Sermon On The Mount

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Update: July 14, 2016

G-Matthew Readers Edition Sermon on the Mount (Ch. 5 Ch. 7)

[Separated file attached to the main PDF for G-Matthew - Readers Edition of IRENT,
a new translation of the New Testament ]

Sermon on the Mount (Ch. 5, 6, 7)

So-called Sermon on the Mount

130F a

5:1 7:27
For the IRENT Readers Edition only, this large segment of the text (Ch. 5, 6,
and 7) is large unlike a parallel G-Luke (so-called Sermon on the Plane).
That makes it to deserve to be read separately from the rest of the Gospel.
It is taken out as a separate file attached to the main pdf file, in order to keep
the main narrative flow contiguous. (This is similar to the treatment of G-John
Ch. 15, 16, and 17.).
See the Appendix at the end for a comparison of G-Mt and G-Lk pericopes.

5:1-7:27 <So-called Sermon on the Mount> [An extensive collection of Yeshuas teachings is put in one
place here (Mt 5, 6, and 7), coming right after the start of Yeshuas ministry in Galilee.] [In contrast to G-Mt of this
extensive collection of Yeshuas teaching here in G-Luke has a parallel (Lk 6:20-49) but is much a smaller amount
of material gathered up in Ch. 6. See Appendix for comparison with the parallel G-Lk pericope (so-called Sermon
on the Plain, a misnomer)] [It is not for prescriptive ethics for us toward for righteousness and blessedness on our
own effort and merit. Instead, it is descriptive of what those children of God belonging to the Gods kingdom reign
be like.]

(Mt 5)
Mt 5:1-2 (cf. Lk 6:17-19)Setting of the Sermon


And seeing the people there,

Yeshua went up to the mountainside.
And when he came to sit down
his talmidima gathered around him. [cf. 13:11]
Opening his mouth Yeshua

began teaching them:

<<Blessed ones belonging to Gods Kingdom reign>> 5:3-16

Gods poor people

Mt 5:3-10 {//Lk 6:20}


Gods Poor Ones: Beatitudesb

Blessed, as to spirit, d [cf. Lk 6:20] are

the Gods poore people! [Lk 4:18; Ps 41:1; 140:12; Isa 61:1]
because theirs is
the Kingdom reignf of the Heavens to belong. [4:23; 5:10b]

5:1f talmidim /disciple; [life-committed learners to a teacher-master. (Heb. talmidim - Etym.

related to Talmud). Cf. pupils, students.]

5:3 <Gods Poor ones, the blessed> The so-called Beatitudes, which G-Lk has in a less complete
form (Lk 6:20-26), is not about to-be attitude, be-happy attitudes, how to be happy, or even how
to be blessed. It is grouped in into <A> [v. 3 Gods poor ones belong to the Kingdom reign of the
Heavens, and <B> [vv. 4-10 Their characters].

5:3f blessed [favored and honored]; /x: happy; /x: fortunate; /x: it will be well; /x: will be
blessed; /x: (God) will bless; [Cf. in contrast to Lk 6:24-26 Shame Accusations. Cf. Mt 23:13-32.]

5:3 (blessed) as to spirit [in contrast to their soul.] [not *poor in spirit spiritually poor
blessed if their spirit is poor] [poor in spirit is not humble, dependent, obedient, etc.] (Cf. Act
18:25) (the phrase not in //Lk 6:20.) [Thematically it construes to blessed; this all through to v. 10]
[blessed, i.e. rich in spirit, not impoverished]

5:3 the Gods poor people [people, not individual] {Isa 29:19; 61:1; Ps 40:7} [cf. Lk 4:18; Jam
2:5] [the ones whom God has to care of their needs and who are totally dependent on God - Isa
29:19; 61:1; Ps 14:6; 40:4, 17] [cf. politically-economically oppressed class]; (blessed not because
they are poor);

5:3, 10b *Kingdom of the Heavens [4:23] [5:10b; 6:10, 33] [= Gods Kingdom; not a place,
but Gods reign realized in the person of Yeshua himself, not to rule but to love with shalom]
[*heavens Hebraism for Elohim.]


Mt 5:4-6 {//Lk 6:20-21}


Blessed are they, who have deep sorrow and anguish in lament
because it is they who shall be comforted .
Blessed are they, who are meek to God [yielding to His will] ! [cf. 11:29; Num 12:3]
because it is they who shall receive the land [as their portion] . [Ps 37:11]
Blessed are they, who hunger [Ps 107:9] and thirst after [Ps 42:1] [Cf. Jn 6:35]
the very righteousness [for the name of God] ! [5:10; 6:33] [Ps 106:3]
because it is they who shall get satisfied [in God] .
136F a

137F b

138F c



140F e



Mt 5:7-10

Blessed are they, who are compassionate [to all others] !

because it is they who shall receive compassion [God pours down] .
Blessed are they, who are pureh as to the heart [Ps 73:1]
because it is they who shall come to see the Elohim. [Heb 12:14; cf. Jn 1:18]
Blessed are they, who live to bring Gods shalom! i [Jn 14:27 of Yeshua]
because it is they who shall be called Gods sons. [Cf. 5:45]



5:4f they, (who) [refers to the Gods poor ones in v. 3a = those belonging to the Gods Kingdom

5:5 in lament [It is not over pervasive human evilness, predicament and suffering; religious
hypocrisy (Mt 23:11-29) and perversion of truth; unrighteousness (Isa 59:4) and injustice.] [Cf. YHWHs
Suffering Servant, a Man of Sorrows, Isa 53:8.] [not lamenting over misfortunes and calamities in life.]

5:4 comforted [called to be by the side (of God)]

5:4 meek ~ yielding to His will [cf. the word meek alone tends to give a wrong word-picture
as that of being docile, tamed, non-aggressive, mild-tempered, etc.]

5:4 the land /x: the earth most;

5:6 *righteousness [+] [+ to be worthy for the name of Elohim] [3:15]

5:7 compassionate [merciful in //Lk 6:36 Cf. Ps 41:1-3 Gods mercy on His poor ones.]

5:7 pure [= keep on purifying; their mind cleansed of evil desires/thoughts unworthy to His
name. Thus, pure from the heart and set apart from the world (sanctified).] [Cf. purification ritual &
immersion-rite in Judaism.]

5:7 live to bring Gods shalom /x: peacemakers most (jargon cf. picture of peace


Blessed [and honored] are they, who are being persecuted

for the sake of Gods righteousness! [5:6; 6:33. cf. 5:44]
because theirs is the Kingdom reign of the Heavens to belong to. [5:3b]

Persecuted onesa

5:11-12 {Lk 6:22-23}

Blessed are yo all [who belongs to the Kingdom of the Heavens]
when they reproach yo [[and persecute
and say every kinds of evil things against yo]]

speaking-falsely}]] for the sake of [[/me]].

Be yo all rejoicing, yes, [[/be filled with joy]]!
[[/it is that]] [[/great]] is yor heavenly reward;
Indeed, in the same way
they [[/persecuted]] the prophets even before yo suffer .


Salt & Lightb

Mt 5:11-16Persecuted ones as Salt & Light

144F c

5:11-12 {Lk 6:22-23}

Blessed are yo all [who belongs to the Kingdom reign of the Heavens]
when they reproach yo and persecute
and say every kinds of evil things against yo


speaking-falsely} for the sake of me.

Be yo all rejoicing, yes, be filled with joy!
it is that great is yor heavenly reward;
Indeed, in the same way
they persecuted the prophets even before yo suffer.

5:11-12 <Persecuted ones> [The ones with blessedness of belonging to Gods kingdom reign (as
the Beatitudes pictured) are salt and light as their true identity in the world, but not a part of it the
main point of the Sermon. The rest is about their behavior and conduct in their life in the world.]

5:13-16 <salt & light> [The ones with blessedness of belonging to Gods
kingdom reign (as the Beatitudes pictured) are salt and light as their true identity
in the world, but not a part of it the main point of the Sermon. The rest is about
their behavior and conduct in their life in the world.]

5:11-16 <Persecuted ones as salt & light> [The ones with blessedness of belonging to Gods
Kingdom reign (as Beatitudes pictured) are salt and light as their true identity in the world, but not
a part of it the main point of the Sermon. The rest is about their behavior and conduct in their life in
the world.]


[For the sake of Gods righteousness,]

yo, yo all , are the very salt of the earth:
when the [rock] salt has its salt stuff leached out, [Lk 14:34]
then how shall it restore its saltiness?


146F b

It is no longer good for anything,

but to be thrown outside to be trampled underfoot by people.

Yo, yo all are as the light in the world : [cf. Ps 119:105] [cf. Jn 9:5]
a city lying atop on a hill cannot be hidden.
147F c

5:15 {//Mk 4:21; //Lk 8:16}

Neither do they kindle an oil-lamp
and place it underneath a grain-measuring vessel,
but on a lamp-stand,
letting light shine to all in the house.

In the same way let the very light of yall shine for others;
that, seeing the fine things that yo do,
they may give praise to yor heavenly+ Father .

5:13 you all [+] [+ those who belong to the Kingdom reign and being

5:13 salt [i.e. raw rock salt; not refined salt like table salt in our modern times]

5:14 in the world [genitive] /x: of the world

5:16f *Father [capitalized; Yeshua addresses Elohim as Father, never by the

divine name YHWH.] [Elohim (=the God) is not God of generic notion] [Father-Son
is the unique special dynamic relationality of Elohim and Yeshua, not of a biological
gender and social power notion.].

5:17-7:12 <<Greater


5:17-48 <Torah is fulfilled in Him: New righteousness>

New righteousness

Mt 5:17-20New righteousness
Dont yo all think

that [in my coming here] I have intention

to bring down Torah or Nebiim ;
No, what Ive come for is not to bring it down [to render it irrelevant] ,
but to be bringing it to fullness [for people to live it out] . [cf. Rm 10:4]
149F a

150F b

151F c

5:18 {//Lk 16:17} (Cf. Lk 21:33; Mk 13:31)Torah eternal

Yes, indeed! Im telling yo all:

Until the heavens and the earth [of the present order]
have passed away, [cf. Rev 21:1; Cf. Heb 8:12]
not one smallest letter yod, nor one single stroke in a letter
[in making up the whole Torah] d

shall ever pass away from the Torah,

until all things should take place [in me]


152F e

So there, whosoever relaxes one of these commandments,

[even] one of the least,
and teaches others m to that effect,
they will be called unfit and
least as to the Kingdom reign of the Heavens,
[thus, unable to join it] :
but whosoever obeying and teaching them
this one shall be called great and fit
as to the Kingdom reign of the Heavens. [Lk 16:10]
Indeed, Im telling yo all,
unless your righteousness [before men] goes above and beyond
that of the soferim and Pharisees,
yore never going to have come and
enterg into the Kingdom reign of the Heavens.

5:17 bring down /x: annul; /xx: destroy KJV;

5:17 Torah ~ Nebiim (7:12); /x: the law ~ the prophets;

5:17 brought to fullness [for complete transformation through the Life and Death of Yeshua
See Jn 13:34; 1Jn 2:8; 3:23a His new commandment. Yeshua Himself is beyond religion; is epitome
and personification of Gods dynamic, enduring and eternal grace.] [/x: Christ is the fulfillment of the
Law done with it.]

5:18 not one yod, nor one stroke [Hebrew idiom its impossible]

5:18 in me [Jn 19:30; not sometime in the future]

5:20 righteousness [in keeping Torah to stand before men] [Cf. 6:33] righteousness from God]

5:20 come and enter into [//Mt 18:3] [Jn 3:5] [find themselves belong to Gods reign; /x: will
go to heaven after death]; /> enter;

On taking others life

Mt 5:21-24On taking others life

Thus, yo all have heard that it was said
to the people of our ancient time in the history:
<Yo shall not take others life> ;[=19:18] {Ex. 20:13; Dt. 5:17}
<There, whosoever takes others life
shall be accountable for it before the court justice.>


I, however, say this to yo-all:

Anyone who brings anger {Cf. 1Jn 3:15}
against a fellow brother {without a cause},
shall be accountable for it before the court justice;
yes, what I am saying to yo is this:
whosoever [in hatred] says to fellow brother <you, blockhead!>, c
shall be accountable for it even before the Sanhedrin ;
and whosoever says to him <you, good-for-thing fool! >
shall be accountable for it [to fit]
even for GeHinnom of the [trash-burning] fire.

157F d





So then Im telling any of yo:

if, say, youre bringing your gift [of sacrificial offering]
to the Altar of burnt-offering [in the Mishkan] ,
and come to recall there that
your fellow brother is holding something against you,
you must leave your gift there before the Altar,
and go back.
There, first, get all reconciledf to your fellow brother,
and then, return and present your offering.

5:25-26 {Lk 12:57-59}


Come to terms with your adversary in a lawsuit quickly,

5:21 take others life [19:18]; /x: kill; /x: put to death; /x: (commit) murder most;

5:21f I, however, [Emphatic I = I on my own, without need of quoting

rabbis before me.]

5:22 blockhead [+ provoking anger] [raka Aramaic]; /raca KJV;

5:22 even ~ *Sanhedrin [26:59; rhetorical, rather than a local judicial court.]

5:22ff GeHinnom /*Gehenna; /x: hell; /Gk. Geenna from Heb. a valley hugging S.W. of Yerusalem. [Not to be
confused with hades (Gk) in 16:18 = sheol (Hebrew), or inferno (Latin as in Dantes Divine Comedy)];

5:24 reconcile to /x: make peace with;


while you are with him on the way [to court];

Otherwise, there is a danger that he may deliver you to the judge,
and the judge {deliver you} to the bailiff
to get you thrown into prison.
Yes, indeed. I tell you,
you shall by no means get out of there,
until you have paid the last penny.

On adultery

On adultery

Mt 5:27-28 (Mk ; Lk )
Yo all have heard that it was said:
<Yo shall not commit adultery.> {Ex. 20. 14 & Dt. 5. 18}

I, however, say this to yo all:

that everyone who looks on a woman

to set his desire upon her [to gratify his lusts]
has already committed adultery with her in his heart.
Mt 5:29-30 (//Mt 18:8-9) {//Mk 9:43-48}
[As any of yo say,] if, yes, if


Its yourself who sins

your right eye could

ever cause you to stumble to sin
[in that case, why not] pluck it out and throw it away from you:
indeed, you would then be better
to have one part of your body lost,
rather than to have your whole body get thrown
into GeHinnom. [5: 22, 30; 10:28; 18:9]
And if [as you say] if your right hand could
ever cause you to stumble to sin,
[in that case, why not] cut it off
and throw it away from you:
indeed, you would then be better to have one part of your body lost,
rather than to have the whole of your body

ending up in GeHinnom.
On divorce

Mt 5:31-32 (Mk 10:4; Lk 16:18) (cf. Mt 19:3-9 //Mk 10:2-12)


On divorce

It was also said:

<If anyone puts away his wife, he shall provide her
with a written statement of dissolution .> {Deu 24:1, 3}
I, however, say this to yo all:
anyone does put away his wife
on a ground other than sexual immoralities ,e [cf. Mt 19:9]

160F a




163F d


he actually makes her turn into an adulteress

[when she gets re-married] ,

and whosoever marries {such} a woman

who is put away after this fashion
is, in fact, placing himself commit adultery as much: [+]
165F f

On swearing to take oaths

Mt 5:33-37On swearing to take oaths

Again, yo all have heard that it was said
to the people of our ancient time in yor history:

<You shall not take oaths without thought of keeping them>; {Lev 19:12}
<You shall keep to YHWH [your Elohim]
your oaths [sworn to Him]>. {Nm 30:2; Deu 23:21}


I, however, say this to yo all:

not to take swear-oaths [as yo do] [23:16-22]
not at all!
neither by the Heaven,
as it is a throne of Elohim;
nor by the earth,

5:31f divorce [Here in the first century patriarchal society, it was about putting away ones
wife different from a modern counterpart divorce of a legal proceeding.]

5:31 her [+] [+ return her dowry and]

5:31 a written statement of dissolution [a writ of dissolution - so that she can be free to remarry.]

5:32 say this to you all: [+] [+ such a written one to give was only meant to protect her and
give her a right to remarry; but a free ticket to put away her.]

5:32 sexual immoralities (porneia); [= 15:19; 19:9] [It is covered in Lev Ch. 18 of the Holiness
Code of O.T. (Lev 18: to 27:)]; /x: fornication KJV (- archaic); /x: marital infidelity (i.e. adultery);

5:32c commit adultery as much: [+] [+ Go, be first reconciled to your family.]

as it is a footstool for His feet;

nor by Yerushalayim,
as it is a city of the Great King,
nor shall you take oaths by your head,
as you cant make one hair strand white or black!
But let yor word <yes> means <yes>, <no> means <no>;
yes, more than that is from that which is wrong !




On retaliation

5:38-42 {//Lk 6:29-30}On retaliation

Yo all have heard

that it was said: {Ex 21:24; Lev 24:20; Deu 19:21]

<An eye for an eye; and a tooth for a tooth>:b


I, however, say this to yo all:

Dont put yourselves up against the neighbor
who has done wrongs to yo . c [//v. 44]
Should someone slap one of you on the face
say, on the right cheek,
how about having the other cheek turned to him ? [v. 39b //Lk 6:29a]




And someone wants to take you to a court

say, to take your shirt?
let him have your robe as well. [v. 40 //Lk 6:29b]
And whoever under authority will commandeer you
into service for one mile [to carry a burden] ,
go with him two miles.


And whoever under authority will commandeer you

into service for one mile [to carry a burden] ,
go with him two miles.


If someone

asks you [for something to borrow]

give [and dont turn your back] ;
and if someone wishes to borrow from you
dont turn away.

5:37 from that which is wrong /x: of evil KJV; /x: from the evil one NET; /

5:38 an eye for an eye, and a tooth for a tooth [lex talionis Law of talion- not about personal
retaliation seeking ones own redress, but about limiting legal redress.]

5:39 put ~ up against the wrongs done to you [+] [+ to get even] /x: resist the *evil one;
/xx: resist not evil KJV; /x: resist an evil person NKJV; /[to replace lex talionis of O.T. with the new
righteousness of Him. Not for so-called nonresistance pacifism. It is not about do not resist evil
(KJV) for evils sake]

5:39 turn to him [+] [+ instead of showing your clenched fist up]

Love be without limit

Love be without limit

Mt 5:43-48 {//Lk 6:27-28; 32-36}

Yo all have heard

that it was said: {Lev 19:18b}


< You shall love your neighbor > [Mt 19:19; 23:39]
Yove even heard,
<you should refuse to love who are against you.> d

{cf. Lev 19:17}



I, however, say this to yo all:

<Be yo lovinge [even] those who are against yo. [//v. 39]
{Keep on giving blessed words those cursing yo;
keep on doing good things to those who do not love yo;}
and keep on praying for those {ill-treating yo
and} persecuting yo>. [v. 44 //Lk 6:27-28] [cf. 5:10]
172F f


Doing this, then, yo may prove yourselves to be sons [cf. 5:9]

of yor heavenly+ Father:

See what He does

the sun rises on bad and good people alike

and rain falls on righteous and unrighteous people.
See what

He does the sun rises on worse people

as well as good alike
and rain falls on righteous people
as well as unrighteous alike.

Can you see it now?

When all yo do

is to love those who love yo,

what reward do yo have?
Why, even those despised turncoat tax-profiteers do that!
173F g

5:43 love [*love in the Bible does not have much overlap with the common English word in the
semantic field.]

5:43 neighbor [parallel to persons (sons) of your own people in the same verse of Lev 19:18a]

5:43 refuse to love /x: hate most;

5:43, 44 those who are against -BBE; /x: enemies - most; [Not nonresistance pacifism] [Contra
Pro 25:21]

5:44 be you loving (i.e. indicative one must become a person who can love them); /> love (as imperative); *love in the
Bible does not have much overlap with the common English word in the semantic field.]

5:43 giving blessed words to /> blessing;

5:46 tax-profiteers /*tax-collector; [for tribute the Romans exacting from the occupied. Cf.
Mattityahu Mt 10:3.]


And if yo would greet only yor own people {/mss},

is it something remarkable yo are doing?
Dont even people of the Gentile nations {/mss}
do the very same thing?


So then yo on yor part shall be to the fullest

in loving others ,
as yor very Father in the heavens{/mss} is to the fullest [cf. Lk 6:27-28]
in His love [+with no bounds] .

175F b

176F c

(Mt 6)
6:1-18 <New righteousness: Living out in Gods presence>
Acts of righteousness: Making gifts of mercy, Prayer, Fasting

Living out righteousness

Mt 6:1

{Now} make certain that

yo are not doing yor act of righteousness
in front of others to catch their eyes. [cf. 5:14-16]
Otherwise, yore missing out something of reward
with yor heavenly+ Father


On making gifts of mercy

When you give gifts-of-mercy

Mt 6:2-4

Well then, each of yo,

upon making gifts of mercy ,
do not have a trumpet blowing before you
like those hypocrites
the way they do in the synagogues and on the streets [showing off]

180F g


5:48 to the fullest (teleios); (cf. Heb 6:1 (epi tn teleiotta) to the fullest
level); /x: *perfect; [not perfect as to character, morality, or achievement]; />
complete WNT, BBE; /x: *mature;

5:48 loving others [+] [+ with no limits to hold]

5:48 in the heavens{/mss} {/heavenly}

6:1 act of righteousness [= act of religious piety] {/mss making gifts of

mercy (= for vv. 2-4)}

6:1 reward (Gk. misthos)

6:1 making gifts of mercy [act of loving kindness it was understood as the
equivalent of an atoning sacrifice esp. in post-70 CE Judaism.]; /> alms-giving; /x:
do alms - KJV; /xx: charity;

so that they may be praised by people.

Yes, indeed. Im saying to yo all,
they have already received the reward due to them.


You, however, when each of yo make gifts of mercy,

do not let your left hand know what your right hand is doing
so that your merciful giving be done, unseen in sight;
Then your Father who sees [what you have done] unseen in sight
will render {openly}.

6:1 trumpet [IRENT has it only once here as in English idiom from sound a
trumpet before (KJV). Elsewhere as shofar (rams horn).]

6:2f hypocrites [specifically of hypocrisy of religion and power. The only

group hated by Yeshua. 15x in G-Mt.]

On prayer

When you pray

Mt 6:5-8

And when yore praying,

yo must not be like the hypocrites [of religiosity] :
When they wish to pray,
they love to take up their stand in the synagogues,
even at the town places where people gather,
having a desire in their mind

for attracting the notice of their fellow men.

Yes! Im telling yo all,
they have already received the reward due to them.

You, [listening to me now] , every one of yo, however, when you pray,

enter your own inner room [to be by yourself]

and after shutting your door,
be you praying to your Father [ Isa 26:20]

{who is} [present with you] unseen in sight.

Again, your Father who sees
what you have done unseen in sight
will render to you {openly}.


When it comes for yo to pray,

do not chatter and babble repetitiously
like the people of nations do:
as they think that with many words piled up
they will secure a hearing.

184F c


So, dont be like them:

after all, the Father of all of yo knows well
what it is that yo are in need of,
before ever yo have asked Him.

6:6 inner room /x: closet KJV;

6:4, 6, 18 render (Gk. apodidmi /x: repay; /x: reward; /> respond

6:7 chatter and babble repetitiously (battologe) [with ritualized prayers in

vain repetition, such as rushing off with so-called Lords Prayer (Pater Noster in Latin
for Our Father), etc.]

Lords Prayer Have your name sanctified

So-called Lords Prayer

Mt 6:9-15 {//Lk 11:2-4}



In this manner, then, on yor part, be yo praying

186F b

<O Abba,c [5:45] our Father in the heavens d


Have your very namee be sanctified and honored! f

Bring your Kingdom reign come [5:3; 6:33]
Bring your will and desire be accomplished!
as in Heaven, so also [+through us] on earth. [Cf. Heb 1:10]

191F h

192F i

193F j


With the bread [of Life] for us [cf. Jn 6:35, 48, 51]
[from above] in full measure

195F l

6:9-15 <So-called *Lords Prayer> [= rather < Disciples prayer taught by the
Lord>.] [G-Lk parallel is much shorter.] [The Lords Prayer is not petitions as such (of 3x for God
and 3x for us)] [What holds all together is the name of Elohim that which stands for God is to be

6:9 praying [+] [+ to hear Him and let Him hear in your praying]; [cf. Jn 9:31] [Not same as

6:9 *Abba [Aramaic word (Mk 14:36) for Gk. Pater]; [father is a relational term. Cf. Jn 1:12.];
/Father most;

6:9 in the heavens [i.e. beyond time and space.] [Absent in //Lk 11:2]; /in heaven most; /x: ~
which art in heaven KJV; [Cf. YHWH our father Isa 63:16; 64:]

6:9 your very name [= Heb. haShem (literally the name), common Judaic way to refer to the
Hebrew Tetragrammaton *YHWH (Yahueh > Yahweh; /x: Jehovah), which is usually buried up in
Christian mindset.]

6:9 have ~ sanctified and honored [a pledge more than petitioning = to sanctify everything of
us, with us, and in us to bring honor to His name (Cf. 1Sam 2:30) = to love your God (Mt 22:37)] /x:
may ~ be honored NET, etc.; /x: hallowed be ~ KJV (- archaic);

6:10 come [+] [+ and sweep over us] [Yes, it has to come and shall come; and well be a part of

6:10 Bring ~ to be [= Yes, it has to be and shall be; and we will be a part of it.]

6:10 be accomplished [= Yes, it has to be and shall be]

6:10 on earth [+through us] [we will be a part of it.]

6:11 bread [of Life] [As the New Manna with allusion in Jn 6:35; Exo 16:33 //Heb 9:4 (manna as
gift of heaven, sign of His presence, and promise of His salvation).] [not food for physical and material
provision, but for spiritual nourishment. Cf. Mt 4:4]

have us provided today



And forgive our debts [owed to you]

in the same way as also [cf. Mk 11:25]
we ourselves forgive {and have forgiven}
those who are in debt to us; [vv. 14-15].


198F c

And bring us not to a place of being to put to test

[unable to keep Your name honored] ; [v. 9].
and take us away from the [power of] evilf.>


199F d

200F e

{+ doxology}

202F g


v. 12 [Yeshua adds an explanation]

Indeed, [as to such forgiving on the part of yo:]
if yo let yor fellow men


go off their wrongdoings,

yor heavenly Father
is going to let yo also go off. {5:7}
But if yo let other people
not go off their wrongdoings, {Mk 11:25; Mt 18:35}
neither will yor Father let yo
go off yor wrongdoings.

On fasting

When you are on fasting

Mt 6:16-18

When on a fasting, don't put on a long-faced look

6:11 in full measure [See Appendix for the Gk hapax epiousios]

6:11 provide us [cf. Pro 30:8b feed me with food that is my portion NASB.]

6:11 today [//Lk 11:3 day by day]

6:12 debts (let go of) [//Lk 11:4 sins] (In Aramaic, the same word for debt as well as sin.)

6:13 test [+] [+ failing to keep Your name honored] [v. 9] /x: trial; /xx: *temptation KJV;

6:13 take us away from [not from out of!]; /> deliver from - KJV; /x: rescue from; /x: save from;

6:13 the [power of] evil [as synecdoche = the reality of evil in the world.] [Unjustifiably, *evil
in many Bibles is personified (e.g. 2Th 3:3; 1Jn 5:18, 19) to equate this to satan.] [Cf. Jn 17:15 (out of
the evil power)] [cf. 2Tm 4:18.]; /> evil - KJV; /x: the evil one many; /xx: the Evil one; /xx: the Evil

6:13c <doxology> {For yours is the kingdom and the power and the glory, forever. Amen.}
[ 1Ch 29:11]; (+mss some keeps within the text (KJV); in italics/brackets/footnote, or omitted) [cf.
Psa 79:9]

like the hypocrites [of religiosity] do;

yo see, they put on made-up faces to make people notice
that they really are on a fasting.
Yes! Im saying to yo,
they have received all their reward in full.


But each of yo, however, when you on your part do a fasting,

have oil poureda on your head and have your face cleansed
so that you would not show your fasting to other people
but rather to your Father, the One [with you] unseen in sight;
Then, your Father who sees [what is being done] unseen in sight,
will render to you.

6:19-34<<New righteousness Re. possessions and life provision>>

Your treasures

On yor treasures

Mt 6:19-21 {//Lk 12:33b-34}


Be yo not treasuring up treasures

for yourselves on earth, [Cf. Act 20:35; Eph 4:26; Pr 11:24; Lk 6:38]
where moth and rust eat up
and where thieves break in and steal.


But keep on treasuring up treasures

for yourselves in Heaven,
where neither moth nor rust eats up
and where thieves do not break in or steal.


And indeed, any of you, where your treasure [hoard] is [to be] ,
there also your [true] heart will be:

Mt 6:21-23 {//Lk 11:34-35}

What the very lamp

lamp and eye; spirit of generosity

of the body is,

the eye is.

Well then, if your eye is sound,
lit up will be your whole body;
But if your eye is sickened,
darkened will be your whole body.
Then, if what should be the very light in you


205F d

6:17 have oil poured /x: anoint most (church jargon; a different sense).

6:20 rust - most; /xx: vermin NIV; /xx: worm RSVmg; /

6:22 eye ~ lamp of the body [different from a modern expression eye is the window of a

6:22-23 eye ~ sound ~ sickened [Aramaic/Hebrew idiom for generosity and stinginess.]

does turn into darkness,

how terribly dark will it be!
Divided loyalty to two masters, God vs. mammon

Mt 6:24 {//Lk 16:13}


Two masters; God vs. mammon

one can be serving two masters;

In fact, either a person will less love the one

and love the other;

Or, will hold onto the one
and be less loyal to the other. [cf. 1Jn 2:15]
Yo cant be slaving for a God-being and also for mammonb.


6:24 less love />> *hate most;

6:24 mammon (//Lk 16:13) [Aramaic for wealth. Also Lk 16:9, 11] [metonymic for all that is
pursued for pleasure and power, a god of gold]; /> wealth; /x: riches (cf. Mt 13:12 ploutos riches); [cf.
1Ti 6:10 love of money];

Stop worrying over earthly things

6:25-34 {//Lk 12:22 31}Stop worrying

[Yo even seem to love worrying and complaining with bitterness!]

On this account, I say to yo:

be yo not worrying
[to care] for yor own being of life ,
about food or water for yor need to sustain life;
nor for yor body
about how to provide something to wear. [v. 31]
Isnt there more to yor own being of life
than the food yo need,
and more to the body other than the clothes?
208F a




Look at those birds in the sky and observe them:

[that] they do not sow, nor reap, nor gather into barns,
still it is yor heavenly Father
who keeps feeding them.
Are yo not of much more worth than they are?


And which one of yo can add to his life-span

even a single bit by worrying about it?


Why! yo worrying about clothes!?

Why should yo?
Learn from the wild flowers in the field to see how they grow:
they dont labor, nor spin [or weave] :
Yet I say to yo that even Solomond in all his splendor
was not dressed up like any of these!
But if God does clothe grass in the field this way,
which is only here today
but, tomorrow, to be thrown into a furnace
will He not much more do for yo?
O what little faith is that yo have!




Then, [make up yor mind and] stop worrying, [v. 25]

[such worrying as yo are fond of] saying
<How we get something to feed ourselves?>
or, <How we get water?>
or, <How we provide some clothes to put on?>


It is, yo see, all these things that the Gentiles


6:25 be you not worrying /stop worrying; /x: dont worry; /xx: take no thought of KJV; /

6:25 your own being of life /your *life - most; /x: your *soul; [See EE 10:28]

6:25 about food [what shall we eat which to eat?! cultural mistransfer (different Sitz im
Leben)] [same with water theme what to drink?!]

6:29 Solomon [Heb. Shelomoh, son of King Dawid]

6:32 Gentiles [+] [+ of nations who dont belong to Gods Kingdom reign]

6:33f Elohim [Also in Mt 19:24; 21:31, 43] [Gk. the God]; /God most;

6:33 from Him /of Him; [being righteous before God, in contrast to righteous
for men]

6:33 things [you are in need of] [provision; not prosperity, abundance,

(Mt 7)
7:1-12 <<New Righteousness Toward Others>>
To judge others

Mt 7:1-5 {//Lk 6:37-38, 41-42} (cf. Mk 4:24)

How and how not to judge others
Be yo not judging down others [as yo do now] ,
that way yore not going to get judged down:
For, with whatever standard of judgment yo judge down,
yo will find yourselves judged down;

and with whatever measure yo are measuring out,

the same shall be measured out to yo. [cf. 7:12]



Then, why is that you are looking at the splinter of wood

in your fellow brother's eye,
but fail to take notice of that plank of wood
in your own eye?
Or, how can you say to your fellow brother,
<Let me take out the splinter from your eye>?
And, look! the plank in your own eye!
You pedantic hypocrite
take out first the plank out of your own eye,
and then you are going to see clearly enough
and then you will see clearly so that you can take out the splinter
from your fellow brother's eye. [cf. Rm 2:1]


Discernment with Gods wisdom

Dont give what is sacred to the dogs, d

nor throw down yor pearls in front of the hogs;
if you do, hogs may well trample them down with their feet
and dogs turn and tear yo up.


Mt 7:7-11 {//Lk 11:9-13}

[+ When yo are who yo are,] [+ foremost, ask what yo
should ask for]
[Gods righteousness] [cf. 5:6; 6:33]

Keep on asking for


7:1-5 <To judge others> [The text does not tell not to judge, but how one should judge (v.5). (Ezk
3:18) and how not to judge - judgmental attitude of Im right; youre wrong; and hypocritical
judgment] [ they shall judge the people with righteous judgment - Deu 16:18]

7:1 get judged /x: God will not judge GNB; /

7:6 sacred [word play - Aramaic semi-split word meaning nose-ring (of ornament)] /x: holy;

7:6 dogs and hogs [word play. Alludes to blasphemers.] - Aramaic semi-split word meaning
nose-ring (of ornament)] /x: holy;

and it will be given to yo; a

keep on seeking
and yo will find;
keep on knocking on
and it will be opened to yo.
Indeed, everyone who keeps on asking for
is receiving,
and everyone who keeps on seeking
is finding,
and to everyone who keeps on knocking
it shall be opened.
Or, is there among yo anyone
who will hand out something like a stone pebble
when his son in his need asks for a loaf of bread?
Or, who will hand out something like a [water] snake
when asked for a fish he needs?


219F b



Well then, if yo, for all yor evilness, still know how to make
good gifts to yor children [for what they need],
how much readier will yor heavenly+ Father be
to give [His own] good giftsc to those asking Him for it!


[cf. 6:33]

Mt 7:12 {//Lk 6:31}So-called Golden Rule




all matters, since thats the case,

whenever there is something
yo would like others be doing to yo,
so also yo on yor part be doing to them [cf. 7:1]
this is, in fact, [that which may be read from]
Torah and Nebiim .[cf. 22:40]

7:7 given to you [not to hold, but to give to others]

7:8 everyone [that is, those who belong to Gods Kingdom reign, who would ask in harmony with
what God desires (1Jn 5:14)]

7:11b good gift [ v. 11a] [//Lk 11:13 holy spirit]

7:12 <So-called *Golden Rule> [The basis of this is as important as what is said since thats the
case at the beginning which refers to the preceding paragraph. As a corollary do not expect others
do for you before you would do to others first.] [Cf. Mt 19:19b]

7:12 Torah ~ Nebiim (5:17); />> the law ~ the prophets;

<<Challenge to make a choice>> 7:13-27

The narrow gate & way the Way of Yeshua
Mt 7:13-14Gates and Roads
223F a


[Seek and] enter in

through the narrow gate:
and broad is the road
the one leading to Destruction!
yes, many are entering there through it.
How narrow {is the gate} and constricted is the road
the one leading to Life!
yes, few are there finding it [as revealed] .

[Lk 13:24]



Mt 7:15-20 {//Lk 6:43-45}

{Now} beware of the false prophets ,
who come to yo in sheep's fleece,
but underneath they are ravenous wolves.

Warning: false prophets

225F c


It is

by the fruit of their lives

that yo are to recognize them :
226F d

Surely people never





gather grapes from thorny thistles

or figs from thistles, do they?
So every good tree produces fine fruit;
but the unhealthy tree produces worthless fruit.

It is not possible for a good tree to produce worthless fruit,

nor for an unhealthy tree to produce fine fruit. [15:10]
Every tree which does not produce fine fruit
is to be cut down and thrown into the fire.
Really, then, by the fruit of their lives yo are to recognize them.

Warning: those doing other than Fathers desire


7:13-14 <gates & roads> [not referring to ones but referring to Yeshua Himself (cf. Jn 14:6).]
[Contrast is not about good vs. bad behavior/conduct (in ethical or socio-political sense); or holy vs.
evil life, but the way of Yeshua Himself vs. religion.]

7:14 wide is the gate; broad is the way [that is, going with flow and even going headlong
against it, rather than staying above aloft out of it the sure way of Gods shalom.]

7:15 prophets [+ as to who really they are and what they are]; [that is,
people of religion]

7:16, 20 are to recognize them [+] [+ as to who really they are and what
they are]; /shall; />> will.

Mt 7:21-26 (Cf. v. 21 Lk 6:46; 13:26-27)


Not everyone who calls me <Master master > [15:7-9]

will get into the Kingdom reign of the Heavens;
but the one who is doing what my heavenly+ Father desires,
the One in the heavens.


Many will say to me on that Day,

<Master master Was it not in your name weve prophesied,
and in your name weve cast out demonic spirits,
and in your name weve done many powerful-works?>


Then I will tell them to their faces:

<Never really I had yo with me to know yo
[and for yo to know me] !

Get away from me,

bunch of yo, living away from Gods law!> [Ps 6:8] [Cf. Deu 28:15]

Two foundations
Mt 7:24-27 {//Lk 6:47-49}

Two foundations

Everyone, therefore, hearing my words as these

and living-out by doing them,
will be like a prudent man,
who has a house built upon the bed-rock [Cf. Psa 127:1]
he chooses [for its foundation] :
and the rain came down and the floods came up
and the winds blew and lashed against that house,
but it did not fall
because it was founded upon the solid bed-rock.
And everyone who, hearing these words of mine,
does not live out doing them,
will be like a man foolish in thinking,
who has a house built upon the sandy-bed
he chooses [for its foundation] :
and the rain came down
and the floods came up
and the winds blew and struck against that house,
and it fell, and great was its crashing down.
228F b




Epilogue of the Sermon of the Mount


7:21, 22 Master (Gk. kurie, vocative); /> Lord most (- a biblical jargon with
different nuance and usage) [IRENT consistently renders as Master in Gospels
when Yeshua is being addressed (e.g. 8:2)]

7:24 [for a foundation] solid bed-rock [refers to Yeshua Himself]

Mt 7:28 29 (cf. Mk 1:22; Lk 4:32)


And it came to be

when Yeshua had finished these words,


the multitudes were shocked [and overwhelmed]

being astounded at his teaching:
because he taught them as one having authority [of his own]
and not like their soferim .

(Mt 8)
Mt 8:1

And when Yeshua had come down from the mountain,

large crowds followed him.

End of the Sermon on the Mount


5:1 7:27

7:29 soferim [+ who had to authenticate their teachings by the authority of tradition]

<Outline of the Sermon on the Mount> Mt 5:1 7:29
Mt 5:1-7:29 <So-called Sermon on the Mount> [it is not for prescriptive ethics (nor a divine self-help
manual) for us toward for righteousness and blessedness on our own effort and merit. Instead it is
descriptive of what those Gods children belonging to the Gods kingdom reign be like. It is not the goal for
us that He was presenting, demanding, or commanding, but the picture of how they look across the deep
chasm we have to yet to cross and the high wall for us to cross over. Its what the love of God with the Cross
of the Mashiah, makes it ever possible for us, yes, for all the humanity.]

<<Blessed people in Gods Kingdom reign>> 5:3-16


{//Lk 6:20-21}

Eight Beatitudes
Persecuted ones as Salt & Light

<<Greater righteousness>> 5:17-7:12


Torah is fulfilled in Him: New righteousness





New righteousness
(Mk ; Lk )
{//Mk 9:43-48}
32 (Mk 10:4; Lk
{//Lk 6:29-30}
{//Lk 6:27-28; 32-36}

On taking others life

On adultery
Its yourself who sins. (//Mt 18:8-9)
On divorce (cf. Mt 19:3-9; //Mk 10:2-12)
On taking oaths to God
On retaliation
Love be without limit

New righteousness Living out in Gods presence

Living out righteousness
giving gifts-of-mercy
How one should prayer

{//Lk 11:2-4}


{//Lk 11:34-35}
{//Lk 16:13}
{//Lk 12:22 31}

Lords Prayer

When you are on fasting

New righteousness Re. possessions and life provision
{//Lk 12:33b-34}
On yor treasures
Lamp and eye; spirit of generosity
Two masters; God vs. mammon
Stop worrying

New Righteousness Toward others


{//Lk 6:37-38, 41-42}

How not to judge others. (cf. Mk 4:24)

{//Lk 11:9-13}
{//Lk 6:31}

Discernment with Gods wisdom

So-called Golden Rule

<<Challenge to make the choice>>7:13-27


{//Lk 13:23-24}
{//Lk 6:43-45}
(cf. Lk 6:46; 13:2627)

The narrow gate & way

Warning: false prophets
Warning: those doing other than Fathers


{//Lk 6:47-49}

Two foundations

<<Epilogue>> 7:28 29; <<Closure>> 8:1

Mt 5:3-10 <Beatitudes> [Not teaching on happiness, even on higher happiness. Not about
how to be happy or blessed, nor about be-(happy)-attitude or about to-be attitude. Rather it gives a
whole picture of characters of those belonging to Gods Kingdom reign (= Gods self-disclosure and
reigning with His love). Being blessed is being blessed by God and be blessed of God Himself
Gods being with us in our life, not getting blessing from God. The blessedness (not blessing) is
in ones relation to God; that which is from Gods blessing is incompatible the worldly blessings (e.g.
five blessings ).] [Happiness is a reaction by reflex, or a response by choice.] [These are not
behavior or conduct as such expected from the so-called Christians.]

6:9-13 <Lords Prayer> (//Lk 11:1-4) [A traditional label Lords Prayer, even Lords
Model Prayer, is not accurate. Rather, <Disciples praying taught by the Lord>, it is from
which our prayer should flow out; not something to be memorized, recited and repeated. It is
not meant to serve as a model prayer as such, or about how to the method. It is not a list of
some neat formulas laid out. It is the heart of all the prayers (not heartfelt prayers as such)
by the people who love God and belong to Gods Kingdom reign (Mt 5:3ff) and who live
always connected to God, taking everything with rejoicing and thanks-giving (1Th 5:16-18).
This is only possible when one comes to deny their very Self to be their lord, by participating
in Messiahs death on the Cross. (Mt 10:38). The theme at the center is Gods name that
which stands for God to be honored.]

<Outline of the Lukan Sermon on the Plain> Lk 6:17-49

G-Luke Lk 6:17-49

G-Mt 5:1 7:29



Love your enemies
Judging others; Hypocrisy
A tree and its fruit
Building on rock foundation

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