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April 23, 2014

To Whom It May Concern:

Recommendation for Ginny Callaghan
I was the university facilitator for Ginny Callaghan who recently completed her IFX field
experience at Crestwood School in Edmonton.
I am submitting this recommendation for Ms. Callaghan because I feel she was a very
good student teacher who has many wonderful qualities that assisted her in developing a
very positive relationship with her mentor teacher and the students of the school. In
addition to having a very congenial personality, she possesses many teaching skills that
she used to her advantage in the classroom.
I have observed her to be confident and comfortable with engaging the students by using
her many talents to keep them on task. Because of her competence in music, even though
it is not her major field of study, she was very generous and gracious to teach the music
classes and, as a result, music became the main focus of her field experience along with
other subjects. She taught music to a number of different grade levels and did a very
commendable effort in preparation and executing the lessons in the classroom.
Outside the classroom, she took on other responsibilities that enhanced the environment
of the school. Ms. Callaghan and her fellow student teachers supported a number of
activities that contributed to improving the educational and social development of the
I regard her as a person who has the potential to become a very good teacher. She
demonstrated her creativity on many occasions and was very willing to go beyond the
mandated curriculum to create an interesting and stimulating learning environment for
the students.
I sincerely hope that you will give her very serious consideration for a teaching position
with your school and district.
Larry Rankin, University Facilitator

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