Ap Peer Review

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The introductory paragraphs set up the topic

in an interesting way, provide some
background, and foreshadow the



Comments: Your intro draws readers in and lets them know what you are going to discuss
Review of the

The foundation of the advocacy project

is a well-written and relevant review
of scientific studies about the
animals impacted by the issue
being covered. This review of the
literature is presented with a historical
framework and is logically connected
to the presentation of the problem
and the solutions offered.

Comments: Good review of literature it looks like you put a lot of effort into finding and
understanding the studies
Statement of the

The composition clearly presents a

significant political/social/cultural
problem and establishes the problems
urgency, scope, and severity. The
problem is clearly framed and focused;
it is not presented as the writers
opinion, but is a sourced
argument, backed up with credible

Comments: Good statement and at times well used questions throughout your writing
Analysis of

The composition presents and

analyzes solution(s) to the central
problem (global and grassroots
solutions offered). Rigorous and welldocumented arguments that
address a possible solution or solutions
are presented clearly.

Comments: Good use of presenting solutions and restating them in your conclusion. Try
adding what the professor discussed when it comes to social media

The composition anticipates and

responds effectively and appropriately
to oppositional claims.



The arguments throughout are

sophisticated, creative, persuasive,
insightful, and deeply embedded in
scholarly discourse. The arguments
are developed through the use of
expert support, persuasive
evidence, and well chosen
rhetorical appeals (ethos and

Comments: Well thought out.


Uses at least one multi-modal

element, and this element
strengthens and deepens
explanations, summaries, or
arguments. The element is correctly
captioned with MLA format. If there is
more than one multi-modal element
used, all of them communicate
information clearly and effectively and
help develop the ideas and argument.

Comments: Try adding more multi-modal elements and editing your figure one so its easier to


The project is well-organized and

easy to follow, with transitions, topic

sentences and/or headers to help guide

the reader; the presentation of
evidence is arranged coherently and
demonstrates a well-documented
analytical synthesis. The organization
is deliberately paced, and
demonstrates a very high degree of
skill and control when moving from
idea to idea, paragraph to paragraph,
and sentence to sentence. Connections
are made throughout the essay to
create cohesion.
Comments: Good flow throughout

Scholarly Ethos

Throughout the composition, the writer

illustrates the scholarly ethos of a
well-informed, objective, and
credible advocate.

Comments: You seemed very informed great work

Credibility and

The selected sources are credible for

a scholarly audience and offer clear,
relevant support to all of the
compositions argumentative moves.

Comments: Good use of sources


The author integrates the sources

seamlessly into the composition and
properly introduces them.
Wherever appropriate, MLA format
citations are used correctly throughout.

Comments: Good intergration of sources

Clarity, Sentence
Structure, Word

The writing is clear, eloquent,

characterized by precise word
choice, purposeful sentences with
varied structure, and a high degree of
readability for the level of its course
and this particular assignment. Few
errors of grammar, language, and
usage are found, and if there are small
errors, they do not detract from

Comments: I would look at some of my suggestions on breaking up sentences but overall

good job.


Page length, number of sources, and

included content as described in prompt
meet the minimum requirements. The
essay is formatted correctly using MLA
formatting (this includes margins, page
number location, and page 1 header).

Comments: Great work!

1.) Try adding more multi-model elements also try making the one you have easier to read.
2.) I would suggest breaking up some of your sentences because some are very long. Possibly
look over the ones I commented on and see if you can split them into two or three sentences.

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