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Organizational behavior is the study of people in organization.

It can be studied on a
micro level, which focuses on individual or group behavior, or on a macro level,
which focuses on organization-wide actions and events. (Steers, 1991)
A model of organizational behavior is presented, consisting of five building blocks:
individuals and groups, tasks and technology, organization design, organizational
processes, and management. (Steers, 1991)
Studying organizational behavior will help you attain the knowledge and
competencies needed to perform effectively in all of these roles. (Helriegel, 2011)
Organizations also develop patterns of action and reaction as they respond to
environmental changes and utilize individuals and groups. These develop as an
organization seeks to integrate the human variables (abilities, needs) and
organization variables (goals, tasks, technologies).

Steers, R. (1991) Introduction to organizational behavior 4 th edition p.22
Helriegel, S. (2011) Principles of Organizational Behavior 13 th edition p.4

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