Sutton's Sweet Treats

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Written by the
2015-2016 Sutton
Award Recipients


A very special thank you to Catherine Purcell, Director of Principal

Gifts at the Smith School of Business, whose guidance has been a
cornerstone of the Thank You gift this year.
Thanks also go to Martha Santos at the Smith School of Business,
and to all of the Sutton Award recipients who contributed to this
years gift.

Published in Toronto, Ontario, Canada on June 1, 2016

Suttons Sweet
THANK YOU GIFT 2015-2016


o say that being a Sutton award recipient is life changing, would be a gross
understatement. While designing and compiling the entries for Suttons Sweet
Treats, I have delighted in getting to know my peers better, but also in remarking how our gratitude for you, Mr. and Mrs. Sutton, and your seemingly endless generosity, is strikingly universal between us.
I hope that this book captures each of our own idiosyncratic personalities, our individual ambitions, and brings you a little bit closer to each one of us. Most importantly,
however, I can only hope that we eectively convey just how much we appreciate your
devotion to our education, success, and wholesome Queens experience.
Thank you so much, truly.

Bon Appetit!
Catherine Ryoo



Kyles Kinglike Kabobs

Kyle Lanzinger, Comm 19
Ambitious, Competitive, Hard-working

Key Ingredient: The Sutton
Queens Commerce Service
Queens Social Investment
Semi-Professional Soccer
Player (Kingston Clippers Soccer Club)
Extreme sports enthusiast
Queens varsity soccer player
Volunteer with Marthas
Queens Advancing Canadian
Personal equity trading
Following and analyzing
nancial markets

Thank You Message:

hen I received the Sutton Award I had a tough

time guring out what to do with the money. Of
course, the immediate answer would be to put
it towards my tuition fees. I am not entirely sure why, but
doing so didnt feel right to me. I knew that the government
would give me loans to put towards University, so I decided to nd something else to do with the money that would
broaden my horizons in a way that my education cannot.
This is when I stumbled upon the Queens Commerce Service Initiative. With this group, and with some of the money
from the Sutton Award, I was able to y to New Orleans
to help in the rebuilding of homes that were damaged and
vacated due to Hurricane Katrina. While in New Orleans,
I learned more than I ever could in a classroom. I saw the
horrendous and dangerous living conditions that some
people lived in and witnessed how some people truly have
no hope. Seeing this gave me a new appreciation for my life
and what I have. The rest of the money from the award has
gone towards my studies, and I can truly say that without
your support, I would not be able to continue in the Commerce program.
As for the rest of my career, no matter what I do, I hope I
can wake up every morning and do something I love to do.
Ultimately, when the dust settles and I retire, I hope I am
able to do exactly what you do, and help the future generations of Queens students achieve anything they want to
through their education and life experiences. With that,
I want to say thank you, not only for the money you have
generously given me, but for the unforgettable life experiences I have been able to gain as a result.

Never let your fear decide your fate. - Aaron Bruno

Irenes Imaginative Ice Cream

Irene Li, Comm 19
Driven, Optimistic, Imperfect.

Key Ingredient: The Sutton
Classical Piano
Strong Work Ethic
Drive for Success
Queens Soul Food
Queens Non-Prot Outreach

Thank You Message:

riting this as a student who has ocially completed their rst year, I have come to see how the
Sutton Award has been instrumental in leading
me to where I am today.. If it were not for the Sutton family, all the experiences I have gained as a rst year Smith
student may have not materialized. Queens in itself is an
incredible institution, and the Smith School of Business
has provided me with an unparalleled education and professional skills. My time here has helped me to develop as
a professional, and as a person. Within my rst year, I have
already gained countless experiences that have equipped
me to realize my passions and my values.
This year I was honoured to have worked with Queens Soul
Food and the Queens Non-Prot outreach team. Both have
brought to my attention the signicance of non-prots and
their abilities to make a dierence. One crucial insight I
gained about myself was how strongly I felt about taking
the business concepts learned in the class and applying
them in a meaningful way to help our communities. Although in the future, I may not necessarily choose to work
for a non-prot, I still believe in taking this CSR perspective and applying it in a way that matters, in a way that is
bigger than ourselves.

Life is not measured by the amount of breaths you

take, but by the moments that take your breath

Cats Coconut Cream Pie

Catherine Ryoo, Comm 19
Creative, Passionate, Curious

Key Ingredient: The Sutton
Oil Thigh Designs
Queens Entrepreneurship
The Queens Journal
Learning languages
Vegan cooking and animal
rights activism
Perpetual thirst for knowledge and innate curiosity

Thank You Message:

ince entering the Smith School of Business, there

have been multiple times when I have needed to
take a conscious step away from the chaos of rst
year to wholeheartedly appreciate the singularity of our
program. I, now more than ever, remain convinced that
Smith, and Queens, are unmatched in the richness of its
academics but also in the depth of its student experience
and inescapable sense of community; of family.
I look back on this past year and I revel at the friendships
I have formed, and at the changed person I now recognize
in the mirror. To those who say that ones most formative
years take place in university, I cannot disagree. Exploring my passions for journalism at the Queens Journal,
and for not-for-prot ventures at Oil Thigh Designs has
shaped me to be more adaptable, sociable, curious and
So much of what I love about Queens is tied to my passion
for what Im studying, and I feel privileged to be experiencing such satisfaction with my university experience
thus far. After all, it has only been a year!
Without your astounding generosity, I certainly would
have approached Queens more gingerly, and may not have
eventually chosen it as my home for the next three years. I
absolutely cannot thank you, Gerry and Margaret, enough
for your support in my education and eectively, in the
development of my character and leadership.

What is done in love is done well. - Vincent van




Hanas Heavenly Hazelnut

Yohana Chaudhury, Comm 18
Passionate, Compassionate, Idealist

Key Ingredient: The Sutton
Queens International Aairs
Association (Vice-President)
- the largest non-athletic club
on campus dedicated to promoting discussion of global
aairs and issues
Alma Mater Society Education Advocacy Coordinator
CFRC Radio Station and the
Student Life (Information)
Queens Students Today,
Alumni Tomorrow committee
Senate committee on Academic Development
Avid debater
Advice giver and mother hen

Thank You Message:

few words of thanks seem too small to return to

you after what you have given to me. Nevertheless, I would like to express my sincere appreciation and gratefulness at your kind, and generous eorts
to help student like me to get the best education possible,
no matter the cost. It is because of this scholarship that
I have been able to rest a little easier, and it is the reason
that I was able to attend Queens. I truly cannot thank you
enough and cannot begin to describe the profound impact
this has had on my life. Because of you, I have been able
to receive a world-class education, make lifelong friends
and learn so much. It is because of you I have been able to
thrive, participate in extracurricular activities and in my
part, contribute to the Queens Community. Your gift has
not gone unappreciated or unnoticed by me - it changed
my life. The future is unknown, but I know that I will be
equipped with a degree from a great school and will be
able to impact the world positively because of it. Whether it is through policy work, consulting, or pursuing law
school, I will continue to work hard at everything I do and
infuse my passion and interests into my work.
Thank you so much for everything you have done and continue to do.

So many of our dreams at rst seem impossible,

then they seem improbable, and then, when we
summon the will, they soon become inevitable.


Brennans Bite-Size Buttercream

Brennan Kolotinsky, Comm 18
Humility, Candour, Analytical

Key Ingredient: The Sutton
Financial Modelling
Queens Capital
Queens Dance District
Heart and Stroke Foundation
University of Exeter

Thank You Message:

sincerely thank you for the opportunities you have

granted me. By receiving the Sutton Award, I have
been able to become more involved with the community. First and foremost, the bursary has been used to help
me fund my tuition. Without, the award I would have had
to work unrealistic hours while attending University. This
would have made it impossible for me to achieve academic
excellence. Additionally, I would not have had the time to
join clubs like Queens Capital. Queens Capital has allowed
me to acquire the skills I need to pursue a career in nance.
It is only with this bursary that I have acquired the grades,
credentials, and experience needed to start my career
Next year I will be going on exchange to England at the
University of Exeter. The bursary will provide me with the
additional funding I will need to pursue this experience.
Going on exchange means so much to me as I have never
had the chance to travel outside of North America. It has
always been my dream to travel and going to Europe will
allow me to meet new people, improve my self-condence,
and gain a broader perspective on life. It is the opportunity
of a lifetime! I am truly honoured to be awarded this bursary and cannot fully express my gratitude in words.

Everyone you will ever meet knows something

you dont - Bill Nye




Susans Scrumptious
Susan Li, Comm 17
Hardworking, Optimistic, Ambitious

Key Ingredient: The Sutton
Adventurous backpacker
Queens Mully Childrens
Queens International Justice Mission
Finance and accounting
Part-time librarian
Website design

Thank You Message:

hank you very much for your generous nancial

support for the past three years of my undergraduate education. Your donation is the catalyst that
allowed and continues to allow me to nd and pursue my
dreams. With your support, I have the time to participate
in many extracurricular activities while still maintaining
my academic standards. Participation in humanitarian
organizations the past two years has inspired me to start
my own this year to raise funds for a medical mission to
This year, I have had the privilege of going on a student
exchange to Singapore, which has been one of my dreams
as Singapore is a key nancial hub with nancial career
options not found in Canada. The opportunity to study
abroad led me to accept a corporate nance internship
abroad in Asia this summer. Your support in my education
has opened up my future to many more opportunities both
personally and professionally that I have never imagined
myself in, such as working abroad. In short, your support
means the world to me.

Even if youre on the right track, youll get run over

if you just sit there. - Will Rogers




Maxines Marvelous Mint-Chocolate

Maxine Mendoza, Comm 16
Petite, Funny, Creative

Key Ingredient: The Sutton
Cooking / Baking

Thank You Message:

our generous donation and continuous nancial

support to my education over the past few years
has been greatly appreciated. Now that I am
graduating, lled with excitement to see the new world
and all its possibilities, I have you to thank for helping me
achieve my dream of becoming a civil engineer.
Your donation has given me the opportunity to focus on
my studies while still being able to live a life where I can
continue to pursue outside interests to learn and explore
other hobbies. During this time, I was able to spend my
leisure time doing what I enjoyed photography, playing
guitar and I even learned to cook meals beside pasta (In
fact, I can condently say that I can now make amazing
steaks and salmon). Most importantly, I have been able to
travel for a month with a couple of my friends to Europe
to explore the world. I was particularly excited to learn
about the food, culture, and even got to see a lot of the
bridges and structures which were normally discussed in
class which I thought was amazing! This put all my theoretical knowledge into perspective and practice and made
me more aware that being a civil engineer is something
that I would like to pursue.
Thank you again for your compassionate support and I
hope that you will continue to make a big impact in others lives, as you have with mine. I assure you that I will
continue to work hard and pay this kind act forward.

Continue to do what sparks your joy.


Aakashs Amazing Ambrosia

Aakash Shah, Comm 16
Hardworking, Analytical, Competitive

Key Ingredient: The Sutton
Financial analysis
Martial arts
CREO Solutions

Thank You Message:

d like to begin by thanking you for your unwavering

generosity with respect to my education over the last
four years it really means a lot. Its safe to say that
your contribution has played a large role in nancing my
post-secondary education and has had a profound eect
on my broader career outcomes.
I have completed my nal year in the Commerce program
at Queens and am set to graduate at the end of May.
While I began at Queens with the intention to have a
career in nance, I have since changed my focus and have
moved to the United States to pursue entrepreneurship.
Specically, Id like to work my way up to owning commercial real estate properties like hotels and one day,
start-up a real estate private equity fund.
Its unfortunate but I wont be able to attend the luncheon
again this year as I will be in the United States. However,
Id love to speak with you over the phone at some point if
your time permits. You can reach me anytime at 647-6090962 or through email at Once
again, thank you for all you have done for me.

Be fearful when others are greedy and to be greedy

only when others are fearful. -Warren Buett


Kiaras Killer Kiwi Krush

Kiara Zuchkan, Comm 16
Funny, Loyal, Kind

Key Ingredient: The Sutton
Co-Director of the Commerce Society Public Relations Team
2 years on Queens Retail
Forum Executive Team
3 years as Social Media
Coordinator at the Queens
University Enrichment Studies Unit
Guitar playing
Collecting vinyl records
Quick wit
Interest in comedy and music
Positive outlook on life
Willingness to work hard

Thank You Message:

owe everything to the Suttons. Over my last four

years at Queens, the Sutton Award has allowed me
to fully immerse myself in the university experience,
and has given me the opportunity to become involved in
practical aspects of the Business program such as being
a part of clubs, committees, and businesses that ultimately helped me garner an oer of full-time employment
after graduation. Moreover, I was able to take part in an
international exchange to the Aston Business School
in Birmingham, England during my third year of study,
which not only helped me in my studies, but allowed me
to meet new people and experience just how wonderful
(and big!) the world really is. Mr. and Mrs. Sutton, your
generous contribution has made me feel more empowered
as a student, and motivated me to continuously work hard
throughout my time at Queens in order to reach my own
personal goals.
Because of you both, I will be starting my career at a multinational corporation with an extraordinary skill set and
a genuine love of learning. Your benevolence has truly
made a tremendous impact on my post-secondary career,
and I am forever grateful for everything you do. Thank

No day but today.





Alyssas Amazing Apple Crisp

Alyssa Jagt, Comm 15
Ambitious, Loyal, Talkative

Key Ingredient: The Sutton
Enthusiastic traveller - visited fourteen European countries in four months while on
exchange in the Netherlands
Avid reader - current favourite book is A Million Little
Pieces by James Frey
Long time competitive soccer
player and dancer
Had my 22-minutes of fame
on the reality TV show Pick a
Love to cook; particularly
enjoy making soups
Currently raising a Future
Guide Dog
Co-President of the Queens
Labour and Employment Law
Teaching Assistant and Research Assist at SSB in Human
Resource Management and
Organizational Behaviour

Thank You Message:

am extremely grateful to have received the Sutton

Scholarship for Higher Education. Since I was young
I dreamed of some day going to law school, and this
award has made that experience all that much more
achievable and enjoyable. I came to Queens Commerce
with the ultimate goal of going to law school upon graduation, and my time at the business school shaped my future
more than I could have imagined. In my second year of the
program I gained a passion for human resource management, which transitioned into a professional interest in
the eld of labour and employment law. The signicant labour and employment law reputation at Queens Law and
my positive experience in my undergrad led me to stay
at Queens University for my JD studies. One of the best
aspects of this decision is that I have been able to continue my involvement with the Smith School of Business.
My role as a Teaching Assistant and Research Assistant
shaped my undergraduate experience look back, these
experiences were some of my favourite parts of the program. Completing my professional studies at Queens has
enabled me to keep these positions and to continue sharing my love of Queens Commerce and human resource
management with students. I am so excited for what the
next two years at Queens Law have in store for me, and
am so grateful for the Sutton Award for helping me accomplish my goals.

It takes courage to grow up and become who you

really are - E.E. Cummings


Vania Zhihua Shi, Comm 15
Energetic, Driven, Curious

Key Ingredient: The Sutton
Travel and adventure
Music and photography
Member of the MIT sailing
Critical thinking and nancial modelling
Problem spotting and solving

Thank You Message:

he Sutton Scholarship was the last gift I received

from Queens when I graduated last year. To me,
it is not only an honor but also a legacy that I can

live in and pass on. It is the spirit of insatiable pursuit of

knowledge embedded in this scholarship that allows me
to thrive in the academic-oriented MIT community, and
would accompany me along the way.

Do things that count, and dont count the

things you do.



thank you
Thank you so much, Mr. and Mrs. Sutton. As you can likely tell,
you have impacted all of our lives in various ways, and we will be
forever indebted to you for all that you have done and continue to
do for Queens students.
Yours gratefully,

Elizabeth Wu, Alex Wu, Marcus Ho, Shi, Carmen Chen,

Alina Zhao, Meli Lifshits, Min-Ji Nam, Mustafa Ahmadzai,
Parv Mital, Erika Plante-Signal, Joshua Parada


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