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Genoveva Edroza Matute

Osang the first one to judge Madonna until she realizes everything.
Madonna a matron who attending dance lessons in Bliss Club.
Sonny the dance instructor in the Bliss Club.
Bella the one occupying room C.
Ada the one occupying room D.
Rita Rosales Osangs friend
Dading housemaid of Madonna
Mary Jane the one who gives information about the matron and the Bliss Club.
In Santa Salome Street Quezon City, there was an apartment with 6 rooms on it,
from A to F. The room C was occupied by Bella; room D by Ada; room E by Osang
(the one narrating the story) and room F (the last room of the apartment) occupied
by Madonna (it was just a name being tagged on her by her roommates) together
with her housemaid Dading. Room A and B are occupied by the person who doesnt
really care about their surroundings.
Out of nowhere, Ada, Osang and Bella are having a conversation about Madonna.
Madonna is a typical woman aging 50 above with a bushy yellowish hair, shaved
eyebrows, full of make-up and lipstick which seems like shes on her teenage years.
Since Madonna is a new transferee from that apartment, she is always the topic of
the girls there.
The following days, a tall and gorgeous man that seems like a 25 year old due to his
body built who is always visiting Madonna catches the attention of the three of us.
The man sometimes took a long time inside the room F and sometimes he is there
in a short while.
Whenever Madonna is leaving the apartment, her housemaid Dading is the only one
left and for her not to be bored, she is just wasting her time talking to their
Dading was once asked by Ada, Who is that gorgeous man that is always visiting
Madonna? Is he the boyfriend of your boss?
I dont know she answered.
Come to think of it, you are the one who is always with her, and yet you are going
to tell me you dont know? said Bella. But Dading still insisted that she really dont
know anything.
What does your boss call him? asked Bella. Sani replied Dading. Ah, Sonny?
then Bella laughed. Sonny Boy? Osang added that makes them burst out laughter.
Many stories spread out about the relationship between Sonny and Madonna even if
they are not yet sure. One day, Madonna forgot to bring her make-up kit so she
called Dading to bring it to her in Bliss Club at Pasay City. Bliss Club is a dancing
school for matron. Before going home, Dading watched the matrons and so as her
boss dancing that was being instructed by Sonny.

Madonna is a sugar mommy! Sonny is a DI or in other terms, Dance Instructor and

nothing else but... as I stated.
Nothing else but... said Ada
Thats it! Bella continued.
We got some further information from Mary Jane, a new transferee in Santa Salome
that according to her, she came from different apartments from Pasay, Malate and
Before, she is also a housemaid of different matrons. Thats why she knew that Bliss
club is a legal club that has permission from the higher sectors of the government.
Dance Instructors like Sonny are legal as well but then again...
There are private activities that a matron and a D.I. are doing like . . . Sexual
Intercourse. Bliss Club is a diverse group of matrons. They all have prosperous
lives. Some of them are widow, mistresses; others are those whose husbands are
impotent already those who are out of the country
Even if I am like this, I can never take it to see those women who are just taking
good care of such D.I. while their husbands are almost dying from other countries
just to assure they will earn money for their living Mary Jane added.
Bella asked Mary Jane if she knew about Madonna, but she only answered that she
was just a new boarder from that apartment. Bella told Mary Jane that Madonna is a
50 year old woman who is trying to be like a teenager. She is also a dancer in Bliss
Club and has its own handsome and gorgeous D.I.

Some of them are just entertaining themselves Mary Jane explained. Where does
she come from? Mary Jane aadded. In Bicol! You know much about them, right?

Osang initiated as she fight for what she think Madonna is, since she was the first
one to judge Madonnas personality. I am always criticizing Madonna. But I always
do come to the point of what my friend named Rita Rosales told me, That we are
inclined to criticize others because we do want also to do those things that we
criticized upon It is just that we do not have time or either we are not that strong
enough to do it. Every night, I was wondering why Room F is closed that seems
nobody is at home. I knew that Dading was taking her leave and Madonna was the
only one left in Room F.As Id go to my bed, theres this feeling that triggers me to
take a look at room F. I was shock when I saw the D.I. asking for help. He was
carrying the unconscious Madonna. I immediately ran to help the D.I. open the door
to bring Madonna inside the room. As we enter the room, The D.I. carefully laid
Madonna in the sofa.
Mommy! Mommy! as the D.I. troubled in the said situation. In a short while,
Madonna gradually open her eyes uttering a statement that says, Thank you my
child. . . Thank you Osang,
I waited the sunrise before I go home. I must surely must say that I am out of
nowhere because I came to a realization for what Madonnas D.I. confessed to me.
All they have is just a very deep motherly relationship. Madonnas D.I. added that
he was once a thief who is trying to steal valuable things from the matron but the
moment she met Madonna, everything changes. Madonna accepted him for who he
are without thinking of his past personality and treat him as his real son. He was
able to find a mother figure in Madonnas personality since he grew up in an
orphanage. At the same time, Madonna found him the love that was being denied
by a father which she never traditionally known; a husband that never offers her the
true meaning of love; and a child that never in her life, she was able to share
laughter and sadness with. For once in her life, she thirsts for love. Sonny added
that a man have different ways at discover the truths in life on how to become a
real man having works or jobs, ambition and race in life but a woman will only
become real one if she was love and be loved" As Sonny took care of Madonna for
the past few days, Madonna died already from a heart attack. I was smote for what
my friend Rita told me. That I was the one to judge a woman who never once
became a real woman.
Message of the story:
There is so much good in the worst of use,
And so much bad in the best of us,
That it ill behoves any of us
To speak ill of the rest of us
Don't judge the book by its cover. What you see is not always what you get. Do not
judge, or you too will be judged. For in the same way you judge others, you will be
judged, and with the measure you use, it will be measured to you

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