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Trabajo Evaluativo N4

by: Gonzalo Javier Molina Salas

1= "La Belle Jardiniere" is a Raphael Sanzio's oil painting, created

in 1507. Actually is in the Louvre, in Paris. The picture looks like
another Raphael's work: "The Madonna of the Meadow", whick
which /thatlooks like the Da Vinci's works "Virgin of the Rocks". In
the picture is portrayed Maria, with Jesus and John the Baptist. We
can't know who kid is who. If the kid with the Cross is Jesus, why
Jesus is kneeling in front of John? And, if the kid on his kneels is
John, why has a Cross? That symbology is present in "The Virgin of
the Rocks" too. It isn't strange because Raphael was an admirator of
Leonardo Da Vinci (He was included as Plato in "The School of
Athens". In that picture, Raphael, portrayed himself as Aristotle).

2= In the Louvre are exhibited, inter alia, pictures like "The Mona
Lisa", "Liberty Leading the People" and "The Shepherds of
Arcadia"; sculptures like the "Venus de Milo", or "Psyche Revivied
by Cupid's Kiss". The museum has antiquities like the egyptian "The
Seated Scribe", a "Lamassu" from Assyria, the Greek "Nike of
Samothrace" or the roman "Marcus Agrippa's Bust"

Excellent job: 10(ten)

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