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Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow

Indian Management :While in the west, the concept of management was evolved during industrial revolution as an
evolutionary process, we, in India, found it convenient to transfer management technology.
Also, as the management practice is becoming more and more sophisticated, managers in
India possess characteristics which can be seen as a mix of west and east. Below mentioned
are few of the characteristics of Indian managers :
1. Focus more on short term goals
2. Ability to work in difficult operating environment
3. Used to finding ways around obstacles

4. Parental in nature
5. Less regard to processes
6. Pragmatic, flexible,

Few of these are very critical to excel in this VUCA world eg. crisis management, ability to
work in difficult in operating environment but few of them needs to be changed. Also, an
Indian manager needs to be able to manage resources in the Indian context where resources
are scarce. While not following process may cause sub-standard output and sometimes may
cause serious issue like safety related etc.
In my office, I noted that employees judge their supervisors based on people skills,
involvement, decision making ability, cooperative. Also, the environment in my office was
more of people oriented and this one quality I would like to inculcate in myself. Most of the
skill/characteristics are either strength or liability depending on the situation. A successful
manager should know when to reflect which skill/characteristics.

Here at SPJIMR, we are being prepared to be manager who will have Indian values and
western efficiency. I belief, in the Volatile, Uncertain, Complex, Ambiguous corporate
environment, both are equally important to have as one will provide an edge over others by
providing necessary skills to complete tasks at hand more effectively and efficiently while the
other will inspire us to work for the organization, its people and the society. We have also
been taught how management evolved over the years since its inception as per the needs of
the hour; from rationalist to humanist to holistic style. I want to
It has been long debated that a hybrid model creates confusion, which I believe is not true if
we are able to select the right sets of characteristics. In my opinion, an ideal Indian manager
should possess the below characteristics :

Focus on short term & long term goals both.

Ability to work in difficult operating environment
Concerned about his/her people, society
Is able to make effective decisions even with limitations.
Adheres and motivates his/her people to adhere to the processes.

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