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Who is identity theft

By S. Richard Win , USA August 2016

April 29, 2016
Hundreds of people gathered outside the U.S. Embassy in Rangoon, Burma, on Thursday with a simple
demand: The United States must stop using the word "Rohingya."
"It is already clear that there is no such ethnicity as Rohingya in our country," a protester named Win
Zaw Zaw Latt told Anadolu Agency before the demonstration. "We demand the U.S. as well as Western
countries and the E.U. to stop using the term Rohingya."
They are absolutely right.
Bengali muslims are hijacking the name Rohingya.
All the muslims who using the name Rohingya are identity thieves.
Rohingya mean Rakhingtha (Rakhing people) by Chittagonian Bangali accent.
Same as Burmese call "Rakhing" as "Yakhine". Bengali dialog do not have "Ra" sound. So they used
nearest sound "Ro".
So, they call "Rakhingtha as "Rohingya". All the Rakhingtha (Rohingyas are Buddhist) nothing to do with
the name Rohingya and Bengali muslims.
for examples
Newyorker ( the person who live in Newyork)
Singaporean ( the person who live in Newyork) something like that

To most of the world, the so-called Rohingya are a Bengali-speaking Muslim minority in Buddhistmajority Burma, also known as Myanmar. More than 1 million so-called Rohingya are thought to live in
Burma, the majority of them in Rakhine state, along the western border with Bangladesh and India.
Despite the size and long-standing presence of this community, the government does not consider its
members Burmese citizens.
There are so much deception, fraud, and manipulation of the media about the situation in Rakhine
State, Burma. So many people ( including reporters, journalists , NGO,UN,HRW etc )- even those who
seem to know a lot about Burma - dont know the deep history.
This position as stateless people makes the so-called Rohingya vulnerable. Over recent years, vast
numbers of so-called Rohingyas have been displaced after successive rounds of ethnically motivated
mob violence and now live in squalid camps. Many have attempted to flee Burma in dangerous,
sometimes deadly, boat journeys.
The situation has earned critical attention from international groups. In 2014, United Nations special
rapporteur Toms Ojea Quintana suggested that Burma's policy of "discrimination and persecution" of
the so-called Rohingya community could amount to crimes against humanity. Last year, the U.S.
Holocaust Memorial Museum said we may be seeing "early warning signs of genocide" against the socalled Rohingya in Rakhine.

It's a problem inflamed by a growing Buddhist nationalism within Burma. Foreigners note that even
liberal forces within the country avoid using the term " Rohingya"; Nobel laureate Aung San Suu Kyi, a
long-standing pro-democracy voice, has been criticized for not speaking out for the minority.
This is a case in which the semantics are important. The term Rohingya implies a unique minority.
However, the protesters outside the embassy on Thursday were demanding that they be referred to as
Bengali, an ethnic group native to the region of West Bengal in India and to Bangladesh. The use of that
term would support the belief, held by many in Burma, that the so-called Rohingya are illegal
immigrants who fled Bangladesh during or after that country's war for independence in 1971 and should
not be recognized as an official ethnic group under Burma's 1982 citizenship law.
This law, devised under the military government that formerly led Burma, lists 135 ethnic groups that
were permanently settled within the boundaries of the country before 1823, the year before the First
Anglo-Burmese War, which would result in parts of Burma being incorporated into the British Empire
(the entire nation would later become part of British India and remain under British rule until 1948).
Though that military government has since fallen, Burma's current civilian government continues to use
the list devised in 1982.
Many scholars argue that this classification of ethnic groups is an oversimplification, however, pointing
out not only that many of the so-called Rohingya have been living in Burma for generations but that
there also are historical traces of this Muslim community in what is now Burma before 1823, too a
key date marking the moment when the British Empire may have begun encouraging Muslim
immigration to the region. One widely cited study from 1799 described a group of people called the
"Rooinga" who have "long settled" in what is now Rakhine state, suggesting a long history for the
Rohingya people.

During the 1950's, the term ' Rohinggas . Rohingya' was hijacked and invented by Abdul Kapa, a
Mujaheddin member ,Bengali Muslim from Buthidaung and it started to spread around, slowly
becoming a replacement word for Bengali-Muslim, or Chittagong-Muslim, but only much later it became
the common name.
It is certainly true that the term so-called Rohingya was used relatively rarely until the 1990s
( the name 'Rohingya' disappeared for 10 year ) ,when the community and its international supporters
fully adopted it. However, although some critics suggest that the ethnicity is only a recent invention,
records show that Prime Minister U Nu, who led Burma for several years when it was a parliamentary
democracy between 1948 and 1962, used the term "Rohingya" at a number of points.
The problem was created by the British colonial government by importing cheap laborers from current
India (location Bangladesh). When Burma gained independence in 1948, they were left out in the
transfer of power agreement between the British labor government and Burmese government. Since
they were in Burma as British colonial government sanctioned temporary labors and not Burmese
Before 1948, the native Arakanese were slaughtered in numerous villages by the Bengali Muslim (soonto-be-Rohingya) time and time again. The British colonial government stand back and watched. Did
nothing to prevent the massacre as their colonial policy of divide and conquer.
After 1948, the extremist Bengali Muslim (soon-to-be-Rohingya) organized themselves as Mujahed (din)
and staged uprising against the government which was put down. The rebels crossed the border into
These two group tried to uneasy-coexist for decades until another player from the middle east who
supported Mujaheddin ambition of separate state, another group to encircle Buddhist Burma and
Buddhist Thailand.
The Bengali Muslim in Arakan state were allowed to build Mosques, to attend Madrasa or government
school, to own house. But the Bengali Muslim extremists wanted more, status quo is unacceptable,
hence burning own homes and killing the native Arakanese.

The small crisis became regional night mare in 1912.

The bloody clashes in Rakhine State between the ethnic Rakhines and the migrant Bengali nationals, a
few years back, had made the term Rohingya become world-known.
There was an up-roar throughout the world. Even the United Nations and some international
communities were sympathetic to their plight.
The term Rohingya was unheard of to the majority of the populace of Myanmar, let aside the people
from other countries, before that incident.
The reason for its obscurity was due to the fact that, the name Rohingya does not represent any
indigenous nor an ethnic nor a national race of Myanmar.
Now the so-called-Rohingya are fooling the world and propagating media attacking Burma gov.
There are floating the conspiracy history of Rohinga, Rohingya propaganda and Rohingya hoax on the
The so-called Rohinjas don't want to admit and take responsibility of their fault of 4 wives system, and
multi- kids system ( 10-20 children in one household).
Result of that system is they can't control their own problem. If it's possible, they want to send all of
their population to abroad. Their main goal was to be cheered and get grants of Multi billions from OIC.
Events have been well witnessing that that so-called Rohinjas are radical Islam or jihadists!

They are using as tactic the human rights shield; but, they are definitely creating instability of the
country and committed crime against humanity!
This is the root cause of problem.
They are only thinking to make population grow, relocating into other countries for the propagation of
The international communities are recognizing the term Rohingya and supporting them.
But despite the backlash within Burma to the term Rohingya, the international community has shown no
willingness to reconsider its use of the word. The United Nations has called for full citizenship to be
given to the Rohingya, and President Obama has repeatedly used that term, including during a trip to
country in 2014.
Obama is one of the victim of the sociopathic liars.

By S.Richard Win USA August 2016

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