CHSA Journal Article List 1987-2007

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Chinese Historical Society of America

965 Clay Street, San Francisco, CA 94108

(415) 391-1188 || ||

Chinese America: History and Perspectives

Journal of the Chinese Historical Society of America
Article Listings

Volume 1, 1987
• "Historical Development of the Chinese Consolidated Benevolent
Association/Huiguan System" - Him Mark Lai
• "The Sojourner, Return Migration, and Immigration History" - Franklin Ng
• "Chinese American Entrepreneur: The California Career of Chin Lung" - Sucheng
• "Chop Suey: From Chinese Food to Chinese American Food" - Reqiu Yu
• "Intermarriage Among the Chinese in New York City" - Betty Lee Sung
• "The Chinese Digest, 1935 to 1940" - Julie Shuk-yee Lam
Defiance of Perpetuation: An Analysis of Characters in Mrs. Spring Fragrance" -
Lorraine Dong and Marlon K. Hom
• "Leaves from the Mental Portfolio of a Eurasian" - Sui Sin Far

Volume 2, 1988
• "Chinese American Studies: A Historical Survey" - Him Mark Lai
• "The Chinese American Citizens Alliance: An Effort in Assimilation, 1895 - 1965"
- Sue Fawn Chung
• "A Chinese Laundryman Fights Back: Case of In Re Byron Mark" - Gregory Y.
• "The Social Awakening of Chinese American Women as Reported in Chung Sai
Yat Po, 1900 - 1911" - Judy Yung
• "Chinatown High Life: A Literary Pride" - Marlon Hom
• "Chinese Traditional Religion in North America and Hawaii" - L. Eve Armentrout
• "Restoration of a Taoist Temple" - Paul Bowman
• "Vallejo's Chinese Community, 1860 - 1960" - Laura Wong
• "Tracing the Life of Wong Aloiau: Chinese Genealogy in Hawaii" - Violet L. Lai
• "Tracing Hawaiianized Chinese Surnames" - Kum Pui Lai
• "Fang H. Der, an Oral History from Baltimore, Maryland" - Lillian Lee Hom-Kim

Volume 3, 1989
• "John C. Young, A Man Who Loved History" - Connie Young Yu
• "A Muk-yu From Gold Mountain" - Marlon K. Hom
• "The Chinese Encounter with Florida, 1865 - 1920" - George E. Pozzetta
• "The Pilgrims from Gom-Benn: Migratory Origins of Chinese Pioneers in the San
Bernadino Valley" - Harry W. Lawton
• "Life is Like a Dream: Confessions of an Illegal Alien" - Huie Yuk Shone with
Judy Yung and Marlon K. Hom
• "Playing the Palace Theatre: A Chinese American's Recollections of Vaudeville" -
Helen Wong Jean
• "Lue Gim Gong: A Life Reclaimed" - Ruthanne Lum McCunn

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Chinese Historical Society of America
965 Clay Street, San Francisco, CA 94108
(415) 391-1188 || ||

Volume 4, 1990
• "They Also Came: The Migration of the Chinese and Japanese Women to Hawaii
and the Continental United States" - Ronald Takaki
• "Little Heard Voices: The Chinese Hand Laundry Alliance and the China Daily
News' Appeal for Repeal of the Chinese Exclusion Act in 1943" - Renqui Yu
• "The Architecture of San Francisco Chinatown" - Phillip P. Choy
• "Recollections of Dr. Sun Yat-sen's Stay at Our Home in San Francisco" - Lilly
King Gee Won (Ellen Yeung, Tr.)
• "Grandfather's Store: A Childhood Memory" - Irma Tam Soong
• "The Exploitation of Chinese Labor in the Alaska Salmon Industry" - Donald
Guimary and Jack Masson
• "The Chinese Press in the United States and Canada Since World War II: A
Diversity of Voices" - Him Mark Lai
• “New York Chinese: The Nineteenth-Century Pre-Chinatown Settlement" - John
Kuo Wei Tchen

Volume 5, 1991
• "A Laundryman Sings the Blues" - Sin Jang Leung
• "Chinese in Marin County, 1850 - 1950: A Century of Growth and Decline" - L.
Eve Armentrout Ma
• "Chinese Outside of Chinatown: A Chinese Community in South Florida" - Cindy
H. Wong
• "The Life and Career of Minnie Fong Lee" - Annie Soo
• "The Guangdong Historical Background" - Him Mark Lai
• "Surnames as Clues to Family History" - Emma Woo Louie
• "Oral History Techniques" - Judy Yung
• "Chinese American Historical Studies: A Summary of Resources at the National
Archives - Pacific Sierra Region" - David Nealand
• "Chinese Research Materials at the Family History Library in Salt Lake City" -
Grace Chung-Shing Tu Lee
• "Chinese Genealogies" - L. Eve Armentrout Ma
• "Chinese American Genealogy, A Sample" - Albert Cheng
• "My Reception in America" - Fu Chi Hao
• "Detainment at Angel Island: An Interview with Koon T. Lau" - Judy Yung
• "The Most Memorable Event of My Stay in the United States" – Fong

Volume 6, 1992
• "To Bring Forth a New China, to Build a Better America: The Chinese Marxist
Left in America to the 1960s" - Him Mark Lai
• "A Voice of Reason: Life and Times of Gilbert Woo, Chinese American
Journalist" - Him Mark Lai
• "The Forbidden City Legacy and its Chinese American Women" - Lorraine Dong
• "Ging Hawk Club Essay Contest: 'Does My Future Lie in China or America?' " -
Ging Hawk Club
• "Scholarship of Post-World War II Chinese Societies in North America: A
Thematic Discussion" - Wing Chung Ng
• "A Gold Mountain Man's Memoir" - Yuen Tim Gong

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Chinese Historical Society of America
965 Clay Street, San Francisco, CA 94108
(415) 391-1188 || ||

Volume 7, 1993
• "Remember Us: A Search for Chinese Roots in Canada" - Lisa R. Mar
• "In the Shadow of the Tiger: The 407th Air Service Squadron, Fourteenth Air
Force, CBI, World War II" - Christina M. Lim and Sheldon H. Lim
• "Familiar Strangers: The Fourteenth Air Service Group Case Study of Chinese
American Identity During World War II" - Peter Phan
• "The Chinese in New York, 1800 - 1950" - Arthur Bonner
• "New Source Materials on Kang Youwei and the Baohuanghui" - Jane Leung

Volume 8, 1994
• "The Status of Overseas Chinese Studies" - Wang Gungwu
• "Chinese Regional Solidarity: Case Study of the Hua Xian (Fah Yuen)
Community in California" - Him Mark Lai
• "Our Family's Journey from the Fragrant Mountain to the Gold Mountain" -
Hamilton J.L. Chang
• "The Exclusion of Chinese Women, 1870 - 1943" - Sucheng Chan
• "Square and Circle Club: Women in the Public Sphere" - Victoria Wong
• "An Early Baltimore Chinese Family: Lee Yick You and Louise Yu Oy" - Lillian
Lee Kim
• "Fred Ho and Jon Jang: Profiles of Two Chinese American Jazz Musicians" -
Wei-Hua Zhang

Volume 9, 1995
• " 'Interest Convergence' and the Liberalization of Discriminatory Immigration and
Naturalization Laws Affecting Asians, 1943 - 1965" - John Hayakawa Torok
• "A Tale of Two Brothers: Jung Oi-Won and Ming S. Jung" - Him Mark Lai and
Edmund D. Jung
• "Walter James: Reminiscences of My Younger Days" - Him Mark Lai, Laura Lai,
and Phillip P. Choy, edited by Marlon K. Hom
• "California's First Anti-Chinese Laws: From In Search of Equality: The Chinese
Struggle Against Discrimination in Nineteenth-Century America" - Charles J.
Text of The People v. Hall, October 1, 1854
• "George W. Gift, Chinese Labor Agent in the Post-Civil War South" - Lucy M.
• "The Anti-Chinese Movement in Colorado: Interethnic Competition and Conflict
on the Eve of Exclusion" - William Wei
• "The Development of A New Chinatown: Post-1965 Changes in New York City's
Chinatown: - Andrew J. Peterson

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Chinese Historical Society of America
965 Clay Street, San Francisco, CA 94108
(415) 391-1188 || ||

Volume 10, 1996

• "Upgrading the Migrant: Neither Huaquiao nor Huaren" - Wang Gungwu
• "Chinese Organizations in America Based on Locality of Origin and/or Dialect-
Group Affiliation, 1940s - 1990s" - Him Mark Lai
• "Staging Orientalism and Occidentalism: Chang and Eng Bunker and Phineas T.
Barnum" - John Kuo Wei Tchen
• "Chinese Americans and American Sport, 1880 - 1940" - Joel S. Franks
• "Chinese in the Civil War: Ten Who Served" - Ruthanne Lum McCunn

Volume 11, 1997

• "Enforcing and Challenging Exclusion in San Francisco: U.S. Immigration
Officials and Chinese Immigrants 1882-1905" - Erika Lee
• "No Such Sun Yat-Sen: An Archival Success Story" - Neil L. Thomsen
• "Cry Not in Vain: The Boycott of 1905" - Silas KC Geneson
• "Gold Mountain Dreams and Paper Son Schemes: Chinese Immigration Under
Exclusion" - Madeline Hsu
• "Opium in America and the Chinese" - Gregory Yee Mark
• "Roles Played by Chinese in America During China's Resistance to Japanese
Aggression and During World War II" - Him Mark Lai
• "Chinese Fisherman of Santa Barbara and Santa Rosa Island" - Linda Bentz
• "The Daniel K.E. Ching Collection: A Preliminary Look at Its Trade Cards and
Sheet Music" - James Chan, Dennis Park, and Dina Shek

Volume 12, 1998

• "Potato King and Film Producer, Flower Growers, Professionals, and Activists:
The Huangliang Du Community in Northern California" - Him Mark Lai
• "The Fake and the True: Researching Chinese Women's Immigration History" -
Judy Yung
• "The Torreon Massacre of 1911: Anti-Chinese Sentiment and Revolutionary
Articulations of National Identity in a Northern Mexican Town" - Larissa Nicole
• "A Chinese American Community in a Non-Chinatown Setting: A Preliminary
Investigation of the San Diego Chinese Community" - Zeng Ying
• "He's a Chinaman" - Edmund D. Jung, M. D.
Volume 13, 1999
• "China and the Chinese American Community: The Political Dimension" - Him
Mark Lai
• "Mortuary Practices in San Francisco Chinatown" - Linda Sun Crowder
• "The Fong Family History: Stories of My Father's Side of the Family" - Julia Fong
• "Rhymes Cantonese Mothers Sang" - Marlon K. Hom
• "The Hing Lung Laundry in Santa Barbara: Archeological, Historical, and
Architectural Perspectives" - Roberta S. Greenwood
• "Archival Records of Chinese Immigrants in New York" - Betty Lee Sung
• "Subject Index, 1987-1999" - Judy Yung

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Chinese Historical Society of America
965 Clay Street, San Francisco, CA 94108
(415) 391-1188 || ||

Volume 14, 2000

• "Ethnic Chinese: The Past in Their Future" - Wang Gungwu
• "Retention of the Chinese Heritage: Chinese Schools in America Before World
War II" - Him Mark Lai
• "Excluded, Segregated, and Forgotten: A Historical View of the Discrimination
Against Chinese Americans in Public Schools" - Joyce Kuo
• "The Report Transmitting the Register of Schools of Overseas Chinese in North
America to the Ministry of Education, Second Year of the Xuantong Reign Era
[1910]; Liang Qinggui" - translated by Him Mark Lai and Ellen Yeung
• "My Journey: In Search of Roots" - May Wong
• "The Wing Luke Asian Museum: Gathering Asian American Stories" - Ron Chew
• "The San Diego Chinese Historical Museum" - Murray K. Lee, with Jennifer
Fukuhara-Good and Alexander Chuang

Volume 15, 2001

• "Retention of the Chinese Heritage, Part II: Chinese Schools in America Before
World War II" - Him Mark Lai
• "The Laundry Man's Got a Knife!: China and Chinese America in Early United
States Cinema" - John Haddad
• "Chinese Christian Youth Conferences in America, with a Focus on the East
Coast" - Reverend Paul Louie
• "The Future of the Exclusively Chinese Churches in America" - Reverend Edwar
• "Growth of Chinese Protestant Congregations from 1950 to mid-1996 in Five Bay
Area Counties" - Reverend James Chuck
• "Donaldina Cameron: A Reappraisal" - Laurene Wu McClain
• "Going Through College: Up Grade- or Down?” - Chi Chan

Volume 16, 2002

• "Overseas Chinese: The State of the Field" - Edgar Wickberg
• "California Dreaming: Migration and Dependency" - Madeline Hsu

• "Gold Mountain Wives: Rhapsodies in Blue" An Essay by Tam Bi'an in Xinning
zashi (1949) - Translated by Marlon K. Hom
• "Fallen Leaves' Homecoming: Notes on the 1893 Gold Mountain Charity
Cemetery in Xinhui" - Marlon K. Hom
• "A Sense of Home" - Kristen Fong
• "Asian American Struggles for Civil, Political, Economic, and Social Rights" -
Sucheng Chan

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Chinese Historical Society of America
965 Clay Street, San Francisco, CA 94108
(415) 391-1188 || ||

Volume 17, 2003

• “Comparing the Voting Participation of Chinese to Other Asian Americans in
Recent U.S. Elections” – Pei-Te Lien
• “’We Gave Workers a Sense of Dignity’ An Interview with Ah Quon McElrath,
Union Social Worker” – Judy Yung
• “Anglo-Saxonizing Machines: Exclusion America, White Australia” – Michael
• “The Anti-Chinese Riot in Tonopah, Nevada, 1903” – Sue Fawn Chung with
Elmer Rusco
• “The 1903 Anti-Chinese Riot in Tonopah, Nevada, from a Chinese Perspective:
Two Letters Published in the Chung Sai Yat Po” – Him Mark Lai (Translator)
• “From Victims to Victors: A Chinese Contribution to American Law, Yick Wo
versus Hopkins” – Laurene Wu McLain
• “Struggle for Identity in the Most Southern Place on Earth: The Chinese in the
Mississippi Delta” – John Thornell

Volume 18, 2004

• “Myths of Creation and the Creation of Myths: Interrogating Chinese Diaspora” –
Li Minghuan
• “The Chinese-Marxist Left, Chinese Students and Scholars in America, and the
New China: Mid-1940s to Mid-1950s” – Him Mark Lai
• “From Studying Abroad to Staying Abroad” – John T. Ma (Translated from
Chinese by Marlon K. Hom)
• “Stranded Scholar from China: The Life of Calvin H. Chen, MD” – John C. Chen
• “The Wenzhouese Community in New York City” – John T. Ma with Him Mark Lai
• “The Quest for Family Stability” – Xiaojian Zhao
• “A Mother’s Dream” – Interviewed, Translated, and Edited by Amy Ming Yan
• “Asparagus Farming, Family Business, and Immigration Sensibility: Sam Chang’s
Life and Writings as a Chinese-American Farmer” – Haiming Liu

Volume 19, 2005

• “Echoes of the Chinese Exclusion Era in Post- 9/11 America” – Erika Lee
• “My Great-Aunt Wen Zhengde” – Laurene Wu McClain
• “Breaking Racial Barriers: Wo Kee Company, A Collaboration between a
Chinese Immigrant and White American in Nineteenth-Century America” – Wen
Zhengde (Edited by Laurene Wu McClain)
• “A Brief Historical Overview of Wen Xiongfei’s Times” – Him Mark Lai
• “Founding of the Chinese Revolutionary League in America” – Wen Xiongfei
(Edited by Him Mark Lai)
• “A Chinese-American Woman’s Plight During the Cultural Revolution” – Wen
Zhengde (Edited by Laurene Wu McClain)
• “Chinese-American Transnationalism Aboard the Love Boat” – Ellen D. Wu

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Chinese Historical Society of America
965 Clay Street, San Francisco, CA 94108
(415) 391-1188 || ||

Volume 20, 2006

• “Fitting in Space: Rose Hum Lee’s Negotiation of Assimilation and Citizenship in
America” – Katherine Ng
• “Getting Out, Left Behind: The Life of a Stranded Chinese Scholar and Her
Daughter” – John C. Chen
• “Ringbarkers and Market Gardeners: A Comparison of the Rural Chinese of New
South Wales and California” – Barry McGowan
• “Historical Notes on Chinese Restaurants in Portland, Maine” – Gary W. Libby
• “Mounting ‘Gold Mountain’: Examining the Exhibitions of Chinese American
Museums” – Marisa Louie
• “My Heart Is Open” – Nguyen Louie

Volume 21, 2007

Special 20th Anniversary Issue: 2005 Chinese American Studies Conference
Proceedings; “Branching Out the Banyan Tree: A Changing Chinese America”

Preface to Volume & Conference Speeches

• Twenty Years of Chinese America: History And Perspectives - Him Mark Lai
• Branching Out the Banyan Tree: A Changing Chinese America - Lorraine Dong, PhD
• Making History (Conference Banquet Tribute to Philip P. Choy and Him Mark Lai) -
Marlon K. Hom, PhD
• Conference Honoree Profiles: Chinese America’s Grand Historians, Philip P. Choy and
Him Mark Lai
• Luncheon Keynote Speeches: Charles B. Reed, EdD; Henry Der
• Banquet Keynote Speaker: Gary Locke, JD

Conference Papers and Summaries

Gender and Family

• Gender & Family Similarities in Given Names of Chinese and Anglo-Saxon Origins -
Emma Woo Louie
• Black Chinese: History, Hybridity, and Home - Wendy Marie Thompson
• My Race, Too, is Queer: Queer Mixed Heritage Chinese Americans Fight for Marriage
Equality - Wei Ming Dariotis, PhD
• Marriage Rights in the Media - Stuart Gaffney
• The Emergence of Chinese American Women
• Contested Childhoods: The Pacific Society for the Suppression of Vice vs. the WHMS
Methodist Oriental Home, 1900-1903 - Jeffrey L. Staley, PhD
• Oral History Workshop - Judy Yung, PhD

• The Chinese Health Agenda: Proposed Strategies for Improving Chinese American
Health and Wellness – Layla R. Hall, MPH and Kent Woo, MSW
• Accommodating Care of Type 2 Diabetes for the Chinese American Family - Christine
M.L. Kwan, PhD, Kevin M. Chun, PhD, and Catherine A. Chesla, RN, DNSC, FAAN
• The Use of Complementary and Alternative Medicine Among Chinese Women with
Breast Cancer - Evaon Wong-Kim, PhD, MPH, MSW

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Chinese Historical Society of America
965 Clay Street, San Francisco, CA 94108
(415) 391-1188 || ||

• The Development of a Community-Based Integrated Health Care system for the San
Francisco Chinese Community - Edward A. Chow, MD, Bernard Lau, L. Eric Leung, MD,
Richard Loos, and Brenda Yee, MSN
• Accessing Cultural Competent Health Education Programs in the Twenty-First Century -
Angela Sun, MPH, Sarah Stearman, RD, and Edward A. Chow, MD

Immigration and Settlement

• Overview and Examples of NARA San Francisco Historical Resources Then and Now,
1975-2005 – Daniel Nealand
• Beyond Black and White: Race, Class, and Chinese Americans in Multiracial Chicago -
Shanshan Lan
• Old Rituals in New Lands - Roberta S. Greenwood, PhD
• The Alien Files or A-Files: The Missing Link
• Rooted in the Americanization Zeal: the San Francisco International Institute, Race, and
Settlement Work, 1918-1939 - Andrew Urban
• Detention at Angel Island: First Empirical Evidence - Robert Barde and Gustavo Bobonis

Political Activism
• Chinese American Political Participation Since the Post-war Period: Critical Studies from
Mainland China [Chinese] - Zhang Yinglong, PhD

Regional History
• Reclaimed Stories: Chinatown, Oakland, California – William Wong
• Driven Out: Roundups and Resistance of the Chinese in Rural California - Jean Pfaelzer
• Return of the “Heathen Chinee”: Stereotypes in Chinese American Archaeology - Kelly
• Activating Legal Protections for Archaeological Remains of Historic Chinatown Sites:
Lessons Learned from Oakland, California - Anna Naruta
• Finding Home Again: The Story of the Chinese Historical and Cultural Project and Its
Efforts to Reclaim the Forgotten Historic Chinatowns of San Jose, California - Rodney
M. Lum, OD
• Forming a Chinese Identity When Everyone Else is Either Black or White - John Jung,
• A Snapshot of the Asian Community in 1930s San Diego - Murray K. Lee
• The Development of Chinese Ethnic Communities in Greater Boston - Shauna Lo

• The History of Two Taoist temples: the Baiyunguan in Shanghai, China and the Bok Kai
in Marysville, California - Joan Mann

Representation: Media, Literature, and the Arts

• Two Critical Points on Chinese Language Literature Overseas [Chinese] - Frank Cheng
• Chinese Language Literature in America: a Historical Development [Chinese] - Maurice
• Dear Mother, I Am Trying My Best to Come to You [Chinese] - Ray Lau
• The Association of Overseas Chinese Language Literature: A Brief Introduction
[Chinese] - Ziyi Liu
• Perspectives on Cultural Attributes and Identities in Overseas Chinese Literature
[Chinese] – Lu Hong
• On Literary Vitality [Chinese] - Zhao Sihong

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Chinese Historical Society of America
965 Clay Street, San Francisco, CA 94108
(415) 391-1188 || ||

• Chinese Language Literature and the Chinese in America: A Shared Historical Destiny
[Chinese]- Zong Ying
• What is Chinese American Art?
• The Visual Dialectics of Golf, Leisure, and Beauty in Eva Fong Chan’s Paintings - Di Yin
• On the Term “Chinese Language” (A Preliminary Manuscript) [Chinese] - Leung Puichee
• Mirrors and Windows: Chinese American Filmmakers”
• Sing Tao Daily’s Overseas Edition and the Globalization of Chinese Language
Newspapers [Chinese] - Joseph Leung
• The Development of Chinese Language Television in Northern California [Chinese] -
Franklin Wu
• More to the Chinese Side: The Ruminations of a Fifth-Generation Chinese American
Filmmaker - William Gow

Transnational Perspectives
• The 1905 Anti-American Boycott As a Transnational Chinese Movement - Jane Leung
• Branching Out: Chinese American Literary Studies in Taiwan - Te-Hsing Shan, PhD
• Motherland and Chinese Diaspora - Da Zheng, PhD
• Chinese Crossing Borders: a Roundtable Comparing Chinese in Canada and the United
• The New Chinese Canadian Historical Society of British Columbia - Edgar Wickberg,
• The Canadian Chinese Exclusion Act and the Veterans Who Overcame It - Larry Wong
• Homeland Origins and Political Identities Among Chinese Americans - Pei-te Lien, PhD
Adaptation and Organization: The History and Heritage of the Chinese in the Riverina
and Western New South Wales, Australia - Barry McGowan, PhD
• Exile between two Continents: Ettie Chin’s War Experiences in China (1937-1944) - Jin
Feng, PhD

Youth & Education

• Youth Empowerment: Employing Opportunities
• Youth Empowerment: Language, Barriers, and Opportunities
• Mainstreaming and Professionalizing Chinese-Language Education: A New Mission for a
New Century - Stella Kwoh, EDD
• An Overview of the Chinese Language Schools in San Francisco [Chinese] - Catherine
• More Than Ninety Years of Bay Area History: Group Homes for Chinese Children

Conference Sessions, Supporters, and Participants


PLEASE NOTE: Volumes from years 1990, 1991, 2002, and 2003 are no longer
available for purchase. CHSA can make copies of articles from these volumes for a
small fee.

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