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Midpoint Evaluation Form


At the midpoint of the field experience, the Student Teacher, with guidance from the Mentor Teacher, is required to
complete a formative Midpoint Self-Evaluation. The purpose of this document is to provide the Student Teacher with
an opportunity to reflect on his/her growth as a teacher.

The Midpoint Self Evaluation should:
Be thoughtful and detailed
Be complete by
the Friday of Week 3 of the IPT
Be discussed with the Mentor Teacher and the University Facilitator
Include Mentor Teachers comments
Be signed by student Teacher, Mentor Teacher, and University Facilitator

Faculty of
University of
Student Teacher:
Ginny Callaghan
ID Number:
EDFX 325.

University Facilitator:
Lawrence Rankin

Student Teacher
Midpoint Self-Evaluation
Dates of Field Experience:
March 17th April 25th
School Name & Address:
Crestwood Junior High Elementary School
9735-144 Street, Edmonton T5N 2T3
School Telephone:
School District:
Edmonton Public School Board

Subject(s) and/or Grade level(s):

Music Grades 1-9, Grade 4 Science, and Grade 4

Mentor Teacher(s):
Jodi Rietveld, Josine Bryson

April 11th, 2014


Signature of Mentor Teacher

Signature of Student Teacher

Signature of University Facilitator

Signatures indicate that the University Facilitator and Mentor Teacher have received and read the evaluation report.
Last updated 28/08/2016 12:26 AM

The purpose of this Field Experience Midpoint Evaluation document is to provide evidence and communicate information
regarding Student Teacher performance based on the Knowledge, Skills and Attributes (KSAs) for Interim Certification.
Comments reflect strengths and areas for growth in each category.

Description of the school and context of teaching:

School size
Suggested Topics
Not all need to be addressed.

Special Programs
Special Needs Students in class

Class size
Number of teachers

Crestwood School is located in the west end of Edmonton. It has students ranging from grades K-9, with a
total of approximately 400 students. There is one class per grade for grades K-6, and three classes per grade
from grades 7-9. There are not many special needs students in the school, and those with special needs are
not severe, and mostly seem to include students who have IPPs.

Preparation, Planning and Organization


Teachers understand that contextual variables affect teaching and learning.

Teachers use the Guide to Education and the programs of study to inform and direct planning, instruction and assessment.
Teachers understand the subject discipline they teach.
Teachers know how to identify students different learning styles and ways students learn and create multiple paths to learning for
individuals and groups.
KSA F: Teachers know how to translate curriculum and desired outcomes into meaningful and incrementally progressive learning
opportunities through short, medium and long range planning.
KSA M: Teachers identify and incorporate relevant learning resources into their teaching.
Curriculum expectations
Not all need to be addressed. Content knowledge
Lesson Plans

Suggested Topics

Time management
Diverse learning needs

Student Teacher evaluation including evidence:

KSA A: I planned my lessons to include guidelines for if there was extra time and adapted my lessons as I
taught them in order to accommodate the students in subsequent lessons. This included being prepared to
answer questions, changing my lesson if students knowledge was not where I expected it to be, or if things
were not going as planned and planning for disruptive behavior. I would like to work on changing my
lesson while it is ongoing to better accommodate when students seem to be struggling with concepts.
KSA C: All of my lessons were planned with the program of studies in mind, and specific objectives were
chosen for each lesson. For music, this involves picking one of three objectives to work on, with the
intention of teaching all three by the end of my practicum.
KSA E: I presented content to students in multiple ways to suit multiple learning styles. For example, I
used manipulates, played songs on the smart board, had pictures, had students use body movements (such
as clapping rhythms in music) and explained concepts verbally.
KSA M: I was able to incorporate the use of Smart boards and use materials such as the heartbeat and ice
cream manipulatives I used with the grade two students in order to enhance students learning.
I would like to work more on my time management; it took me a while to get used to the times of music
lessons for each grade, but I now have them written at the top of every lesson. I still need to work on being
cognizant of time however, because the lessons in music are quite short.

I had some trouble with focusing on attention to detail in a few lessons, which resulted in me teaching
incorrect content. This is something I am working on, and recently made improvements on my having more
thorough lesson plans.

Teaching Skills and Strategies

KSA A: Teachers understand that contextual variables affect teaching and learning.
KSA D: Teachers understand the subject discipline they teach.
KSA E: Teachers know how to identify students different learning styles and ways students learn and create multiple paths to learning for
individuals and groups.
KSA F: Teachers know how to translate curriculum and desired outcomes into meaningful and incrementally progressive learning
opportunities through short, medium and long range planning.
KSA I: Teachers know and use a broad range of instructional strategies.
KSA J: Teachers use both traditional and electronic technologies to meet students learning needs.
KSA M: Teachers identify and incorporate relevant learning resources into their teaching.

Not all need to be addressed.

Suggested Topics

Learning strategies
Instructional strategies
Student interest

Uses ICT
Cultural sensitivity
Lesson/unit plans

Differentiation of instruction

Student Teacher evaluation including evidence:

I tried several strategies to improve classroom management, such as raising my hand, clapping, waiting,
praising student who were on task, and directly asking misbehaving students to correct their behavior. After
trying these out, the two that seem to work best for me are clapping and waiting.
I think I need to do some work on my flexibility in terms of modifying my lessons time wise when things
do not go as planned.
I have worked on keeping students engaged in my lessons. I found this easy to do in health, but it can be
challenging in music with some concepts that require a bit of creativity to make interesting. I need to
improve on keeping students engaged at all times, even when I am busy passing our materials, or working
one on one with students.
I use a question on the board for every lesson in music to start the lesson, and I usually end with requiring
each row to give me a fact about something related to the lesson in order to be dismissed.
I did not think to ask for the music for the grade 7-9 students initially, but after being given it, I have been
following along in class and trying to pay attention to when the band makes mistakes. I am reading the
scores one instrument at a time, and gradually adding instruments in order to eventually be able to read the
full score as the students play. Additionally, my first lessons with the grades 7-9 were weak in some areas
because I did not conduct, as I did not know how. With my mentor teachers guidance and prompting, over
spring break, I looked up several videos and articles about how to conduct, and I observe how she conducts
in her lessons. This, along with following the music scores will hopefully help me when I do more work
with these students.

KSA H: Teachers know the importance of respecting students human dignity by establishing relationships with students that are characterized
by mutual respect, trust and harmony.
KSA J: Teachers know how to use and how to engage students in using traditional and electronic technologies to present and deliver content,
communicate effectively with others.
KSA L: Teachers know how to develop and implement strategies that create and enhance teacher, parent, and student partnerships.

Suggested Topics
Not all need to be addressed.

Oral and written language

Listening skills
Voice and language

Communication with parents/guardians

Teaching/learning technologies

Student Teacher evaluation including evidence:

I feel that I speak clearly and calmly, although I am quiet. When I have the students attention, I feel that I
am able to communicate to them in a positive and respectful manner that also allows them to understand
the upcoming tasks ahead of them.
I frequently ask the students questions, and respect their answers by thanking them, and correcting them if
need be.
I sent home a letter of introduction to the parents/guardians of the students, also requesting their permission
to use the students work for my portfolio.
I have used the smart board to communicate ideas to students and recently taught a lesson that used the
smart board extensively that I thought went quite well. I was hesitant to use them at first, but after using it
in my lesson, I have realized its value and would like to use it more.
I had a few issues with not being familiar enough with the content of my lessons in music, and therefore
my explanations were not clear enough. I have found that writing timing guidelines, and planning all the
steps for my lessons helped with this, and so it is something I plan on doing from now on.
Assessment Strategies
KSA K: Teachers gather information about their students learning needs and progress by using a variety of assessment strategies.
KSA L: Teachers know the importance of engaging parents, purposefully and meaningfully, in all aspects of teaching and learning.

Suggested Topics
Not all need to be addressed.

Appropriate questioning
Assessment variety
Formative/ Summative
Timely feedback

Adapted assessment
Record keeping

Student Teacher evaluation including evidence:

I often ask questions before, during and after a lesson. I start my lessons with a question of the day that
pertains to the last lesson, or something relevant to the current lesson.
I reflect on my lessons well, and write in depth reflections and observations after I teach, and as I watch
my mentor teachers teach.
I also reflect after each lesson I teach in order to plan subsequent lessons accordingly.

I have begun to summatively assess students by placing checkmarks by their names when I ask questions at
the end of each lesson. For Science with the grade fours, I will be taking home their workbooks to look at
their work, asses their knowledge, and provide feedback.
Management and Classroom Climate
KSA A: Teachers understand that contextual variables affect teaching and learning.
KSA G: Teachers create and maintain environments that are conducive to student learning and understand student needs for physical, social,
cultural and psychological security.
KSA H: Teachers know the importance of respecting students human dignity by establishing relationships with students that are characterized
by mutual respect, trust and harmony.

Suggested Topics
Not all need to be addressed.

Class tone
Rapport with students
Student engagement

Conflict resolution

Student Teacher evaluation including evidence:

I build a good rapport with students by asking them questions about their weekends/evenings/spring break
etc. I respect all the students by listening to them and praising their efforts. I am always willing to help
them with any questions they may have.
I set up a routine with my students, such as having a question of the day on the board for each lesson,
clapping to get their attention, and waiting for them to be quiet in order to set up the expectation that and
they must be quiet, focused and engaged.

Understanding Students Needs

KSA E: Teachers know how to identify students different learning styles and ways students learn and create multiple paths to learning for
individuals and groups.
KSA F: Teachers know how to translate curriculum and desired outcomes into meaningful and incrementally progressive learning
opportunities. Teachers understand the need to vary their plans to accommodate individuals and groups of students.
KSA I: Teachers know and use a broad range of instructional strategies and know which strategies are appropriate to help different students
achieve different outcomes.

Suggested Topics
Not all need to be addressed.

Planning that includes all students and learning styles

Alignment of strategies to student needs
Use of varied resources to differentiate instruction
Assists all learners
Understands contextual variables that affect teaching and learning

Student Teacher evaluation including evidence:

I adjust my lessons, especially subsequent ones when I notice that students require more/less assistance
from me. However, I need to work on changing my lessons as they are occurring when students are not
understanding. I think I am able to recognize when I am not meeting their needs, but I have trouble
adjusting my teaching in order to change that, at least until the next lesson. The change needs to be more
When teaching an art project to two students, I modified the project in order for one of them in order for

him to be able to complete the project successfully.

I frequently rephrase questions and ask guiding questions in order to lead students to the correct answers
while still making sure they learn.
Professional Qualities and Attributes
KSA B: Teachers understand the legislated, moral and ethical frameworks with in which they work.
KSA H: Teachers know the importance of respecting students human dignity by establishing relationships with students that are characterized
by mutual respect, trust and harmony.
KSA L: Teachers know the importance of engaging parents, purposefully and meaningfully, in all aspects of teaching and learning.
KSA N: Teachers know the importance of contributing, independently and collegially, to the quality of their school.
KSA O: Teachers assess the quality of their own teaching and use this to develop and implement their own professional development.
KSA P: Teachers guide their actions with a personal, overall vision of the purpose of teacher and they are able to communicate their vision,
including how it has changed as a result of new knowledge , understanding and experience.

Suggested Topics
Not all need to be addressed.

Work ethics

Interpersonal skills

Team work

Student Teacher evaluation including evidence:

I have a good attitude in the classroom; although I may come across as too reserved initially, especially
when I am observing. I would like to work on coming up with ways to involve myself in music with the
grade 7-9 band that still allow me to observe and learn teaching methods.
I am willing to help when needed, and am eager to learn new tips/strategies from my mentor teachers. I
realize they both possess a lot of knowledge; so learning whatever I can from them is beneficial to my
I am reflective of my own behavior, and do my best to work on areas that I am told are lacking. For
example, when having a couple lessons not go as planned due to my own errors in not knowing the content
well enough/attention to detail, I took the time to make sure my lessons were planned step by step and that
I taught the concept to myself adequately.

As previously mentioned, I make lengthy observations each day, and try to do them after each lesson in
order to better prepare for my next lessons. I include questions I have, ideas to try, and things that I think
went well in my lessons, along with things that need improvement. This is also based on the feedback from
my mentor teacher, as I see a huge value in following their recommendations.

Each of my lessons include a goal for myself that I hope to meet, I assess these in my reflections and try to
work on them in subsequent lessons as best as I cam.
I often reflect and justify/explain my choices after teaching a lesson to my teacher in order to try and
communicate my beliefs about teaching and to gain feedback.
I would like to come up with more specific strategies for how to meet personal goals, as opposed to only
coming up with strategies for teaching my lessons.

Mentor Teacher Comments:

Ginny has been a welcomed addition to the music program. Though she is soft-spoken, Ginny exhibits
good classroom control and has formed a connection with many students. Ginny experimented with a
variety of methods to arrive at what works best for her classes to listen and learn most effectively. She is
encouraging and kind to the students, and they have responded well to her. Ginny was given three specific
musical concepts to teach to each grade in grades one through five. Junior high band was observed by
Ginny, and she only taught each grade one lesson due to time restraints and an imminent competition.
Ginnys lesson plans are usually well thought out and she is progressing in her pacing and instructional
strategies. She is beginning to differentiate her instruction when she sees that not all students are being
reached with her instruction. Recently, she incorporated hand-made manipulatives into her lesson and it was
a great tactile addition. Recorders, xylophones, hand drums, the piano, and the SmartBoard have all been
utilized to support learning objectives. While she is not completely comfortable with some of the aspects of
what she has been asked to teach, she is very good about asking for direction and feedback when needed.
Ginny should continue to work hard and make sure that all the content that she is presenting is well
researched, correct, and secure in her own mind first. Presenting bits of incorrect material has happened
throughout, but Ginny has always re-taught the material correctly the next day with a clear explanation for
the students. She is very receptive to discussions surrounding her lessons, and applies what was discussed.
Ginny uses appropriate questioning techniques and has used thoughtful questions both to successfully begin
and end each lesson, with a goal to either review past lessons, or recap the current one. While she has
planned for assessment in her lessons, Ginny has found it difficult to follow through with her plan for many
lessons, due to time restraints, or the subject content not being covered as planned. She should continue to
work on making appropriate plans to assess the students. Ginny displays a positive and teachable attitude
when she shows up each day. She is beginning to take more initiative with giving extra time in her day over
and above the basic requirements. As such, Ginny has been helpful with organizing the musical scores and
permission forms for the band trip to Kiwanis, as well as offering to supply the elementary lesson plans for
the morning we are away at the band competition. I look forward to watching Ginny continue to grow as a
teacher during the remainder of her time here at Crestwood.
~ Jodi Rietveld

Ginny has been an asset to have in room 7. She will complete every task assigned to her. Although
somewhat hesitant at first, Ginny is now really demonstrating some excellent growth as a classroom teacher.
She is a reflective practitioner and has lately been able to point out how she would change and improve her
lessons. She is now also taking suggestions well, and modifying her lessons accordingly. Over the last
weeks Ginny has been very creative and thorough in the planning of her lessons. I look forward to continue
to work with Ginny over the next few weeks to watch her grow as a teacher. Josine Bryson

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