Methods of Retrofitting The Foundation of Unreinforced Masonry Buildings

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Methods of Retrofitting the Foundation

of Unreinforced Masonry Buildings

Vahed Ghiasi
Assistant Professor of Geotechnical Engineering, Civil Engineering Department,
Civil and Architecture Engineering, Malayer University, Iran.

Mohsen Reza Valipour

Master student of structure, Azad University of Malayer, Iran.

Ali Reza Mohammadirad

Master Student of Structure, University of Tabriz Aras International Campus,
Iran; e-mail:

Saeed Baharipour
Master student of structure, Azad University of Malayer, Iran.

A large part of the existing buildings in Iran is from type of unreinforced masonry that have
been designed and implemented in the absence of any seismic regulation which are known as
the most vulnerable building against earthquake. Public awareness of the consequences of the
earthquake is relatively new in Iran and in addition, nature of earthquake and other limitations
of engineering about these buildings show another perspective on this issue, the aim of this
paper is to retrofitting the foundation of unreinforced masonry buildings that here in after briefly
called masonry buildings and describes the methods previously used about this type of buildings
completely and various methods of retrofitting the foundation of masonry buildings against
seismic stimulations are discussed and illustrated therein.


Retrofitting, Unreinforced Building, Masonry Building, Seismic

stimulations, Foundation.

Discussion of building retrofitting has been widely discussed in Iran especially after the Bam
earthquake. That what buildings need for retrofitting is debatable from both scientific and practical
perspectives. Froma scientific perspective, all buildings that are not implemented under currently
principles and criteria for building design regulations need to retrofit that are divided into two
categories, first those which have been designed and implemented before there Levant regulatory
authority and second, those which have been built in recent years, but unfortunately due to failure
in them technical principles have not been done. From a practical perspective, it is not possible to
retrofit all foregoing buildings and therefore, circle of discussion should be more limited and just
that category of unreinforced masonry structures should be addressed which have special conditions
such as medical centers, schools, antiquities, symbols and that fortunately since government is

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trustee of such buildings, whether in terms of finance and in terms of execution and support, the
possibility of practical implementation of retrofitting becomes more.


In despite of conducted researches and provided solutions by various agencies in order
toretrofit buildings, unfortunately there is no comprehensivereference, especiallyabout unreinforced
masonry buildings and all literature in this area is dispersedly. The eighth discussion of National
Building Regulations has stated a framework for masonry buildings but thereis
nomentionforretrofitting therein. On the other hand in the journal 360 which discusses
professionally about retrofitting the existing buildings, has aquick look at retrofitting the foundation
of masonry buildings and more interesting that journal 373 which discusses especially about
masonry buildings, allocates less than onepercent ofits volume into retrofitting the foundation.
FEMA 356 has addressed some discussions for strengthening and retrofitting of unreinforced
foundation and treats with them like masonry walls. FEMA 576 states some methods for retrofitting
of various types of foundations that most of them are not used in masonry buildings. And finally
FEMA 274 and FEMA 273 pass this matter simply. According to above cases, in this paper it is
tried to collect all methods provided by various people of institutions in order to retrofitting the
foundation of unreinforced masonry buildings against seismic stimulations and to express their
advantages and disadvantages (Developing and promoting the national building regulations office,
topic 6 of national building regulations (loads applied to building, 2010. Deputy of technical
affairs of technical affairs office, developing the criteria and decreasing the risk caused by
earthquake ,publication 376, 2007 and publication 360, 2006).
It is obvious that a part from what will be in the following; other methods may come into mind
and or be offered somewhere else. But its practical implementation possibility or other secondary
obstacles and problems existing in the way of performing theretrofitting process can make a useless
method and solution from a fully logical method and solution, in this paper, therefore, some criteria
like the practical implementation possibility has been considered in all instructions
(TonekaboniPor, 2007, SarmadNahree, 2009, Mohebbi, 2008).

Foundation of a building is taken into account as the laststructural member in the way of
transferring the gravitationaland accessories forces of building to ground, foundations weaknesses
in theforce transmission results inbuildingfailure andcollapse.
Masonry buildings are principally lack of resistant foundation and are usually on the
infrastructure of masonry materials that are lack ofpowerand resistance againstlateral loads,
therefore foundation strengthening discussion in Masonry buildings is more likethe implementation
of new foundation in these buildings.
So it should be noted that proper drainage should be performed in regions with danger of
saturation of soil below foundation.


In this method, two lines of stripfoundation are constructed in both sides of wall heel and wall
is split atfixedintervals and two stripfoundations are connected to each other. In terms ofheight

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these new foundations should be such that first no problem occurs in flooring and second, they
transfer all vertical loads of walls to old foundation and then to ground. It should be considered that
new foundations are built on a proper bed.

Figure 1: Foundation's new executive details for old buildings

Other points of this method can include:
1. The minimum of reinforcement: main round bars with 16 mm diameter and transverse
round bars with 12 mm diameter and with 200 mm distance.
2. Round bars cover should be 50 mm.
3. Appropriate dimensions in accordance with figure 1.
4. New foundation should be properly connected to the old foundation. (In case of lack of old
foundation, it can be connected to the wall plinth). For this purpose, some round bars are
used which their one side is within new foundation and other side within holes created in
old foundation.

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If available masonry foundation is pedestal, detail can be also used according to figure 2.

Figure 2: Details of dimensions increase sample of existing foundation when pedestal

Easily enforceability and level increase are of positive points of this method; meanwhile this
symmetry is fully observed.


Sometimes, two-sided strip foundation can not be built due to neighbors or boundary
limitations, therefore, in such cases; one-sided strip foundation can be used by picket in fixed
intervals. In this method, one strip foundation is built on the internal side of wall and some parts of
wall is destructed and evacuated in accordance with figure 3 and one picket which is completely
connected to strip foundation takes its place.
In addition to observing the height code cases, bed of foundation and its dimensions should be
used in reinforcement of main round bars with 16 mm diameter, ribbed lateral tie with 10 mm
diameter and 200 mm distance. The connection of wall to foundation should be performed like
previous state. Easy performance and foundation level increase are of positive point of this method.
But we will somehow have one asymmetric foundation in one side due to concrete beam (strip

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Figure 3: Details of strip foundation

Because of Neighbor or border restrictions cannot be realized due to roll bilateral foundation,
therefore, in such cases, following a one-sided strip foundation is used with a picket (figure 4).

Figure 4: One-sided strip foundation is used with a picket

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One of the methods for decreasing the soil high pressure caused by earthquake force is to build
a bigger foundation under the existing foundation and increase the foundation area. In this method,
new foundation is built gradually and in pieces. For this purpose, the soil under the old foundation
is removed in desired length (maximum 1 meter) and width. The length of this part should be
selected so that the wall stability to be maintained. Then, reinforcements of new foundation are
placed under the existing foundation, so that the length of reinforcements is more than the length of
excavated part and bent from the end to be adjacent part of covering patch during reinforcement. If
any settlement is seen at this time, a part can be considered for placing the jack under the existing
foundation during concreting the new foundation.
A layer of expanded concrete or grout is placed over the final concrete to avoid from more
settlement. After setting the new foundation, wall is returned to new situation by placing the jackin
embedded part and jacking. After setting the concrete the jack is removed and remaining space is
also filled. It is clear that if no settlement is observed, there is no need for jacking. Being timeconsuming, hard performance and being costly are of disadvantages of this method (figures 5 and

Figure 5: To build a bigger foundation under existing foundation

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Figure 6: To build a bigger foundation under existing foundation


The other method of base strengthening is to embed new footings in both sides of existing
foundation (figure 7). Reinforced concrete footings should be poured in place and inside cavities to
have the ability to withstand the compressive and tensile forces. Each footing should be lower than
foundation floor balance and if it is performing as two-sided, it should be connected to each other
by a reinforced concrete beam which its length reinforcement passes from wall over the foundation
or from inside foundation. Being costly and to some extent performance difficulty are of
disadvantages of this method.

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Figure 7: Embed new footings in both sides of existing foundation


Soil conditions may be such that amending the soil under foundation becomes the most
efficient method. Is the soil under foundation is clean sand; it can be strengthened by injecting the
chemical grouts. Bearing capacity of other soils can be strengthened by consolidating injecting. In
the chemical grout injection, it is injected inside the clean sand at regular intervals. Mentioned grout
is mixed with sand and a compound is formed which has very high bearing capacity. Grout should
be also injected under foundation at regular intervals in consolidating injection but groutrounds the

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soil more than penetrating into the soil, and in result of this replacement soil is concentrated and its
bearing capacity is added (figure 8).

Figure 8: Modification of soil under foundation

If the bearing capacity of soil is low to the extent that extending the foundation is not
responsive too, in addition to building the deep footings there is another solution and that is to use
the micro pile. In this method which is a combination of building the new foundation and creating
the deep foundations or piles method, the construction can be started according to figure 9. One of
the foregoing methods can be also used to connect the new structure to old structure.

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Figure 9: Using of piles for stabilization

Mentioned methods are the most common methods of strengthening the foundation, but in
addition to above items there are other solutions too which are referred to them briefly.
One of the methods of strengthening the foundation is to adopt some strategies for reducing the
forces applied to foundation that this work is possible by embedding the vertical components of
new lateral porter such as types of shear walls. Also building use changes can be effective on the
amount of end load applied to foundation. The other strategy is to flood the foundation existing in
concrete that increases its solidarity. If the existing foundation has a week section with much empty
space, before performing each of the offered strategies it is better to retrofit the existing foundation
by injecting the grout and then implement the desired method. This work results the empty spaces
to be filled and continuity to be increased and consequently existing foundations resistance to be

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According to the current mandated regulations, some changes can be performed in masonry
buildings which are closer to rules and is along with them. Eighth topic of National Building
Regulations is the most formal regulation in Country that some clauses are mentioned and some
solutions are offered in this section. Clause discusses about foundation properties and wants that the
width of strip foundation becomes minimum 1/5 times of 1/ sleeper wall width and its depth
becomes minimum 50 cm that according to the above topics it can be achieved by building the new
foundation. Also, gradient foundation is prohibited in this part and in gradient grounds, gradient
foundation can be converted to stairs by building a bigger foundation under existing foundation
which is accepted by mentioned clause, provided that balance difference of each stair is not more
than 30 cm and each stair has 50 cm overlap with previous stair.
Clause discusses about sleeper wall and it is said that sleeper wall should be minimum 10 cm
more than wall width that it is possible with performance of auxiliary foundation and from balance
over the new foundation to over the sleeper wall can be widened by building the new wall and
connecting it to the old wall that this connection can be done by round bars which connect both old
and new walls to each other.


We can have a proper choice among all offered strategies, just when we are aware of the
weakness of foundation, each of these methods are for resolving the particular defects. Different
defects and correct selections are given in the following:
If the uplift risk threats the foundation, we can retrofit by adding new footings, increasing the
dimensions of existing foundation for having more foundation weight and soil weight and or
decreasing the uplift potential of foundation by embedding the vertical components of new lateral
If we want to amend the risk of high pressure of soil under foundation, in addition to three
above methods, we can think of eliminating this risk by amending the soil under foundation,
meanwhile if the existing foundation is a single foundation, we can retrofit it with connection to
adjacent foundation by a deep concrete beam. By this method, a part of forces created in foundation
is transferred to adjacent foundation during earthquake. This work can be also done when a single
foundation is under the risk of uplift. Principally, foundation strengthening is a costly work and its
strengthening method is generally economical when it is able to solve more than one problem. At
the end it should be said that different methods of foundation retrofitting should be carefully
investigated both in terms of economic and changes which creates in exploitation.

1. TonekaboniPor S.M .2007. Buildings retrofitting principles. Azadeh publications, second
2. SarmadNahree. A., Kardan S.M., 2009. Buildings with masonry materials, Azar
publications, first edition.

Vol. 18 [2013], Bund. Y


3. Mohebbi Moghadam B., 2008. Familiarity with methods of seismic improvement of

existing buildings. FadakIsatis publications, first edition, spring.
4. Developing and promoting the national building regulations office, 2010.Topic 6 of
national building regulations (loads applied to building), Tosee-e Iran publications, sixth
5. Deputy of technical affairs of technical affairs office, developing the criteria and
decreasing the risk caused by earthquake 2007. Seismic rehabilitation guidelines of
existing unreinforced masonry buildings. Publication 376.
6. Deputy of technical affairs of technical affairs office, developing the criteria and
decreasing the risk caused by earthquake 2006. Seismic rehabilitation guidelines of
existing unreinforced masonry buildings. Publication 360.

FEMA 356, 2000. Prestandard and Commentary for the Seismic Rehabilitation,

8. FEMA 576, 2006. Techniques for the Seismic Rehabilitation of Existing Buildings,
Edition October.
9. FEMA 273, 1997. Nehrp Guidelines for the Seismic Rehabilitation of Buildings, Edition,
10. FEMA 274, 1997. Nehrp Commentary on the Guidelines for the Seismic Rehabilitation
of Buildings, Edition, October.

2013, EJGE

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