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Voice Analysis One: Transcription of Portfolio 1

For this project you will be working on evaluating your voice adding in the components
we have been working on recently: pace, volume, pitch, tone, and speech units.
Task 1: Using your Portfolio 1, transcribe the first 1 minute 30 seconds of recorded
Task 2: Indicate the speech units inside the pasted text as you had learned in class.
Mark the stress in the words by looking up the pronunciation in any online dictionary or
pronunciation page that provides the stress as well as the scripted pronunciation.
Task 3: Re-write the transcript with the CORRECT speech unit marking as you would
want it to be read and divided.
Task 4: Listen to your recording and use the analysis chart below to grade your voice.
Write strengths and areas to improve accordingly.
Voice Analysis One

Moderated speech elements (volume, pitch, tone, and pace)

Speech understandable and clear throughout portfolio
marked speech units according to what was spoken (task 2)
Correctly marked speech units according to logical breaks in
Im spontaneous person , and I did my best. Also the recording
was according to the topic. The recording have not sounds from
the outside.





I have to improve in my pronunciation and also the security of
how I say my ideas.

Task 5: Turn in the list of difficult words, your article, the audio, and the analysis by

//Good morning//, my name is Daniel Gonzalez//, and// this is my recording// for the
portfolio on business english 7//, in the last week i interviewed 4 person that in my
opinion are an effective leader//. I ask them about the abilities/, attitudes,/ values and
knowledge/ that an effective leader must have//, first /im going to talk about the
similarities that i found between these person//, after that the differences// and finally im
going to give/ an opinion about what i believe an effective leader must have or must
be//, also im going to talk about/ what things i need to change to get there, to be an
effective leader//. In order to the similarities/ the abilities that an effective leader must
have is like the capacity/ to take decisions under pressure/ also be adaptable to every
situation and to every environment//, be organized//, the attitudes in a effective leader
must have is like to trust/ on himself/ and also have a gift with the people// that the
people trust on his leader//, be respectful, be proactive. The values is like be
responsible/, be always honest/ and also be punctual /nobody likes a leader that get late
to the meetings.

Stress in the words: Red

Correct Speech
//Good morning//, my name is Daniel Gonzalez//, and this is my recording// for the
portfolio on business english 7//, in the last week i interviewed 4 person that in my
opinion are an effective leader//. I ask them about the abilities/, attitudes,/ values and
knowledge/ that an effective leader must have//, first /im going to talk about the
similarities that i found between these person//, after that the differences// and finally im
going to give an opinion about what i believe an effective leader must have or must be//,
also im going to talk about what things i need to change to get there/, to be an effective
leader//. In order to the similarities/ the abilities that an effective leader must have is like
the capacity/ to take decisions under pressure/ also be adaptable to every situation and
to every environment//, be organized/, the attitudes in a effective leader must have is
like to trust on himself/ and also /have a gift with the people// that the people trust on
his leader//, be respectful/, be proactive/. The values is like be responsible/, be always
honest/ and also be punctual /nobody likes a leader that get late to the meetings.

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