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Paints have been manufactured since prehistoric times, but until
recently they were highly expensive and thus were mainly used for artwork.
It is only since the nineteenth century that houses have commonly been
painted. Today paints are used for colorings and protecting many surfaces,
including houses, cars, road markings and underground storage vessels.
Each of these different applications requires a different sort of paint, and it is
these differences in composition that are the focus of this article. Paint is
essentially composed of a binder, pigment and solvent.
The binder exists to hold the pigment to the surface. The binder is a
polymeric substance, and is either dissolved in the paint or suspended in it
by emulsifiers.

Drying oils

These were used until the 1960's, and are natural oils that polymerize as
they dry. They take a long time to dry and have variable properties as the
balance of oils varies from crop to crop.

Alkyd resins

Alkyd resins are the most common resins to be used in solvent-based paints.
They are basically polyesters and are used for both air-drying and heat-cured

Vinyl and acrylic emulsions

These are emulsions in water and are the most common water-based binders
for use in household paint.

Epoxy resins

These resins are based on polymers containing the simple organic compound
'oxirane' (ethylene oxide). A variety of other components are added to give a
wide range of properties.


Polyurethanes are polymers of any ester of carbamic acid, H2NCO2H.

Polyurethane-based paints are tough, durable films that retain their gloss and
are easy to clean. They are often used for painting aircraft.
These not only give the paint its colour and finish, but also serve to protect
the surface underneath from corrosion and weathering as well as helping to
hold the paint together. Both inorganic and organic substances are used,
with the inorganic ones being in general cheaper but with less clear colours.
Special pigments can be used to give metallic finishes (for example for car
bodies), to be hard wearing (for road markings) etc.
A solvent must be chosen that dries evenly, and in which the binder is
soluble but not so soluble that it won't polymerize. For emulsion paints the
solvent is simply water, and for resin-based paints a variety of organic
compounds are used with the most common being mineral turpentine


Good Manufacturing Practices are embodied in a Total Quality
Management System as described in the standards contained in
the ISO 9000 series to make possible the manufacture of surface
coatings, which the customer has ordered, to an agreed quality
standard, including the requirements contained in directives,
legislation and regulations for food contact coatings, and to deliver
them in the appropriate containers at the time and location specified.
Types of Coatings Included
Can and Closure Coatings
These are coatings intended for application as a thin film
(<20) to a metallic substrate to be used to make a
component of a food container such as a can body, a can
end or a closure for a glass or plastic bottle or jar.
Coatings supplied to customers are restricted to those,
which have undergone extensive pack storage tests and
have been approved by one or more customers for specific
Thick Film Coatings
These are Heavy Duty Coatings, which are supplied to rigid
pre- formed containers such as tanks with films in excess
of 50 thick.
Some are designed and manufactured for specifi c
customers needs. Others are designed for a specific end
use and are held in stock as part of product range for sale to
various customers. They have been shown to be s u i t a b l e for
the u s e
by extensive testing, including
prolonged exposure to a range of substances.

For each stage of the operation, from the receipt of the order to
the delivery of the products, the detailed procedures are set out
in manuals. These are followed and the requisite actions
recorded as being completed, so there is no doubt about what is
required and what h a s been done.
Production Instruction Document
An instruction document is issued for each batch of coating
manufactured. This details the actions required by the
production staff for manufacture. Any critical feature of the
process is highlighted by requiring a specific action by the
operator, which is recorded as being completed. Examples of
such documents appear as appendices to 6.2.1.
Product Test Specification
They list the tests, which are required during
manufacture and on completion to ensure the batch meets the
coating specification, and is fit for use.
The specifications contain, where appropriate, the permissible
tolerances for each test.
The relevant test must include a reference to a specific method
contained in a manual of test methods detailing the procedure
to be used.
In the event of a failure at any stage of the process or a complaint, a
procedure exists to find the cause, rectify the problem, and if
necessary make the appropriate improvement(s) to the manuals or
other controls to prevent a repetition. A person is appointed who is
independent of the production and quality control functions to accept
responsibility for the rectifi cation processes. He is referred to as the
Quality Manager.


Dedication to the objectives of G.M.P. by the entire workforce from
the most senior manager downward is required.
Adequate training programs and facilities are re q ui re d to
ensure that all personnel are fully aware of their function and
responsibilities and are competent to carry them out.
G.M.P. requires complete
understanding with the
suppliers of raw materials and the needs of the customer. This
is achieved with accurate ordering systems.
Raw Materials
Each raw ma t e r i a l i s identified by a u n i q u e agreed
reference number and/or trade name. Each batch/delivery is
identified by a unique number or the delivery date.
Each material has a detailed specification, which has been
agreed by the supplier and the coatings manufacturer. It
should ensure consistency, fitness for use and conformity
with appropriate food contact directives, legislation and
regulations when used for the manufacture of food contact
Test Methods
These should be agreed by supplier and coating
manufacturer. Where possible well known, internationally
and industry accepted methods of test and chemical

analysis should be used. When appropriate they should be

those which comply with any Government directives or
national legislation. When possible reproducibility by both
parties should be established.
Every d e l i v e r y o f a r a w m a t e r i a l s h o u l d be t e s t e d in
house or supported by a certificate of conformity detailing
the results of test carried out to ensure that it meets the
agreed specification.
Random checks, without previous notice, should be
carried out by the coating manufacturer, possibly coupled
with audits of the suppliers testing procedures to assess
the re l i a b i l i t y of the da ta provided by the supplier in
certificates of conformity.
Traceability of a batch of raw material is achieved by using
the delivery/batch reference numbers throughout the
Raw material delivery/batch reference numbers or some
other system should be used.
Coatings for Food Contact
Each coating intended for food contact is identified by a
descriptive title or trade n a m e and a unique reference
Each b a t c h also has a unique distinctive
Each coating has a detailed specification, which in the case
of direct sale to a user customer, has been agreed by
the coating manufacturer and user. In other c a s e s the
specifi cation should adequately accommodate the fitness
for purpose criteria.

The specification includes:

Method of Application
Solids Content Specific Gravity Viscosity
Curing Schedule
Film Weight or Thickness
Test Methods
These should be agreed by the coating manufacturer with a
user customer, when the tests should be reproducible by
both parties where possible.
In all cases, where possible, well known internationally and
industry accepted methods should be used. Where
appropriate they should be those developed by E.U.
sponsored organizations like the national standards.
When these methods do not exist the tests used should be
fully documented and meet realistic acceptable standards
of reproducibility.
When coatings are sold from stock to various end users,
comprehensive details o f test methods should be made
available to the end user on request.
Every delivery o f coating should be supported by a
certificate of conformity detailing the list of tests, which have
b e e n carried out with the results to show that it meets the
agreed specification.
When coatings are sold from stock to various end users a
certificate of conformity for any batch should be made
available to the end users on request.
Delivery Details
Material(s) Required
Quantities Required
Packaging Details
Delivery Date and Time

Delivery Point
To convert raw materials safely and efficiently into the finished
product(s) which meet the declared specification(s) and ensure
that the labeling and packaging meets the requirements of the
The Formula and the Process
This will be designed so that the product meets the required quality
standards without any undue adjustments.
Manufacturing Instruction Document
A manufacturing instruction document is issued with each
batch giving precise details of the raw materials with the
quantities to be used. It highlights the critical parts of the
process and provides the facility for the requisite actions to
be recorded and certified by the operator. It is
that the variety of coatings manufactured
coupled with the many different processes used, prohibits
the production of manufacturing guidelines. A coating can
be manufactured successfully in a number of ways using
different equipment.
Prevailing conditions and batch size
will require significant modifications to the process.
The Formula
This only allows the use of approved raw materials in the
quantities and proportions necessary to obtain the quality
of product required.

The equipment used is known to be appropriate to perform the
task required of it.

It is kept in good repair with a documented inspection and
maintenance schedule appropriate to the particular piece
of equipment.
The u s e o f plant dedicated to the manufacture of food contact
coatings is most desirable but not essential. Where p o s s i b l e
plant should be used for the production of a single product or family
of products only.
Written plant cleaning and inspection procedures exist to ensure
removal of any undesired material from all equipment prior to
the manufacture of the coating. Filtration is an integral part of the
process to remove unwanted solid particles at the end o f t h e
Health, Safety, and the Environment
The working conditions and manufacturing equipment are
and operated to c o n f o rm to t h e relevant
The packaging is selected, where possible, in agreement with
the customer, to meet the customers use requirements. It
conforms to appropriate National and UN requirements for the
nature of the product packed and the means of transport.
New containers should be inspected for cleanliness.
Returned containers should be cleaned to avoid
contamination with another product or foreign bodies.

Accurate Filling


When necessary, s u i t a b l e
ensure accurate filling.

controls should be installed to

Each container for dispatch should carry labels showing:

Agreed Identification (eg. Reference number and/or trade

Batch Identification
Manufacturing Date
Shelf Life or Expiry Date
Health and Safety Labeling in accordance with national
and international directives, legislation and regulations.
Gross Weight and Net Weight
Net Volume
Quality Approved
Special Instruction for Use

Raw materials and finished coatings should be stored in
conditions to prevent, as far as possible, any deterioration of the
Raw Materials
Raw materials should be stored in appropriate containers in a
manner to prevent contamination and spillage. They should be
clearly marked with the agreed product description and or code,
which include a reference to the delivery date.
Areas should be a ll oc a t e d to approved materials and when
tested in- house they should be marked as such.
Untested materials should be quarantined until approved or
segregated. A procedure must exist to prevent their use in
production. Preferably they should be kept in a designated
Materials should be used on a first in first out basis.
Finished Coatings

Approved materials should be marked as such and kept in a

dedicated area. They should be sent to the customer on a FIFO
A procedure should exist to re-test stock if it is approaching its
expiry date or may have drifted out of specification, before
dispatch to the customer.
Rejected stock is marked as such and should be isolated in an
area reserved for it.
To carry out laboratory test on raw materials, coatings in
production and finished coatings to ensure that the material to
the customer is fit for use and conforms to appropriate
directives, legislation or regulations.
Raw Materials Quality Control
In-house testing of each delivery in accordance with a
specification agreed by the supplier or relying on a Certificate of
Conformity issued by the supplier coupled with random in-house
Production Control
Testing of samples at selected stages of the process is carried
out to establish whether the product is meeting the required
quality. A procedure is set up for the production personnel to
adjust the process to meet the specified limits when necessary.
Testing is not limited to the laboratory or laboratory personnel.
It may be carried out by any trained and authorized person at a
convenient location.

Finished Product Testing

The finished product is tested in accordance with the product
specification and the test methods contained therein. Due

regard should be paid to all directive, legislative, and regulative

requirements, relevant to the particular product and its end use.
A document is completed detailing tests carried out and the
results, stating whether it meets the required quality standard
or not.
Test Equipment
All test equipment is tested and/ or calibrated according to a
schedule to ensure that the test results are accurate. The test
information is recorded and appropriate action taken to repair or
replace equipment if it fails the calibration test, damaged, or
obviously malfunction.


Pacific Paint (BOYSEN) Philippines, Inc.

Pacific Paint (BOYSEN) Philippines, Inc. was founded in 1953 as a repacker

of paint and lacquer thinners under the trade name Columbus. In 1958, the
company expanded its operations and started paint production with the
introduction of NATION House Paints, an economy grade paint. In its more
than 50 years of prominence in the Philippine building materials industry,
BOYSEN has earned milestones for delivering high quality paint and
innovative products. It is the first Filipino paint company to be given by SPIK
(i.e., also known as the Chemical Industries Association of the Philippines)
the privilege to use the Responsible Care logo. BOYSEN belongs in Coatings
Agenda Top 50 Paint Companies in the World in terms of volume produced.

ACI produces various types of paints ranging from water-based coatings to

epoxy-based coatings.

Latex Paint or acrylic paint, a fast-drying paint containing pigment

suspension in acrylic polymer emulsion. This type of paint can be
diluted with water, but become water-resistant when dry. It is usually
used for painting walls and ceilings, and most suitable for painting
concrete materials.

Enamel Paint or solvent-based paint, is a type of paint that air dries

to a hard, usually glossy, finish, and is used for coating surfaces that
are outdoors or otherwise subject to hard wear or variations in
temperature. It is suitable to be used in wood and metal materials.

Manufacturing Process:
A. Raw Material

Binder also called the vehicle, is the film-forming component of

paint. ACI uses Titanium Dioxide (TiO2) as their binder.

Solvent or Thinner dissolves the polymer and adjust the viscosity

of the paint. It is volatile and does not become part of the paint film. It
also controls flow and application properties, and in some cases can
affect the stability of the paint while in liquid state. Its main function is
as the carrier for the non-volatile components.

Pigment granular solids that are incorporated in the paint to

contribute color. Since their product is white paint, the pigment they
use is Calcium Carbonate (CaCO3), which is a natural pigment that
provides white color.

Additives Besides the three main categories of ingredients, paint

can have a wide variety of miscellaneous additives, which are usually
added in small amounts, yet provide a significant effect on the product.
Some examples include additives to modify surface tension, improve

flow properties, improve the finished appearance, increase wet edge,

improve pigment stability, impart antifreeze properties, control
foaming, control skinning, among others.

B. Process

Raw Material Preparation Ingredients are measured by weight

on scales, and in some cases by volume in calibrated vats and
graduated measuring containers.

Mill base preparation Pigments are added slowly, from

containers of 10 kg up to 1000 kg, to a portion of the liquid paint
components, with the mixer running.

Pigment Dispersion Pigments that tend to stick together to form

clumps or agglomerates are broken down into separate particles that
must then be wetted by resin and additives to stop them sticking
together again.

Let Down In a separate, larger, vat the rest of the paint (resin,
solvent and additives) is combined and mixed. At this stage, final
additions are made and added in.

Laboratory Testing The quality control engineer takes a sample

from the batch and tests it in the laboratory for pH, gloss, and viscosity
analysis. This is where the batch is rejected or accepted.

Canning When testing is completed the batch is passed for canning.

The batch is passed for use in the warehouse and dispatch to branches
as required.


The plant doesnt have their own wastewater treatment facility, so
they have a third-party facility that treats it for them. Atlantic Coatings, Inc.
is a zero-waste plant, meaning every waste that they generate is wellaccounted for. Wastes that they can sell are sold and those that can be
recycled are used again in the process. They also have a closed system to

minimize dust generation in the plant. They also implement a Basura mo,
Sagot ko program in the vicinity which helps the neighborhood to manage
their waste.

Atlantic Coatings, Inc. is a safety first community. They have an in house
firetruck and trained firefighting crew which consists of the employees
themselves. Since cameras may be a source of ignition, it is not allowed
inside the production facility. Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) must be
worn at all times inside the premises. PPE includes safety glasses, long
sleeves buttoned, maong pants, safety shoes, masks since the materials
they are working on have strong odor, and earplugs to counter the noise
produced by the equipment. The plant is a strict smoke-free facility and a
smoking area for smoking employees is provided outside the plant.
Green lanes are painted on the floor which serves as the pedestrian area
inside the whole plant. Since there are many mobile equipment in the plant,
the green lane serves as a safe area for employees and visitors.

Raw materials and finished coatings should be stored in conditions to
prevent, as far as possible, any deterioration of the material manner to
prevent contamination and spillage. They should be clearly marked with the
agreed product description and or code, which include a reference to the
delivery date.
Areas should be allocated to approve materials and when tested in house
they should be marked as such. Untested materials should be quarantined
until approved or rejected. Rejected materials should be marked and



Chemicals are used in virtually all work activities, thus presenting
certain chemical risks in a large number of workplaces all over the world.
Many thousands of chemicals are used in substantial quantities, and many
new chemicals are also introduced into the market each year. It is therefore
an urgent task to establish a systematic approach to safety in the use of
chemicals at work.

An effective control of chemical risks at the workplace requires an

efficient flow of information from the manufacturers or importers to the users
of chemicals on potential hazards and on the safety precautions to be taken.
This flow of information should be followed by daily action by employers to
ensure that the necessary measures are taken to protect workers, and
consequently the public and the environment.
In accordance with the decision taken by the Governing Body of the ILO
at its 250th Session (May-June 1991), a meeting of experts was convened in
Geneva from 24 March to 1 April 1992 to draw up a code of practice on
safety in the use of chemicals at work. The meeting was composed of seven
experts appointed following consultations with governments, seven following
consultations with the Employers group and seven following consultations
with the Workers group of the Governing Body.
The objective of this code is to protect workers from the hazards of
chemicals, to prevent or reduce the incidence of chemically induced illnesses
and injuries resulting from the use of chemicals at work, and consequently to
enhance the protection of the general public and the environment by
providing guidelines for:

Ensuring that all chemicals including impurities, by-products and

intermediates, and wastes that may be formed, are evaluated to
determine their hazards;

Ensuring that employers are provided with a mechanism for obtaining

from their suppliers information about the chemicals used at work to
enable them to implement effective programs to protect workers from
chemical hazards;

Providing workers with information about the chemicals at their

workplaces and about appropriate preventive measures to enable
them to participate effectively in safety programs.

Establishing principles for such programmers to ensure that chemicals

are used and produced safely;
Making special provision to protect confidential information whose
disclosure to a competitor would be liable to cause harm to an

employers business so long as the safety and health of workers are

not compromised thereby.
A. Manufacturing Practice for Personnel
Personal Protective Equipment
The use of personal protective equipment should not be regarded as
an alternative to engineering or other suitable control measures but should
be provided and maintained where such control measures cannot ensure
protection. Effective action should continue to be taken by the employer to
ensure that control measures are developed and applied in order to eliminate
or minimize the risk to a level at which personal protection may not be

Personal protective equipment should afford adequate protection

against the risk from those hazardous chemicals to which the wearer is
exposed, throughout the period during which such equipment is necessary,
having regard to the type of work.
Items of personal protective equipment provided should comply with
national law or be in accordance with criteria approved or recognized by the
competent authority and based on national or international standards.
The equipment provided should be suitable for its purpose and there
should be a sufficient supply readily available in the workplace for workers
who require it.
When workers have been informed accordingly, they should use the
equipment provided throughout the time they are exposed to the risk that
requires its use for protection.
Chemical Protective Clothing

The selection of protective clothing

should take into account:

The ability of the material from

which it is made to resist penetration

The adequacy of the design and the

fit of the clothing, and whether it is
suitable for the intended use;

The purpose of chemical protective clothing is to shield or isolate

individuals from the chemical, physical, and biological hazards that may be
encountered during hazardous materials operations. During chemical
operations, it is not always apparent when exposure occurs.

Hand Protection
Skin contact is a potential source of
exposure to toxic materials; it is
important that the proper steps be taken
to prevent such contact. Most accidents
involving hands and arms can be
classified under four main hazard
categories: chemicals, abrasions, cutting,
and heat. There are gloves available that
can protect workers from any of these
individual hazards or any combination

Gloves should be replaced periodically, depending on frequency of use

and permeability to the substance(s) handled. Gloves overtly contaminated
should be rinsed and then carefully removed after use.



Use Against

Natural Rubber

Low cost, good


Poor vs. oils,

imported; may be
poor quality

Bases, alcohols,
dilute water
solutions; fair vs.

inferior to natural

Same as natural

Plasticizers can
be stripped;
imported may be
poor quality

Strong acids and

bases, salts, other
water solutions,

Natural Rubber

Poly Vinyl


Low cost,
dexterity, better
resistance than
natural rubber
vs. some
Low cost, very
good physical
medium cost,
medium chemical
Medium cost,

Oxidizing acids,


medium chemical
medium physical


anilines, phenol,
glycol ethers

Low cost,

Poor vs. benzene,

many ketones

Oils, greases,
, trichloroethane;
fair vs. toluene


Poly Vinyl

Specialty glove,
polar organics

Expensive, poor

Glycol ethers,
ketones, esters

Specialty glove,
resists a very
broad range of
organics, good

Very expensive,
water sensitive,
poor vs. light

solvents, ketones
acetone), esters,

expensive, poor

solvents, also

Fluoro elastomer
Specialty glove,

organic solvents

properties, poor
vs. some
ketones, esters,

aliphatic and


Poor fit, easily

punctures, poor
grip, stiff

Use for Hazmat


Norfoil (Silver

Eye and Face Protective Clothing

Employees can be exposed to a large number of hazards that pose
danger to their eyes and face. OSHA requires employers to ensure that
employees have appropriate eye or face protection if they are exposed to
eye or face hazards from flying particles, molten metal, liquid chemicals,
acids or caustic liquids, chemical gases or vapors, potentially infected
material or potentially harmful light radiation.
Many occupational eye injuries occur because workers are not wearing
any eye protection while others result from wearing improper or poorly fitting
eye protection. Employers must be sure that their employees wear
appropriate eye and face protection and that the selected form of protection
is appropriate to the work being performed and properly fits each worker
exposed to the hazard.


protection that completely cover the
eyes, eye sockets and the facial area
immediately surrounding the eyes and
provide protection from impact, dust and
splashes. Some goggles will fit over
corrective lenses.

Face Shield
These transparent sheets of plastic
extend from the eyebrows to below the
chin and across the entire width of the
employee's head. Some are polarized for
glare protection. Face shields protect
against nuisance dusts and potential
splashes or sprays of hazardous liquids.

Respiratory Protective Equipment

The purpose of a respirator is to prevent the inhalation of harmful
airborne substances and/or an oxygen-deficient atmosphere.
Functionally, a respirator is designed as an enclosure that covers the
nose and mouth or the entire face or head. Respirators are of two
general "fit" types, tight-fitting and loose-fitting.

The tight-fitting respirator is designed to form a seal with the

face of the wearer. It is available in three types: quarter mask,
half mask, and full face piece. The quarter mask covers the nose
and mouth, where the lower sealing surface rests between the
chin and the mouth. The half mask covers the nose and mouth
and fits under the chin. The full facepiece covers the entire face
from below the chin to the hairline.

The loose-fitting respirator has a respiratory inlet covering

that is designed to form a partial seal with the face. These
include loose-fitting face pieces, as well as hoods, helmets,
blouses, or full suits, all of which cover the head completely. The
best known loose-fitting respirator is the supplied air hood used
by the abrasive blaster. The hood covers the head, neck, and
upper torso, and usually includes a neck cuff. Air is delivered by
a compressor through a hose leading into the hood. Because the
hood is not tight-fitting, it is important that sufficient air is
provided to maintain a slight positive-pressure inside the hood
relative to the environment immediately outside the hood. In this
way, an outward flow of air from the respirator will prevent
contaminants from entering the hood.

Foot Protection
Calf-length rubber boots give protection against a wide range of
dilute pesticide products. Leather footwear is unsuitable because it
absorbs some pesticide products and cannot be decontaminated.
Trousers should be worn outside the boots so that spills and splashes
do not fall into them.

Information and Training

General Principles

Workers should be informed of the hazards associated with

chemicals used at their workplace.

Workers should be instructed about how to obtain and use the

information provided on labels and chemical safety data sheets.

Workers should be trained in the correct and effective use of the

control measures, in particular the engineering control measures
and measures for personal protection provided, and should be
made aware of their significance.

Employers should use chemical safety data sheets, along with

information specific to the workplace, as a basis for the

preparation of instructions to workers, which should be in writing

if appropriate.

Workers should be trained on a continuing basis in the working

systems and practices to be followed and their significance for
safety in the use of chemicals at work, and in how to deal with

The extent of the training and instruction received and required should
be reviewed and updated simultaneously with the review of the
working systems and practices.
The review should include the examination of:

Whether workers understand when protective equipment is

required, and its limitations;
Whether workers understand the most effective use of the
engineering control measures provided;
Whether workers are familiar with procedures in the event of an
emergency involving a hazardous chemical;
Procedures for the exchange of information between
B. Manufacturing Practices for Labeling and Marking

All chemicals should be marked so

as to indicate their identity. The
mark chosen should be such as to
between chemicals during receipt,
handling and use. Marking may be
by chemical identity, common
name, trade name, code name or
number or other name, so long as
the identity so established is
unique and,

in the case of a hazardous chemical, is identical to that used on the label and
the chemical safety data sheet. Inclusion of the name of the supplier on the
shipped container or packaging is recommended.
The purpose of the label is to give essential information on:

the classification of the chemical;

its hazards;

The precautions to be observed

The information to be given on the label, including as appropriate:

Trade Names;

Identity of the Chemicals;

Name, address and telephone number of the supplier;

Hazard symbols;

Nature of the special risks associated with the use of the chemical;

Safety Precautions

Identification of the Batch

The statement that a chemical safety data sheet giving additional

information is available from the employer;
the classification assigned under the system established by the
competent authority;

C. Manufacturing Practices for Chemical Storage

Developing safe storage practices for laboratory chemicals is not
always easy and often requires a considerable amount of thought and
planning. Your ability to develop a safe storage system will depend on your

knowledge of chemicals or your ability to find information on the hazards

associated with materials you have.
The goal of your storage system should be to separate materials
according to chemical compatibility and hazard class. You will need to
develop a segregation scheme to fit your specific needs; but, do not store
chemicals alphabetically until you have them properly segregated.

Chemical Storage Segregation Guidelines

In order to store chemicals properly, they must be segregated based
on the associated hazard. Never store chemicals alphabetically until they
have been segregated by hazard class. The following broad hazard classes
can serve as a guide for segregating your hazardous materials. It is a good
practice to store solids above and liquids below.

Class of



Corrosive Acids

Corrosive Bases




See Safety
Data Sheets in
all cases


Oxidizing and
toxic compressed
gases, oxidizing

Store in a cool,
dry area at least
20 feet away
from flammable
gases and
liquids. Securely
strap or chain
cylinders to a
wall or bench top

Oxygen, Chlorine,


Store in a
acid storage
cabinet or plastic

Hydrochloric acid,
Sulfuric acid,
Chromic acid, Nitric
acid, Acetic acid,
trichloroacetic acid,
lactic acid

flammable solids,
bases and

Store in a cool, dry

area, at least 20
feet away from
oxidizing gases.
Securely strap or
chain cylinders to
a wall or bench

Store in a
separate storage

hydroxide, sodium

Store in a secure
location away
from all other
chemicals. Do
not store in an
area where they
can fall.

nitrate, nitro urea,
sodium azide,
c acid,

Oxidizers and

All other


Store in a
storage cabinet

Acetone, Benzene,
ether, Methanol,
Ethanol, Hexanes,

Oxidizers and

Flammable Solids

Store in a
separate dry cool
area away from

carbon, charcoal

Oxidizers and

Water Reactive

Store in a cool
dry location.
Protect from
water and the
fire sprinkler
system. If
Store in a spill
tray inside a non
cabinet, separate
from flammable
and combustible

Sodium metal,
potassium metal,
lithium metal,
lithium aluminum

Separate from all

solutions, and

benzoyl peroxide,

Separate from
reducing agents,
combustibles and




ironmental, Health, and Safety Guidelines for
Petroleum Refining
The Environmental, Health, and Safety (EHS) Guidelines are technical
reference documents with general and industry-specific examples of Good
International Industry Practice (GIIP). The applicability of the EHS Guidelines
should be tailored to the hazards and risks established for each project on
the basis of the results of an environmental assessment in which site-specific
variables, such as host country context, assimilative capacity of the
environment, and other project factors, are taken into account. The
applicability of specific technical recommendations should be based on the
professional opinion of qualified and experienced persons.
The EHS Guidelines for Petroleum Refining cover processing operations
from raw crude oil to finished products, including refinery fuel gas, liquefied
petroleum gas (LPG), Mo-Gas, kerosene, diesel oil, heating oil, fuel oil,
bitumen, asphalt, waxes, sulfur, pet-coke, and intermediate products.
Occupational Health and Safety
Facility-specific occupational health and safety issues should be
identified based on job safety analysis or comprehensive hazard or risk
assessment, using established methodologies such as a hazard identification
study [HAZID], hazard and operability study [HAZOP], or a quantitative risk

assessment [QRA]. As a general approach, health and safety management

planning should include the adoption of a systematic and structured
approach for prevention and control of physical, chemical, biological, and
radiological health and safety hazards.
The most significant occupational health and safety hazards occur
during the operational phase of a petroleum refining facility and primarily

Process Safety
Oxygen-deficient atmosphere

Chemical hazards

Fire and explosions

Process Safety
Process safety programs should be implemented, due to industryspecific characteristics, including complex chemical reactions, use of
hazardous materials (e.g. toxic, reactive, flammable or explosive
compounds), and multi-step reactions.
Process safety management includes the following actions:

Physical hazard testing of materials and reactions;

Hazard analysis studies to review the process chemistry and

engineering practices, including thermodynamics and kinetics;
Examination of preventive maintenance and mechanical integrity
of the process equipment and utilities;
Worker training; and

Development of operating instructions and emergency response


Oxygen-Deficient Atmosphere
The potential release and accumulation of nitrogen gas into work
areas may result in the creation of asphyxiating conditions due to the

displacement of oxygen. Prevention and control measures to reduce

risks of asphyxiant gas release include:

Design and placement of nitrogen venting systems according to

industry standards;

Installation of an automatic Emergency Shutdown System that

can detect and warn of the uncontrolled release of nitrogen
(including the presence of oxygen deficient atmospheres in
working areas6), initiate forced ventilation, and minimize the
duration of releases;

Implementation of confined space entry

consideration of facility-specific hazards.



Chemical Hazards
Releases of hydrofluoric acid, carbon monoxide, methanol and
hydrogen sulfide may present occupational exposure hazards.
Hydrogen sulfide leakage may occur from amine regeneration in amine
treatment units and sulfur recovery units. Carbon monoxide leakage
may occur from Fluid and Residue Catalytic Cracking Units and from
the syngas production section of the Hydrogen Plant. Carbon monoxide
/ air mixtures are explosive and spontaneous / explosive re-ignition
may occur. Hydrogen sulfide poses an immediate fire hazard when
mixed with air.
Workers may be exposed to potential inhalation hazards (e.g.
hydrogen sulfide, carbon monoxide, VOCs, polycyclic aromatic
hydrocarbons (PAHs) during routine plant operations. Dermal hazards
may include contact with acids, steam, and hot surfaces. Chemical
hazards should be managed based on the results of a job safety
analysis and industrial hygiene survey and according to the
occupational health and safety guidance provided in the General EHS
Guidelines. Protection measures include worker training, work permit
systems, use of personal protective equipment (PPE), and toxic gas
detection systems with alarms.

Hydrofluoric Acid
Workers may be exposed to hydrofluoric acid (HF) in the HF
alkylation unit. Occupational safety measures include the

Reducing HF volatility by adding suitable vapor pressure

suppression additives;

Minimizing HF hold-up;

Designing plant lay-out to limit the extent of the plant area

exposed to potential HF hazards, and to facilitate escape
routes for workers;

Clearly identifying hazardous HF areas, and indicating

where PPE should be adopted;

Implementing a worker decontamination procedure in a

dedicated area;

Implementing a safety distance buffer between the HF

Alkylation Unit, other process units and the refinery

Use of scrubbing systems to neutralizing and remove HF

prior to flaring;

Use of a HF neutralization basin for effluents before they

are discharged into the refinery oily sewage system;
Use of a dedicated tank to collect alkylate product and
undertake routine pH measurements before dispatching to
gasoline pool;
Treating butane and propane products in alumina
defluorinators to destroy organic fluorides, followed by
alkali to remove any remaining HF;
Transport of HF to and from the plant should be handled
according to guidance for the transport of dangerous

Fire and Explosions

Fire and explosion hazards generated by process operations include

the accidental release of syngas (containing carbon monoxide and
hydrogen), oxygen, methanol, and refinery gases.
Refinery gas releases may cause jet fires, if ignited in the release
section, or give rise to a vapor cloud explosion (VCE), fireball or flash
fire, depending on the quantity of flammable material involved and the
degree of confinement of the cloud.
Flammable liquid spills present in petroleum refining facilities may
cause pool fires. Explosive hazards may also be associated with
accumulation of vapors in storage tanks (e.g. sulfuric acid and
Recommended measures to prevent and control fire and explosion
risks from process operations include the following:

Designing, constructing, and operating petroleum refineries

according to international standards10 for the prevention and
control of fire and explosion hazards, including provisions for
segregation of process, storage, utility, and safe areas. Safety
distances can be derived from specific safety analyses for the
facility, and through application of internationally recognized fire
safety standards

Providing early release detection, such as pressure monitoring of

gas and liquid conveyance systems, in addition to smoke and
heat detection for fires;

Evaluation of potential for vapor accumulation in storage tanks

and implementation of prevention and control techniques (e.g.
nitrogen blanketing for sulfuric acid and bitumen storage)

Avoiding potential sources of ignition (e.g. by configuring the

layout of piping to avoid spills over high temperature piping,
equipment, and / or rotating machines)

Providing passive fire protection measures within the modeled

fire zone that are capable of withstanding the fire temperature
for a time sufficient to allow the operator to implement the
appropriate fire mitigation strategy;

Limiting the areas that may be potentially affected by accidental

releases by
Defining fire zones and equipping them with a
drainage system to collect and convey accidental
releases of flammable liquids to a safe containment
area, including secondary containment of storage
Installing fire / blast partition walls in areas where
Designing the oily
propagation of fire.





Community Health and Safety

Community health and safety impacts during the construction and
decommissioning of petroleum refining facilities are common to those of
most other industrial facilities
The most significant community health and safety hazards associated with
petroleum refining facilities occur during the operational phase including the
threat from major accidents related to fires and explosions at the facility and
potential accidental releases of raw materials or finished products during
transportation outside the processing facility.
Major Hazards
The most significant safety hazards are related to the handling and
storage of liquid and gaseous substances. Impacts may include
significant exposures to workers and, potentially, to surrounding
communities, depending on the quantities and types of accidentally
released chemicals and the conditions for reactive or catastrophic
events, such as fire and explosion.
Major hazards should be prevented through the implementation of a
Process Safety Management Program that includes all of the minimum
elements outlined:

Facility wide risk analysis, including a detailed consequence

analysis for events with a likelihood above 10-6/year (e.g.

Employee training on operational hazards;

Procedures for management of change in operations, process

hazard analysis, maintenance of mechanical integrity, pre-start
review, hot work permits, and other essential aspects of process
Safe Transportation Management System n if the project includes
a transportation component for raw or processed materials;
Procedures for handling and storage of hazardous materials;
Emergency planning, which should include, at a minimum, the
preparation and implementation of an Emergency Management
Plan, prepared with the participation of local authorities and
potentially affected communities.

The standards prescribed for the petroleum industry was made under
Occupational Safety and Health Standard under AAC 61.1180 named
Petroleum Drilling and Production Standards convened on 1999.
A. Good Manufacturing Process for Personnel

1. Work Clothing

Fire Resistant/Retardant Clothing (FRC) is mandatory for all areas of

offshore production or drilling facilities. Thus, workers are generally
prohibited from wearing clothing materials made entirely of, or blended
with, synthetic materials such as acetate, nylon, polyester, or rayon.
Fibrous Flame Retardant Fiber is inherently used in petroleum industry.
The facilities include:

Production facility

Loading/ unloading or transferring hydrocarbons where vapors

are present in the atmosphere.

Repairing active hydrocarbon piping, tankage or equipment that

is outside the production facility.

Performing hot work activities on active hydrocarbon equipment

and piping (hot tapping).

Performing high voltage switching operations and maintenance.

2. Head Protection





Hard Hats are made from Non-conductive plastic in compliance with

ANSI-Z89.It shall be worn at all times by personnel and visitors when in
any area designated as requiring head protection or where dropped
object or head bump exposure exists.
Generally this includes:

Wellhead platforms.

All areas of Production Platforms, Drilling Rigs, Construction

Barges, vessel/boat decks except the living accommodations,

control rooms, work shops and offices.

All areas outside the accommodation module where or where

there is head injury exposure.

3. Eye and Face Protection

Safety glasses, with side impact protection, or goggles shall be

worn in all designated work areas as outlined in the site risk
assessment. Both clear and tinted lenses shall be made available and

must have ultraviolet protective coated lenses. Tinted lenses shall not
be used indoors or other areas of reduced ambient light.

A welding hood shall be worn over standard safety glasses when

welding. Personnel engaged in sandblasting, water blasting or spray
painting shall wear eye protection under the face shield or air supplied
hood to protect the eyes and face from known hazards.

4. Hearing Protection
Hearing protection must be utilized when working in areas where noise
levels exceed time weighted average (TWA) of 85 decibels. A scale for
an 8 hours exposure.
Ear Muffs are devices that fit against the head
and enclose the entire external ears. The inside
of the muff cup is lined with acoustic foam
which can reduce noise by as much as 15 to 30
decibels. Ear muffs are often used in
conjunction with ear plugs to protect the
employee from extremely load noises, usually
at or above 105 decibels.

Ear Plugs if placed in the ear correctly, will

expand to fill the ear canal and seal against
the walls. This allows foam ear plugs to fit ear
canals of different sizes.

5. Foot Protection
Safety footwear shall be part of the basic PPE for all personnel in the
categories listed below and shall be worn at all times when outside
accommodations, offices, and on the following:

Offshore Production,
Shorebases (warehouses, docks, jettys and storage areas)

B. Good Manufacturing Practices for Transport System

The operator is responsible for transfer activities. The owner or
operator must permanently mark all fill ports to identify the product
inside the tank. These markings must be consistent with the color and
symbol code of the American Petroleum Institute which follows. The
colors to be used are:

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