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Time Series Compressibility and Privacy

Spiros Papadimitriou† Feifei Li‡ George Kollios‡ Philip S. Yu†

† ‡
IBM T.J. Watson Research Center Computer Science Dept., Boston University
Hawthorne, NY, USA Boston, MA, USA
{spapadim,psyu} {lifeifei, gkollios}

ABSTRACT level of uncertainty, which is not useful for individual

In this paper we study the trade-offs between time series buy/sell decisions but still allows mining of trends and
compressibility and partial information hiding and their fun- patterns. How can they ensure that the level of uncer-
damental implications on how we should introduce uncer- tainty is indeed as desired?
tainty about individual values by perturbing them. More (E3) Similarly, a financial institution [43] may not wish to
specifically, if the perturbation does not have the same com- reveal the amounts of individual transactions over time,
pressibility properties as the original data, then it can be while still allowing mining of trends and patterns. How
detected and filtered out, reducing uncertainty. Thus, by can they control the level of uncertainty (or, privacy)
making the perturbation “similar” to the original data, we in the published data and ensure that nothing more
can both preserve the structure of the data better, while can be inferred?
simultaneously making breaches harder. However, as data
Prior work on numerical and categorical data has focused
become more compressible, a fraction of the uncertainty can
on the traditional relational model, where each record is a
be removed if true values are leaked, revealing how they were
tuple with one or more attributes. Existing methods can
perturbed. We formalize these notions, study the above
be broadly classified into two groups and operate either (i)
trade-offs on real data and develop practical schemes which
by direct perturbation of individual attributes separately
strike a good balance and can also be extended for on-the-fly
[4, 3, 18] or of entire records independently [24, 23, 32, 10],
data hiding in a streaming environment.
or (ii) by effectively swapping or concealing values among
a small and appropriately chosen group of “neighboring”
1. INTRODUCTION records [38, 2, 6, 33].
Time series data are prevalent in a wide range of domains Although some of the prior work on relational data has
and applications, such as financial, retail, environmental and considered certain forms of privacy breaches that are possi-
process monitoring, defense and health care. Additionally, ble by exploiting either the global or local structure of the
massive volumes of data from various sources are continu- data [33, 23, 24, 10], the additional aspect of time poses new
ously collected. However, data owners or publishers may not challenges, some of which are related to fundamental proper-
be willing to exactly reveal the true values due to various ties of time series [17]. In particular: (i) Sophisticated filter-
reasons, most notably privacy considerations. A widely em- ing techniques may potentially reduce uncertainty thereby
ployed and accepted approach for partial information hiding breaching privacy; (ii) Time series can be “described” in a
is based on random perturbation [4], which introduces un- large number of ways. In a sense, a univariate time series is
certainty about individual values. Consider the following a single point in a very high-dimensional space [1]—e.g., if
examples: the series has 1000 values, there are many 1000-dimensional
bases to choose from; (iii) Time series characteristics may
(E1) A driver installing a vehicle monitoring system [5, 36] change over time and, in a streaming setting, new patterns
may not wish to reveal his exact speed. How can he, may emerge while old ones change. For example, we cannot
e.g., avoid revealing small violations of the speed limit know about quarterly or annual trends while still collecting
(say, by 3–5 mph) but still allow mining of general the first week of data. Thus, both static, global as well as
driving patterns or detection of excessive speeding? fixed-window analysis are unsuitable.
(E2) A financial services company may wish to provide a In this paper we focus on univariate time series, examine
discounted, lower-quality price ticker with a specific the trade-offs of methods for partial information hiding via
data perturbation, and propose a practical approach that
we evaluate against both filtering attacks and, also, true
Permission to copy without fee all or part of this material is granted provided value leaks. Additionally, our approach is suited for time-
that the copies are not made or distributed for direct commercial advantage, evolving (i.e., non-stationary) series and can be adapted for
the VLDB copyright notice and the title of the publication and its date appear, on-the-fly data hiding in a streaming setting.
and notice is given that copying is by permission of the Very Large Data The main idea is exemplified by two extreme cases, which
Base Endowment. To copy otherwise, or to republish, to post on servers are explained in more detail in Section 3.1. True value leaks
or to redistribute to lists, requires a fee and/or special permission from the reveal the perturbation at particular time instants. If we
publisher, ACM.
VLDB ‘07, September 23-28, 2007, Vienna, Austria. wish to ensure that such information does not help infer
Copyright 2007 VLDB Endowment, ACM 978-1-59593-649-3/07/09. anything about the perturbation of other time instants, then

Sym. Description ibility, as well as the efficiency and effectiveness of our ap-
xt True value at time t, 1 ≤ t ≤ N . proach on real time series.
{xt } Set of all values (i.e., series).
N Number of values (total or so far). The rest of the paper is organized as follows: Section 2
nt Perturbation at time t. briefly explains the necessary background on wavelets and
yt Published value at time t, yt := xt + nt . filtering. Section 3 lays the groundwork on compressibil-
ỹt Reconstruction via filtering. ity and privacy of time series data. Section 4 presents our
ŷt Reconstruction via linear regression. framework for compressible perturbation, in both batch and
wℓ,t Wavelet (aka. detail) coeff. at level ℓ and time t. streaming settings. Section 5 presents the experimental eval-
vℓ,t Scaling (aka. approximation) coeff. at level ℓ and uation and Section 6 discusses broadly related work. After
time t. a brief discussion in Section 7, we conclude in Section 8.
{wℓ,t } Set of all wavelet coefficients.
L Maximum wavelet level, L ≤ log 2 N . 2. BACKGROUND
χk Fourier coefficient. In this section we summarize the necessary background
{χk } Set of all Fourier coefficients. on wavelets and filtering. The main notation is summarized
σ Discord, σ 2 := Var[nt ] = E[n2t ]. in Table 1.
σ̃ Uncertainty after filtering, σ̃ 2 := Var[ỹt − xt ].
σ̂ Uncertainty after regression, σ̂ 2 := Var[ŷt − xt ]. 2.1 Discrete wavelet decomposition
K Number of coefficients with magnitude greater Wavelets are best introduced with the Haar transform,
than σ. because of its simplicity. A more rigorous introduction to
Table 1: Symbols and their descriptions. wavelets along with an introduction to the Fourier transform
can be found, e.g., in [35]. Given a series with N points, we
each time instant must be perturbed independently of oth- define v0,t := xt to start the Haar DWT construction. At
ers. However, if the series exhibit certain patterns, such each iteration, or level ℓ = 1, 2, . . . , log2 N , we perform two
independent perturbation of each value in the time domain operations on vℓ−1,t to compute the coefficients at the next
can be distinguished from the original data and filtered out. level:
On the other hand, ensuring complete protection against
any filtering method requires a perturbation that is com- • Differencing, to extract the high frequencies
√ of vℓ−1,t ,
pletely indistinguishable from the original series. This can which gives the wavelet coefficients wℓ,t = 2(vℓ−1,2t −
be achieved only by making the perturbation a rescaled, ex- vℓ−1,2t−1 ) that form the detail component of level ℓ.
act copy of the data. However, in this case, even a single true • Smoothing, which averages each consecutive pair of
value can reveal how all other values have been perturbed. values and extracts the remaining low frequencies of

In the first case, each time instant is perturbed indepen- vℓ,t , obtaining the scaling coefficients vℓ,t = 2(vℓ−1,2t +
dently, while in the second case all time instants are per- vℓ−1,2t−1 ) that form the smooth component of level ℓ.
turbed in the same way. But what if we perturb groups (or,
windows) of values in the same way within a group, but dif- The scaling factor of 2−1/2 ensures that the total energy (i.e.,
ferently across groups? How should these groups be chosen? sum of squares of all values) is preserved. The coefficients of
Based on this insight, we address these questions using both level ℓ + 1 are half as many as those of ℓ and correspond to
Fourier and wavelet transforms. a time window twice the size. We stop when wℓ,t consists of
one coefficient, which happens at ℓ = log2 N + 1. The total
Contributions. Our main contributions in this paper are number of wavelet coefficients across levels is N − 1.
the following: There are several families wavelet transforms that follow
the above recursive pyramid algorithm, using a pair of fil-
• Expose and study the relationship between data repre- ters, one high-pass and one low-pass. For example, in Haar
sentation, compressibility and partial information hid- wavelets, this pair consists of the simple first-order differ-
ing via perturbation, in the context of time series. encing and averaging filters, respectively. More generally,
• Introduce the notion of compressible perturbation, which for each L ≥ 1, Daubechies-L (or DB-L) wavelets use an
determines how to perturb the data depending on the L-th order difference filter for the high-pass operation and
perturbation magnitude and on the properties of the the corresponding low-pass filter (for more details, see [35]).
data. These filters have 2L non-zero coefficients.

• Examine the trade-off between breaches that exploit Time/frequency decomposition. Figure 1a illustrates how
compressibility via filtering operations and breaches Haar wavelets decompose a series into time and scale. Each
that rely on leaks of true (i.e., unperturbed) values. scale approximately corresponds to a frequency band and
• Present schemes that are based on the Fourier trans- each wavelet coefficient within that band “summarizes” the
form and on wavelets. Our wavelet-based scheme is corresponding frequency content within a localized time win-
also amenable to streaming time series. dow. For comparison, Figure 1b shows a pure-frequency de-
composition. Each coefficient contains information about
These are all challenging issues that are often overlooked a single frequency (sinusoid), but has no time information,
and, even though the present work does not provide theo- since the basis (i.e., sinusoid) for each coefficient is not local-
retical guarantees, it represents an important first step to- ized. In practice, series often exhibit jump discontinuities,
wards a practical framework that addresses these issues. We and frequency shifts. Therefore some localization is neces-
demonstrate the trade-offs between privacy and compress- sary [13]. Short-window Fourier analysis uses DFT on a

(a)Wavelet(Haar) (b)Frequency(DCT) Orignal perturbation After filtering After regression
w1,1 w1,2 w1,3 w1,4 (a1) (a2) (a3)

White noise
Scale (frequency)

w2,1 w2,2

(b1) (b2) (b3)

Rescaled copy

Time Time

Figure 1: Illustration of time-frequency properties.

Figure 2: Illustration of intuition, via two simple,
fixed-size window. This poses limitations on the minimum extreme examples: (a1–3) perturbation most re-
frequencies that can be captured, as well as the localization silient to any true value leaks, and (b1–3) most re-
in time of each coefficient. In a wide range of application do- silient to any linear filtering.
mains, the jointly varying window size and bandwidth make
wavelets well-suited for analysis and representation [13, 29]. perform thresholding is to shrink each retained coefficient
towards zero, rather than keeping them intact. This is also
Streaming estimation. In the above example, note that es- known as soft thresholding and its application to the wavelet
timation of both vℓ,t and wℓ,t requires only the two last scal- representation is known as wavelet shrinkage.
ing coefficients from the previous level, vℓ−1,2t and vℓ−1,2t+1 .
In general, Daubechies-L DWT requires the last 2L scaling 3. PRIVACY AND COMPRESSION
coefficients from the previous level. Thus, it is possible to We first explain the fundamental intuition in Section 3.1,
perform the DWT incrementally as new points arrive, by which exposes the key issues and questions. Subsequently,
buffering only 2L numbers for each of the ℓ ≤ log2 N lev- we address each of those questions in the remainder of this
els. The total time required is still proportional to N , i.e., section and in Section 4.
constant per new value.
3.1 Intuition and motivation
2.2 Compressibility and shrinkage We illustrate the intuition with two extreme cases in Fig-
Because of their time/frequency decomposition proper- ure 2. The original series is shown in dark blue, and consists
ties, wavelets have been successfully used in signal estima- of 200 values. The perturbation added and the published se-
tion and denoising [16, 14]. Our presentation in this section ries are shown in red. The perturbation that remains after
summarizes that of [13]. either a filtering attempt or after true value leaks are shown
Assume that we are given the representation of a time in green.
series with N points in some basis. This representation con- For both extremes we assume that, in the worst case, an
sists of N numbers and can be obtained by applying an attacker may have full knowledge of the true data, but in
orthonormal transform (i.e., change of coordinates in N - different ways. In the first, we allow an attacker direct access
dimensional space) to the original series {xt }N t=1 . Also as- to an arbitrary number of true values (in the time domain).
sume that the noise is i.i.d. (i.e., white) and its variance σ is In the second extreme, we allow the attacker to know the
known. Given the above, the ideal denoiser is simple: coef- shape of the series with arbitrary accuracy (i.e., the attacker
ficients whose magnitude is below σ are discarded as noise, may know the one-dimensional subspace spanned by the se-
otherwise they are retained. Then, the important questions ries itself). We always assume that an attacker uses linear
are: (i) how to choose an appropriate basis, (ii) how to esti- functions/filters to obtain estimates of the true data [23, 28].
mate σ when it is not known, and (iii) what to do with the Figures 2(a1–3) illustrate the perturbation that is resilient
retained coefficients. to any number of true value leaks. In this case, each time
For the first question, we ideally want the basis that com- instant must be perturbed independently of others, in order
presses the signal into the smallest possible number of co- to prevent any inferences across values. This requirement is
efficients or, equivalently, has the largest possible number always satisfied by white noise, i.e., independent, identically
of zero coefficients. This implies that the remaining, non- distributed random values. A realization of a white noise
zero coefficients will have a large magnitude, making them process is shown in the bottom panel of Figure 2(a1). We
easy to distinguish from noise coefficients. Of course, it is add this to the original series and obtain the published se-
not possible to know this optimal representation for a single ries, shown with a red line in the top panel of Figure 2(a1).
series; differently put, the optimal basis for a specific real- The linear regression estimate of the true values versus the
ization of a series is always just the series itself, which is perturbed values is shown in Figure 2(a3). As expected, the
not very useful. Therefore, we want to choose a represen- true values cannot be recovered. However, white noise is
tation that is appropriate for a class of signals. As already also uncorrelated with the original data (no matter what the
mentioned, wavelets successfully compress many real-world data are), leading to the potential vulnerability illustrated
series [13], because of their time/frequency decomposition in Figure 2(a2), which shows the output of a wavelet-based
properties. Thus, they are very often an appropriate choice. filter.
Having chosen wavelets to represent the series, it can be Figures 2(b1–3) illustrate the perturbation that is resilient
shown that the risk-optimal estimate of the noise variance to knowledge of the exact shape of the series. In this case,
is the median over t of the absolute magnitude, |w1,t |, of the perturbation must be completely indistinguishable from
the first-level coefficients [16]. Additionally, the best way to the original series. In other words, it should be perfectly cor-

related with the original series. Clearly, this is guaranteed if The discord threshold is given and determines both the max-
the perturbation is an exact copy of the original series, ex- imal loss of information we are willing to tolerate, as well as
cept for rescaling of all values by the same factor. The result the maximum uncertainty that can be introduced. In fact,
is shown in Figure 2(b1), with the same perturbation mag- these two quantities should be equal and this is precisely our
nitude as in the previous example. As expected, any kind of goal. However, they may not be equal, because an adversary
linear filtering is unable to separate the perturbation from can apply techniques that reduce the uncertainty.
the true series—see Figure 2(b2). However, if even a single Given the discord threshold, we will always fully exploit
true value is leaked, then all true values can be inferred, as all the available perturbation latitude, i.e., our goal will be
illustrated in Figure 2(b3), which shows the linear regression to add a perturbation amount equal to the threshold. Thus,
estimates. from now on, we will not distinguish between the discord
and its threshold, using σ to denote both.
Given the published values yt , for t ≥ 1, an adversary
may attempt to obtain an estimate of the true values, which
may reduce the overall uncertainty. The discord (i.e., un-
certainty originally introduced by the data publisher) is the
standard deviation of the difference between true and pub-
lished values. Similar to this, we will measure the remaining
uncertainty using the standard deviation of the difference
Figure 3: Our goal is to automatically find a pertur-
between true values and the adversary’s estimates. This re-
bation with the same “smoothness” properties as
maining uncertainty is a measure of privacy achieved under
the data, under a broad linear class of series (here,
each attack setting.
signals with compact wavelet representation), while
We shall consider two types of true value estimation at-
simultaneously allowing for enough variation to pre-
tempts, each with different, worst-case assumptions about
vent linear reconstruction from true value leaks.
the available background knowledge. In both cases, we as-
Summarizing, the two extreme assumptions about back- sume that an adversary applies linear functions or filters to
ground knowledge, and the corresponding best choices for obtain an estimate of the true values.
perturbation, as illustrated in Figure 2, are as follows:
knowledge of knowledge of Reconstruction via filtering. The first type relies on linear
an arbitrary number signal’s subspace with filtering methods to separate the perturbation from the true
of true values arbitrary precision
data. The filtering technique we shall employ is described
completely "random" completely "deterministic" in Section 2.2 and has been proven very successful in a wide
range of domains and applications. [16, 14].
An adversary may have a combination of such knowledge,
therefore we need to automatically find a balance between Definition 3 (Filtering uncertainty). Let ỹt be the
fully “deterministic” and fully independent perturbation— result of a linear filtering operation on the published series
see Figure 3 for an example of our technique, where neither yt . The filtering uncertainty is the remaining uncertainty
filtering nor linear estimation based on leaks can remove after this operation, i.e.,
more than 1% of the perturbation. We propose practical
techniques to address this challenge and evaluate them on σ̃ 2 := Var[ỹt − xt ].
a number of real datasets. We give the necessary defini-
tions in Section 3.2 and describe our proposed techniques in In practice, we estimate the standard deviation σ̃ of the fil-
Section 4. ter’s output by applying the filtering operation on a finite
time series consisting of N points and using
P the sample es-
3.2 Measuring privacy timate of the standard deviation, s̃2 := N 2
t=1 (ỹt − xt ) /N .
A common measure of uncertainty is standard deviation, With a slight abuse of notation, we will denote the sample
i.e., root mean square value of a series. We will use standard estimate with σ̃ instead of s̃.
deviation to measure two important aspects: (i) discord be- In this case, an adversary has the background knowledge
tween perturbed and original data, and (ii) remaining uncer- that the signal has a compact representation in some space,
tainty about the true values, after attempts to recover them. and more specifically, that the largest fraction of its energy
We want the discord to be as low as possible and, in partic- is concentrated on a few transform coefficients. This is a
ular, at most equal to a chosen threshold. The utility of the common assumption in signal estimation and recovery [15,
published data drops as the discord increases [20, 27]. On 14], and amounts to a constraint on the “shapes” that the
the other hand, given the discord, we want the remaining, series is allowed to have. All practical applications of signal
“true” uncertainty to be as high as possible, ideally equal to recovery need an assumption about the actual transform.
the discord. Next, we formally define these notions. Wavelet-based techniques have been shown most successful
for a wide range of real-world signals [16], typically perform-
Definition 1 (Additive perturbation). Given a se- ing at least as well as Fourier-based techniques.
ries xt , for t ≥ 1, we choose a corresponding perturbation
series nt with zero mean, E[nt ] = 0, and publish the series Reconstruction from true value leaks. The second type
yt := xt + nt , for all t ≥ 1. of attempt to partially remove the perturbation relies on
Definition 2 (Discord). The discord σ is the stan- true value leaks. By construction yt = xt + nt and, if nt is
dard deviation of the perturbation, i.e., Gaussian white noise, this is precisely the model for least-
squares linear regression. This observation leads naturally
σ 2 := Var[yt − xt ] = Var[nt ] = E[n2t ]. to the next definition.

Definition 4 (Leak uncertainty). Let ŷt be the lin- that are not important in representing the series. Conse-
ear regression estimate obtained by fitting a line to the true quently, a large portion of the white noise can be removed,
vs. perturbed values, i.e., ŷt = αyt +
Pβ where ŷt are chosen leading to a significant decrease in remaining (i.e., true) un-
so as to minimize the residual error t (xt − ŷt )2 . This RMS certainty over individual true values. Our goal is to avoid
error is our measure of true value leak uncertainty, i.e., this problem, by appropriately adapting the perturbation to
the original series.
σ̂ 2 := Var[ŷt − xt ].
4.1 General algorithm
In practice, we need to estimate σ̂ from a finite sample. The
The perturbation nt for each value at time t will be chosen
least-squares estimators of α and β are
based on a given discord σ and, of course, the series {xt }
PN itself. Since (i) it is impossible to design a method that
t=1 (xt − mx )(yt − my )
a := PN , and b := my − amn is optimally resilient against both filtering and leak attacks,
t=1 (xt − mx )
and (ii) filtering is possible at any and all time instants since
where mx = N
P PN it requires no prior knowledge about the true data, we con-
t=1 xt /N and my = t=1 yt /N are the sam-
ple means. The sample estimate of the residual variance is sequently use resilience to filtering as the primary guide in
designing our techniques, but also take leak attacks into con-
ŝ2 := N 2
t=1 (xt − ayt − b) /N . Since a and b are unbiased es-
timators, their expectation over all finite samples is E[a] = α sideration. We evaluate our methods with respect to both
and E[b] = β. potential attacks. The general steps to construct the per-
Leak uncertainty is the minimum error that any linear turbation are:
function can achieve in estimating the true values, even if we (S0) Choose a “description” or basis.
assume that an adversary knows all true values. Therefore,
(S1) Perturb only those coefficients that are “important”
our measure is a worst-case estimate of privacy loss, under
the assumptions that an adversary uses linear estimation (to be made precise later) in the chosen description.
techniques and has access to any number of true values. (S2) Determine by how much to perturb them.
Furthermore, the distribution of N s̃2 /σ̃ 2 is χ2 with N − 2
degrees of freedom [11]. Therefore, even if a small subset of The first step consists of applying an orthonormal transform
M < N samples was used to estimate ŝ, its expectation over which, given the N time domain values xt , for 1 ≤ t ≤ N ,
will produce another set of N coefficients, ci for 1 ≤ i ≤ N .
all leaks of size M would still be E[ŝ2 ] = σ̂ 2 (M −2)/M ≈ σ̂ 2 .
The standard deviation Dev[ŝ2 ] drops quickly, in proportion Let us assume for the moment that we add Gaussian white
to σ̂ 2 /M . Finally, again with a slight abuse of notation, from noise with variance σ 2 . This means that we perturb each
now on we will use σ̂ instead of ŝ. coefficient by a random number c′i drawn from a Gaus-
sian distribution with zero mean and standard deviation σ,
c′i ← GaussRandom(0, σ) for all 1 ≤ i ≤ N . We may think
Utility. For single time series, trends and patterns often of this as allocating N noise “units” (each corresponding
refer to bursts [42] and dominant periods [40]. Such analysis
to a per time instant perturbation of magnitude σ) equally
is largely performed on the spectrum of the signal. Whether
among all N coefficients. In this case, the resulting per-
a perturbation preserves these key properties depends on turbation sequence1 nt for 1 ≤ t ≤ N has the same sta-
(i) how much perturbation is added (i.e., the discord), and tistical properties (i.e., Gaussian white noise with the same
(ii) how the perturbation is added. In most perturbation variance) under any orthonormal basis. Therefore, for i.i.d.
methods, the first is a parameter determined by the end user. Gaussian nt , the choice of representation is not important.
Additionally, both of our perturbation techniques, by design
However, this approach is susceptible to filtering attacks.
preserve the spectral and “smoothness” properties of the
Therefore, we will choose a basis that successfully com-
original signal. Hence, the proposed perturbation techniques presses a large class of time series, in the sense that it con-
will be useful in preserving both privacy and utility of time centrates their energy into few transform coefficients. Recall
series. that the ideal denoiser, given a basis, discards all coefficients
below the (true or estimated) noise variance. Therefore, any
Summary. We consider two potential breaches separately, noise embedded into such coefficients is “wasted,” as it can
with different assumptions about background knowledge. In be easily separated from the dominant coefficients. This
the first case, we assume an adversary knows that the series observation leads to the conclusion that only those coeffi-
has a compact representation in some linear subspace (e.g., cients with magnitude greater than σ are “important” for
few non-zero wavelet or Fourier coefficients). In the second perturbing the data in a way resilient to filtering attacks.
case we assume that an adversary knows any number of true Therefore, instead of allocating the N available noise units
values, in the time domain. In both cases we assume that into all N coefficients, we will allocate them to the set of co-
linear estimation techniques are used. We propose practi- efficients whose magnitude exceeds σ. Let I := {i : |ci | ≥ σ}
cal techniques to address both challenges and we evaluate be the set of their indices. However, in order to ensure that
our techniques under the two different attack models on a Var[nt ] = σ 2 , we need to also change the variance of the
number of real datasets. random number that will be added to each ci , for i ∈ I.
For example, a simple choice would be a random number

4. COMPRESSIBLE PERTURBATION with variance σ ρi to each of them, where K := |I| is the
number of coefficients that exceed σ and ρi :=P N/K is the
As pointed out, the simple solution of perturbing the se-
“noise allocation density.” This ensures that E[ i c′2 i /N ] =
ries with white noise does not work, because white noise is
incompressible under any representation (or basis). As a The sequence {nt } is obtained by applying the inverse
result, the added perturbation is “diluted” over coefficients transform on {c′i }.

E[ i∈I c′2 ′2 2
i ]/N + E[ i6∈I ci ]/N = Kρi σ /N + (N − K) · turb). In more detail, since xt is real-valued, its Fourier
0/N = K(N/K)σ /N + 0 = σ , since each c′i ∈ C is per-
2 2 transform is symmetric, i.e.,
turbed independently. Thus, the expected sample variance (
of the perturbation series will be σ 2 asPdesired. More gen- 1, . . . , (N−1)/2 if N odd
χk+1 = χ∗N−k+1, for k = , (1)
erally, we can choose any ρi such that i ρi = N . 1, . . . , N/2−1 if N even
The general steps (S0–2) are shown in detail below (algo-
rithm CompressiblePerturbation). We will make them where χ∗N−k+1 denotes the complex conjugate of χN−k+1 .
concrete next, in Sections 4.2 and 4.3. The DC coefficient χ1 is always real and equal to the series’
mean. If N is odd (this case is not considered in Fouri-
erPerturb), then χN/2+1 is also real. We ensure that νk ,
Algorithm 1 CompressiblePerturbation ({xt }N t=1 , σ)
1 ≤ k ≤ N , also satisfies the same property (line 5 in Fouri-
0 {ci } ← Transform({xt }) //Transform coefficients erPerturb), so that the perturbation is also real-valued.
1 I ← {i ( : |ci | ≥ σ} //Important w.r.t. σ Because of Equation (1), essentially the first half of the
Importance(ci ) if i ∈ I Fourier transform carries all the necessary information. We
2 ρi ← , for all 1 ≤ i ≤ N compute the square root of per-frequency energy in line 1 of
0 if i 6∈ I
such that i ρi = N FourierPerturb.
P 2 PFrom Equation (1), |χk+1 | = |χN−k+1 |,
for each coefficient ci do so that k pk = t xt (assuming that xt is zero mean).
√ We then use this information to decide which frequencies to
c′i ← GaussRandom(0, σ ρi ) //Perturbation coeffs
{nt } ← InverseTransform({c′i }) //Perturbation perturb.
yt ← xt + nt , for all 1 ≤ t ≤ N //Published series For each frequency that exceeds σ, we choose a complex
Gaussian random number, which perturbs the amplitude
and phase independently, as shown in Figure 4.
4.2 Batch perturbation phase ∆t
In this section, we propose two batch perturbation meth- amplitude a
ods that rely on pure frequency or on time/frequency rep-
resentations of the series. The first is based on the well-
established Fourier representation of the entire, length-N
series. The second is based on the wavelet representation.
First, we study Fourier and wavelet perturbation in a batch νk = a exp(i∆ t/N)
setting. We revisit the wavelet-based scheme in Section 4.3, Figure 4: Illustration of lines 4–5 in FourierPerturb.
adapting it to a streaming setting.
The allocation of “noise units” into the important fre-
Pure frequency perturbation. CompressiblePerturba- quencies is done in proportion to N/K (as explained in
tion using the Fourier representation, which decomposes Section 4.1) as well as in proportion to the energy content
the series into pure sinusoids, is shown in algorithm Fouri- of each perturbed frequency (factor of p2k /P in line 3 of
erPerturb. We denote with χk , for 1 ≤ k ≤ N , the Fourier FourierPerturb). This is the best choice for resilience to
transform of xt , 1 ≤ t ≤ N , and with νk the Fourier trans- filtering attacks, as it tends to concentrate most of the per-
form of the perturbation nt that we want to construct. For turbation into a few dominant frequencies. However, this
simplicity, the pseudocode only shows the case for N odd. If may increase the “regularity” of the perturbation and make
N is even, then the Fourier coefficient χN/2+1 at the Nyquist it somewhat more susceptible to true value leaks. We found
frequency must be treated as a special case. that per-band weighting of the frequencies above the thresh-
old σ (i.e., inclusion of the p2k /P factor in line 3 of Fouri-
Algorithm 2 FourierPerturb ({xt }N erPerturb) has small impact on true value leaks, while in
t=1 , σ)
certain cases significantly reduces resilience to filtering at-
M ← (N − 1)/2 //Case N odd only, due to space tacks. As we shall see later, the wavelet representation does
{χk } ← FFT({xt }) //Fourier transform not suffer from such problems, allowing a simpler decision
for k = √ 1 to M do on how to allocate “noise units”.
1 pk ← 2|χk+1 | //All freqs, except DC (i.e., mean value) Fourier-based perturbation generally performs well for se-
I ← {k : pk ≥ σ} ries dominated by a few frequencies which do not change
K ←P 2|I| //No. of freqs exceeding σ over time. If the series has discontinuities or frequency
2 P ← k∈I p2k shifts, then Fourier may perform worse, because phenom-
ν1 ← 0 //Zero DC coeff for perturbation ena localized in time are spread across frequencies. This
for k = 1 to M do effect would allow a potential attacker to remove more un-
if pk ≥ σ then certainty, roughly in proportion to the magnitude of such
3 ρk ← M (p2k /P ) ` discontinuities (either in time or in frequency) and in in-
√ ´ √ ´
νk+1← GaussRnd 0, σ2 ρk + i GaussRnd 0, σ2 ρk
4 verse proportion to the number of frequencies.

5 νn−k+1 ← νk+1 //Complex conjugate Finally and more importantly, the Fourier transform of a
else growing series cannot be updated incrementally. One poten-
νk+1 and νn−k+1 ← 0 tial solution might be to use the short-time Fourier trans-
{nt } ← InvFFT({νk }) //Inverse FFT (zero DC) form (STFT). As we shall see, a a fixed-size time window
yt ← xt + nt , for all t //Published series is undesirable. Next, we develop a wavelet-based perturba-
Intuitively, each sinusoid is perturbed by randomly chang- tion method. Wavelets decompose the series using multiple
ing its magnitude and phase (lines 4–5 in FourierPer- window sizes and are also amenable to streaming estimation.

Algorithm 3 WaveletPerturb ({xt }N t=1 , σ) delay. We explain this requirement next.
{wℓ,t } ← DWT({xt }) //Wavelet transform (detail coeffs) The Fourier transform needs, by definition, the entire se-
Iℓ ← P {t : |wℓ,t | ≥ σ} and Kℓ ← |Iℓ | for each level ℓ ries which is not possible in a streaming setting. One so-
1 K ← ℓ Kℓ //No. of coeffs exceeding σ lution is to partition the series into fixed-size windows and
ρ ← N/K //Noise “density” apply Fourier on each of them. However, if we use a small
for each detail wℓ,t do window, we cannot capture trends with period larger then
2 if t ∈ Iℓ then //|wℓ,t“| ≥ σ ” the window length. For example, if we use a 5-minute win-
′ √ dow to perturb driving speed, it is still possible to leverage
3 ωℓ,t ← GaussRnd 0, σ ρ hourly or daily driving patterns to reduce uncertainty. If we
else use a large window, then we may have to delay publishing

4 ωℓ,t ←0 the data until the window is filled up, so we can analyze it

{nt } ← InvDWT({ωℓ,t }) //Inverse DWT (zero smooths) and perturb it. Alternatively, we could use the frequencies
yt ← xt + nt , for all t //Published series from the previous window to perturb the current one. How-
ever, if the window is large, it may not capture trends that
have substantially changed in the new window. For exam-
Time/frequency perturbation. CompressiblePerturba- ple, a car might have been on the highway driving with a
tion using the wavelet transform is shown in algorithm constant speed during the last hour, but has now entered a
WaveletPerturb. We denote wℓ,t and ωℓ,t ′
the wavelet city and is in stop-and-go traffic. If we use a single one-hour
coefficients of the data xt and of the perturbation nt , respec- window, the perturbation will follow the wrong trends.
tively. WaveletPerturb follows the same general design of Thus, the time/frequency decomposition of wavelets, which
Section 4.1. In fact, wavelet coefficients are always real num- use multiple windows proportional to the period is desirable.
bers and the procedure is simpler and more intuitive than In this case, we would use the information of the last, e.g.,
FourierPerturb. We allocate “noise units” only to those 5 minutes to decide if and how to perturb patterns up to 5
coefficients that exceed σ in absolute value. The perturba- minutes long, during the next 5 minutes. However, we use
tion is allocated equally among them, i.e., only in proportion the information of the last 10 minutes to make the same
to N/K, and not in proportion to per-coefficient or per-level decision for smoother, longer patterns (up to 10 minutes)
energy. This simple choice makes the perturbation more re- during the next 10 minutes, and so on. Steps (S1–2) in the
silient to true value leaks. Unlike FourierPerturb, this general algorithm (see Section 4.1) need to be re-examined
does not sacrifice resilience to filtering attacks in practice, in a streaming context.
because time-localized phenomena do not lead to smearing l=1
of energy across wavelet coefficients.
Wavelets have been successful in a wide range of settings l=2
[29] and are more resilient to changes in series’ characteris- l=3
tics. They decompose the series into translated and dilated,
localized waves at multiple scales, which correspond to a
particular time and frequency window. Short windows are Figure 5: Order of incremental estimation: post-
employed for high frequencies (i.e., short periods) and longer order traversal of wavelet coefficient tree.
windows for lower frequencies (i.e., longer periods)—see Fig-
ure 1. Revisiting step (S1). If we want to make an exact decision
The localization of bases in time has the additional desir- whether to perturb a coefficient wℓ,t based on its actual mag-
able characteristic that, intuitively, each period is perturbed nitude (lines 2 and 3–4 in WaveletPerturb), then we have
independently of others. For example, assume that by fol- to wait time proportional to 2ℓ for coefficients at level ℓ. In
lowing an automobile, we learn its true speed over a period of order to perform the inverse wavelet transform to publish a
15 minutes. However, if periodic trends shorter than 15 min- value, we need to wait for all coefficients across all levels that
utes are perturbed independently, our collected true values may affect its value. However, since the series size N grows
can tell us nothing about the future perturbation at scales indefinitely, so does the number of levels L = O(log N ),
of up to 15 minutes. For periodic trends in the next scale of which implies an indefinite publication delay.
30 minutes, perhaps the information learned will be useful We can impose a maximum delay (equivalently, a maxi-
for another 15 minutes but not longer, and so on for scales mum level we are willing to wait for), but that is effectively
of 60 minutes, etc. the same as using a fixed-length window. Instead, we embed
Finally, the DWT can be computed in O(N ) time, as op- the noise into the next coefficient of the same level, i.e., we
posed to O(N log N ) time required by FFT [35]. Thus, even ′
use ωℓ,t+1 ′
instead of ωℓ,t in lines 3 and 4. Said differently,
in a batch setting, it is computationally more efficient. Fur- the important coefficients in step (S1) are chosen based on
thermore, wavelets can be estimated incrementally, using the magnitude of previous coefficient in the same frequency
only O(log N ) total space and O(1) amortized time per value band. For example, in Figure 5 the first coefficients of each
(see Section 2.1). From now on we focus on wavelets, since level (darker shade) won’t be perturbed, whereas the deci-
they have several desirable benefits. sion on whether to perturb the lightly shaded coefficients
will be based upon the previous (darker) coefficient on the
4.3 Streaming perturbation same level.
Our goal is to choose an effective perturbation that is This simple one-step prediction is effective, since we are
hard to remove, but we want to perturb values as they ar- only interested in predicting whether a coefficient exceeds
rive, before seeing the entire series, which grows indefinitely. σ, rather than its exact value. More specifically, periodic
Furthermore, we want to minimize or eliminate publishing trends result in uniformly large coefficients at the corre-

Dataset Description intensity measurements collected using a Berkeley Mote at
Light Environmental sensor light intensities. a particular location in a lab. These measurements exhibit
Chlorine Chlorine concentration in drinkable water. strong daily periodic trends. However, the trends’ shape is
SP500 Standard & Poor’s 500 stock index. non-sinusoidal, with many sharp edges and discontinuities.
Table 2: Summary of datasets. The SP500 dataset contains the daily values of the Standards
& Poors 500 stock market index, over a period of approx-
sponding wavelet level. Bursts also tend to affect more than imately 60 years. Even though the frequency content over
one consecutive coefficient—if not, that is the only case we such a long period is concentrated on few frequencies, there
may “miss.” However, such very short bursts generally oc- several above σ.
cur at small scales and can often be ignored.
Setup. Our prototype is built in Matlab 7, running on a
Revisiting step (S2). The number K of coefficients exceed- Pentium M 2GHz with 2GB memory. We use the Wavelet
ing σ (lines 1 of WaveletPerturb) is not available at the Toolbox for batch wavelet transforms, as well as for wavelet
time we need to make a decision about how to perturb the denoising (SureShrink [16], with DB-4 wavelets and the rig-
data. This quantity is needed to determine ρ := N/K. Our orous version of single-level noise estimation). We perform
approach is to substitute these with incremental estimates. one experimental run for several different values of the dis-
Therefore, whenever a new wavelet coefficient wℓ,t for any ℓ cord σ, ranging from 5% to 40% of the total series standard
and t is produced, we update our estimate of ρ as follows: deviation, at steps of 5%. For each experiment and for each
method, we run ten perturbation trials. Each trial produces
N ← N +1 a different random perturbation. Our baseline method is
if |wℓ,t | ≥ σ then white noise (i.i.d. Gaussian random perturbation) and we in-
K ←K+1 clude (i) batch wavelet perturbation (DWT), (ii) its stream-
ρ ← λρ + (1 − λ)(N/K) ing version (Streaming DWT), and (iii) Fourier perturbation
The order in which wavelet coefficients are incrementally (FFT, comparing two noise allocation schemes—all figures
computed is shown in Figure 5. This is the order in which are with per-band weighting as in FourierPerturb, line 3,
the running counters N and K are updated. The decay unless otherwise noted).
factor λ = 0.9 is meant to prevent excessive fluctuations,
particularly in the beginning of the series, when both N Uncertainty reduction. First we examine how much un-
and K are relatively small. The inverse wavelet transform certainty can be removed by either a filtering or a true value
can be performed incrementally in a fashion similar to the leak attack on data perturbed with each method. In partic-
forward transform. ular, we examine the fraction of uncertainty removed, i.e.,
f˜(σ) := (σ − σ̃)/σ and fˆ(σ) := (σ − σ̂)/σ,
Lemma 1 (Incremental inverse DWT). The inverse
DWT can be computed incrementally in O(1) time per value, for several different values of the discord σ (ranging from 5%
using O(log N ) space. to 40%). We estimate both the maximum (i.e., worst-case
value) and average of f˜ and fˆ across the ten perturbation
Proof. (Sketch) The forward transform can be performed
trials in each experiment.
incrementally because it is a post-order traversal of the co-
Figure 6 shows the percent of uncertainty removed by fil-
efficient tree (see Figure 5). The inverse transform is a pre-
tering, for each of the methods: (i) filtering and leak attack
order traversal of the same tree.
reduction for the batch wavelet method (first two bars from
left, dark blue and blue); (ii) filtering and leak reduction
5. EXPERIMENTAL EVALUATION for the streaming wavelet method (next two bars, light blue
and cyan); (iii) filtering and leak reduction for the Fourier
Datasets. We evaluate our methods on several series from method (always batch, next two bars, light green and or-
the UCR Time Series Data Mining Archive (TSDMA) [26], ange); and (iv) filtering and leak reduction for white noise
which range from environmental monitoring to financial data, (last two bars to the right, red and brown).
with a wide variety of characteristics—see Table 2 for a sum- Note that, by construction, true value leaks do not help
mary of the datasets. All datasets are normalized to unit reconstruct values perturbed with white noise (even though
variance to standardize comparisons. The length of Light not visible, all bars are zero). However, filtering can very
and Chlorine is 2048 and of SP500 it is 16384—the choice of successfully remove from 20–30% of the perturbation (for
powers of two is without loss of generality, to simplify im- Light) up to almost 90% (for SP500). Thus, the need to
plementation. Chlorine is collected using a EPANET 2.02 take into account the characteristics of the series by using
that accurately simulates the hydraulic and chemical phe- an appropriate, concise description is clear.
nomena within drinking water distribution systems, given a Having established this, we observe that all three of our
realistic description of the network, demand patterns, pres- proposed methods perform similarly. The streaming, wavelet
sures and flows at each node. The time series represents perturbation method performs slightly better than the other
the chlorine concentration level at one junction in the net- two in some occasions. The reason is that it may initially
work. The content of these measurements is concentrated overestimate the “density” ρ = N/K, particularly for series
on a few frequencies, which do not change over time, and that have a large number of coefficients below the discord σ.
the remaining frequencies have almost-zero (i.e., below σ) This results in adding slightly more noise which, however,
content across time . The Light dataset consists of light was never beyond 1-3% more than desired. Fourier pertur-
bation may perform somewhat worse on certain data. How-
2 ever, as we shall see in the discussion later, it may exhibit

Chlorine(avg) Light(avg) SP50(avg)

80 50 100

% noise removed

% noise removed

% noise removed
60 40
40 50
20 10
0 0 0
40 40 40
35 35 35
30 IID (leak) 30 IID (leak) 30 IID (leak)
25 IID
IID (filter)
( 25 IID
IID (filter)
( 25 IID
IID (filter)
FF FFT (fil leak)
T ((leak) 20 FF IID
FF FFT (fil leak)
T ((leak) 20 FF IID
FF FFT (fil leak)
T ((leak)
σ( tr. DFFT
SStr. T ((filter)lea ter) σ( tr. DFFT
SStr. T ((filter)lea ter) σ( tr. DFFT
SStr. lea ter)
T ( (filter)
%) 15 10 SStr.
t r DWT
DWT filt(leak)
(filter)e k) %) 15 10 SStr.
t r DWT
DWT filt(leak)
(filter)e k) %) 15
10 SStr.
t r DWT
DWT filt(leak)
(filter) k)
5 WT .(leak)
5 WT .(leak)
WT . (leak)
WT (filter) (le WT (filter) (le σ (%) DWT (lea
σ (%) ( T
(filt leak) (filter ak)
σ (%) ( T
(filt leak) (filter ak) T ( (filter)
(le T
er) ) er) ) filte ak) (filter) k)

(a1) Chlorine, average (a2) Light, average (a3) SP500, average

Chlorine(max) Light(max) SP50(max)

80 50 100
% noise removed

% noise removed

% noise removed
60 40
40 50
20 10
0 0 0
40 40 40
35 35 35
30 IID (leak) 30 IID (leak) 30 IID (leak)
25 IID
IID (filter)
( 25 IID
IID (filter)
( 25 IID
IID (filter)
FF FFT (fil leak)
T ((leak) 20 FF IID
FF FFT (fil leak)
T ((leak) 20 FF IID
FF FFT (fil leak)
T ((leak)
σ( tr. DFFT
SStr. T ((filter) lea ter) σ( tr. DFFT
SStr. T ((filter) lea ter) σ( tr. DFFT
SStr. T ( (filter)lea ter)
%) 15 10 SStr.
t DWT f il (leak)
t er) k) %) 15 10 SStr.
t DWT f il (leak)
t er) k) %) 15 SStr.
t DWT f il t(leak)
er) k)
WT r.(leak)
T 5
WT r.(leak)W
5 DW
WT r. (leak)
DW WT(filter)
WT (filter) (le WT (filter) (le σ (%) DWT (lea
σ (%) ( T
(filt leak) (filter ak)
σ (%) ( T
(filt leak) (filter ak) T ( (filter)
(le T
er) ) er) ) filte ak) (filter) k)

(b1) Chlorine, maximum (b2) Light, maximum (b3) SP500, maximum

Figure 6: Percent uncertainty removed.
Chlorine(avg) Light(avg) SP50(avg)
40 40 40
35 Str. DWT 35 Str. DWT 35 Str. DWT
30 IID 30 IID 30 IID
remaining (%)

remaining (%)

remaining (%)
25 25 25

20 20 20

15 15 15

10 10 10

5 5 5

0 0 0
5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40
discord σ (%) discord σ (%) discord σ (%)

(a1) Chlorine, average (a2) Light, average (a3) SP500, average

Chlorine(max) Light(max) SP50(max)
40 40 40
35 Str. DWT 35 Str. DWT 35 Str. DWT
30 IID 30 IID 30 IID
remaining (%)

remaining (%)

remaining (%)

25 25 25

20 20 20

15 15 15

10 10 10

5 5 5

0 0 0
5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40
discord σ (%) discord σ (%) discord σ (%)

(b1) Chlorine, maximum (b2) Light, maximum (b3) SP500, maximum

Figure 7: “True” remaining uncertainty after both attacks.
sensitivity to certain data characteristics and, in particular, where f˜(σ) and fˆ(σ) are estimated over ten trials, as ex-
the presence of sharp discontinuities. Overall, however, all plained before.
three of our methods perform well on a wide variety of series Figure 7 shows the remaining uncertainty for all different
and stay close to the optimal (the diagonal in Figure 7). methods. The axis diagonal, which represents the ideal case
Finally, for wavelet-based perturbation, the average and (i.e., remaining uncertainty equal to the discord) is plotted
maximum uncertainty reduction are closer to each other. In with a light gray, dashed line. The closer a method lies to
some cases the discrepancy between the two is larger for this line, the better its overall performance.
Fourier. Thus, even though all three methods have simi- First, it is clear in these plots as well that white noise per-
lar average behavior, wavelets have more consistent perfor- forms very poorly, allowing a very large reduction of uncer-
mance. tainty. All three of our proposed methods perform similarly.
In Light, which exhibits sharp discontinuities, the largest
True uncertainty. In order to measure the uncertainty u(σ) fraction of the energy concentrated on daily and half-daily
that remains after attempted attacks of any type, we also periods. Most of the remaining energy is smeared across fre-
show the fraction of the perturbation that remains in the quencies, due to the frequent jumps. Thus, this concentra-
worst case (i.e., after the most successful of the two attacks). tion of energy on a few frequencies allows somewhat larger
In particular, uncertainty reduction via leaks, due to the regularity of the
u(σ) := min σ(1 − f˜(σ)), σ(1 − fˆ(σ)) ,
˘ ¯

Light(avg,per-bandalloc.) Light(avg,equalalloc.)

40 40
Summary. Our experimental evaluation clearly shows that
white noise is insufficient for effective perturbation, particu-
% noise removed

% noise removed
30 30
larly under the filtering attacks which are our primary con-
20 20
cern. Thus, it is necessary to take the structure of the data
10 10
into consideration, by seeking an effective, concise descrip-
0 0 tion of real data. We propose three methods which perform
40 40
similarly on average. More specifically, for series with stable
20 σ(
20 spectral content limited to a small number of frequencies, all
%) 15 FFFT %) 15 FFFT
σ (%)
WT T(leak)
FT (leak)
F (filter)
(f leak σ (%)
WT T(leak)
FT (leak)
F (filter)
(f leak
methods perform similarly. If the spectral content changes,
5 (lea ilter) )
WT (filter) 5 (lea ilter) )
WT (filter)
er) k)
er) k) then Fourier performs well on average but is less consistent
(a) Light, per-band (b) Light, equal overall. Our perturbation method that uses time/frequency
wavelet analysis performs as well as or better than Fourier
Figure 8: Noise allocation for Light—see Figure 10. and is also suitable for streaming estimation.
Noise unit allocation. In this section we compare (i) noise
allocation in proportion to frequency band energy, and (ii) 6. RELATED WORK
equal allocation. We perform the comparison for both Fourier Privacy preserving data mining was first proposed in [4]
and wavelet perturbation. By default, FourierPerturb and, simultaneously, in [31]. Various privacy techniques
as presented uses per-band allocation. Changing line 3 to have been proposed since, which apply to the traditional re-
ρk ← N/K and ignoring the p2k /P factor is the modification lational model can be broadly classified into methods based
necessary to do equal allocation. On the other hand, the de- on secure multiparty computation (SMC) [31, 39] and into
fault for WaveletPerturb is equal allocation. To change methods based on partial information hiding. The latter
it into per-band
P allocation, we first estimate the level
P en- can be further subdivided into data perturbation [4, 3, 18,
ergy, pℓ ← t∈Iℓ wℓ,t , and the total energy, P ← ℓ pℓ . 24, 23, 32, 10, 28] and k-anonymity [38, 2, 33, 27, 41, 6]
From these we estimate ρℓ ← (pℓ /P ) · (N/Kℓ ) and then use methods.
ρℓ instead of ρ in line 3 of WaveletPerturb. Figures 8 Wavelets have been succesfully applied on a wide variety
and 10 show the comparison of allocation schemes on the of data mining or data summarization applications [22, 34,
two most representative datasets. The evaluation justifies 8, 30, 21, 25]—see [29] for a comprehensive survey. Thus,
the default allocation schemes for each algorithm and shows the ability of wavelets to succinctly describe data in several
they are in line with our design principle: make the simplest application domains and their effectiveness in practice as a
choice that is resilient to filtering attacks, while also keeping general analysis tool is well-established.
true value leak attacks in check. The work of [24] and [23] also use a linear transformation
On Chlorine, which consists mainly of a few, unchang- to detect patterns in the data and, consequently, leverage
ing frequencies, Fourier perturbation performs similarly un- them to add noise that is hard to remove. In particular,
der both allocation schemes—see Figure 10(a1–2). How- they use principal components analysis (PCA) on a static,
ever, Light has a dominant daily trend but also a large relational table with n numerical attributes and obtain a
number of discontinuities that are smeared across frequen- rank-k, k < n, approximation of its covariance matrix. This
cies. Thus, with equal allocation, Fourier “wastes” too much covariance is used to perturb each tuple with noise that has
noise units on those frequencies and this can be effectively the same correlation among attributes. Even though [23]
detected and removed by filtering—see Figure 10(b2). With mentions the potential of using the auto-covariance for per-
per-frequency allocation, Fourier performs acceptably, on turbation, it does not propose a solution. The work in [28]
average. However, its performance is less stable than the has extended the discussion into streaming data to deal with
wavelet perturbation, as is evident in Figure 7(b2) which dynamic correlation and auto-correlation exhibited by mul-
shows worst-case measurements. Overall, wavelets perform tiple data streams. However, it does not consider connec-
at least as well as Fourier, in a more consistent fashion due tions between privacy and compressibility, nor does it take
to their time-localization properties. into account true value leaks. Furthermore, the perturba-
tion and reconstruction techniques in [28] do not employ
0.07 multi-scale analysis, but rather rely on simple fixed-window
0.06 techniques.
0.05 Among other work on privacy, ℓ-diversity [33] and person-
Time (sec)

0.04 alized privacy [41] are similar in spirit to our work, in the
0.03 sense that they point out potential privacy breaches that
0.02 exploit certain structure of the data. For example, among
0.01 several aspects studied, both [33] and [41] point out that if
0 5000 10000 15000
all k tuples with the same generalized quasi-identifier are as-
No. of values (N) sociated with the same sensitive value, the privacy of these
Figure 9: Scalability w.r.t. number of values. tuples is compromised. This homogeneity attack [33] may
be viewed as a very specific case of compressibility: the dis-
Scalability. Figure 9 verifies that the wavelet perturbation tribution of the sensitive values for this set of k tuples has
scheme scales linearly with respect to time series stream size. zero variance. Both [33] and [41] make a number of im-
Even though our prototype is implemented in Matlab, the portant observations. However, none of them addresses the
average processing time per value is approximately 35µsec, challenges posed by the aspect of time.
when the stream size is large enough to compensate for ini- More generally, recent work has begun to realize that,
tialization overheads. when the entire collection of values is considered as a sin-

Chlorine(avg,per-bandallocation) Chlorine(avg,equalallocation) Light(avg,per-bandallocation) Light(avg,equalallocation)
40 40 40 40
30 IID 30 IID 30 IID 30 IID
remaining (%)

remaining (%)

remaining (%)

remaining (%)
20 20 20 20

10 10 10 10

0 0 0 0
5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40
discord σ (%) discord σ (%) discord σ (%) discord σ (%)

(a1) Chlorine, per-band (a2) Chlorine, equal (b1) Light, per-band (b2) Light, equal
Figure 10: Noise allocation: per-band weighting versus equal allocation.
gle data object, any regularity or structure that is present We consider two potential breaches, with different as-
may lead to potential privacy breaches. In this paper we sumptions about background knowledge, each of which cap-
address these challenges for time series data. We consider tures situations that may arise in practice. In particular,
filtering attacks as well as true value leaks and we propose the first set of assumptions is most common in signal esti-
a practical, effective method that automatically strikes an mation and recovery applications, and essentially imposes
appropriate balance between the two. When the number of either “global smoothness” constraints (via the background
attributes becomes very high, the well-known dimensional- assumption of compact representation in the frequency do-
ity curse [1] poses additional challenges for privacy. In our main) or “local smoothness” constraints (via the assumption
context, a univariate time series is a single point in a very of compact representation in the wavelet domain). The sec-
high-dimensional space (and in a streaming setting, the di- ond set of assumptions deals with true value leaks and efforts
mension increases indefinitely) and the challenges faced are for linear estimation of other true values, based on those that
even harder. were leaked. In this case we take the worst-case view that
A different model of interactive privacy, similar in spirit to an arbitrary number of true values may be leaked. Our leak
that of [12], has been proposed in a series of papers, includ- uncertainty is a statistical measure of the maximum possible
ing [7, 19]. In contrast to the non-interactive model, where loss of privacy under these assumptions.
the dataset itself is perturbed, the interactive model adds a In the present paper, we focus on practical aspects and we
perturbation to the outputs of arbitrary aggregate queries extensively evaluate our methods under both attack models,
over the dataset. This thread of work provides an important demonstrating that both are important in practice. In ad-
theoretical analysis on privacy, under certain assumptions. dition, our experimental evaluation presents both average-
First, the weak form of independence assumption made by case results, in Figures 6(a1–3) and Figures 7(a1–3), as well
[7] may be reasonable for datasets with millions or billions of as worst-case results, in Figures 6(b1–3) and Figures 7(b1–
tuples (e.g., a global census database, where we may assume 3). Average-case results are important to judge the overall
that an adversary’s belief about my age is largely indepen- behavior of a technique, but worst-case results more accu-
dent of their belief about my parent’s age). However, in rately reflect what may happen on a particular publication
ordered data, such as time series, this assumption may be instance of one dataset. Perhaps because of the challenges in
problematic. proving meaningful statements in the latter case, the worst
The work on watermarking numeric data streams [37] case has been largely overlooked. Our evaluation demon-
faced similar challenges as we do, i.e., how to inject digi- strates the practical robustness of our techniques on a num-
tal watermarks into continuously arriving data tuples in a ber of datasets.
streaming fashion, while maintaining high resilience under In general, filtering attacks based on background knowl-
various attacks. However, watermarking has a different goal edge about the “smoothness” properties of the data are the
and considers different types of attacks. In particular, it is most important in practice. This is clear in all cases of
generally assumed that all of the original data (or, at least, Figure 6, where between 50–90% of an i.i.d. perturbation
a large fraction thereof) are available, so the “noise” com- may be removed. Among the two classes of smoothness
ponent of watermarked data can be exactly recovered and assumptions an adversary may make (global, via Fourier,
subsequently analyzed to verify the presence of a watermark. or localized at multiple scales, via wavelets), wavelet-based
Finally, in the field of statistical signal processing, the techniques perform at least as well as Fourier-based tech-
notion of compressed sensing [15, 9] has recently emerged, niques. Only for Chlorine with smaller perturbation magni-
building upon previous fundamental results in signal esti- tudes, the Fourier-based technique performs slightly better.
mation and recovery [17, 16], and it is partly related to our However, Fourier-based global analysis is not suitable for
work. Traditional signal recovery assumes that a time series streaming publication of the data. Furthermore, for datasets
has a concise representation in some space and examines the with both strong periodic components as well as local dis-
relationship between reconstruction accuracy versus number continuities, such as Light, Fourier-based perturbation tends
of observed samples. Compressed sensing generalized these to concentrate on a few frequencies, resulting in regularities
results from individual sample observations to arbitrary ob- that may be exploited by true value leaks, as illustrated in
served functionals on the signal (such as the total energy, Figure 6(b2).
or the averages of neighboring values, etc). However, this In summary, we focus on two novel aspects of partial in-
work does not address issues that arise in partial information formation hiding and privacy. We consider two real-world
hiding. scenarios, design robust and practical techniques which are
also suitable for a streaming setting. For each aspect, we
evaluate our techniques extensively on real data. A challeng-

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