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Angelic Expansion to Aid Enlightenment

by Lord Melchizedek

Channeled through Natalie Glasson 8th July 2016 Original Source:
Sacred School of OmNa

With my presence the Universal Light of a golden colour flows forth

to greet you, enveloping your entire being in love and universal
wisdom. I am Lord Melchizedek, overseer of the Universal Level and
a christed being. My purpose today is to bring pure bliss and joy into
.your reality from the Angelic Realm, especially at a Universal Level
The Universe of the Creator is such an intricate energy, united and
yet can be viewed in multiple ways and forms. Such diverse
energies, vibrations, and ideas can be experienced and yet the
creation within is always the same, it is a fuller manifestation of the
Creator that is the result. When we allow ourselves to recognise the
Creator we see, sense and acknowledge beyond our imaginations
being touched by the truth of the Creator. The Angelic Realm are
truly masters at creating a beautiful state within and around us that
allows the truth of the Creator to touch us manifesting beauty,
wisdom and greater experiences of the Creators love. Whether you
feel a connection with the Angelic Realm or not, they have a
wonderful gift of supporting you in creating space within yourself,
your reality and the Universe of the Creator for the Creator to be
present. This could be recognised as expansion; you and the
Universe of the Creator are composed of and embody expansion.
The Angelic Kingdom encourage you to recognise your expansion
and to multiply it. There are no limits to expansion, the Angelic
Kingdom support you to recognise and experience this within your
.being as well as in your surroundings

The Universe of the Creator is a beautiful example and reminder of

the expansion of the Creator as are the Angelic Kingdom. Both can
be observed and experienced, yet you can never truly understand or
grasp their complete energy. This is something we on the inner
planes accept, through our acceptance, we are able to grasp a
greater understanding of expansion, especially within our own
beings. It is through expansion that the Universe of the Creator and
the Angelic Realm embody the great purity of the Creator. This is the
same for all beings. As you allow yourself to expand so, you create
space within your being for the Creator to be present and for you to
realise the Creator more fully within your being. In truth the more
you allow your energies to consciously expand the more you allow
.yourself to access enlightenment
All beings of the Creators Universe are expansive and focus upon
the expansion of their beings. However, it is the Angelic Kingdom
who act as very pure and easy to recognise examples of expansion.
Their energy is not attached to a person, place or even a purpose.
They simply allow their energies and inner truth to expand, in doing
so they allow the truth, purity, purpose of the Creator to be
embodied within the space they create. Thus they are inspired as to
the divine will and plan of the Creator. They become expressions of
the Creator with clear intentions which are aligned with their
essence while also being greater than their essence, they become
.enlightened extensions of the Creator
Any and all beings have the ability to embody the essence of the
Creator in the same way that the Angelic Realm do. It is simply
easier for the Angelic Realm as they are already without
attachments and limitations, which are the challenges of the Earth.
Focusing upon expansion allows for your necessity and
programming as a human being for attachment and the belief in
limitations to lessen. Thus expansion can create space and even
time within your being and reality for enlightenment to dawn, be
.accepted and remembered
Allow yourself to call upon the Angelic Realm to surround you and
.anchor their energy into your being
.Call upon the Angels of Expansion to be present with you as well
Then call upon the Angelic Body to anchor into your being. The
Angelic Body is an energetic form which represents and holds all the
beautiful qualities, blessings, and abilities of all Angelic Beings.
When we call upon the Angelic Body, we are inviting a synthesis
with the core of all Angelic energies. This can be a very powerful

process and download of awakening energy into your being. One of

the core energies of the Angelic Body is expansion as well as
healing, wisdom, and sacred abilities. When you call upon the
Angelic Body you have the opportunity to access the essence of all
Angelic Beings. However, it is more truthful to say that you will
access and synthesis with the appropriate and required essence of
Angelic Beings for you. Accessing the Angelic Body can be an
intense and deeply profound experience as a synthesis of supreme
Angelic vibrations merge with and awaken from your being. Simply
call upon the Angelic Body to connect with and anchor into your
being. Imagine, sense or acknowledge Angelic light flowing into your
entire being as you simply hold the intention of acceptance and
When you feel the integration process is complete allow yourself to
call upon the Archangels to deepen your development, recognition
and experience of expansion within your being. The appropriate
Archangels will come forth to work with you. Simply focus upon
receiving Angelic light with each breath you inhale and recognising
.expansion within you with each breath you exhale
Take time to observe the presence, experience and sensation of
expansion within and around your being, acknowledging what
expansion means to you. With time you will realise that the
expansion supported by the Angelic Kingdom is truly and absolutely
.evident within your being
Finally, allow yourself to call upon the Creators energies within and
around you to anchor more fully into your being and to fill the space
created by your focus upon expansion. The presence of the
Creators energy will create even greater experiences of expansion
within your being while also promoting and reawakening states of
.enlightenment for you to experience and explore
It is through your acceptance, recognition and focus upon expansion
that states of enlightenment manifest. It is through the
manifestation of enlightenment that greater expansion is
experienced. Cleansing, purifying, healing and aligning your being
with the light creates space within your being for the process of
.realising the expansion and enlightenment energies of your being
It is time to allow yourself to expand beyond that which you wish to
experience, that which you wish to be and even beyond all that you
imagine or dream yourself experiencing. Now is the time to allow
yourself to think and perceive your reality beyond the limitations
which you can currently create for yourself mentally. Not only are

old energies falling away and new energies dawning, old

perspectives and limitations of the mind are ready to be erased
while new expansive perspectives are ready to be born into your
.mind and consciousness
The energies of the Earth are changing and transforming
dramatically, the same is occurring within your being. The Earth is
accepting and manifesting a new body, aura, energy and reality
holding the essence of expansion. It may become challenging to
exist within the new energies of the Earth as they slowly manifest if
you are holding onto old limitations and beliefs in your mind. In the
new energies of the Earth, there is a need for souls in physical
bodies to manifest new beliefs and hold the essence of expansion as
this will allow the Creator to be more fully present. If the Creator is
more fully present, then expansion develops, and enlightenment
becomes a natural state of every being. New ideas and concepts will
flow forth from the Creator into souls upon the Earth which will act
like seeds in fertile new vibrations of Mother Earth. It is souls upon
the Earth who will truly create the pure embodiment of Mother Earth
and manifest the divine plan of the Creator upon the Earth. Through
focus upon expansion, you will access greater states of
enlightenment which will allow the divine plan of the Creator for
these new stages of ascension to manifest upon the Earth for all to
Call upon the Angelic Realm to begin this glorious and fulfilling
process of expansion, enlightenment and creation for your own
.reality, ascension, and the Earth
You are each continuous sources of divine light and inspiration; I
.thank you for this
Lord Melchizedek

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