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Miss Harbrechts

August 22-26, 2016

Upcoming Dates

What Were Learning

Aug. 23-25 - Shoe Recycling Drive

August 22nd- Cardio Club begins this
week! Look for a permission form
being sent home with more details.
August 25th- Graded Papers
These papers will be coming home
for the first time in a manila folder
inside of a clear plastic folder. Please
sign the sheet on the inside of the
manila folder and return the graded
papers inside the folder. We file these
papers for each child here at school.

Math: Unit 1-120 charts, 99 charts, number

order, comparing sets of objects using the terms
more, less, and same, using and counting tally
marks, graphing data, and knowing what numbers
come before, between, and after numbers.
We will continue this week with counting strategies
(crossing out as we count, moving objects to a new
group as we count), making sets that are more,
less, and the same as another set, and using tally
marks as a way to record data.

Social Studies: We will continue our unit on

Aug. 26 College Shirt Day

Our Earth, Our Home.

Sept. 1 Spirit Day

Reading Eggs: Student usernames and

Sept. 5 Labor Day No School

passwords are taped on the cover page of your

childs agenda. Feel free to practice with this website
at home! Please see the letter that was sent home for
more information.

Sign your childs agenda
and reading log each night

Lost and Found: At the beginning of the school year children often leave items at school due to the fact they are
still getting used their new routine. In case your child has misplaced anything, the lost and found is set up each
morning outside of the cafeteria. Please remind your child to visit the lost and found, if they are missing anything.

Kristin Harbrecht
Ocee Elementary

Email address:

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