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Assignment 01

Essay of a Selected Case Study

Related to Planning
PU 5211 International Planning Studies 1

Submitted By : Kokila Sooriyagoda

Admission No 128704U
SPM&D- 2012- 2014
Dept. of Town & Country Planning
University Of Moratuwa

Case Study: The High Line, New York

Reusing the Disused

High Line is an elevated freight railroad, built in 1930 that used to navigate through the highly
industrial West Manhattan district.
This was part of the West side Improvement Project that occurred due to many accidents
took place between the street- level traffic and freight trains in the area.
Though it was heavily used in 1960s, it became obsolete in 1980s and was abandon nearly for
80 years resulting the threat of demolition.
The project initiated in 2006 as Friends of High Line advocate for preserving it and reusing it
as a public open space.

Today it is a very successful urban regeneration in the form of a public park.

High line in 1930s

High line before construction

High line today

International Planning Studies 1 - Kokila Sooriyagoda


This is an innovative iconic urban renewal project. It has increased the real estate values in the
surrounding neighbourhoods. This vibrant public space has opened up many opportunities and has
become highly attracted tourist destination in Manhattan. Success of this project acts as a great
exemplar and it has encouraged and inspired many other cities.

High line with summer bloom and visitors

All solutions are never successful in Planning, once an answer can be an issue later. If acted on right
time with right approach, this problem can convert to an opportunity. High Line in New York is such
an example. However, that does not mean all abandoned infrastructure should be turn in to public
parks, yet strategic thinking and small initiative can create a big impact. Following listed are few other
lessons that can be learn from this case study
Use of different funding mechanisms
Grassroots level ideas and their participation is always important
Look for inspirations in unusual places

Various articles on High line found in the internet

International Planning Studies 1 - Kokila Sooriyagoda


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