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Emily and Walkers Destination Weding

By Roxanne Glassenberg
Emilys Dress:
Textiles wanted to make it for her, but she actually
bought it at the Wedding Emporium. It was designed by
Madam Alexandra B.V. Chester. It was a beautiful
floor length gown with purple lace accents. She also
wore purple jewelry and a imitation gold crown with

Volume 44, Issue 17B

All the News that Fits, We Print!
Make sure to pick up a Best of the Daily
Double at the info booth on Festival Day!

Walkers ummm errrrr. thing:

Walker walks down the aisle in a lavishly decorated
hot pink spandex jump suit, black-and-white polkadot bowtie, and ballet shoes of sky blue silk. Instead
of his signature owl-y glasses he wears yellow-cateye glasses with Hello Kitty motifs on the side. He
also sports a midnight blue Mohawk dotted with gold
Wedding Location:
A GOVERNMENT CLASSIFIED sea-side location.

Radio Play: Big News!

By Sophie Biro the Superhero
Like episode 1? Then its your lucky day, because
2 is out. More funny calls, more drama, and more
awesome things coming your way! Want to listen!
Go to the CRCAP face book page to the funniest
thing in the world! You can also see the next
episode at 12:30 at the black box theater. Theres a
competition of who can be the biggest fan, so listen

WARNING! Wasp nest!

By Nathaniel Ames

Warning there is a wasp nest in the daily
double room! Small children of all ages are being
exposed to this possible danger. No one knows how
this could have happened. The wasps are colonizing
and are rapidly growing in numbers. This issue is
a disturbance to the society. The camp counselors
need to resolve this issue. Warning to parents, your
children may not be safe if they take a class in the
daily double room. If you do not believe this article,
look in the top corner of the window with the air
conditioner farthest away from the White Board in
the corner of the daily double room.

Wedding People:
Bridesmaids: Sarah, Eva, Jordan, Zo
Groomsmen: Josh, Cooper, Mike Healy, Bob.
Flower Girl: Grace McDonald
Ring Bearer: Ryan Kane
Wedding Conductor: Alasdair
Head Chef: Katie Predella
Chefs: Nathanial, Anna, ???
Cake Decorator: Nina Kahn
The Wedding Party:
The music is Emilys favorite band. CRUNCH!!!!
What was that??!! Oh. It was Emily smashing Walker
into the floor in excitement. Yipes. Ohhh, Im hungry.
Time to hit the buffet!
The Food:
All I can say is kale, brussel sprouts, and cold coffee.
The Cake:
67 (Walkers age) layers, chocolate icing, and gummy
worms. Bruised, battered (in Walkers case), but
contented, the newly-weds stand before the tower
monstrosity of cake. And then Emily pushed him
into the cake, a pack of hungry cake-eating wolves
chased him away, and I left.
The End


By Katie Predella
I dare you to keep reading1. Youre still
reading this. You know youre doing great! Ok so
if you read this next sentence, youll get caught
in a random peanut butter tornado (see the first
Daily Double of the session)2. Wow, you know,
youre kind of brave. So this is really a bravery
test. And a faction test (divergent). I dare you
to read footnote 33. Coming back to read more
are you? Good for you. Now I want you to ask
yourself if you agree with this statement: Katie
Predella is one of the most random people I
know. Ok, so if you agreed, keep reading. If you
didnt, go to this footnote here4. Now answer this
question: If you had one last piece of chocolate,
and your friend wanted a piece of chocolate,
would you give at least half to them? Now if you
said half, keep reading. If you said the whole
thing, read this footnote5. If you didnt want to
give them any, read this footnote6. Thank you
for reading this unbelievably boring article. Now
stop reading. Ok, youre really getting on my
nerves now. STOP READING THIS!!!! Ill call
the cops if you read the next sentence! Its not
my fault if youre arrested, I warned you.
1: Wow, you read this, thanks!
2: Did you really believe me when I said that?
You didnt right?
3: OK, so you would be Dauntless, now stop
reading. STOP READING!
4: OK, so I think you would be Candor, or a very
sensible person.
5: You would be Abnegation, or a very nice
6: Ok, so you would be anything but Abnegation,
depends on what your previous results were. Are
you a peaceful person? If yes, you are Amity.
If no, you would be anything but Amity or
7: You didnt notice, did you? Theres no
seventh footnote. HAHAHAHAHA I TRICKED
YOU! Oh I didnt? Aw, man! OK, if you got
mixed results, youre divergent. Now that you
have learned this secret, go hide in a corn until
youre allowed to do something with your life
(Almost never).

Kittens and Cats

By Mya Grossman

Here are some facts about Kittens and Cats.
Kittens (and Cats) are the number 2 most liked pet
after dogs. Kittens (and Cats) live on about on average
12 to 15 years. An adult cat may be aggressive towards
Kittens. A Kittens jaw only moves up and down not
side to side .Well thats all for now bye

Are you a hostile mob

By Ryan Kane
1. Do you hate when its nice weather?
A. Yeah, totally!
B. No, I love nice weather.
C. I dont hate it. I triple hate it.
2. Do you like call of duty?
A. Its my favorite!
B. No. Im not really in to violence.
C. I play it all day!
3. Do you hate people that dont like call of duty and
love nice weather?
A. Totally!
B. Those are the people that I like.
C. If a person loves nice weather and hates call of
duty, I kill them the first chance I get!
Mostly As you are a hostile mob! Mostly Bs you are
a non-hostile mob. Mostly Cs you are like the boss of
all hostile mobs!

The origin of the wolficorn: part 5

by Alexa Orent

By Abby St. Amand


This just in, a group of lava prove shark
have somehow gotten into an active volcano in
Hawaii. The sharkcano should erupt when the sun
rises. People are now are calling Hawaii one of
the worst places on earth. Now, I need to ask you,
do you want to live in Hawaii now?!! No!!! No
one wants to go somewhere with bad ratings!

There is a tree in a forest somewhere. All unicorns

come to this tree once a year to make an offering to
the unicorn god. They pray for health and happiness,
and peace with the wolves. There is a mineral in the
deepest caves more valuable than all minerals and gems
put together. Every year at the same time all the wolves
come to this tree and pray. They pray for health and
happiness, and peace with the unicorns. The history of
the wolves and the unicorns go back to the first of these
two species. The wolf stole the sapling for the unicorn
tree thus the war that followed. This war had been going
on for billions of years. The war continued till something
strange and wonderful happened.
The wolficorns birth
Every day after the gift, the wolf got more and
more friendly. By the end of that year she was a chatter
box. One day she asked all of them to gather round and
told them about her dreams. The unicorns father looked
grimly at the mother. The young unicorn took out the
gifts and handed one necklace to the wolf and one for
himself. The next day they were attacked by wolves.
The first wolf to come was the small female wolf from
the wolves dream. She warned them about the coming
and attacking of the wolves. Later in the day more and
more wolves came until they were surrounded. Then the
first wolf came out and spoke to all of the unicorns. He
said that by the time this war was over only one of this
species could survive. More wolves went to the unicorn
tree. As they fought there was a faint rumbling. Bodies
were scattered across the forest. As it grew night, the tree
lit up. The young unicorn heard a cry in the distance and
saw his father fall with a wolf at his throat. The young
unicorn rushed over and killed the wolf. He dragged
his father across and into the cave. All of the wounded
unicorns were brought here. Many unicorns rushed
about and helped different wounded unicorns. They
tree was starting to light up and as it did, the ground
next to it broke away. The young unicorn and the wolf
rushed forward as the wolves gem broke the surface.
They were stuck in between the two. The blinding light
made it impossible to see. When they dropped to earth
from the branches of the tree, the tree and the rock
were combining into one and all the dead bodies were
coming to life and combining into a different form, the

The Ball Hunger Games

By Ryan Kane
What you will need for the ball hunger
games: an open space, balls that wont hurt
when thrown. How to play: You each start on
opposite sides. Then you count down from 3.
Then you run toward each other at max speed
and then when you feel comfortable throw the
ball at the other person. If you miss, quickly get
your ball and try again. The other person may
hit you while you are getting another ball. It
is a 2 out of 3 game. Winner gets a trip to Las
Why is movie theater food so expensive?
By Alexa Orent

Its around 10 dollars for a box of popcorn!
Its outrageous!!! And the drinks!! Someone tell me
why!!!! It especially bugs me when the popcorn bag
breaks and you cant get another without paying
another $10, $20!!!!!

Sarah and Coopers Weddings

By Sophie Biro the Superhero
I, Sophie Biro the Superhero, am a wedding
planner. Today Sarah DAngelo asked me to plan
her wedding. She has already said that she want
300 people, including everyone from camp. So,
this is her wedding
Bride: Sarah Dangelo
Groom: Cooper Evans
Location: Palm Springs, Florida
Date: Saturday, March 15
Time: 1:30 PM to whenever the biggest party ever
Best Man: Josh Keen
Bridesmaids: Zoe Frazier, Sonya Neuburger
Flower Girls: Sophie and Lily Biro
Dress Designer: Aleta Deyo
Cook: All the chefs at camp
Wedding Crashers: Mike Casey and Mike Healy
Wedding Band: Alasdair, Matt, Adam R., David
Maid of Honor: Emily Dangleo
Groomsmen: Walker, Mike Haas
Story of their wedding:
On Saturday, March 15, at 1:30 the wedding guest
arrived (Natalie T., of course) and the wedding
started. It was going well until Mike Casey and
Mike Healy came in and crashed the wedding.
Soon they were kicked out and the wedding
kept going. After they were married, there was a
HUGE party, the band played, and the dance party
that made everyone tired. After a delicious meal,
everyone had wedding cake and partied ALL
night. Then they went on a honeymoon in Paris
for 3 weeks.

This is the most random and catchy title ever

By Katie Predella
This is rally and article about what Im really
excited to see on festival day, and what you should
come to! Im in Choose Your Own Adventure, and
its about this evil teacher (thats me) and an evil
janitor. Depending on which option you choose, you
can see who is behind the whole incident (not going
to tell you what it is so you can come and see it)
with the kids at the school (forgot to tell you it was
set in a school, sorry!). I really want to see Summer
Shorts this year, as I was in it last year, and they came
out with that awesome butt doctor video (did they
make that or was it another class?). I also wanted
to see Coming Attractions, but they are at the same
time as Choose Your Own Adventure, so I cant! Ah
well, a show for next year! If any of you dont have
a musical talent, you should come and see Clomp!, a
show with comedy, and music (Im in that one too!).
I also really want to see Mysterious Mini Movies,
as Im sure they made some great videos as well!
Theres so much to see on Festival day, Im still not
sure what awesome shows to go to!

Walker 10th Life

By Sophie Biro the Superhero
As you know, Walker did something. You know what
this thing was? He breathed. You know how that
changed his life? He had breathed one more time. Okay,
enough with that. So, Walker was only 20 (his life was
often in fast forward) and he wanted to do something to
make him rich again. So he did. He created CRCAP. He
gave the idea to someone else and they paid him to do
it. Walker was proud of himself, so he bought back his
yacht again. He was living a great life, and it was really
great until it became even better way better!

Doctor Who Easter Egg

By Will Edwards

Google street view lets you explore
the TARDIS (the elevenths interior is used).
Its on Earls Court Road. The reviews for it
are hilarious.

This is a picture of some

trees. Yesterday we took
a nature walk through the
woods and the graveyard.
Some of the leaves have
even started to change
Photo by Isabel ludlow

This is a picture of a fire extinguisher.

This picture was take

on our nature walk
we walked through
the cemetery to the
woods we saw dogs
and nature it was a
fun trip wont forget

Firefighters use this tool to put out the fires. A

fire extinguisher is important because if they
didnt have one they would have nothing to
put out the fire. Even if they have water it
wouldnt be strong enough.
Photo by Chloe Yung

Photo by Heather

Those jackets were right at the front of the

We went to the graveyard!!! Rachel and
Zoie were walking and talking.

building. I wonder if its the first thing they put

on when theyre getting dressed to go into the

Photo by Fiona McGroddy

Photo by Yael Shiner

This picture is of Sam near the fan in the activity

center putting air in his shirt. This picture shows
how funny sam is in class. :)
By Nyaja

Once a pawn a time Ping an ordinary Ping Pong Ball was

sitting on the ground and then started bouncing all over
the place!!! Ping blew up all of the ping pong tables and
all of his x-ping pong ball friends, then he took over the
camp, became the president then took over the. And we
all lived happily ever after!!!!!!!! JK.
To Be Continued
Photo By Patricia Plunkett

This is me at the Dover Fire Department.

We met a firefighter named Richard! He
showed us inside the Fire Department and
he even let us go inside the fire trucks! :)
He said the camper who was the tallest;
he would put the fire equipment on! So
I got to wear their uniform! It was an
amazing experience!
By Rachel

This is a picture of ping pong. I took this picture at the

Activity Center. It shows how competitive ping pong
can be. I also really like the kids face in this picture.
Photo by Zoie Gainey

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