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World Literature
Gliceria Marella Villavicencio: A Grand Revolutionary
In today's modern times we hear the word hero all of the time. The news media
throws the term around as if it is an everyday word. What exactly is a hero? Who, or
what, can be classified as a heroic? The correct definition of the word hero is: One
invested with heroic qualities in the opinions of others. That is a fine definition for books
and intellectual minds. To the average person, however, a hero is much more. And with
that I believed that being a hero is of equality to men and women.
If we ask anyone in the street who our heroes are; chances are the answers
would often be Rizal, Bonifacio, Mabini,etc. While they are indeed deserving of
recognition, let us not forget that our history is full of women who have provided
invaluable service to the country. These women fought, bled, and suffered for the nation
and the people; as such they rightfully deserve a place in the countrys pantheon of
One of those heroines of this country that should be given recognition and utmost
importance is Gliceria Marella Villavicencio. Who is she in the first place and what did
she contribute to our country to be consider as a heroine. Coming from a wealthy
trading family from Taal, Batangas, Gliceria and Eulalio, her husband, supported the
revolution by way of providing financial assistance to the Propaganda movement. They
gave Jose Rizal who was then exiled in Hongkong in 1892, P18,000 and brought back
his books and literatures which they then disseminated to the people. And with that, we
all know that one reason why we became free from Spanish was because of the novels
that Jose Rizal wrote. Without the help of Gliceria, it wont happen. Moreover, when the
Spanish imprisoned her husband and offered to release him only if she revealed
information about the Katipunan, she refused on the grounds that she would consider it
insanity to carry his surname if I should obtain his liberty by betraying him and his
cause. Her husband later died in prison but Gl iceria continued to support the
revolutionaries. She donated her own ship to Emilio Aguinaldo which later became the
first Filipino warship. For the contributions she made to the cause of freedom, the
revolutionary government gave her the title of Madrina-General de las Fuerzas
Revolucionarios (Matriarch-General of the Revolutionary Forces). Also, no less than
Emilio Aguinaldo himself called her a grand revolutionary.
With all the above-mentioned facts about Gliceria, it is really right and just that
she is considered one of the greatest heroine Philippines have. All of her hard works
and her patriotism towards our country made us where and what we are now, free and

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