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Birthday Shout outs!

By Casey Corcoran
From now on I am going to give a
shout out to everybodys birthday if
it is during camp! I will also include
a special note to that person! Today I
want to give two shout outs to Claire
and Ryan Kane!
Special note to Ryan:

Volume 45, Issue 11B

Editors note: We love Claire so much!!
Happy Birthday Claire!
By Sophie Biro
Though there is probably another Claire Robertson in the world that
has the same birthday, she is probably not even close to as cool as Claire is.
I met Claire when I was eight and she was a first year CIT. Now I am 11 and
she is a counselor, but we still are best friends. Claire is a great counselor, and
great sister, a great friend, a great writer, a great photographer, and so, so, so
much more.

Dear Ryan,
Ryan I know you fairly well and
I enjoy advice column topics and
your jokes too. Keep up the good
creativity and laughter and have a
great tenth year.
-Casey Corcoran
Dear Claire,
I know that you have no idea of
who I am but here is the note: I have
never met you but you seem like a
cheerful and great CIT. I have seen
you talking to people and you are
very nice. Have a great 16th year,
-Casey Corcoran
Thats all the birthdays today! Happy
Birthday Ryan and Claire.

The Eleven Lives Of Claire: Live One

By Sophie Biro
Last year I did the eight lives of Walker last year, so now Im doing the eleven lives of Claire. Today is the first life.
Claire was born on August 6, 2014, at the Hospital Of Zookeepers. Thats right she was a zookeeper! She was born
into it. Every single family member she had was one, so she was destined to me one. At the ae of three she fed her first lion,
and by the time she was 10 she was certified to run a zoo. So she bought a mall (yes, and mall) and turned all of the shops
except for one (which was the souvenir shop) into a habitat. Then she made the habitats added signs, got the animals, and
within a year, the first ever mall zoo was up and running. It was a great success. Customers came anywhere from Australia,
to London, to China. This zoo was something new and exciting. Anyways, Claire got a lot of money from it, which she used
to buy a giant Mansion. She then found that she was ready for a big change in her life marriage. She and Sam got married
on October 26, 2038. She met Sam through her zoo, so there wedding was animal heaven! The flower girl was a bunny,
the ring bearer was a cow, and there was horseback riding late until the night. Sam and Claire owned the zoo happily for a
few years, and they decided they needed more workers. So they has Quintuplets, three boys (two were identical, one looked
nothing like them) and two girls (who looked kind of alike, but one was much taller). The boys names were Clark (in honor
of Claire) Billy (in honor of the billy goat) and Grant (in honor of the grain that they fed the animals). The boys were named
Samantha (in honor of Sam) and Maple (because maple sugar was loved by the horses). By the time the kids could walk
and talk, they were employed and already finding their love for animals. As the animals grew up, so did the kids. As the first
animal had to leave the zoo, many more were born. Soon, all the kids 10 and were hired to work full time (they had done all
the schooling, including college, in the first 10 years) and all of them were running a habitat (or ten). Maple loved fish, so
they added in an aquarium. Everything was going well until a lion escaped. Claire sacrificed herself to save everyone else
in the zoo. Her gravestone reads More than a mom of five. She had about 600 kids. All the animals in the world. Rest in
peace Claire. You wont have to long, because you are about to live again

Dumb Questions #1 Part 2

By The Dumbinator

Help! Im Melting!
(From the heat. Im not the wicked witch.)
Hannah Rosenberg

Wow. Its the first Dumb
Questions and there are so many
question we needed to split it
into two parts! Unbelievable.
Well, lets get to it!

I have been in the barn four times
so far. The downstairs, where they make the
props and have the Parade class, is nice and
cool from the breeze coming in. There might
even be a fan. In the attic of the barn, where
I go, though, it is about 99 degrees. Theres
no breeze, or fan. Actually, theres no air
circulation at all. The barn attic, which is
full of clothes, shoes, costumes and a couple
of props, is a very fun place to be in. But if
youre in there for a while, make sure you
have some water handy. Heck, Im getting
hot and sweaty just thinking about going up
there. Its fun, but hot. Cant we even have
a fan? There may not be an outlet, but still.
Help us out.
Why are ya hating on the textiles department?
Please. Its too hot up there.

Why u got to be so rude? Magic

Why u got to be so askey about
why I be so rudey?
If Im hungry what should you
Give you a cheeseburger
Do you know the muffin man?
guy who lives on Drury lane
Well I like muffins, and I like
men. So.
What should you do if your crush
has called the cops on you 2
times, is this a good sign?
Its not a good sign because it
probably means youre breaking
the law but if you want to stop
getting the cops called on you,
break up with your current crush
and get a new one.
I like pie what about u! What is
your name?
I only like certain kinds of pie.
And my name is the Dumbinator.
Am I single?
By asking



question answered? Then leave
us a question in Dumb Questions
located in the Activity Center
hallway along with The Random
Cherry and Ask Bunnytail. And
for those of you that wanted to
leave a question but couldnt
because there was no pen, sorry.
Someone stole it, and there is
a replacement to come soon.
Adios tacos!

Sharknado 2: The Review

By Lindsey
Hey CRCAP!! Over the weekend, I was flipping through channels on my
TV when I came upon The Sharknado sequel. Me, being a fan of sharks, watched
it. It was so bad it was GOOD. The plot was basically the survival of New York
City citizens during the terror of a tornado that sucked up sharks from the ocean and
rained them down upon the city. Before I enter extreme detail about this madness I
have to explain what a Sharknado is.
A sharknado is the event of a water tornado that starts on the coast of a
continent and simultaneously picking up sharks. The water inside the tornado allows
the sharks to thrive, making this natural disaster, along with the flooding that occurs,
one of the worst of all time. The movie focuses on three groups of survivors: The
girls that went on a trip to see the statue of liberty, and the group of boys (and one
girl) that went to a Mets game that ended horribly wrong. The third survivor group
is actually one person, a woman named April. She was in the hospital recovering
from her arm surgery when she heard about the Sharknado and snuck out. She runs
through the city and eventually finds the boy group of survivors. The perspective
flips between the girls and the boys, and occasionally April. The boys spend most of
the movie gathering supplies to build a bomb that they will throw into the tornado
while the girls try to escape from the sharks.
It was a pretty good movie, but the sharks looked wayyy too fake. It was
hilarious if you arent afraid of stuff like this. Its ridiculous how stupid these people
are. The weapon of choice in this movie is obviously chainsaws. And baseball bats.
Anyway, if you want to watch a horror flick thats so bad its a comedy, watch this.
Thanks for reading!

Doodle Cats
By Nina Mew
Doodle cats have gotten a note reading Hi! We are very
gleeful that this note has reached us but what cat is it? If
you wrote the note please either ignore it or kindly put
in the cat you want.
KATIE PREDOLLA please check your locker for your
Doodle Cat!
REMINDER: If you want a Doodle cat please follow
these instructions:
1.) Get a piece of paper and pen from the Doodle cats
requests station outside the Old building upstairs writing
room (where the daily double is).
2.) Write a request like this:
Doodle Cat(s) you want:
Your Name (Full please):
Your Locker Number And Place Where It Is (Grammar
is gone in Doodle Cat Land By the way):
What a Doodle Cat Is:
A fan cat. (Like a character from anywhere turned into a
cat with the characters features.)

By Ciara B
Great fun exciting joy
Class period fun six different
I hate when it ends

Hump Day
By Claudia Schmidt
Today is HUMP DAY!!!!!! We all think of hump day as
a funny thing to say, but have you ever thought of how it
came to be? I am writing this article to tell you the facts
about hump day. Hump Day comes from the idea that a
traditional work week (Monday through Friday) is like a
hill. The first two days of the week, Monday and Tuesday,
are the days when someone is climbing up the hill.
Wednesday is thought of as the top of the hill. The last
two days of the week, Thursday and Friday, are the days
when that person is walking back down the hill towards
the weekend. Hump day is a good day for those who
work because the weekend is close by. There is however
some disagreement over this matter. When hump day
became popular many people worked six days a week,
therefore they thought hump day should be on Thursday.
Some people looked at the seven-day week starting on
Monday, so therefore in that case Thursday would also be
thought of as hump day. Here is the disagreement: Many
people think of the seven-day week starting on Sunday
and ending on Saturday. This thought makes Wednesday
the actual middle of the week making Wednesday hump
day, as we all know it as. That is the history behind the
famous hump day expression.

Wheres Walter? (Part 4)

By Maddie Vanech

Its been approximately five days since I last
updated you on the whereabouts of Walter. (Still a Thing.)
And Im sorry that it has taken me so long, its just that
over the weekend I temporarily went into hiding from the
potentially lethal TICs. If you recall, the Daily Twices
TICs (Drew and Anna) informed me of Walters fandomsI hoped these would lead to some sort of clue about his
location but when I realized that all of Walters Fandoms
had red logos; I drew the only logical conclusion-Walter
had been murdered by the power hungry TICs.

SO: since the TICs had practically dropped this
lead into my hands- there was no doubt that I was their
next target. So I created robot stalkers to follow them
around, while I hid myself in a secret location. I monitored
their behavior via the robots for the entire weekend. The
TICs were being very suspicious- dancing, yelling at each
other, filming clips while wearing crazy costumes, and
making something they believed to be music. Surely they
were planning a camper massacrebut in the weirdest
way What did they mean by this?
(to be continued)

Pusheen the Cat Meets Timmy the Unicorn Part 2

By Francesca Lodovico
Ok, this is what happened in part 1. Long story
short, Pusheen is hungry and went to a Dunkin Donuts
to buy a chocolate frosted donut smothered in sprinkles.
YAY!!!! Pusheen screamed when Mr.
Cashier Dude handed her a donut. Have a nice day!
Mr. Cashier Dude replied. Pusheen ran out the front
door and lay down on the grass. Then, a UNICORN
WALKED OVER!!!!!! Hi, Im Timmy, and Im a
unicorn. Can I have your donut? he said. Hi, Im
Pusheen and no you cant have my donut. She said.
Suddenly there was a scream from inside the Dunkin

If you could have only one thing in the entire world,

what would it be?
By Claudia Schmidt
I went around the Daily Double room asking each person
this question, If you could have one thing in the entire
world, what would it be? Here are the results:
2 Tablet computer that also makes food and water
1 Glasses
1 Duck boat
2 I dont know
1 Devil Eye Necklace
1 A good time
1 Leprechaun
1 Peace
2 Food
1 Grocery Store that never runs out of food
1 The ability to survive without anything
1 Laser Chickens
1 Their cat

Interview With Katya

By Abby Heppelmann
Q: How do you like
A: Triple Thumbs Up Plus!
Q: Do you like Walker?
A: In some ways.
Q: Do you bare any pets?
A: Yes, a hamster, some
fish, and a cat.
Q: Whats your favorite
thing at camp?
A: Counselors suffering


By Brendan
Today I decided to write about rock and the best bands
and best songs.
Did your favorites make the cut?
5: Nirvana Smells like teen spirit
4: Aerosmith .. Dude looks like a lady
3: Red hot Chile peppers Californication
2: Guns and roses . Welcome to the jungle
1: ACDC Back in black

Do you like animals or people better?
C-Im not any of them because Im
Do you like dogs or cats?
B-Im a person
Do you like red or blue?
C-i dont know
If you picked mostly As youre a dog
with a blue leash. If you picked mostly
Bs youre a person whos wearing red.
If you picked mostly Cs youre a cat
that just died. See you next time in on

Ask the 10th Doctor

By Eleanor Dunne & Alex Wymer

Smash Chat
By: Alex Smash Wymer & Ethan Tabuu Mamenta

Sorry! Im not in Petes world today. The Doctor is in

Germany right now (for who knows what) so I contacted
Rose today, and she answered the questions! Oh and
some of you were wondering; this is the 11th Ask the 10th
Doctor Ive done.

Hello Veterans and Newcomers! Welcome to
Smash Chat! Ethan isnt actually with me right now so Im
saying he isnt here (Ethan) Shut up! (Alex) Ok hes here
Today we have Ethan answering a question! Right?

Q. I was turned off from Doctor Who when I watched the

1st episode of season one. It was excruciatingly lame. If I
want to give it a second try, what would you recommend?

Hay. Ethan here with the questions. We have one
question from -? Is there going to be a dragoon like item
in ssb4? (Alex) Well we have the Dragoon now but its
funny you should mention that

A. (Eleanor is answering this one) the 1st episode isnt the

best Doctor Who episode in the world, but just stick with
it. 9 is a really great Doctor. (Alex) However, if youre
talking about season one episode one in classic doctor
who then I can totally understand that. (Eleanor) if its
the classic, just go to the reboot if you really want to.
I know someone who watched the reboot first and then
watched the classic ones. IF you REALLY dont like 9,
skip to about the middle of the season. NEVER EVER
We mean you!
Q. Dear 10th Doctor, Bye! camper

Anyways todays pic of the day is very special
back in brawl we all loved shooting people out of the arena
in a one shot kill. Well today we have a second item just
like that! You combine three items and then BLAMEO!!!
You have the new item called The Daybreak! How to
describe this? This is an item from Kid Icarus and if you
dont know what the item looks like it seems like a sort of
musket handle with a drill on the front!
So there you go! Hope you enjoyed and we will see you
next time!

Ta Ta for now!
Smash & Tabuu

A. Hello! Goodbye!
Q. Which Doctor, other than yourself do you like best?
A. Ive only met 9 and 10 so 9 and 10! (Alex) Also
youre not a doctor.
Q. Can a Time Lord regenerate from a boy to a girl?
A. Well (Alex) Dont worry Rose I know this! While
the doctor himself hasnt done this, one of his other time
lord friends did. The 11th doctor mentioned this. So
yeah they can.
Q. Whats it like in the tartus? tartus nerd
A. I think you mean TARDIS. And its amazing. Its
huge! Did you know he has a pool IN a library? Ive
seen him reading Harry Potter in the library pool once
*shudders* (Alex) How would you know? Youve never
been in there! Whatever Fun fact more than half of the
Doctors regenerations have taken place in the TARDIS.
(Rose) He took me on a tour of the TARDIS. (Alex) How
long did it take? (Rose) Not long, 2 hours tops. We didnt
see all of it, the TARDIS is infinite. But I know my way
around it like the back of my hand.

Q. Why dont you say fantastic anymore? Pear hater

A. Each Doctor kind of has a different word. He still says
fantastic, but now his word is Allons-y.
Q. Who is your fav peanut?
A. I know the Doctors is Charlie Brown, (I see him reading
peanuts in the library pool. He spends a lot of time in there
well, he used to, we dont have the TARDIS anymore. Now
he just brings books to the pool inside our mansion.) but
I like Lucy and Snoopy. (Alex) Snoopy For the win!!!
Ooookay, thats all the question we have for today! LEAVE
MORE QUESTIONS! Allons-y! (Alex) Can we all agree to
not tell the doctor he missed an ask the 10th Doctor? (Rose
and Eleanor) agreed.

What Shiner sister are you?

By Orly Shiner

Magic the Gathering: CRCAP Card of the Day

By Jacob Grassi

What would you be found doing on a rainy day?

A. Jumping on a trampoline in the rain
B. making dinner
C. Learning a song on the bass
D. Singing in your room

Hello, and welcome to another Magic the Gathering: CRCAP Card

of the Day! Todays card is ther Vial:

Whats your favorite T.V show?

A. Every Witch Way
B. Parks and Rec.
C. The Simpsons
D. Bobs burgers
Whats favorite type of food?
A. Chinese or Indian
B. Comfort
C. Italian
D. Pizza
Your friends think of you as?
A. Salty
B. Spicy
C. Cheesy
D. Fishy
Mostly As youre me!
Mostly Bs youre Jessie
Mostly Cs youre Yael
Mostly Ds youre Gabi

While it may be slower than normal mana, ther Vial lets you
reliably cast strong creatures in time, without using up mana you
could use for other spells. ther Vial also lets you cast creatures
even when youre just not drawing enough mana. It can be used
effectively in creature decks that risk mana draught, with most
Modern Merfolk decks running all four copies that you are
allowed to use in a single deck. While the card may be expensive,
costing about $25.00, It can be a valuable resource for Magic
players. Grab a deck and learn why Magic: the Gathering, is the
best card game in the world!

Did you know?

By Sam

A pole about dogs and cats

By Nicholas Chiasson
This is only from the people who were outside
at period 5 there were 32 people for dogs and 14 for cats

Today is Friday
The North Pole is 20 miles away
Santa cant fit down the chimney. Or can he..?
Schools have secret rooms everywhere
Silence is golden, and duct tape is silver
A bunch of free things are scams
You only live twice
Polar bears grow up in the South Pole, then walk to the
North Pole through their tunnel through the earth
Im Batman

Ask the 10th Doctor

By Eleanor Dunne (With hologram Alex Wymer again)

MSNs 15 cool cars for under $30,000 (from

By: Lleyton w.

Hello! I bring you this Ask the 10th Doctor from Petes
world! And Alex is here by hologram again! (Alex) Hi.
(E) Questions! Oh yeah and Rose is here! (Rose) Hello!
Q. Care for a jelly baby? Pear Hater
A. (Doctor) Yes! JELLY BABIES! Oh I hate pears
Q. Remember me? Capaldi
A. (Doctor) Oh yeah, youre that Pompeii bloke Hmm
I thought I also saw someone like you watching us He
had a TARDIS to How did he get my TARDIS? (Rose)
What Pompeii bloke? Doctor, did you create another
paradox? (D eating a cookie) Um I dont think so?
(E) Well, thats all the questions for now! *swipes hand
through Alexs hologram* (Alex) OW!!! THAT WAS
THE REAL ME!!! (E) Suuurreee *swipes hand
through hologram* Faker. Allons-y! *pushes orange
button and disappears*
(D) Do you have any jelly babies? Now I have a craving
for them
(R) No, dinners soon. Were having fish fingers and

On today, there was an article about

this. So I decided to write about it. These cars that they
mention are cars that they like and are under $30,000. The
list includes:
2015 Subaru WRX 2015, Volkswagen GTI,
2014 Ford Focus ST, 2014 Ford Fiesta ST, 2014 Subaru
BRZ/Scion FR-S, 2014 Mazda Mazda3 / Mazda6, 2015
Ford Mustang, 2014 Chevrolet Camaro, 2014 Dodge
Challenger, 2014 Hyundai Genesis Coupe 2.0T R Spec,
2014 Kia Optima SX Turbo, 2015 Chrysler 200, 2015
Honda Fit, and the 2015 MINI Cooper.
Well, thats it from the list on I hope to
find more articles to share with you! (Unless youve seen
these articles on the website, so carry on) BYE!!!

Ask Katniss #3
By Katniss Everdeen
Hey everybody! Im back with another Ask
Katniss. I have received some strange questions, but Ill
answer them to the best of my ability. Here we go
Question 1: I love Walker, but I dont know how to tell
him. When he looks at me I cant help but smile. Help!
Response: I dont really know how to respond to this
question other than telling you that you should tell
him Walker is accepting (Sort of) and will understand
you (Hopefully). However, I would like to know who
you are. If you readers have a guess as to who Walkers
secret admirer is, write the name of the person on a piece
of paper and put it in my question box! I will put all the
suggestions in my next article.
Question 2: Why is my name not Annie?
Response: I dont know but you can change it to Annie!
Question 3: Which Hunger Games Book is the best?
Response: I dont know, theyre all about me. And Im
FABULOUS. (Authors Note: I like the first book the
best I guess its because its where the story starts and
I think it was written the best)
Thats all for today Remember who the real enemy is.

Debate #2: Tuna

By Sophie and Claire
S: WE are already off to a bad start. Claire is laughing
uncontrollably SHES NERVOUS!
C: Are we talking about fresh or canned tuna
S: Canned! The name just makes me cringe!
C: Well, I feel very strongly about fresh tuna.
S: Me too! But canned is really bad! Its about .001% real
C: ummm they make some kinds that or more fresh. My
mom can order it really fresh online.
S: Do you realize how long it takes to get mail from
California to Boston? Its about 2 days! 9unless you call
that fresh)
C: I think (thinks) (laughs) (opens her mouth to speak
but doesnt) that fresh canned tuna when its prepared well,
but I dont like mayonnaise so super mayonnaise-y tuna
salad is gross to me!
S: B=Most canned tuna is bad though. Almost ALL canned
tuna is gross!
L (we have a new guest LILY) Its my least favorite food.
Dont make me throw up!
S: I didnt Its Claire that likes it!
S: Claire had a disadvantage going into this round, because
she doesnt LOVE canned tuna. Bye!

Random Questions
Q: I have a crush, what should I do?
A: It depends on who you have a crush
on, but if you have the guts, you should
ask them out
-Random Questions
Q: My fish died, how should I go about
the grieving process?
A: Just push through it. Make it fun and
have a funeral for them and always keep
them in your heart! <3
-Random Questions
Q: I need to read this book for school
and I cant read it because I hate it, what
should I do?
A: Just read it anyway. You have to, if
you want a future. (Sorry, that was my
partner, I would say, you want a good
grade, right?)
-Random Questions
Q: Are Unicorns lame?
-A concerned Unicorn
A: NOOOOOOOO!!!!!! Theyre my
favorite animals ever!!!!

-Random Questions
Bye Bye!!!

Scary story
By James Welt and Orly Shiner
One day there was a girl who really liked clocks. She has a lot of
watches but they are all for different states and countries. Although she doesnt
have a watch to tell the time for her state. Eventually her 10th birthday rolled
in and she got a watch to tell the time of her state. The watch was given to her
by the mailman who was named Oscar Meyer who somehow remembered
her birthday. The watch revealed the date in shiny green letters. It said the
date of her birthday Friday the 13th. The next day rolled in and she felt upset
that her birthday had come and gone so quickly. She yawned and stood up
and walked into the bathroom. She glanced down at her watch. It still said
that it was Friday the 13th. That was odd. She looked at the mirror and put a
hand to her face. She realized she looked exactly like her 11 year old sister.
After brushing her teeth she went to get dressed. None of her clothes fit like
they had yesterday. This was very odd. She didnt think much of it. The next
day the same thing happened except she looked like a twelve year old. The
next day she was 13. When she had become 14 she became concerned and
went to her mother for advice. mom what day is it she said to her mother.
Why are you asking me youre the one with the watches her mother said.
She glared at her mother. Its the 17th of October why do you ask her
mother said peeling some carrots. She glanced at her watch. Can I go to the
post office she asked. Her mother nodded. The post office was two blocks
away. She walked up to the front desk. Hi can I speak to Oscar Meyer she
said to the secretary. The secretary looked up from her book. I am sorry he
died Friday the thirteenth the secretary said. He was killed by the infamous
Tick Tock the secretary said in a lowered voice. Who is Tick Tock she
said. Nobody you would like to meet the secretary said and shooed her out.
She went home very confused thoughts swimming in her head. You missed
dinner her mother said sipping coffee. She stared blankly. Its okay just
have it in your room her mother said and handed her a tray with chicken,
mashed potatoes and carrots on it. She ambled up to her room. It was only
a little while before she fell into a deep sleep. When she woke up she saw a
man sitting on the other end of her bed. The mans name tag shined with the
name Oscar Meyer. There was a scream and she was never seen again.

Pusheen Hp crossover fanfiction 2!

By Katie Predella and Tillie Slosser
And you thought we wouldnt write a sequel! You were wrong!
Pusheen was on the train to Hogwarts. When she got there, she was greeted by her old friend Hagrid. She and a
couple of kids rode on a magical boat to the castle. She was amazed by how big it was. Being a cat, she wondered how she
would get to all of her classes. Then she saw some fish in the water, and fell overboard, trying to catch them. A student had to
grab her tail and pull her into the boat, which later resulted in Pusheen scratching her. That student went to the hospital wing
before she was even sorted. She was sorted later. They arrived at the great hall, when Pusheen noticed she wasnt the only cat
at the school. There were two others. One, was Draco Kittenfoy, who was mean to her before they were even sorted. There
was Hairy Pawter, who was very nice, and she liked him. Along with him, there was Purr Weasly, and Hairmione Scratcher.
Pusheen knew they would all be great friends. There was also Mrs. Norris, Filchs cat! She was the old lady cat, but she was
still nice. It was time for her to be sorted. Hairy went into Kittendoor, along with Hairmione and Purr. Draco Kittenfoy (more
commonly known as Kittenfoy) was sorted into Slytherkitten. Mrs. Norris had completed school, but she gave everyone
catnip cookies. Now it was Pusheens turn. Meowgonagall placed the sorting hat on Pusheens head. It sorted her as a
Divergent! Jk, thats another story (that will probably be a fan fiction one day). She was sorted into Kittendoor with all
her friends. Hagrid chanted Fuzzy! Fuzzy! Fuzzy! He couldnt remember Pusheens name! Pusheen purred, and they all
ate their feast. Then CLIFFHANGER SORRY HAHA

Jake Rast Power Article #3 (The History of emoticons, The

History of the Avengers, The Pet Bricktopia national anthem,
and a nonsense haiku all in one.)
By Jake Rast

Harry Potter Column Answers!

By Casey Corcoran

The History of: Emoticons:

One day team Garry (Ginny and Harry) were out for a
haters stroll when they came across a nest of baby cows. The
cows were actually octopi in disguise but that doesnt matter
because its whats on the outside that counts. The squid-cow
nest then ate Garry and the squid-cows because it was actually
an undercover chef working for the Italian boot company. On
full volume, the nest waddled around in the sky while the secret
super-secret Microsoft Corporation rejected their patents for the
automatic shoe dispenser sending the nest into a blind rage. In its
fury, the nest developed a cat named bob who could sing Justin
Bieber songs better than anyone else that cared. While dying due
to the pure awesomeness of Pokmon, the nest metamorphosed
into a form of toaster that could cook pizza. When it went to
customs, its name was changed into Emoticon. Emoticon later
lost its vision to a laser dark show.

A. Yes. He has a big beard that connects to his


The History of: The Avengers:

76% of the world was simultaneously pressing the
space bar and watching bird videos when Pablo Picasso was
escalated into an epic battle with dragons and robots of which I
am legally not allowed to talk about. You missed it by the way.
Anyway, the earth was destroyed so we all had to move to New
York and watch paint dry. This was too exciting for the fans of
teletubbies so we had to fly all around, all over the everywhere
and fight crimes and whatever. One lone survivor died and her
ghost transformed into Megatron and his army of penguins who
liked to hate on keyboard cats and catboard keys. They were
immediately arrested by the Russian Mafia and taken to the Sony
headquarters for arts. Mr. InsertNameHere. They were locked
away forever so to pass the time the invented a new brand of
cosmetics and toiletries called The Avengers. Everyone had a
love/hate relationship with it.
The Pet Bricktopia National Anthem:
(Sing to tune of Twinkle Twinkle Little Star but not ABCs)
Pet Brick Pet Brick is so great
Your face it will decimate
Its a brick
But with life
It will cause you endless strife
Loving Pet brick is a must
Doom to all who oppose us
Nonsense haikus revenge #6
I sneezed on a cow
The cow then sneezed onto me
We became best friends

Q. Does Dumbledore have facial hair?

Q. Would Neville be able to defeat He-Who-MustNot-Be-Named?

A. The prophecy states that someone born at
the end of the seventh month (July) will defeat
Voldemort. This points to Harry Potter (born July
31st) or Neville Longbottom (born July 30th). When
Voldemort tried to kill Harry he distributed part of
his soul accidently giving Harry some of his powers
(and accidentally making a horcrux) and matching
as the prophecy states, and the Dark Lord will
mark him as his equal, meaning that the one who
is the Chosen One will have or receive powers
that Voldemort has, and when Voldemort tried to
kill Harry (because he knew that Harry or Neville
would be the ones to try and kill him). Plus, and
the Dark Lord will mark him as his equal, means
that Voldemort will mark Harry or Neville with
something, and Voldemort marked Harry with is
scar. Therefore it leaves Neville a regular wizard.
Q. If you were Harry Potter would you hide your
scar or flaunt it?
A. I would not purposely hide it of flaunt it, I would
let my hair do what it wants to do. I would pretend
that there would be nothing there. But I wouldnt
hide it Or flaunt it. So for a simple answer, I
would style my hair how I would want to and I
wouldnt try to brush my hair up or down to do
something with my scar.
Please keep those questions coming and remember
that my Harry Potter Column is on the second set
of doors in the Activity center going into the PingPong table! Please stop by if you have a nagging
question or you just want me to tell Harry Potter to
give you his autograph! Bye for now!

Harry Potter fan and expert: Casey Corcoran

Current News- Ebola Edition

By Rachel Schultze
Some pretty major news right now is the big Ebola
outbreak and how two Americans have it. These Americans
were working in Africa to help with the huge amount of
people there who are infected with Ebola. First of all,
what is Ebola? Ebola is one of the most deadly diseases on
Earth today. The death rate is 50-90% of people diagnosed
with the disease. There is currently no cure. The virus is
transmitted through touching an infected persons blood
or excretions (Number 1 and Number 2). However, it is
not an airborne contagious disease meaning that you cant
catch it by breathing in the same air as the infected person.
Early symptoms include headaches, muscle weakness,
sore throat, and fever. Later symptoms can be internal and
external bleeding. The current outbreak of the disease is
in Africa, specifically Sierra Leone, Liberia, and Guinea.
The disease gets its name from the Ebola River in the
Democratic Republic of the Congo in Africa where the
first person was infected in 1976. Scientists are thinking
that animals are what transmit the disease to people, who
then further infect other people who are close to the person
infected. People who are caring for the sick are most at risk
because they are dealing with the final stages of the disease
(the internal/external bleeding).
The two Americans who have Ebola (Kent Brantly
and Nancy Writebol) tried to get treated where they were
working in Africa with a special serum, which doctors
dont yet know if it helped them or not. They were flown
to the US a few days ago. After giving them another dose
of the serum in the US, doctors are saying that the serum
is sort of working, but it isnt having a dramatic effect.
Hopefully these two doctors will be cured of their Ebola

The Story of Pusheen

By Ryan Kane
One day, a lazy cat named Pusheen was bored.
So she took a selfie and put it on twitter and called it
#PusheenRocks. Then her friends sisters brother in laws
mother saw the photo and liked it. So he put it on his blog.
But then the president read his blog and he looked at the
picture of Pusheen and absolutely loved it. So he told the
boss of google to put it on the front page of google. So
he did and so everyone saw Pusheen and everyone got
obsessed with her and so ever since Pusheen has been
posting selfies of herself and putting them on her twitter
page, which now has 88,452 followers. And that is exactly
how Pusheen became an internet celebrity. The end.

Festival Period: Tree Identification

By Roxanne Glassenberg
Today during festival period I identificide trees
with Mike H. and Natalie (needs-a-boyfriend) B. We
identified a: sugar maple, a Japanese Zelkova, a Water
Locust Huisache, a Northern Pin Oak, aN Eastern White
Pine, Eastern White Pine, and a Norway Maple. Thank,
Duckster and Mike H.!
Nina Rants: Anything Reallllly Mainstream
By Nina Kahn
Ayyyyyyy! Today I shall be ranting about things that are
just too mainstream that annoy me. Here it goes. Sorry if
you like any of these things.
1. Instagram
To put it simply, Instagram annoys me. Selfies, filters, all
that stuff. Especially hashtags. Those are the worst. Why
have Instagram when you can carry a megaphone around
everywhere you go announcing EVERY.SINGLE.
THING.YOU.DO. GAH. WHY. I know a lot of famous
people have Instagram accounts, but ya know, I just dont
care about that delicious crepe you had for breakfast. I
really dont.
2. YA Dystopian Literature
I love reading, and I think YA dystopia is the most
overused trope of all time. Hunger Games, Matched,
Uglies, Divergent, Legend, the list goes on forever.
Another thing I hate about dystopia? Every male love
interest is handsome, buff, and has a tortured past. Wow,
Veronica Roth, could you be more unoriginal?
I did a rant about this last week. EVERY SONG IS
TERRIBLE. Rude, Am I Wrong, Problem, Fancy, All of
Me, Stay with Me, Chandelier, Maps, Latch, Birthday,
any One Direction song. THEY ALL ARE THE WORST.
4. The Clothes
Why is everyone wearing Lululemon? And Uggs? And
teeny shorts? And Abercrombie and Fitch? Lululemon
has see-through leggings, Uggs are just weird, teeny
shorts are basically underwear, and Abercrombie and
Fitch only lets skinny people go in their stores (look it
up)! I like yoga pant, cardigans, and converse, so this
really isnt my deal.
Those are just 4 of the things I hate about modern society!
Um, bye! *runs away from screaming teenagers carrying

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