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Favorite TV shows and movies

By Hannah Rothstein and Emily

By Liam
Volume 44, Issue 4B
Super Friday Themes:
Sumo Wrestlers and Favorite TV Shows
Who Would Be A Better Sumo WrestlerWalker Or Cooper?
By Sophie Biro
Its Walker and Cooper in the sumo wrestler ring, both weighing
a ton and both not moving until one of them strikes. But who
would that be? In my opinion it would be Cooper. Walker is a little
mellower, and would be too chicken (no offense). Plus, Walker
sadly admits that he rarely exercises, which made me think
would he be any good a wrestler. I dont think so. He Hes more
of a think. This is what would be going on in his brain when He
was in the ring. What if I fall? What if I break a bone? What if I
dont like this sport? Whereas Coopers Wow, that guys huge!
But I do weigh 400 pounds! This is cool! I get all of the attention.
Cooper would probably not win the sumo wrestling Olympics,
but he would get much farther than Walker. Thats what I think
what about you?
What TV Show would you most like?
By Liam Salerno
Do you
A. Like magic and fighting legos.
B. Like talking animals and magic
C. Like fighting and duels
If you answered A then you should watch Ninjago. Its a
cool show! If you answered B then you should watch Chima. Its
awesome! IF you answered C then you should watch Star Wars: The
Clone Wars. Its a really good show!

We went on a survey for favorite TV

shows and movies. And this is what
we found:
The Offer, Star Wars 5, Parks and
Recreation (got a lot of votes),
Orange is the New Black, Lady
and the Tramp, 30 Rock, Cake
Boss, Spongebob, Americas Next
Top Model, SNL, Finding Nemo,
Hunger games, Pitch Perfect, Project
Runway, Black Stallion, Looney
Tunes, River Monsters, Despicable
Me 2, H2O, Monsters Inc., Escape
Planet Earth, Zoe 101, Americas
Got Talent, Awkward., Fridge,
Mystery Morse, Lewis, and Agatha
Cristy, Bones, Criminal Minds.

Sumo Wrestlers
By Abby St.Amand
I love bumping into people
I love seeing them run from me
I love my fighting job.

Would you like it if were a sumo wrestler.

By Liam Salerno
I bet most will say NO.
I am not surprised because sumo wrestlers are
really fat, they fight a lot, and some people think
they are unhealthy. Some people say they would
like it because they are actually healthy, and some
people want to fight.

The history of Sumo wrestling

By Nathaniel Ames

The history of Sumo wrestling dates back to
ancient Japan when a bunch of very fat people how
couldnt work in any other job got together and created
a game for the entertainment of other people. It was just
like WWF but in ancient Japan and the competitors where
fat. Sumo wrestling was played by using a combination
of judo, other throwing moves, and slapping the other
persons side or thighs to throw the other person out of
the ring. Also they would be paid lots of money if they
won, plus the looser would be paid a lithe two.
Katie and Wills rant about Bookslappers!
By Katie Predella and Will Edwards

The myth of the demon of the old building

By Tillie Slosser

One hot day, a girl went to use the old
building bathroom. As she flushed, some water
splashed up onto her. When this happened she
began to turn into a demon. Her eyes turned red,
her skin turned light green, her hair turned dark
green and her hands and feet became webbed. Her
boyfriend came looking for her and he went to the
bathroom but when the demon saw him she kissed
him. When she kissed him her fangs sunk into
him. When they found him the demon was still
kissing him. They shouted and the demon looked
up and dissolved into green mist. They never saw
the demon again.

Katie: Hey Will, do you remember in one a day write

a min yesterday how we were all laughing about
bookslappers? I think the world needs some, but doesnt
realize it!
Will: Of course! But books arent the only medium
that could use help in adaptations, but Im sticking to
bookslapper as a name for it. Bookslappers slap people
who have stupid ideas about adaptations. For example:
Screenwriter for The Lightning Thief: Lets change
Percys personality and age, remove Chronos as a bad
guy in favor of Hades and make Annabeth a brunette.
Us: No! Thats not how it works! *Slaps screenwriter
with copies of The Lightning Thief*
Katie: You know, we would make great bookslappers!
The other thing they have to do is tell them the right way
to make things! For example:
Us: (to screenwriter) You need to make Percy a twelve
year old kid, keep Chronos as a bad guy, get Hades out
of this movie, and make Annabeth a blonde!
Screenwriter: Ok, as long as you dont slap me again
Us: Brace yourself if you make anymore stupid
adaptations *evil laugh*
Will: So all we need is bookslappers for every adaptation.
Watch out Hollywood, we dont like you messing up the
adaptations of stuff we like.
Us: And now its time for the bookslapper song.
Song: Bookslappers! When movies mess up all the good
parts! We slap the writers and make them actually look
at the source material! Actually pay attention to what
youre adapting! Or we will sing this horrible song

How Much Does A Sumo Wrestler Weigh?

By Sophie Biro

Please dont tell the sumo wrestlers this,
because it is very personal information, and I
dont want a sumo wrestler on top of me. A sumo
wrestler is a wrestler that weighs a ton, so I do not
want one on top of me. A sumo wrestler weighs
about 412 pounds, which is more than four times
more than me! AHHH!
Pet Peeve Adoption Center!
By Abby St. Amand
Do you have nothing to do right now?
Then come to the Pet Peeve Adoption Center
(just so you know, A pet peeve is something that
annoys you)! We will find the perfect one to
make your life a little more annoying. Go to ?,
and get your pet peeve today.(This is fake).

How the Pacific Ocean was made

By Ryan Kane
One day, a kid who was 97 years old
named special Johnny mc. Griddle flew in his
airplane to a gas station because he had to go to
the bathroom. After he went, he flushed the toilet
and the toilet water sprayed out of the toilet and
into his face and then it flooded the bathroom and
then the bathroom turned into a swimming pool
and then the water pressure broke the door open
and that is what created the Pacific Ocean.

Names of Counselors Kids

At a recent Festival Period offering, we paired off
counselors and decided what they should name their
kids. Here are the results:
Sarah and Cooper: Winnie DEvans and Ibrahim Evans
Mike Healey and Hayley: Guitar Lim and Trumpet
Eliza B and Sam: Ruby and Theo Raby
Owen and Nellie: Anita and Bea Neuberger-Rogers
Eva and Josh: Quinoa and Eckle Keehn-Weintraub
Laurel and Mike C: Hector and Cutlery DurningHammond-Casey
Mike Haas and Sonia: Luna and Celeste Haas
Sophie and Matt: Graphite, Gigi, and Shoshanna OkunKohn
Jordan and Adam R: Melamie Rochelle, Funk Gross,
Trombo Gross
Walker and Caer: Walker Anderson VIII (girl), Sitter
Anderson, Sloop Ferguson
Ben B and Jessie: Penny and Peter Boyd
Claire and Alasdair: Bleredith and Deredith Robertson
Bob and Aleta: Belle Johnson and Alfredo Deyo
Alfredo and Kelsey T: Fitch and Roxy Thornton
Emily and Zoe: Thighlid Frazer and Lynda DAngeloFrazer
Kelsey F and Faith: Bertucci Soloway, Olive Fox, Basil
Brad and Nick: Freckle and Arfas
Prince and Adam B: Stripe Charles, Strike Brookes,
Spike Charles
Linden and Sydney: Jake, Finn, and NatalT Park
Aaron and Angeliquc: Candle and Cantool
Bekah and Scott: Djaensu Green and Profeet Blair
Ann and Jay: Josie and Jo-Jo Allen
Sally and Jere: Shovel Campbell and Hansel Babst
Ella and Ben O: Maple and Paxton
Anna and Eliot: Ladybug and Harvest Summergrad
Natalie B and Tina: Frame Budnik
Torie and Joanna: Hazel Davids, Jumba Krupp
Amy and Mary: Cerulean Walrod, Fiji Walrod
Deana and Ali: Squash Sherman and India Tolliver
Dick and Greta: 2007 Stroud and Fixlun Masters
Natalie T and David: Wig and Wrench
Hannah and Jack: Bennett Beal, Ingrid Iafrati, Layle
Barrett and Jerome: Bread and Citrus
Maddi and Leanne: BoomClapBoomdeboomClap and

Bob the snowball part 3!

By Corey Predella
Meanwhile part 2 was now wet sand!
He tried to move but it was no hope.
its hopeless he said and then he sighed.
Back at the house part 1 and 3 were thinking
Then part 3 said jack frost could help.
So they went all the way to Antarctica
And asked Jack frost can you help bring back
The 2 part of us sure but first you have to get
me a friend
Ok so they went back and made a snowman
all they
Needed was a carrot so they went into the
house and
Got a carrot from the refrigerator and put it on
the snowman
And then he came to life come with us and
then they came back
And showed jack frost and he says ok here is
your friend yay hi and then
They got put back to bob yay!! And he went
back home happily.

Loudness level at noontime show

By Tillie Slosser and Eleanor Dunne

The bands in the noontime show are fantastic, but
the noise level isnt. It is WAY too loud! If you sit there
on the ground, you can feel it trembling. The creative
starts, who sit in the front, are NOT complaining,
but their ears are. If you listen loud music on your
headphones, you will have hearing loss, but the same
goes for very loud music, especially if youre in the front
row. We were sitting on the back row of the bleachers,
and we STILL had to cover our ears. It is exceptionally
annoying when the microphones are to quiet to hear
anything but the guitars and drums because they are so
loud. We worry about the young childrens ears. They
have so long to live but they might live their life in
silence/muffled noise.

The end
The Crazy Coconut
By: Shutterbugs (Emily Lucas)

One day a coconut went on a walk in Antarctica
(aka the fridge). He also rolls around in the fridge. He
has no friends so he wants a hot dog lady friend. The
coconut doesnt have a brain so she doesnt have to be
smart but she does have to be cold and beautiful. He
doesnt see where going so he accidentally rolls off a
cliff but the bottom of the cliff has a whirl pool and it
changed him into a hot dog bun! He feels happy but also
sad because hes stuck in the hole. His lady friend comes
down in a helicopter and saves him. She wears him as a
jacket because shes cold. He thinks shes perfect even
though theyre getting warm. They get so warm that
they heat up into a real hot dog. A human finds them and
throws away the hot dog and the fridge because they
think its too warm. The hot dog and the bun are in the
trash together when a little boy finds them in the trash.
The boy buries them in the ground and they decompose.
The End


By Grace Arendell
Ask me is an advice section in the daily
double. Its super easy to ask questions there
will be a box outside near where the festival
offerings are. Ask ANYTHING!!! ask what
my favorite class is? Or totally random stuff
about my life during the school year. ASK
ME is totally anonymous but if you want to
leave your name you can. *** warning if you
do leave your name it might be in the daily
double*** This could be really fun so ask
away. THANKS <3

By Sophie Biro

What is your element?

By Nathaniel Ames

Walker told me to write an article about

immigration, so here it goes. Immigration is when
people from other countries move here. There have
been some problems for people immigrating here. My
saxophone teacher is an immigrant from China. He
used to work for Wellesley Public Schools, my school
district, but then he needed something called a green
card and my school system wouldnt give him one.
Now he teaches at a different program that gave him
one. What is a green card? This is what I found from
looking it up: You can get a green card through family
or through a job. Since he has no family in the U.S., he
decided to try to get one from his job. He had to switch
jobs just so he could stay in America! One thing that is
happening in the U.S that is a big thing in immigration
is what rules people that emigrate from Mexico. I have
driven to the Canadian side of Niagara Falls and we
had to show them our passports and they looked in our
trunk. I have never driven into Mexico, but I wonder if
they do the same things we did to get in the U.S. Plus,
the Canadian side of the falls was more built up, so I
wonder if the United States is less strict. My dad did
tell me that Canada is doing really well right now, so I
think that the U.S. might need more money for better

1. What dream would you rather have?

A) Where you can fly
B) Where you can breathe under water
C) Where you are on fire
Or (D) Where you are made of gold

By Roxanne Glassenberg
Dear campers in the Daily Double class,
If you have writers block DO NOTASK YOUR
SOMEHOW FIND YOU A TOPIC!! Sorry if you already
tried this. I should have warned you in advance

Sorry again, Roxanne Glassenberg

2. What would you rather discover?

A) A new type of toxic gas
B) An underground hot spring
C) A new kind of purple fire
Or (D) a cave filled with diamonds
3. What natural disaster would you like to control?
A) Tornados
B) Floods
C) Forest fires
Or (D) earth quakes
If you answered:
Mostly A: youre element is air
Mostly B: youre element is water
Mostly C: youre element is fire
Mostly D: youre element is earth
Raise awareness:
Stop global warming because its not just our
planet and our home we are ruining its all the
animals home to.

Is Eva Weintraub a fairy?

By Grace McDonald
I think that Eva is a fairy because she is nice
and magical. And a lot of persons like her and
lots of persons like fairies. Eva makes people
happy and so do fairies and Eva is on the smaller
side and fairies are small too. Well shes not a
werewolf because she is not that hairy and she is
not a vampire because I never saw her drinking
anyones blood and she not a ghost because I
never ever see her turn invisible and I don`t think
that she is a witch because she does not wear all
black. Also Eva is not a centaur because that is a
half horse half man and I am pretty sure that Eva
is not a centaurs.

Nina & Katie Rants: Teeny Shorts

By Nina Kahn and Katie Predella

What Is Your Favorite Color?

By Patrick Snyder, inspired by the idea box

Katie: You know what I really dont get? Teeny

shorts. Whats the point of walking around in
these tiny shorts that look like underwear? I
mean, if youre going to wear them, you might
as well wear your undies in public too.

I would have to say my favorite color would be any

dark colors because of the illusions they pose in
fashion. I also like dark colors because of their place in
theatre. Black and white are the base colors for many
sets. Probably the darkest color I favor is black.

Nina: Precisely. I mean, if youre at the beach,

thats okay. But if youre at the mall or Dunkin
Donuts or something like that, and you wear
teeny shorts, it just looks a tad weird.
Katie: Agreed. Beach, whatever. School, why
bother? We had a huge problem with teeny
shorts at my school. EVERYONE and I mean
it wore those shorts. We even had to have an
assembly about it. The guidance counselor said
that if any of the teachers and secretaries or the
nurse saw anyone in them, they would be asked
to change. Of course, no one was.
Nina: Geez. That sounds harsh. At my school,
most of the girls wore teeny shorts, and if they
wore a blouse with it, it looked like they had no
pants! I mean like WHAT!?! We didnt have an
assembly, but it seemed like the whole school
was being taken over by these underwear-ish
Katie: Yes, same at my school. It had been for
like 2 years! Also, they addressed spaghetti
straps, which also fall into the category of
inappropriate school clothes in my school. They
set the rules that shorts had to be at least down
to wear your middle finger reached your legs,
which was reasonable for most kids. They also
set a rule that your tank top straps had to be
as thick as two fingers wide, which I thought
was pretty good. Of course, not a person in
our school followed it (except the good kids of
Nina: Same here. The spaghetti strap rule
applies to my school too. But I saw girls
wearing strapless shirts/dresses(short dresses)!
Were not being prudes. Its just our opinion.
Stay tuned for more rants!

Your Future Job

By Ryan Kane
What do you like most?
A) You mostly like being indoors and you like video
B) You like to be outside doing sports and stuff
C) You like reading, indoor or outdoor
If you chose A, you will most likely have an office job
If you chose B, you will most likely be a sports coach
If you chose C, you will most likely be an author

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