools -painless, odourless about 4-5. Cough with sharp pain in the chest (right) and
breathless; expectoration whitish; burning in the chest; averse to talk, has to make a great effort, poor appetite,
thirst for cool water, depressed. Very chilly. Tongue moist, creamish coating. Clinically the chest was clear, and no
other findings. Warm moist hands. Patient was a highly diabetic subject for the last 20 years, on Insulin; and, had a
squamous cell carcinoma of the lateral border of the tongue for which hemiglossectomy with homimandibulectomy in
reconstructive surgery was performed about three years back. He was treated with the constitutional remedy Kali
Carb and the intercurrent remedy Tub Bov. intermittently, as well as Iscador Therapy of Cancer. He is still under

Cancer of the jaw

Calcarea fluorica
A girl of 10 years. Reported with Tumour of the Jaw. An attempt at surgical removal at the Tata Memorial Hospital for
Cancer was abandoned on account of the risk of fracturing the jaw bone. The patient was chilly, saliva used to
dribble during sleep and local pain was aggr. at night. X-ray of the mandible, right side, showed Adamantinoma
(Cemento-blastoma). There was evidence of oral sepsis. Merc-s.-200 was given in frequent doses initially to control
oral sepsis; subsequently, Calc-fl.-1M was administered in frequent doses on grounds of stony hardness of the
tumour firmly attached to the bone jaw). Two months later, the patients father came with a small bit of the tumour,
which had by now come up slightly to the surface. Calc-fl. was continued at intervals. X-ray of the mandible after a
month and a half showed a translucent zone surrounding the irregular dense capacity in the lower right molar region,
the growth being gradually extruded to the surface and was getting separated slowly from the surrounding mass of
bone. The clinical examination indicated that mass had come up quite a bit and could now be moved with the fingers.
A week later, the mass was freely mobile. At this juncture, the case was handed back to the surgeon at the Tata
Hospital, who had earlier operated on her with no success. The surgeon was pleasantly surprised at the result
obtained. He removed the mass with complete ease and no difficulty. Histopathology revealed the diagnosis of
Osteoma. There has been no recurrence.

Epilepsy clinicians approach

Epilepsy clinicians approach (P.P. Ashok)

Epilepsy is a disorder due to excess Neuronal discharge, cerebral in origin, characterised by loss or excess of motor,
sensory or autonomic features with or without loss of consciousness.
Epilepsy is primarily a clinical diagnosis based on the presence of recurring attacks. It is important to exclude a single
or occasional seizure as well as those occurring during an acute illness. These attacks although may resemble an
Epilepsy do not qualify for long term treatment for the same.
Clinical Classification of seizures
I. Generalised
Tonic - Clonic
Absence (Petit Mal)
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II. Partial (Focal)

This may be:
a. With loss of consciousness
b. Without loss of consciousness
This may be again
1. Motor
2. Somato Sensory or special sensory (Olfactory, visual)
3. Autonomic (epigastric sensation)
4. Psychic symptoms (fear, deja vu)
5. Automatisms (smacking of lips etc.)
III. Partial becoming generalised
i.e. Clinical or EEG evidence of focal discharge before, during or after the generalised seizure.
IV. Unclassifiable
Clinical Recognition of a seizure: In a majority of situations the physician has never a chance to see a patient during the
fit. In such situations the evidence given by the by-stander or attendant is the only clue. A typical Grand Mal attack
poses no problem, unlike a minor attack which might pass unnoticed. Make specific queries as follows:1. Did he fall and injure himself.
2. Any tongue bite.
3. Did he pass urine and wet his undergarment.
4. After the attack was he confused.
5. Did the attack occur during sleep- if so it almost definitely excludes hysterical causes.
In children Absence attacks must be suspected when the child loses conciousness for 5-10 seconds, his eyes stare and
may exhibit minor blinking or twitching of face and arms. He does not fall but has total amnesia for the brief period.
Complex Partial or temporal lobe seizures is sometimes more difficult to recognise. The complexity of the remembered
experience in TLE can only be illustrated by examples: "A thought comes into my mind which I know Ive thought
before, then the smell comes but I black out too quickly to remember what thought it was".
"Suddenly I am sitting in a restaurant. I dont remember how I have reached this place. I see all the bearers very small
Differential Diagnosis
One must exclude:
1. Syncope.
2. Cardiac dysarrhythmias.
3. TIA.
4. Panic or Hysterical attacks.
5. Malingering.
The causes of seizures according to the age groups are given in Table I.
Investigating Epilepsy:
Having recognized Epilepsy it is important to decide on how far to investigate. A history of birth injury or anoxia
combined with body asymmetry such as small thumb or toe point to cerebral damage in early life.
In patients with adult onset, especially with partial epilepsy, space occupying lesions like Brain tumor or inflammatory
lesions like tuberculoma or cysticercosis need exclusion. ACT scan of brain or even an MRI might decide the cause.
Role of E.E. G.: Epilepsy being a clinical diagnosis, EEG can only have a supporting value. A normal EEG does not exclude
epilepsy. Also a number of normal people have abnormal EEGS. It is of special value in:
1. Definitive diagnosis of absence seizures and to distinguish it from TLE.
2. To detect an Epileptic focus.
3. An initial EEG will prove its value for follow up especially for assessing drug toxicity and in deciding when to stop
4. For surgery- to localise the lesion which needs to be excised.
Video Telemetric EEG: Since routine EEG done over 30-40 minutes may not pick up the random electric abnormalitythe advent of the Video Telemetric EEG has made continuous recording possible from the scalp over 8-12 hours with
the patient carrying out his usual activities like eating, reading, sleeping etc. The pick up of the abnormality is
higher and very useful in patients with episodic brain events which need differentiation from Epilepsy.
Prognosis of Epilepsy:
a. About 80 percent of all patients are likely to have recurrent attacks.
b. About one-third achieve remission within 2 years of treatment
c. Patients with tonic-clonic seizures fare better than complex partial seizures.
d. Abnormal neurological or mental status means cerebral scars and hence have poor prognosis.
e. The more seizures, and longer the illness, the worse is the prognosis.
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Management of Epilepsy
Once a patient is diagnosed to have Epilepsy and the etiology determined the management consists:
1. Treatment of the cause if any (e.g. Operation of Brain tumor)
2. Drug treatment for Epilepsy. The list of drugs commonly used is given in the Table 2. Always choose one drug and
increase the dose till the seizures are controlled or if the blood levels exceed therapeutic levels or onset of side
effects. In that case add the second drug.
There is no definite period of drug therapy. In simple and uncomplicated cases a minimum of 2 years treatment is given
and then the drug is slowly withdrawn. Never stop the drug abruptly.
3. Supportive treatment is equally important. Give him full encouragement in participating in all normal life activities
excepting risky situations like driving swimming etc. He can marry and have children like any one else. The risk of
children getting epilepsy is negligible unless both the parents are epileptic. The role of the attending physician is not
only limited to supervising or initiating drug treatment but also help as much as one can in convincing prospective
employers that epilepsy is not necessarily a disadvantage provided he is not engaging in occupations involving working
in dangerous areas. For example an office or desk job can easily be handled by an epileptic. Also prospective suitors
/ or their parents need to be convinced that epilepsy should not be viewed as a social stigma or an untreatable
disorder warranting outright rejection. The overall outlook once the epileptic is employed and married become very
good if the drugs are able to control the seizures. In such cases, even an occasional breakthrough attack should not
disturb his or her life.
4. Surgery: This is done in very selected cases when despite combinations of 3 or even 4 anti epileptic drugs, the
seizures do not get under control resulting in intractable seizures. In such cases, if the epileptic focus is
consistently arising from a single area, one might contemplate cortical resection.
Age of onset years: Infancy 0-2 years.
Probable cause: Congenital Maldevelopment, birth injury, metabolic disorders (hypocalcemia, hypoglycemia), Vitamin in
B6 deficiency, phenylketonuria and others.
Age of onset years: Childhood, 2-10 years.
Probable cause: Perinatal anoxia, injury at birth or later infections, thrombosis of cerebral arteries or veins or
indeterminate cause ("idiopathic" epilepsy).
Age of onset years: Adolescence, 10-18 years.
Probable cause: Idiopathic epilepsy, trauma, congenital defects.
Age of onset years: Early adulthood, 18-25 years.
Probable cause: Idiopathic epilepsy, trauma, neoplasm, withdrawal from alcohol or other sedative hypnotic drugs.
Age of onset years: Middle age 35-60 years.
Probable cause: Trauma, neoplasm, vascular disease, alcohol or drug withdrawal.
Age of onset years: Late life, over 60 yrs.
Probable cause: Vascular disease, tumor, degenerative disease.
Common anti-epileptic drugs
Generic name: Phenobarbital
Usual daily dosage Children: 3-5mg / kg
Adults, mg: 60-200
Principal therapeutic indications: Tonic-clonic seizures, simple and complex partial seizures, absence.
Generic name: Phenytoin
Usual daily dosage Children: 4-7mg / kg
Adults, mg: 300-400
Principal therapeutic indications: Tonic-clonic seizure; simple and complex partial seizures.
Generic name: Carbamazepine
Usual daily dosage Children: 20-30 mg / kg
Adults, mg: 600-1200
Principal therapeutic indications: Tonic-clonic seizures complex partial seizures.
Generic name: Ethosuximide
Usual daily dosage Children: 20-30 mg / kg
Adults, mg: 750-1500
Principal therapeutic indications: Absence.
Generic name: Diazepam
Usual daily dosage Children: 0.15-2 mg / kg (intravenously)
Adults, mg: 10-150
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Principal therapeutic indications: Status epilepticus.

Generic name: ACTH
Usual daily dosage Children: 40-60 units / day
Principal therapeutic indications: Infantile spasms
Generic name: Valporic Acid
Usual daily dosage Children: 30-60 mg / kg
Adults, mg: 1000-3000
Principal therapeutic indications: Absence; simple and complex partial seizures.
Generic name: Clonazepam
Usual daily dosage Children: 0.01-0.2 mg / kg
Adults, mg: 1.5-20
Principal therapeutic indications: Absence; myoclonus.

Epilepsy full blown picture

Epilepsy full blown picture (Kamalam)
*With due acknowledgement, we publish this article from ICR Symposium on Hahnemannian Totality, Area G3.
Chief Complaints

Crotalus horridus
Lady, aged 36, unmarried, seen on 24-2-72. Frequent attacks of right sided nocturnal epileptic convulsions involving the
right arm, right side of head and neck for sixteen years.

Premonitory symptoms
Earliest threatening are: drawing in fingers beginning right ring finger, frequent jerks and shocks involving the whole
right arm, right side of the neck during the day; hiccough in the morning; feels as if right elbow is sprained; creeping
sensation over the fingers of the right arm upto the elbow; foreign body sensations in the right eye; sees black,
round, as well as elongated objects in front of eyes; pain over the right eyebrow while bending down; sounds inside
the abdomen especially on the left side; itching right side of the chest; creeping chilliness from right low back
upwards; jerking of the muscles of the neck (right side); noise inside the right ear; twitching of the right upper
Patient is irritable, restless, fearsome, starts easily, does not like to do any work. Frequent urination, thinking of
suicide, does not like anybody visiting the house during this time.

Persistent dreams of the same nature. (1) Everybody in the house is angry with her. Only the servant girl is
sympathising. 2. While she is having sexual relations somebody is interfering.

Aggravating factors
1. Attacks only during sleep.
2. During or after menses only if the menses is scanty.
3. During cloudy weather. Extreme Sensitivity to touch during the attack. Does not like the pressure of clothes or
anybody touching her during the attack.
Factors that abort the attack
1. By hand pressure. In the beginning of the attack when frequent jerks and shocks threaten an attack, hand pressure
over the arm used to abort an attack. 2. Free flow of the menses. 3. Violent shaking of the arm.

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Description of the attack

Only during sleep. Afraid of going to sleep. Frequent shocks and jerks involving the right arm, drawing in of right ring
finger and then it involves all the other fingers. Till that time she is conscious. Wants to tell everybody that nobody
should touch her, but cannot raise her voice, does not like tight clothing around the abdomen, feels that the body is
light and she is being lifted up in the air.

Observations during the attack

Lies on the left side, cover thrown away, sari and blouse are kept loose, facial expressions suggestive of severe
distress and bluish discolouration of the face. Extremities are cold to touch. Teeth are kept clenched together,
right hand fingers clenched together and it is thrown upward, backward and behind the head.

Clonic stage
Spasm of the arm is gone and it is drawn forwards, fingers are apart, head is thrown forward and froth starts coming
from the corner of the mouth. Then the eyes open, patient stares and puts out the tongue very often. Stage of
unconsciousness lasts for ten minutes. Asks for cold water.
The first consciousness that comes to her after the attack is over, is that many people are around her and she is
looking at them. If the attack is mild she may get another attack when she goes to sleep again.

Post-ictal phenomenon
Depression, Weakness and Weariness, Irritable. Wants to lie in bed, loss of appetite, pains all over the body, does not
like to talk. Sleep is disturbed because of frequent jerks. This, sometimes lasts for 2-3 days.

Characteristics of the patient as a person

Hot patient. Craving for fish. Sleep: Lies on left side or on the back. Feet covered, head not covered. Always in an
imaginary world of her own. Weeps readily. Consolation aggravates. Loss of memory of recent events, predicts the
things that are going to happen.

Life situation
The patient had some love affair to which her family objected. There was a rumour that the boy was going to marry
some other girl. She was under mental tension and could not sleep well for days together. The first attack occurred
a few days after this mental tension. The boy did marry some other girl after 3 years.
While watching a quarrel in the neighbourhood she got frightened and felt a sudden creeping chilliness over the right
arm and slight jerking of the right arm.

Family history.
Father expired 8 years back. Mother is healthy. She has a brother. No history of epilepsy in the family.

Previous history
Illness started at the age of 19. Menarche 12th year. In the beginning it was regular. Afterwards it became irregular
(once in 6 months). She became very fat. Illness started after 2 years.

Childhood history
Had an attack of fever at the age of one and half years. After the fever she could not walk till the age of four years.
Used to start easily and fall down during her school days. Studied upto Intermediate and was an average student.

Previous treatment
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Gardinal. Thuja, Kali phos, Cicuta, Ferrum Phos, Natrum Mur. Undergone Ayurvedic Treatment. During that time menses
became regular and no attacks for four and half months. Again menses became irregular and attacks started.

Physical examination
Fat, flabby, puffed up appearance. Systemic Examination - N.A. D.

Plain X-rays skull and E.E. G.:- N.A. D.
I did not repertorise this case as it seemed to be a straightforward case of Lachesis. While I was observing the case
very closely, one thing which struck me mostly was that during the state of unconsciousness she used to put out her
tongue frequently. The tongue appeared to be quite elongated and blue in colour. It resembled just like a snake.
Before commencing with the treatment, however, I decided to consult a senior colleague as this was my first case in
homoeopathic practice. To my surprise, he recommended Crotalus H. on the following grounds:
1. Crotalus H. is not a well-proved remedy as compared to Lachesis. It has, in its pathogenesis, all the features in the
case which suggested Lachesis to me;
2. Lachesis, however, has predominantly left sided complaints; Crotalus H, by contrast, is a right-sided remedy and thus
corresponds to the patient in a better way;
3. The mental state of antipathy and strife with reference to family members is better reflected in Crotalus H.
Follow-up chart:
Date: 24-2-72
Symptoms: L.M. P. 16-2-72 scanty. Attack on the 18th and 19th Feb.
Treatment: Crot. H-30 one dose H.S.
Comment: 1st Prescription
Date: 30-3-72
Symptoms: Attack on 29th March, 17 days after scanty menses, severity same, only one attack.
Treatment: Crot. H-200 1 dose H.S. on 1-4-72
Comment: 30th Potency did not have proper action.
Date: 15-4-72
Symptoms: On 11th and 12th nights she had all the signs of an attack upto mid-night. Started sneezing and everything
Slept well.
Treatment: Placebo
Comment: Improvement
Date: 25-4-72
Symptoms: Menses on 19-4-72. Scanty. Attack on 24th night less severe. Frequent jerks and startings before the
attack were less.
Weakness after attack less.
Treatment: Placebo
Comment: Improvement
Date: 27-5-72
Symptoms: Menses 24-5-72. Scanty 2-3 days prior to the attack itching right breast (old symptom). Attack during the
day time 26th. After the attack nausea, anorexia and pain forehead.
Treatment: Crot. H-200 1 dose H.S.
Comment: Last dose was given 2 months back.
Date: 21-6-72
Symptoms: Attack on 19-6-72 Severity same
Treatment: Crot. H-200 1 dose H.S.
Comment: No improvement
Date: 31-7-72
Symptoms: Menses on 5-7-72. Scanty. Two attacks on 23-7-72. First attack mild. Second severe. Injured tongue. After
attack disturbed sleep due to frequent jerks.
Treatment:Crot. H.-1M 1 dose H.S.
Comment: Crot. H-200 did not have proper action
Date: 16-8-72
Symptoms: Menses on 11-8-72. Not scanty. Mild attack on 15-8-72.
Treatment: Placebo
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Comment: Improvement
Date: 17-9-72
Symptoms: Attack on 16-9-72. Scanty menses on 11-9-72. Severe attack.
Treatment: Crot. H-1M 1 dose H.S.
Comment: Severity more
Date: 6-10-72
Symptoms: Mild attack
Treatment: Placebo
Comment: Improvement
Date: 30-10-72
Symptoms: Mild attack
Treatment: Placebo
Comment: Improvement
Date: 26-11-72
Symptoms: Mild attack
Treatment: Placebo
Comment: Improvement
Date: 16-12-72
Symptoms: Menses on 3-12-72. Flow better Attack on 13-12-72. Two attacks on the same night.
Treatment: Crot H.-1M 1 dose H.S.
Comment: Last dose given 3 month back.
Date: 25-2-73
Symptoms: Attack on 22-2-73 Mild
Treatment: Crot. H-1M 1 dose H.S.
Comment: Last dose was given 3 months back.
Date: 8-4-73
Symptoms: Menses on 7-4-73 Scanty. Attack on 6-4-73. Severe.
Treatment: Crot. H-10 M. 1 dose H.S.
Comment: Crot. H-1M did not have proper effect.
Date: 28-4-73
Symptoms: Mild attack on 27-4-73. Unusually happy before attack.
Treatment: Placebo
Comment: Improvement
Date: 30-5-73
Symptoms: Scanty menses on 25-5-73. Severe attack on 29-5-73.
Treatment: Crot. H-10 M One dose H.S.
Comment: Severe attack
Date: 21-6-73
Symptoms: Scanty menses on 19-6-73. Mild attack on 18-6-73.
Treatment: Placebo
Comment: Improvement
Date: 26-7-73
Symptoms: Scanty menses on 24-7-73. Severe attack on the same night.
Treatment: Crot. H 10M One dose H.S.
Comment: Severity more
Date: 22-8-73
Symptoms: Severe 2 attacks on 21-8-73
Treatment: Crot. H 10M
Comment: Severity more

The attack on 21-8-73 was the last attack she had. She is still under my observation. The improvement in the mental
sphere during the course of treatment was remarkable. Her attitude towards life also changed. No suicidal thoughts.
Weakness, weariness and irritability were almost nil during the course of treatment. The days following the attacks
were not disturbed as in the past.
Severity of the attacks also much less. Could sleep well after the attack. Frequent shocks and jerks following the
attacks have reduced a lot. Her menses have becomes regular although they are scanty. Some attacks were so mild
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that sometimes she did not feel that she had an attack and the nature of the dreams has also changed.

Perceiving conscientious - II
Perceiving conscientious - II (P. Barvalia)
In our last article we saw conscience from psychological philosophical perspective. We conceived conscience as asset /
liability; guide / tyrant. Following cases will illustrate this.

Genital herpes
Aurum metallicum
CASE 1: CONSCIENTIOUS YOUNG MAN. Mr. X- 29 years - Date of consultation: 5-5-92.
Chief Complaint(s): 1. Herpes Genitals since 2 years. One episode every 4 months with burning and soreness for 3 days.
2. Face - pimples +.
P / H - Tonsillectomy - age of 12
Craving: Sweets
Bowel: Hard stools
Thermal State: Chilly patient
Bath: Hot water
Fan: Medium, always3
Coverings: Blanket -winter
Life Space Appreciation:
Patient is a 29 year old male bachelor, coming from Marwari family with an embarrassed look on his face. When he came
for the first time to take an appointment he was not willing to speak about his chief complaints to the assistant.
When asked his name, he used alias. He insisted to speak to consultant alone and objected to the presence of
observers during his interview. When explained to him, he gave concession for only one observer and preferably
male. Patient is youngest of two brothers and two sisters. His father had a factory manufacturing synthetic
materials. They also have a rented estate and farm near Shrivardhan. Patient described his father as bit
short-tempered and they had difference of opinions in business matters due to "generation gap". Finally he would
abide by him. Father expired in 1986 following heart attack. Patients elder brother had never taken responsibility in
life and had never worked. He is married and has a son. Patient never complained about him. After H.S. C. patient
also started going to factory and farm since he felt that it is the duty to lessen his fathers load. He was keen to
develop in the agricultural line, so father closed down the factory in 1984. Fathers demise did not have much effect
on him since he mentions that he had already taken up his responsibilities and was well prepared to handle single
handedly. There were plenty of litigations going on regarding the estate and he is trying to sort them out. Since his
young days he always stretched himself in family and at work to discharge his responsibilities perfectly. Slightest
deviation would make him quite uncomfortable.
As a child, he was somewhat reserved. Whether pain or pleasure, he would not share with others. Even achievement
remains great secret with him. He also avoided discussion, since on slightest opposition he would fly into "heated
passion and wild anger."
About 8 years back, while he was handling one of the litigations, he passed through a "traumatic experience". Because
of advocates lethargy, the whole case got postponed for a long time. The case which appeared to be turning on their
side suffered a severe set back. This disturbed him a lot. He could not concentrate on work and always felt that it
was his own casual approach which was responsible for this event. This continued for quite some time. Now he is
looking after the agricultural land well. He also remains quite occupied with the litigations.
First time in his life, 2 years back, through two friends he got introduced to one young lady. Under the influence of all
three, he had his first and last sexual encounter with her. He came down with herpes. This has left a very deep
impact on him. He has tremendous guilt with depression and suicidal thoughts. He is refusing all proposals after that.
He has consulted many doctors and taken various treatment. He repeats investigations very frequently. He started
smoking 50-60 cigarettes per day during that period which he left one year back when he started shivambu
He is quite sentimental, attached to all his family members. He is very close to his sisters and brothers-in laws. He
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remains quite tensed if anybody in the family is sick. When questioned about his bachelor state he explained that
after his fathers death, he is the head of the family and all the responsibilities of the family now lie on him. He
would not get married unless and until he has discharged all responsibilities towards his family. Later he added that
he would never get married till he is hundred percent cured of his illness, as this would ruin the life of his spouse
Basically he is quite irritable and has always been quite dominating since his childhood. His friends do remark about his
egoistic attitude and its shades were apparent when he talked about being the youngest and still handling everything
in the family. He gets terribly upset or irritated when contradicted.
Dreams: Falling from Height3
HSV antibodies IgG = 72 IgM = 23.

The entire case revolves around rigid conscience. In the earlier phase of life, this reflects into hard working and
intense perfection in discharging "his responsibilities". As a result, early demise of father does not upset him since
he was well prepared to shoulder the load. Slightest deviation from this path would make him quite uncomfortable.
This gets magnified in the litigation experience where in he indulges into lot of self reproach, even though it was
technical lapse on the part of advocate. This resulted into transient disengagement from work. Guilt reaches to
zenith resulting into terrible remorse. Simple virus brings out complex depression, while dwelling on suicide, dreams
of falling from height indicating heavy erosion of self esteem.
There are other characteristic coordinates of the personality structure.
a. SECRETIVE: Achievement also remains great secret with him. Behaviour displayed while taking appointment also
indicates same trait.
b. INTOLERANT OF CONTRADICTION: With slightest opposition he would fly into heated passion and wild anger.
Repertorial totality
1. Conscientious about trifles
2. Anxiety conscience, as if guilty of a crime
3. Remorse
4. Suicidal disposition
5. Egotism
6. Intolerant of contradiction.
7. Dreams of falling.
AURUM MET. Stands out prominently. Hering describes Aurum irritability where contradiction leads to "heated passion
and wild anger".
Rigidity gives strength as well as makes him vulnerable. Rigid Aurum is industrious. He is highly successful so long as his
disposition is in harmony with environment. Because of rigid, pathological adherence to "principles", freedom gets
limited. At the same time one has no choice but to engage with circumstances. Engagement leads to pangs. Perpetual
scruples of conscience eventually erodes the self esteem. That is how we find Herpes simplex virus destroying the
fragile psyche.
He was given Aurum Met 200 single dose followed by S.L. for two weeks. Next follow-up showed total resolution of
lesions on penis, while paraesthesia in scrotum improved substantially. Second dose was given on 14th June because
paraesthesia had increased a bit. This led to substantial relief in depression as well as physical symptoms. On 11th
October dreams started reappearing as well as mood became little depressed. Single dose of Aurum Met 1M was
given. Subsequently he enjoyed immense physical and mental health. Patient mentioned spontaneously that previously
he was very arrogant and could not tolerate contradiction at all. With the illnesss, he became very much repressed
but now again original nature is coming back. Of course this "Ego" did not go into "heated passion and wild anger."

Cardia failure
Aurum metallicum
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Preliminary data
Mr. J. Age: 56 yrs. Kutchi Jain, Qualification: Inter Science (Fail), Business: Electronic factory and estate agency. Fa:
87 yrs, Mild Diabetes. Hip dislocation Mo: x1990, 70 yrs. Myocardial infarction. Angina and Diabetes for last 25 yrs,
3 sis: I sis x in diabetic coma. Wife: 51 yrs, Gemologist. Jeweller. 1D-25, married, 1 son 22 yrs, B. Com.

Chief complaint
He presented with CCF which was precipitated by chest infection. He is suffering from diabetes mellitus since 1982
and severe hypertension since 1988. In 1982 when he consulted a dentist for decayed tooth he was diagnosed as
diabetic (FBS-250, PPBS-500). He was put on hypoglycaemic agent with partial control. In 1988 there was raid from
income tax which resulted into suspension of all business activities. This led to emotional disturbances in him
because of delay in repayment of the loans (read life space for further details). He came down with severe
hypertension leading to CCF. He gradually recovered after allopathic treatment. In 1989, he came down with chest
infection which led to exacerbation of CCF. His emotional state worsened and on 24-9- 92 he was admitted in ICU
because of severe hypertension, D.M. , I.H. D. with C.C. F. and now with renal impairment. S. creatinine 7. Since then
every year he gets exacerbation requiring hospitalisation. His blood sugar fluctuates between PP 500 to PP 200. His
serum creatinine and BUN fluctuates between 7 to 2.8. He has a congenital ASD. Right now he has the following
Lots of weakness, severe bouts of cough, breathlessness, Oedema over the face and legs.

Patient as a person
Cravings and aversions; not specific, perspiration, bowels, urine-N. Thermal State: Fan: Slow speed. Always take
covering, cannot stand cold, bath-hot in all seasons, CHILLY PATIENT.

Life space appreciation

Patient was born in Pakistan at Karachi. He was the only son with 3 sisters. When patient was 8 years old, due to
partition they had to leave everything and come to Bombay. His father started a cotton business and settled very
soon. Both his parents were very loving and understanding with sense of responsibility. They helped all his fingers
siblings to settle. Because of them entire family came up.
Patient, after completing schooling joined science with the intention of becoming an engineer. He started attending
business simultaneously. After inter-science he left his studies and decided to start his own business in a completely
different line. He started manufacturing electronic appliances with the help of few friends. He worked very hard
and succeeded in the business. Soon he diversified into estate (plots) business quite successfully. He was extremely
particular in his business, quite clear and honest in his deals.
He used to pay regular taxes but somebody gave wrong information to income tax and both his places were raided. He
was operating through several firms and his wife was also doing jewellery business. Immediate repercussion was
abrupt suspension of business transactions resulting into blocking of lot of money (financers). He could not repay
them in time, constant thoughts that because of me so many people are in trouble, had terrific impact. Reshuffling
of firms involved minor manipulations in accounts. This also aggravated guilt. Wifes activity also got suspended which
further disturbed him. He held himself solely responsible for this chaos. "It is not a question of status or image but
it is criminal to trouble others". He was sleepless, obsessed by these thoughts. He came down with despair. His
blood sugar went up. He came down with IHD-CCF, a series of organic illnesses demonstrating grave destructive
impact on the tissues due to despair of psyche.
He described his nature as "very loving, honest, courageous, determined and sympathetic". He loves nature. He spends
every week-end at a nearby hill station with nature. He meditates and tries to understand intricacies of life. Socially
also he was quite active. He was chairman of organization related to child care and was also linked with Rotary Club.

Patient has presented with advanced pathology. Despite powerful antidiabetic and antihypertensive drugs, disease has
gone on advancing making deeper inroads into structures. Profound disturbances of PSYCHE were responsible for the
genesis and maintainence of this illness. Similimum is the only force which will have some influence at both these
planes. Cases was accepted from the stand point of palliation.
Life before the illness reveals following traits:
Copyright 2000, Archibel S.A.

Encyclopaedia Homeopathica


Honest, straightforward, Industrious and conscientious, there was perfect harmony with environment, hence he
flourished as well as others. Even spiritual resources increased.
Raid produces great storm within. It brings out TYRANT conscience which manifests in profound despair. For the
financers, it was part of the game. He could not accept the reality. Constantly suffered from remorseful thoughts
that because of him, associates, wife, children had to suffer.
Impact of this despair had immediate effect on the heart bringing about deep syphilitic changes (C.C. F.----amel. Renal
failure), congenital A.S. D. shows syphilitic stigma and when you correlate with family history, again we have strong
SYPHILITIC PREDISPOSITION DRUG which covers, predisposition, state of disposition and state of pathology is
Silica and Ferrum met came in differentiation.
Family History: Mother came down with Angina at 45, Her 4 brothers and 1 sister died due to heart disease between
40-45 years age. 1 sister died due to diabetic come at the age of 45.
Physical examination: Pulse = 88 / min B.P. = 170 / 106.
Neck veins, oedema + ankle and face
CVS: S4 +_loud visible and palpable. ESM +
FBS = 130
PPBS = 292
S. Creatinine - 2.8
S. Electrolytes Na+ 116, K+3.9, Cl - 102
ECG - on admission: ST - T changes.
Current treatment: Antifailures (Vasodilators, going on digoxin, diuretics)
Antidiabetic: Insulin
Antibiotics: Fortum Genta
Patient is on: Inj(H) Actrapid HM 20 and 8 units.
Aceten tds.

Copyright 2000, Archibel S.A.

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