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Pakistan baits India again, to send Kashmir envoys

to 22 nations
Aug 28, 2016, 05.13 AM IST

EW DELHI/ ISLAMABAD: India refused to respond to the fresh

round of diplomatic provocation by Pakistan, as Nawaz Sharif
named 22 parliamentarians on Saturday as special envoys to
highlight its stance on the Kashmir issue in key capitals of the

"I am standing behind these special envoys to ensure their toil for
highlighting the Kashmir cause resonates across the world so that I can
shake the collective conscience of the international community during my
address at the United Nations this September," he said.
On its part, New Delhi has kept the focus on terrorism and Pakistan's
support for violence in its exchanges with Islamabad and while explaining the situation in J&K to other nations. I have decided
Pakistan baits India again, to send Kashmir envoys to 22 nations

to send these parliamentarians for ghting the Kashmir cause in different parts of the world. These special envoys have the
strength of the people of Pakistan, prayers from the Kashmiri people across the Line of Control, the mandate of Parliament and
support from the government," the Pakistan PM said in a statement issued by his ofce.
So far Pakistan's efforts to drum up support for its stance on Kashmir has not struck any signicant chord with the internatio
nal community . The bilateral atmosphere between India and Pakistan has steadily worsened, raising questions about PM
Modi's trip to Islamabad for the Saarc summit in November. Sources in New Delhi said Nawaz Sharif 's description of slain
Hizbul commander Burhan Wani as a "martyr" and declaration of Pakistan Independence Day as "Freedom for Kashmir" Day
breached certain boundaries.


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