Afx Midpoint Evaluation

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AFX Student Teacher Midpoint Self-Evaluation

Field Experience Information:

Student Teacher:
Last Name: Callaghan

First Name: Ginny

ID Number: 1388110

Course Number: EDFX?

University Facilitator:
Last Name: Cameron

First Name: Fahlman

Mentor Teacher:
Last Name: Carol

First Name: French

Placement Information:
Start Date (dd/mm/yyyy): 02/16/2016

End Date (dd/mm/yyyy): 04/23/2016

Subject(s) and/or Grade Level(s): Grade 5

School Information:
School Name: Duggan Elementary School

School District: Edmonton Public School Board

School Address:

Postal Code:

School Phone #:


Preamble and Instructions:

The Student Teacher, with guidance from the Mentor Teacher, is required to complete a formative
Midpoint Self-Evaluation. The purpose of this document is to provide the Student Teacher with an
opportunity to reflect on his/her growth as a teacher. The Midpoint Self-Evaluation should:
Be thoughtful and detailed
Include Mentor Teachers comments
Be completed by Monday of Week 5 of the AFX
Be discussed with the Mentor Teacher and the University Facilitator

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The purpose of this Field Experience Midpoint Self-Evaluation document is to provide evidence and
communicate information regarding Student Teacher performance based on the Knowledge, Skills and
Attributes (KSAs) for Interim Certification.
For each category, the Student Teacher should provide comments that reflect strengths and areas for
growth in each category. Evidence and specific examples should be provided.
You do not need to use all the space provided, only enough to provide necessary evaluation and
evidence. Recommended length is 200-300 words per category. Do not exceed the space provided; there
is space for extra comments at the end.
Use the KSAs and suggested topics as they relate to the category to guide your comments; not all need
to be addressed.

Description of the school and context of teaching

Suggested Topics (Not all need to be addressed): school size, urban/rural, special programs, class size, special needs students in class,
number of teachers, etc.

Duggan Elementary School is an urban school within the Edmonton Public School Board. It meets the
needs of just over 300 students from Kindergarten to Grade 6. In the grade 5 class that I am doing my
placement in, there are 23 students. One student is an ESL learner who speaks very limited English.
There are also several students with ADHD and ADD, as well as one student who is below grade level
in many areas. There is one teacher in this classroom, and no Educational Assistants are present,
except for when the ESL student is briefly pulled out of class for one-on-one work. Duggan School
does not have any special programs, but does place emphasis on reading instruction with guided
reading groups that take place 3 days a week, as well as buddy reading on Fridays. In a guided
reading group, all students in the school who are at a particular reading level gather into one class to
receive reading instruction that matches their skills and abilities. The size of the guided reading group
changes as students progress to higher levels. There is also allotted library time for each class, and so
my mentor teacher takes on the responsibility of aiding grade 4 students during this time.
Duggan schools vision is to allow students to learn to their full potential, and develop passion, ability
and imagination to reach their dreams and contribute to their community. They alo strive to work with
families and community partners to provide safe, caring, healthy, diverse, inclusive and equitable
learning experiences that engage students to achieve their full potential in an increasingly
indepenedant world.

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Preparation, Planning and Organization

Related Knowledge, Skills and Attributes (Not all need to be addressed):
KSA A: Teachers understand that contextual variables affect teaching and learning.
KSA C: Teachers use the Guide to Education and the programs of study to inform and direct planning, instruction and assessment.
KSA D: Teachers understand the subject discipline they teach.
KSA E: Teachers know how to identify students different learning styles and ways students learn and create multiple paths to learning
for individuals and groups.
KSA F: Teachers know how to translate curriculum and desired outcomes into meaningful and incrementally progressive learning
opportunities through short, medium and long range planning.
KSA M: Teachers identify and incorporate relevant learning resources into their teaching.
Suggested Topics (Not all need to be addressed): curriculum expectations, content knowledge, lesson plans, organization, time
management, diverse learning needs, etc.

When planning my lessons, I always refer to the Alberta Education Program of Studies Guide. I
use it to structure my lessons so that students meet various curricular expectations for each lesson that
I teach. I also review material before teaching to ensure that I am able to help and guide students as
much as possible. Although my knowledge in Social Studies is not where I would like it to be, I
always read the class textbook before I teach a lesson, and do my best to look up answers to questions
that the students ask that I do not know.
My lesson plans are always complete with timing guidelines, anticipatory sets, activities,
closures, learning outcomes, and differentiated instruction. This helps me set an outline for where I
want me lesson to go and allows me to manage my time appropriately. However, I am flexible with
my time guidelines and will change the plan on the spot if I find that students are not understanding
the material or need more practice with it.
I also think I have good time management skills, as I can adjust my lessons to fit the time allotted. I
am not always able to complete a full lesson in the time allotted, as I am flexible within my lesson to
ensure that students understand material before moving forward. However, my lessons come to an
appropriate end, regardless of how much of the lesson is completed. In the future, especially now that
I have a better idea of my class and the students in it, I would like to work on planning a lesson that is
more accurate
in terms of timing and how long students need to get activities completed successfully.
I feel that I am well organized, and have materials ready before the start of each lesson. I am able to
successfully teach a lesson without having to look for what I need, which allows the students to stay
focused and on task.

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Teaching Skills and Strategies

Related Knowledge, Skills and Attributes (Not all need to be addressed):
KSA A: Teachers understand that contextual variables affect teaching and learning.
KSA D: Teachers understand the subject discipline they teach.
KSA E: Teachers know how to identify students different learning styles and ways students learn and create multiple paths to learning
for individuals and groups.
KSA F: Teachers know how to translate curriculum and desired outcomes into meaningful and incrementally progressive learning
opportunities through short, medium and long range planning.
KSA I: Teachers know and use a broad range of instructional strategies.
KSA J: Teachers use both traditional and electronic technologies to meet students learning needs.
KSA M: Teachers identify and incorporate relevant learning resources into their teaching.
Suggested Topics (Not all need to be addressed): learning strategies, sequencing/timing, flexibility, instructional strategies, use of ICT,
differentiation of instruction, student interest, cultural sensitivity, pacing, lesson/unit plans, etc.

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I always have ways to modify my lessons for those who require more of an academic challenge,
as well as those students who need to simplify the activity in order to be successful. For example,
during a social studies lesson where students had to write a diary entry as though they were a First
Nations person, industry worker, British Citizen or French citizen before confederation, I had a
student who finished early complete another small entry from a different perspective. In this same
lesson, I was able to have a student who needed simplification, complete the task by rephrasing the
events in a modern day setting in order for them to relate. After doing this, the student was
successfully able to identify issues and concerns they may have and then rephrase them into the time
period assigned.
As I progress, I would like to find more differentiation for my ESL student as well as work harder
to incorporate different learning styles. I find that my ESL student always has a reading activity to do,
but as she doesnt speak out, I find that I let her slip under the cracks and forget to make sure she is
included in more appropriate ways. Recently, I provided the student with a small paragraph on
wetland that she could translate in order to understand what the class was talking about. I think this is
more beneficial in ensuring that she feels a part of the class, and not as secluded. I also had the student
write a paragraph for Language Arts in Mandarin, and then type it in to her translator so she could
copy it down in English. I would like to continue doing this wherever I can, as well as find other ways
that I can ensure she is learning similar material to the other students, but at an appropriate level that
ensures her understanding and growth, especially in the English Language.
I usually use ICT to meet the needs of my visual learners and kinesthetic learners. For example, I
have used Smartboard eqivlent fractions games that allow students to see different representtions of
fravtions, and drag and drop them into the appropriate boxes. I also use ICT to incorporate GoNoodle
into the classroom, which allows the students to have small brain breaks to prepare them for upcoming
seatwork. I also provide explanations that allow my auditory learners to be successful, and allow
students to come up to the board to show their work. When teaching, I try my best to not only explan
things orally, but summarize key points onto the Smartboard or whiteboard for my visual learners. I
would like to improve how frequently I do this, and also find more strategies to help my more handson learners succeed.
I would like to improve on my ability to plan for student interest as I progress as well. I have been
able to teach students how to write a persuasive paragraph by having them complete a persuasive
paragraph on why they should or should not have homework for a night, which was of great interest to
them, and I have also surveyed them on what they would like to know in future science classes. I used
an exit slip for them to tell me one thing they would like to learn or do in future science classes; many
of them wished to create some sort of explosion. With this knowledge, I finished off the chemistry the
students were doing by taking them outside to do a Diet Coke and Mentos experiement. This was fun,
matched their interests, and was also related to the the curriculum.
Management and Classroom Climate
Related Knowledge, Skills and Attributes (Not all need to be addressed):
KSA A: Teachers understand that contextual variables affect teaching and learning.
KSA G: Teachers create and maintain environments that are conducive to student learning and understand student needs for physical,
social, cultural and psychological security.
KSA H: Teachers know the importance of respecting students human dignity by establishing relationships with students that are
characterized by mutual respect, trust and harmony.
Suggested Topics (Not all need to be addressed): class tone, routines, rapport with students, conflict resolution, student engagement,
leadership, transitions, etc.

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I always maintain a respectful and calm tone when I teach students. I frequently talk to students about
respecting others while they work, and being kind to everyone. The students in this class can often
struggle to get along, so I try to emphasise the importance of being respectful through talking to
students about it, as well as through demonstrating it myself. I am able to be open and honest with
students, in the hope that by doing so, they will be open and honest with me. So far, I feel as though
students feel safe and comfortable in talking to me, and will frequently talk to me about any problems
they are facing.
I have established several routines in the classroom, such as having the students come back to class
from physical education, and wait to be dismissed for water breaks row by row. Although small, this
has alleviated students waiting in the hallway after physical education and becoming disruptive, and
also allows me to quickly transition in our next lesson, explain the tasks at hand and have students
quickly get to work. Doing this is far less interruptive to not only our classroom but to others as well. I
have also maintained the stuednts routine of waiting at their desks to be dismissed, handing in their
agendas first thing in the morning, and tried my best to get students on a nightly reading routine at
This class has several issues with conflict resolution, as there is a handful of students who do not get
along with one another. I am trying my best to talk to these students when conflicts arise, and when
they are doing a good job in order to be preventative with potential conflicts. I have given students
strategies to solve conflicts on their own, but also make sure they know they can come to me at any
time for help. So far, I havent found a solution that works for two particular students in the class, but
any other student conflicts aside from with these two students are quickly resolved.
I try to keep students engaged by asking for student volunteers, and involving the students in my
teaching as much as possible. I also use fun YouTube videos to help reinforce concepts to students.
For example, to solidfy the students understanding of the events prior to , and post confederation, I
found a fun video that turned the events into a song. This kept the students engaged and learning at the
same time. I also try to find assignments that student will be interested and engaged in, to ensure
students best quality of work. For example, I have had them complete diary enteries as though they
were someone from the past, newspaper articles that allow them to come up with their own special
reporter name and specialty, no homework persuasive paragraphs, and have allowed for group
projects. Not only do the group projects allow for engagement, but they also help the students work
on conflict resolution, and teach them to be respectful of others.

Related Knowledge, Skills and Attributes (Not all need to be addressed):
KSA H: Teachers know the importance of respecting students human dignity by establishing relationships with students that are
characterized by mutual respect, trust and harmony.
KSA J: Teachers know how to use and how to engage students in using traditional and electronic technologies to present and deliver
content, communicate effectively with others.
KSA L: Teachers know how to develop and implement strategies that create and enhance teacher, parent, and student partnerships.
Suggested Topics (Not all need to be addressed): oral and written language, communication with parents/guardians, listening skills,
teaching/learning technologies, voice and language, etc.

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So far in my practicum, I have written several notes to parents in students agendas, and have made
three phone calls to parents. I have talked in person and through written communication with one of
the parents of the ESL student to come up with ways to support the students learning, and have also
provided this student with Mandarin words and their English tranlations so that she can practice at
home with her parent to become more successful and comfortable at school.
I am in the process of trying to find a convient time to discuss a negative incident at school with
parents of one student. Although we have not found a good talk to talk just yet, my plan is to be
respectful of both the student and family, and make sure to mention the students areas of strength as
well. I have also called two parents of two students to discuss great work that their children
completed. Iwas told that these parents usually receive more negative calls regarding their children, so
calling helped ensure that myself and mentor teacher were also trying to focus on their strengths. This
also helps ensure parent support in the future, and allows parents to know that I have their childrens
success in mind. Student-led conferences will be taking place this coming week, so I am looking
forward to meeting parents and establishing a relationship with them that allows for their child to be
successful both at home and at school.
I am able to provide both oral and written feedback for my students, and also listen and encourage
their feedback. This not only allows students to be more successful in their work, but creates mutual
respect. I am able to listen to what students want, and to their ideas. Usually, I am able to take their
ideas and incorporate them into my teaching to garuntee they know their ideas are important and
valued, and that they have a meaningful place in all students learning.

Assessment Strategies
Related Knowledge, Skills and Attributes (Not all need to be addressed):
KSA K: Teachers gather information about their students learning needs and progress by using a variety of assessment strategies.
KSA L: Teachers know the importance of engaging parents, purposefully and meaningfully, in all aspects of teaching and learning.
Suggested Topics (Not all need to be addressed): appropriate questioning, adapted assessment, assessment variety, record keeping,
formative/summative, reporting, timely feedback etc.

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When teaching, I think I ask appropriate questions to assess whether or not my students understand
content or need more practice. Sometimes, I have students close their eyes and vote on how well they
understand so that I get a true reflection of where they think they are at, that is not influenced by the
potential judgement of their peers. I also welcome all questions and do my best to answer them, or
even demonstrate them to solidify their learning.
I have done both assesssments of and for learning (summative/formative) so far in my teaching. I have
used rubrics, feedback charts, simple checkmark recording, and have entered students scores into their
online marks. I also assesss where students are at by listening to the questions they have and the
answers they give. Additionally, when they are working both individually and in groups, I assess what
I see or hear and give immediate feedback in order to keep the students on track and to appropriately
guide their learning.
Students always reccive feedback immediantly, or in a timely manner that allows for them to receive
and reflect on their feedback before correcting their work.
In terms of adapting how assess students to struggle to complete the activies in class, I think I need to
try and implement this more often. Although I modify the task, and allow the students to complete it in
a way that allows for their success, I still assess them they same as I would other students to ensure
they are meeting their curricular expectations.

Understanding Students Needs

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Related Knowledge, Skills and Attributes (Not all need to be addressed):

KSA E: Teachers know how to identify students different learning styles and ways students learn and create multiple paths to learning
for individuals and groups.
KSA F: Teachers know how to translate curriculum and desired outcomes into meaningful and incrementally progressive learning
opportunities. Teachers understand the need to vary their plans to accommodate individuals and groups of students.
KSA I: Teachers know and use a broad range of instructional strategies and know which strategies are appropriate to help different
students achieve different outcomes.
Suggested Topics (Not all need to be addressed): Planning that includes all students and learning styles, alignment of strategies to
student needs, use of varied resources to differentiate instruction, assists all learners, understands contextual variables that affect
teaching and learning, etc.

When teaching, I make sure I orally explain concepts to students, as well as give them some sort of
visual, be it on the whiteboard or Smartboard. I have also used a game on the smartboard that alloed
students to come up and manually drag and drop answers into the correct section of the board. I have
students show their work on individual whiteboards, and also allow students to explain ideas to solve
new concepts. I also use pair and share, and turn and talk techniques to allow students to verbally
express their ideas. I would like to come up with more strategies for each type of learning however, as
I find that I usually rely on the straregies listed above.
There is one student in the class who was reccommeded to be placed in a learning strategies class, but
his parents objected and had him put in the regular grade 5 class. In order to accomdate him and allow
for his success, I went to talk to the learning strategies teacher, who showed me materials to use with
the student that have since helped him succeed, especially in math. I also try to make a point of
working one on one with him to make sure he is succeeding, and when he is comfortable, I call on him
to help answer questions on the board. Most recently, he was able to correctly identify all the steps of
finding the lowest common denominator and cross multiplication, as well as give me the correct
answer. I found this to be a great success for him, and hope that with these strategies, his success
I adapt my assessment for the entire class when required; for example, I had planned on doing a
summative assessment of students, but through informal assessment of students questions and
comments in class, I realized that students would instead need to be re-taught the material and
assessed at a later date. This type of adapting allows for my class to be successful, and comfortbale
with new matieral.

Professional Qualities and Attributes

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Related Knowledge, Skills and Attributes (Not all need to be addressed):

KSA B: Teachers understand the legislated, moral and ethical frameworks with in which they work.
KSA H: Teachers know the importance of respecting students human dignity by establishing relationships with students that are
characterized by mutual respect, trust and harmony.
KSA L: Teachers know the importance of engaging parents, purposefully and meaningfully, in all aspects of teaching and learning.
KSA N: Teachers know the importance of contributing, independently and collegially, to the quality of their school.
KSA O: Teachers assess the quality of their own teaching and use this to develop and implement their own professional development.
KSA P: Teachers guide their actions with a personal, overall vision of the purpose of teacher and they are able to communicate their
vision, including how it has changed as a result of new knowledge, understanding and experience.
Suggested Topics (Not all need to be addressed): work ethics, interpersonal skills, collegiality, initiative, energy, team work, attitude,
appearance, commitment, reflection, etc.

I believe that I work hard to contribute to a professional and respectful school environment. I think I
have a good attitude each day, regardless of any truggles or frustrations. I make sure that I have a
positive attitude amost all students and staff. I am always willing to help anyone, be it student or staff,
and I have established relationships with students who I do not teach, and teachers other than my
mentor teacher.
I have taken intiative in the bakesale club which involves several girls in grade 5 and 6. This involves
supervising, helping them make and put up posters, create newsletters, and preparing the girls for an
interview by the schools communication club. In the beginning of my practicum when I had less
teaching time, I used my extra time not only to observe my own class, but to observe and help out in
other classes in order to be exposed to a wide variety of teaching strategies and classroom
invironments. I also talk to other teachers to expand the teaching tools I have, and to gain insight from
their years of experience.
I am committed to both the school I am at, as well as the class I am in. I will always come in early or
stay late when required so that my commitments are met and so that I am well planned and prepared
for the next day. I also maintain a professional appeearence that shows that I take pride in the work I
am doing.

Reflection and Self-Evaluation

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Related Knowledge, Skills and Attributes (Not all need to be addressed):

KSA O: Teachers assess the quality of their own teaching and use this to develop and implement their own professional development.
KSA P: Teachers guide their actions with a personal, overall vision of the purpose of teacher and they are able to communicate their
vision, including how it has changed as a result of new knowledge, understanding and experience
Suggested Topics (Not all need to be addressed): establishes specific strategies to meet professional goals, demonstrates oral/written
reflective practices, engages in goal setting, communicates overall vision of teaching, etc.

Each day, including PD days and Teacher Convention days, I write a reflection of the days events and
my own teaching. As much as I acknowledge my strengths, I always make sure to recognize my
weaknesses and where I can improve. I often talk to my mentor teacher, and other teachers about my
weaknesses, goals, and how to improve. Each day, I talk with my mentor teacher to talk about my plan
going forward, how I think my day went, and where I think I need to improve. I also alaways include
a personal goal to focus on in each of my lesson plans. For example, if the class is particularly rowdy
one day, I am able to recognize that my teaching plays a part in this. I will reflect on it in my journal,
talk to my mentor teacher about it, and then ensure that my goal for the next days lessons relate to
keeping the class under control while still allowing them to enjoy their learning.
For the most part, I think I am able to take the feedback my mentor teacher provides, and try to apply
it in my teaching. For example, I was recently given feedback that I shuld try my proximately in my
teaching; going close to the students causing disruption, rather than calling on them which interpts my
lesson. I have been trying this in my lessons, with success with some students, and no success with
others, who I end up addressing in my lesson while standing next to them in order to cease the
behaviour. I reflected on this with my mentor teacher and another teacher in the school and together
we came up with using stickers on students desks to encourage good beavior, and using a three tirke
system for one student in particular. So far, this has proven to be effective.
Overall, I think I have good reflection skills which allow me to improve my teaching and use
strategies which benefit not only me, but my students as well.

Additional Student Teacher Comments:

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Mentor Teacher Comments:

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