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Indias operation eagle was directed against Sikhs

2. Five barrages are built on the River Indus
3. 14 Points were enunciated at the conference of (none
of the above)
4. I want to die in an independent state, not in a slave
country. These words were uttered by Maulana
Muhammad Ali Jauhar
5. At the fourth OIC Summit, General Zia Ul Haq
requested for the readmission of which country? Egypt
6. Who presented the National Flag of Pakistan to the
constituent Assembly for approval on 11th August,
1947? Liaquat Ali Khan
7. Who was the first President of India? Rajendra Prasad
8. Simon Commission is also known as Indian Statutory
9. The objective of the Cabinet Mission was? To discuss
and plan for the transfer of power
10. Sir Creek Question?
11. Doctrine of Lapse is associated with Lord Dalhousie
12. Who was the Goveror of Benaras at the time of Hindi
Urdu Controversy? Shakespeare
13. Which movement was abolished after the incident of
Chauri Chaura in 1922? Non Cooperation Movement
14. Chenab Formula was presented by Abdul Qayum
15. Who was the British Prime Minister at the time of
Independence of Pakistan? Lord Attlee
16. Who was the founder of the British Empire in the
17. Who persuaded Quaid Azam to join Muslim League
in 1913? Maulana Muhammad Ali Jauhar
18. Who made East India Company a regional power
from a trading company?

19. India has built Kishenganga Dam on the river Jhelum

20. In 1950, who sent report to the UN about the Karachi
Agreement between Pakistan and India? Dixon
21. Which Tribe violated the Pact of Madina in the battle
of Trench? Banu Quraizah
22. Hajj Mabroor means the accepted Hajj
23. Injunction of utilization of Zakat is in which Surah?
Surah Tauba
24. Hazrat Muhammad SAW was born three thousand
years before which Prophet? Hazrat Ibrahim
25. Which act is called Illegitimate? Makroohi Tahreemi
26. Who was the first Ameeri Hajj in 9 AH? Hazrat Abu
27. Soum was made obligatory in which Hijri? 2 AH
28. Jehad is not only done with arms, but protecting
someone from harsh words is also jihad. Who uttered
these words? Hazrat Ali
29. Wearing of Hajj Dress is called?
30. Hazrat Umar Farooq (R.A) belonged to which tribe?
Banu Adi
31. What order is given to women for Tahleeq? May clip
one lock of hair only
32. Hazrat Khadija had all the sons of the Holy Prophet
except Hazrat Ibrahim
33. The Holy Prophet commanded which Sahabi to write
the wahi of Quran? Zaid Bin Sabith
34. Number of Ayats in the first Wahi of the Holy Quran
are? Five
35. The word Ijtehad literally means?
36. Analogy is Qiyas
37. When did the Muslim women first participated in the
battle to cure the wounded soldiers and give water to
the injured ones? Battle of Uhad

38. Zakat is mandatory on how many camels? Fice

39. Which Battle is also referred to as the battle of
Furqan? Battle of Badr
40. Name of the last Saria was? Usama Bin Zaid
41. What we do to make the Sea water suitable for
drinking? Distillation
42. Rainbow occurs because of the phenomena of
43. Radio reception at night is clear because of? Less
atmospheric noise
44. Toxic material swallowed through food is excreted
by Kidney
45. Stevensons screen is used for? The Stevenson
Screen or thermometer screen is a standard shelter
(from rain, snow and high winds, but also leaves and
animals) for meteorological instruments, particularly wet
and dry bulb thermometers used to record humidity and
air temperature.
46. Ageing in human beings is the result of
disappearance of which glands? Thymus Gland
47. Diabetes results due to the disorder of? Pancreas
48. A person sitting under the fan feels cool. if
thermometer is put under the fan. what will be its
reading? The room temperature
49. Mineral that are required in large amount in the food
are called?
50. Red Blood cells look red because of haemoglobin
51. Study of heavenly bodies is called astronomy
52. Mobile Phone sends and receive messages with the
help of radio waves
53. A color blind person cannot differentiate between
Red and Green

54. When we place even a small thing on a pressure

cooker, the pressure increases because of? Tight air
55. Which Blood Group is Universal Recipient? AB+
56. Physical Change is (When current is passed thru an
acidic solution, a rod becomes black on exposure to air)
57. Glycolysis is the process of respiration
58. Bursting of Red Blood Cells in water
59. Egg shell is made up of? None of the above
60. Steam is more severe to burn than boiled water
because of? Steam has more temperature
61. CTBT was adopted by UN General Assembly on?
62. Who is the The Premier of the State Council of the
People's Republic of China? Li Keqiang
63. Which country left nuclear capability after acquiring
independence? All of the above
64. Currencies not matching (Sweden was the correct
65. South Africans are called Proteas
66. In which country the monarchy revolves among the
9 states? Malaysia
67. Britian gave Hong Kong to China on 1st July, 1997.
68. Portugal gave Macau to China on 20th December,
69. The Congress of USA is situated at Capital Hills
70. Number of states in India are 29
71. Kigali is the capital of Rwanda
72. MILF stands for Moron Islamic Liberation Front
73. Global Crises- Global Responsibilities is the motto of
74. Green Berets Force
75. Skpoje is the capital of Macedonia
76. Arak Nuclear Plant is in Iran
77. The Leader of Hizbullah is Hasan Nasrullah
78. President of India is Parnab Mukerjee


Why Atlantic ocean is important for the ships?

The function of the UN Security Council is?
Pass through the nose
Weather the storm
By Leaps and Bounds
No love lost between
Drive something home to somebody

Great work Shinwari rora. Appreciate that

16). Warren Hastings
18). Warren Hastings (This one could be challenged with
Cornwallis as he was the person responsible for British
success in South India - Meysore Conquest - however,
Warren Hastings did much of the ground work earlier).
Let's see which one is correct
74). Iraq - The US servicemen stationed there are called
Green Barets
40). Are you sure about this one brother. Wasn't Saad bin
abi Waqas the right answer? I googled this he was shown
though I am not sure about it
67). And if you are dead sure about it, then my tukka here
is right
59). Egg shall is made up of carbon, I guess. Though I did
it wrong in the test. Reason: it is a good fertilizer and
often used in kitchen gardening.
79). Trade Winds
61). Though treaty was signed in 96 but UN asked for it in
62, now I don't remember If the question asked about
signing of the treaty or recommendation. If it asked the
later then 62 is the answer
73). Though I opted Munich Conference but I believe it's

Kyoto Protocol, which wasn't mentioned in the test. And If

none of these part wasn't mentioned then we shall get a
mark for it, If not proven wrong.
62). I believe you picked it right, most of us picked Xi
Jinping, which I guess isn't the correct answer, cause they
asked for a premier of council. And Xi Jinping If I am not
wrong is President
1. women who helped in a Ghazwa in healing wounds...etc
First time ghazwa uhad
2. Last sariya was?
Don't know
3. Hajj Mabroor means?
Accepted hujj
4. Ghazwa Badar is known as ..... Furqan
5. Zakat becomes liable on how many camels?
6. Jihad by sword is not the ultimate jihad, It is also a kind of
jehad If someone.... these words were said by......?
Perhaps ali
7. Traitors of the tribe.... Quraiza
8. Typical dress of haj is called?
Don't know
9. It is also called illegitimate ..... Mubah, makro tahremi, makroh
Mubah is having neither a reward nor sinful but change in
circumstances may it haram
10. Heads of zakat are mentioned in surah.....?
11. Saum (Ramzan) became obligatory in the year.....Hijra
12. Hazrat Umer belonged to which tribe...?
13. The Hajj delegation was headed by ...........?

Hazrat abubakar
14. A woman can clip what length of her hair which is known as
A short piece not one third or one 1/4.
15. How many verses were reveald on first wahi?
16. The Prophet S.A.W ordered this sahabi to write Quran...?
Zaid bin harsa slave of prophet and treated by prophet as son
17. Analogy means....
18. Ijtihad means......
None of these. Its inference
19. The Holy prophet was born 3000 years before.......... prophet/
Hazrat Ibrahim
20. All the children of the Holy prophet were from Khadija
Pakistan Affairs
21. Karachi agreement report was presented by?
Google it
22. The object of cabinet mission was to....?
Interm constitution
23. Who was the person behind conversion of east India company
from a trading company into regional power?
Google it
24. The movement withdrawn immediately after the Chaura Chori
incident was?
Non cooperation movement
25. Chenab Formula was given by....
Sardar yaqoob khan
26. Zia ul Haq requested for re-insertion of which country in OIC?
27. The name of the Governor of Benaras at the time of URDU-

HINDI controversy?
28. Doctrine of lapse was adopted by.....
29. Quaid Azam joined Muslim League on the request of.......?
Muhammed Ali johar
30. "I dont want to die in a slave Hindustan" said by....
Muhammed Ali johar
31. Who presented the flag on 11th August 1947?
Liaqat Ali khan
32. who was the PM of UK at the time of the creation of Pakistan?
Anthony or atlee
33. Operation Eagle was directed against.....?
34. Sukkur, Jinnah, chasma barrages are located on river.....?
35. India consist of how many states?
36. Fourteen points were presented after......... ?
None of these
37. Green Berrets are......
Special force like merun berret in pak
38. Who is known as the founder of British empire in India?
Google it
39. The name of the simon commission was....
Statutory something like this the third option
Current Affairs
40. which of the following pairing is wrong
Vatican city--- Lira
Saudi Arabia---- Riyal
Sweeden----- Mark
Sweden mark although Vatican use euro lira the old currency of

41. The NATO route is considered an important international trade

route because....
Wind trade facility
42. The congress of USA is situated at/ is also known as.....?
Capital hills
43. First president of India?
Ragendra parshad
44. Incumbent president of India
Parnab mukharji
45. Skopje is the capital of....?
46. Kigali is the capital of....?
47. India is constructing Kishan Ganga on river.....?
48. The name of the premier of China?
Xi jinping chairman of some apex council it was not about premier
of china who is liquikan or so
49. GLOBAL CRISIS--GLOBAL RESPONSE is the motto of which
Don't remember exact mcq
50. MILF stands for....?
Morro Islamic liberation front
51. CTBT was approved by UN General assembly on....?
Not ctbt it was npt or so 1963
52. The function of Security council is........?
Take decisions by unanimous vote. If one veto then case may not
proceed further
53. British handed over Honk Kong to China on....
54. Portugal hander over Macau to China on.....?
55. Which country, having nuclear capability surrendered its
nuclear status after getting independence?

Ukraine Kazakhstan and one other

56. Country having revolving monarchy of 5 year is.....?
57. Proteas are...... South Africa
58. Leader of Hizbullah is......
59. ARAK nuclear power plant is in...
Everyday Science
60. glycolysis produce.
61. what we do to make sea water drinkable.
Distillation like we do of crude petroleum
62. if the thermometer is placed down the fan then the
Room temperature
63. the science of heavenly bodies is called?
64. why the blood looks red?
65. when the red blood cell is kept in water
Don't know
66. which one is the physical change
Don't remember exact mcq
67. diabetes is caused by the dysfunction of?
68. mobile phone uses which kind of waves?
69. why the radio signals are clear during night time?
Don't know
70. color blind cannot differentiate?
Red green
71. what is Stevenson screen?
To protect the instruments

72. Burn caused by steam is more than that of water

Latent heat
73. Universal recipient for blood
74. Aging in humans by which gland
Pituitary glands it vanishes with time
75. Minerals required in larger amount to human body
76. Eggshell is made up of
Calcium (none of these)
77. Toxic materials are excreted through
Detoxified by liver
78. A small weight put on pressure cooker increases the .
Don't know
79. Rainbow is due to
Dispersion, reflection refraction all involved
80. He was drawn to the vortex of politics at a very early age.
(a) Whirlpool
(b) Field
(c) Arena
(d) Hell
81. Fifty years after independence there can be no alibi for not
providing basic amenities
to every citizen.
(a) Cause
(b) Plea
(c) Factor
(d) Reason
82. The community is agog with speculation about the fate of the
money collected.
(a) Excited

(b) Worried
(c) Depressed
(d) Annoyed
83. It is quite unseemly that person should so behave with his
(a) Childish
(b) Ugly
(c) Discourteous
(d) Improper
84. The story which Gaurav narrated was very exciting.
(a) Disclosed
(b) Told
(c) Revealed
(d) Explained
85. pay through the nose
86. Weather the storm
87. By Leaps and Bounds
88. No love lost between
89. Drive something home to somebody
90. A change in eating habits to a very thin look is not just an
innocent _____ or trend; it is a serious ______ for many women who
may suffer from dietary disorders.
a. Victim..Peril
b. IdeaResponse
c. Fad.Hazard
d. PrankChallenge
Don't know i did A
91. Just like ferocity is the trademark of a courageous person,
______ is to the _________.
a. Timourousness.hero
b. Temerity-----coward

c. Avarice----philanthropist
d. Cowardice---crave
92. In this form of business, the management _____ its employees
to be docile and prefer to ostracise those who dont_____.
a. Expects: Disobeyed
b. Requires: Conform
c. Forces: Rebel
d. Allows: Withdraw
93. Dishonest archaeologists who represent a modern utility tool
as ______ because of its age may be guilty of taking on trust what
they should have _____ in a proper manner.
a. Ancient: established
b. Accurate: Examined
c. False: Reiterated
d. Mythical: Fabricated
94. The lecture droned on about the ______ points of
mathematical models to solve poverty, while omitting the details
that might _____ the readers interest.
a. Week.. sell to
b. Trivial------ boost
c. Stylistic----irritate
d. Essential----limit
The young leading the young is like the blind leading the blind:
they will both fall into the ditch. The only sure guide is he who has
often gone the road which you want to go. Let me be that guide,
who have gone all roads, and who can consequently point out to
you the best. If you ask me why I went any of the bad roads
myself, I will answer you very truly that it was for want of a good
guide, ill example invited me one way, and a good guide was
wanting to show me a better. But if anybody, capable of advising

me had taken the same pains with me, which I have taken, and
will continue to take with you, I should have avoided many follies
and inconveniences,which undirected youth ran me into.
95. The central idea of the passage is:
a. youth is ill informed
b. experience is a sure guide
c. pitfalls for the young
d. old is gold
96. A sure guide is a person:
a. who has traveled on the bad roads
b. who has traveled on the path you want to traverse
c. who has gone on all the roads
d. who knows many roads
97. What happens when the blind leads the blind?
a. They cant lead each other
b. They encounter lot of gains
c. They dont reach their destination
d. They get better destinations
98. The writer went on the bad roads because of:
a. lack of experience
b. lack of knowledge
c. following ill-examples
d. lack of guidance
99. The expression gone the roads would mean:
a. traveled a lot
b. guided many people
c. gone through fewer road
d. having first hand experience

28. Jehad is not only done with arms, but protecting someone from harsh words is also
jihad. Who uttered these words? Hazrat Ali So far no idea.
29. Wearing of Hajj Dress is called? Even an Arabic friend of mine doesn't know this
31. What order is given to women for Tahleeq? May clip one lock of hair only I wish
44. Toxic material swallowed through food is excreted by Kidney. It's detoxified by Liver.
45. Stevensons screen is used for? The Stevenson Screen or thermometer screen is a
standard shelter (from rain, snow and high winds, but also leaves and animals) for
meteorological instruments, particularly wet and dry bulb thermometers used to record
humidity and air temperature. So basically the raindrop option, you mean?
49. Mineral that are required in large amount in the food are called? Macro Minerals
52. Mobile Phone sends and receive messages with the help of radio waves Micro waves to
be specific, Radio waves is a broad term. According to Wiki Mobile phones use
electromagnetic radiation in the microwave range (4502100 MHz). Other digital
wireless systems, such as data communication networks, produce similar
54. When we place even a small thing on a pressure cooker, the pressure increases because
of? Tight air Are you sure?
56. Physical Change is (When current is passed thru an acidic solution, a rod becomes black
on exposure to air) Not sure
58. Bursting of Red Blood Cells in water. If a red blood cell is placed in water, water
enters the cell by osmosis. Because the membrane is quite weak the cell will burst
as the volume and therefore the pressure in the cell increases. Red blood cells
shrink when placed in concentrated solutions of sugar as water moves out of them
by osmosis.
62. Who is the The Premier of the State Council of the People's Republic of China? Li
Keqiang Many people were tricked here. It is Li Keqianq
64. Currencies not matching (Sweden was the correct answer) So was Vatican City
65. South Africans are called Proteas. Wrong
Pakistan Affairs
39. The name of the simon commission was.... It was Option B Indian Statutory
Statutory something like this the third option
Current Affairs
41. The NATO route is considered an important international trade route because....
Wind trade facility Don't know
48. The name of the premier of China?
Xi jinping chairman of some apex council it was not about premier of china who is liquikan
or so. It was Premier of the State Council of the People's Republic of China.
Li Keqiang
since 15 March 2013
52. The function of Security council is........?
Take decisions by unanimous vote. If one veto then case may not proceed further This one
is a bit tricky
Everyday Science

72. Burn caused by steam is more than that of water

Latent heat What latent heat? More or less or what?
74. Aging in humans by which gland
Pituitary glands it vanishes with time Pituitary gland never disappears brother, how
will people live without ADH. A theory of aging associates Thymus gland with
81. Fifty years after independence there can be no alibi for not providing basic amenities
to every citizen.
(a) Cause
(b) Plea
(c) Factor
(d) Reason
D it's B
90. A change in eating habits to a very thin look is not just an innocent _____ or trend; it is
a serious ______ for many women who may suffer from dietary disorders.
a. Victim..Peril
b. IdeaResponse
c. Fad.Hazard
d. PrankChallenge
Don't know i did A it's C
91. Just like ferocity is the trademark of a courageous person, ______ is to the _________.
a. Timourousness.hero
b. Temerity-----coward
c. Avarice----philanthropist
d. Cowardice---crave
A it's D Cowardice is to the craven.
92. In this form of business, the management _____ its employees to be docile and prefer
to ostracise those who dont_____.
a. Expects: Disobeyed
b. Requires: Conform
c. Forces: Rebel
d. Allows: Withdraw
A What do you think about C?
93. Dishonest archaeologists who represent a modern utility tool as ______ because of its
age may be guilty of taking on trust what they should have _____ in a proper manner.
a. Ancient: established
b. Accurate: Examined
c. False: Reiterated
d. Mythical: Fabricated
A Don't know

Question And Answers about Quran

What is the meaning of the word Quran?

That which is Read
Where was the Quran revealed first?
In the cave of Hira (Makkah)
On which night was the Quran first revealed?
Lailatul-Qadr (Night of the Power) in the month of Ramadhan
Who revealed the Quran?
Allah revealed the Quran
Through whom was the Quran revealed?
Through Angel Jibreel / Gabriel (Alaihis-Salaam)
To whom was the Quran revealed?
To the last Prophet Muhammed (Sallahu Alaihi Wasallam)
Who took the responsibility of keeping the Quran safe?
Allah himself
What are the conditions for holding or touching the Quran?
One has to be clean and recommended to be with wudhu (ablution)
What are the other names of the Quran according to the Quran itself?
Al-Furqaan, Al-Kitaab, Al-Zikr, Al-Noor, Al-Huda
How many Makki Surahs (chapters) are there in the Quran?
86 chapters
How many Madani Surahs(chapters) are there in the Quran?
28 chapters
How many Manzils (stages) are there in the Quran?
7 stages
How many Paara or Juz (parts) are there in the Quran?
30 parts
How many Surahs (chapters) are there in the Quran?
114 chapters
How many Rukoo (paragraphs) are there in the Quran?
540 paragraphs
How many Aayath (verses) are there in the Quran?
6236 verses
How many times is the word Allah repeated in the Quran?
2698 times
Which is the only ancient religious text where the language of its revelation (Arabic),
including the dialect, is still used today?
Al-Quran !
Who is the first Haafiz of the Quran?
Prophet Muhammed (Sallalahu Alaihi Wasallam)
At the time of the death of Prophet Muhammed (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam) how many
Huffaz were there?
How many Aayaath (verses) on Sajda (prostation) are there in the Quran?
14 verses
In which Surah (chapter) do you find the first verse about Sajda (prostation)?
7th Chapter (Surah-al-Araaf), Verse 206

How many times has the Quran stressed about Salah (prayer)?
700 times
How many times has the Quran emphasized on alms or charity?
150 times
How many times in the Quran, is the Prophet Muhammed (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam)
addressed as Yaa-Aiyu-Han-Nabi?
11 times
Where in the Quran has Prophet Muhammed (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam) been named
Surah Saff verse 6 [61:6]
How many times has the name of Rasul- ullah (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam) been mentioned
in the Quran?
Muhammed (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam) -4 times
Ahmed (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam) -1 time
Name the Prophet whose name is mentioned and discussed most in the Quran?
Musa (Alahis-Salaam) mentioned 136 times
Who were the Kaathibe-Wahi (copyists of the revelations) of the Quran?
Abu Bakr (Radhiallahu Anhu),
Usman (Radhiallahu Anhu),
Ali (Radhiallahu Anhu),
Zaid Bin Harith (Radhiallahu Anhu) and
Abdullah bin Masood (Radhiallahu Anhu)
Who was the first person who counted the Aayath (verses) of the Quran?
Ayesha (Radhiallahu Anha)
On whose advice did Abu Bakr (Radhiallahu Anhu) decide to compile the Quran?
Omar Farooq (Radhiallahu Anhu)
On whose order was the Quran compiled completely in written form?
Abu Bakr (Radhiallahu Anhu)
Out of the copies of the Quran compiled by Usman (Radhiallahu Anhu), how many and
where are they at present?
Only 2 copies. One in Tashkent and the other in Istanbul.
Which Surah of the Quran was Prophet Muhammed (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam) reciting
while praying, that Hazrat Jabeer Bin Muthim listened to and embraced Islam?
Surah At Tur (52nd Surah)
Which was the Surah of the Quran which the Prophet Muhammed Sallallahu Alaihi
Wasallam) had recited when one of his enemies Utba after listening to it fell in Sajda
The first five Ayaaths of Ham-Meem-Sajda (Surah 41 Fussilat)
Which is the first and the most ancient Masjid according to the Quran?
In Quran mankind is divided into two groups. What are those two groups?
Believers and disbelievers
Who is the man about whom, Allah has said in the Quran that his body is kept as an
admonishing example for future generations to come?
Firaun (Pharaoh) [10: 91-92]

Besides the body of Pharaoh, what is that thing which is kept as an admonishing example
for future generations to come?
Noahs Ark
After the wreckage of Prophet Noahs Ark, which is its place of rest mentioned in the
Cave of Judi [11:44]
In the Quran the name of which companion of Prophet Muhammed (Sallallahu Alaihi
Wasallam) is mentioned?
Zaid Bin Harith [33:37]
Who is the relative of the Prophet Muahmmed (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam) whose name is
mentioned in the Quran?
Abu Lahab [111:1]
In the Quran there is a mention of a Prophet who has been called by his mothers name.
Who was he?
Jesus [Prophet Isa (Alahis salaam)] is mentioned as Isa Ibn Maryam (Jesus the son of Mary)
What are the different names used for Satan or Devil in the Quran?
Iblees and Ash-Shaitaan.
Which category of creature does the Quran put Iblees into?
What were those worships and prayers that were ordered by Allah to the community of
Bani Israeel and which were continued by the Muslim Ummah also?
Salaat and Zakaat [2:43]
The Quran repeatedly warns of a certain day. Can you say which day it is?
Yamul Qiyamah (Day of Judgment)
Who were those people with whom Allah was pleased and they were pleased with Him, as
mentioned in the Quran?
Companions of Prophet Muhammed (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam) [9:100]
Which Surah is regarded as the Heart of the Quran?
Surah Yaseen (chapter 36)
In which year were the vowels inserted in the Quran?
43 Hijri
Which is the first Residential University where the faculty of the Quran was established
for the first time?
Masjid-e-Nabuwi [Masjid of the Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam]
By what name did the Quran address those noble and pious people who were selected by
Allah to convey His message to mankind?
Nabi (Prophet) and Rasul (Messenger)
What type of a person does the Quran want to make?
Mumin (Believer) [Every Muminis a Muslim but every Muslim is not necessarily a Mumin. By the
term Mumin a person who has firm inner belief is meant and by the term Muslim we mean a submitter,
i.e. someone who resigns His will to Allah, who agrees that there is Allah and He has given guidance
to mankind. However he may not be practising those rules in his life, e.g. he is drinking alcohol, dating,
earning by illegitimate means etc, but verbally says and knows all this is wrong. He merely surrenders.
This is the first stage. But when a person becomes a Mumin or a convinced believer, then this is the
stage where he moves from initial submission. He also starts acting on the rules and practices the
laws of Allah in his life. He is aMuslime. a submitter as well as a Mumin i.e. convinced believer and an
actor. A Muslim who does not act on the rules is however on the first stage, and Imaan has not
entered his heart. This will happen when he starts practising the rules.]

What is the scale or measure of ones dignity according to the Quran?

Thaqwa (Piety)
What according to the Quran is the root cause of the evil?
Where in the Quran water is pointed out as the origin of all life?
Surat Al-Anbya verse 30 [21:30]
Which is the longest Surah (Chapter) in the Quran?
Surah-al-Baqarah (chapter 2)
Which is the smallest Surah in the Quran?
Surah-al-Kausar (chapter 108)
What was the age of Prophet Muhammed (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam) when Quran was
first revealed to him through Jibraeel (Alaihis-salaam)?
40 Years
How long did Prophet Muhammed (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam) receive the revelation of the
Quran in Makkah?
13 Years
How long did Prophet Muhammed (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam) receive the revelation of the
Quran in Madinah?
10 Years
Where was the first Surah revealed?
In Makkah
Where was the last Surah revealed?
In Madinah
How many years did it take for the complete revelation of the Quran?
23 years
Which Surah (chapter) of the Quran is to be read compulsorily in each rakaat of the Salah
Which is the Surah, which Allah taught as a Dua (Prayer)?
What is the reason of keeping Surah-al-Fatihah in the beginning of the Quran?
It is the door to the Quran
What is the Surah (Chapter) revealed completely and found first place in the Quran?
Who was the only lady whose personal name is found in the Quran?
Maryam [Mary] (Alaihis-salaam)
In which Surah (Chapter) of the Quran do you find maximum instructions?
Surah-al-Baqarah (chapter 2)
When and Where did the Prophet Muhammed (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam) and Jibraeel
(Alaihis-salaam) meet for the second time?
On Friday, 18th Ramadan, in the Cave of Hira
What was the interval between the first and the second revelation?
2 years and six months
Which is the Surah (Chapter) that does not start with Bismillah?
Surah-al-Taubah (chapter 9) [Surah 9 entitled At-Tauba or repentance, exposes the true qualities of
the hypocrites and threatens them with a woeful doom. It can be likened to a stern warning made in
the strongest terms. Hence, an opening, which stresses divine mercy and compassion, does not seem

particularly fitting to the subject matter of the Surah. Therefore, Allah has not started with the phrase
you have mentioned which begins every other Surah in the Quran. To recite this phrase at its
beginning is forbidden because it constitutes an addition to the Quran which is not part of it.]
In which Surah (Chapter) of the Quran Bismillah is repeated twice?
Surah-al Naml (chapter 27) [One in the beginning (verse 1) and other in the middle (verse 30)]
How many Surah (Chapter) in the Quran have the titles named after different Prophets?
6 Surahs (Chapters):
a) Surah-al-Yunus (chapter 10)
b) Surah-al-Hood (chapter 11)
c) Surah-al-Yusuf (chapter 12)
d) Surah-al-Ibraheem (chapter 14)
e) Surah-al-Nuh (chapter 71)
f) Surah-al-Muhammed (chapter 47)
In which part of the Quran do you find Ayat-ul-Kursi (Verse of the Throne)?
Surat Al-Baqarah [2:255]
How many different names of Allah are mentioned in the Quran?
99 Names
Who were the three non-prophets whose names are mentioned with due respect in the
Luqman, Aziz of Egypt and Zulqarnain
At the time Abu Bakr (Radhiallahu Anhu) how many companions had compiled the Quran
in the form of a book?
75 companions
Which is the only book which is completely memorized by millions of people in the world?
Al-Quran !
What did the Jinns who heard a few Aayaath (Verses) of the Quran say to each other?
We have heard a unique discourse which shows the right path, verily we believe in it.
Which are the most popular translations of the Quran in English?
Transalation by Muhammed Marmaduke Pickthall and by Allama Yusuf Ali.
Into how many languages of the world has the Holy Quran been transalated?
Over 100 languages !
Who many prophets by name are mentioned in the Quran?
What will be our condition on The day of the Judgement according to the Quran?
Everybody will be in a state of anxiety.
Who was the Prophet mentioned in the Quran whose three generations were prophets?
Ibraheem (Alaihis-salaam)
What is that book which abolished all old rules and regulations?
What does the Quran say about property and wealth?
They are tests of ones faith [2:155]
According to the Quran who is khaatamun Nabiyyeen (the last of the Prophets)?
Prophet Muhammed (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam)
What is the name of the book that tells us clearly about the reality of the beginning and the
end of the world?

In the Quran what other name is given to the city of Makkah?

Bakkah and Baladul Ameen
According to the Quran what other name is given to the city of Madinah?
Whose Generation is known as Bani Israeel according to the Quran?
The generation of Prophet Yaqoob (Alaihis salaam) who is also known as Israeel.
Which are the masjids that are mentioned in the Quran?
5 mosques:
a) Masjid-ul-Haram
b) Masjid-ul-Zirar
c) Masjid-ul-Nabawi
d) Masjid-ul-Aqsa
e) Masjid Quba
The name of which angels are mentioned in the Quran?

5 angels a) Jibraeel (Alaihis salaam) [2:98]

b) Meekaeel (Alaihis salaam) [2:98]
c) Haroot (Alaihis salaam) [2:102]
d) Maroot (Alaihis salaam) [2:102]
e) Maalik (Alaihis salaam) [43:77]
Q) In which two verses of Holy Quran the complete 28 alphabet has come?
A) In sura Al-Imran V-154 & Sura Fath V-29.
Q) In which verse the duration of the day of Qayyamat is mentioned?
A) Sura Maarrej, V-4
Q) The Holy head of Imam Hussain (a.s.) recited which verse of holy Quran in the bazaar -e- Sham?
A) Sura Kahf V-9.
Q) The verse about Hejab Vail is in which sura?
A) Sura Noor, V-31
Q) The verse about the evidence is in which sura?
A) Sura Al-e-Imran V-18.
Q) The verse about Welayat is in which sura?
A) Sura Maedah V-55
Q) In which Sura the timing for the daily prayer is mentioned?
A) Sura Esra V-78.
Q) In which sura the process for doing the woozu is mentioned?
A) Sura Maedah V-6.

Q) The verse about Mubahelah is in which sura?

A) Sura Al-e-Imran V-61
Q) The Verse about the changing of Qebla is in which sura?
A) Sura Baqrah V-144
Q) In whom many verses the tazkerah (mentioning) of Holy Prophet is made?
A) In 405 Verses
Q) The Bani Esraiel are mentioned in how many sura?
A) In 110 Verses.
Q) The Meraaj is mentioned in which sura?
A) Sura Esra.
Q) In holy Quran the name of which prophet is mentioned the most?
A) Hazrat Musa.
Q) The birth of Hazrat Eesa is mentioned in which sura?
A) Sura Merium.
Q) Which prophet was called zabihullah ?
A) Hazrat Ismail
Q) Which prophet remained in the bally of fish?
A) Hazrat Younes
Q) How many sura of Holy Quran are on the name of prophets?
A) Six, Ibrahem, Mohammad, Nuh, Hud, Yousef & Younes.
Q) The generation of which Prophet is called Bani Esraiel ?
A) Hazrat Yaqoob.
Q) Which Prophet made the boat?
A) Hazrat Nuh.
Q) The story of Hazrat Sulemaan and Belqees is in which sura?
A) Sura Saba.
Q) Which prophets are still alive?

Q) The name of how many Prophets is mentioned in the holy Quran?

A) 26
Q) How many times the name of Holy Prophet is mentioned in the Holy Quran?
A) Five time.
Q) Which prophet was given son in a very old age?
A) Hazret Zakria.
Q) Which Sura starts with word Tabara Kallazi?
A) Mulk & Furkan.

Q) Macci Sura was revealed in how many years?

A) 13 years.

Q) Madani Sura was revealed in how many years?

A) 10 years.

Q) Which sura starts with word Kad?

A) Mujadala & Momenoon.

Q) Which Sura is related to Hazrat Ali?

A) Sura Adiat.

Q) How many Sura are in 30th Chapter?

A) 37.

Q) Which sura every verse ends with letter Dal ?

A) Tauheed.

Q) Which Sura is revealed in respect of Ahllel bayet?

A) Sura Dahr.

Q) Which sura every verse ends with letter Ra?

A) Qauser.

Q) In which sura the creation of human being is mentioned?

A) Sura Hijr Verse-26.

Q) In which sura the regulation for prisoner of war is mentioned?

A) Sura Nesa.

Q) Which sura is having the laws about marriage?

A) Sura Nesa.

Q) Which sura if its name is reversed becomes the name of one bird?
A) Sura Room.

Q) In which sura the story of the worship of cow of Bani Esraiel is mentioned?
A) Sura Taha.

Q) In which sura the law of inheritance is mentioned?

A) Sura Nesa.

Q) In which sura the Hegira of Holy Prophet is mentioned?

A) Sura Infall.

Q) In which Sura the 27 Attributes of God are mentioned?

A) Sura Hadeed.

Q) In which Sura the story of Hazrat Adam & Hvva, their coming in this world is mentioned?
A) Sura Taha.

Q) The name of how many sura are with only one letter?
A) Three Sad, Qaf & Noon.
Q) In which sura the order for the obedience of Islamic leader is mentioned?
A) Sura Nesa.

Q) Which Sura all its verses end with letter Seen?

A) Sura Naas.

Q) Which Sura is called Al-Ghafer?

A) Sura Momem.

Q) In which sura the holy war of Badr is mentioned?

A) Sura Infall.

Q) In which sura the story of Karoon is mentioned?

A) Sura Qasas.

Q) What is the other name of Sura Touba?

A) Sura Baraat.

Q) Which sura thats all verses end on letter Ya?

A) Sura Lael.

Q) The verse Fabay Eyyey ala-e- Rabby Ko Ma Tutazzebaan is how many time repeated in Sura
A) 31 Time.

Q) How many words are in the smallest Surah of Holy Quran?
A) 42

Q) Which Surah of Holy Quran is called the mother of Quran?

A) Surah Hamd

Q) How many Surah start with Al-Hamdullelah?

A) Five Hamd, Inaam, Kahf, Saba & Fatr.

Q) Which Surah has the same number of verses as the number of Surah of Holy Quran ?
A) Taqveer, 114 verses.

Q) How many Surahs name is only one letter?

A) Three, Qaf, Sad & Noon.

Q) How many Surah start with word Inna ?

A) Four Surah Fatha, Nuh, Qadr, Qausar.

Q) Which Surah has the number of its verses equal to the number of Masumeen?
A) Saf, 114 verses.

Q) Which Surah is called Musabbahat?

A) Esra, Hadeed, Hsar, Juma, Taghabun & Aala.

Q) How many Surah are Makkahi and how many are Madni ?
A) Makki 86, Madni 28.

Q) Which Surah is on the name of tribe of Holy Prophet?

A) Quresh

Q) Which Surah is called the heart of Holy Quran?

A) Yaseen.

Q) In which Surah the name of Allah is repeated five time?

A) Surah al-Haj.

Q) Which Surah are named Azaiam?

A) Sajdah, Fusselat, Najum & Alaq.

Q) Which Surah is on the name of one Holy war?

A) Surah Ahzaab.

Q) Which Surah is on the name of one metal?

A) Surah Hadeed

Q) Which Surah does not starts with Bismellah?

A) Surah Tauba.

Q) Which Surah is called Aroos-ul-Quran?

A) Surah Rehman.

Q) Which Surah is considered as 1/3 of holy Quran?

A) Surah tauheed.

Q) The name of how many Surah are without dot?

A) Hamd, Raad, Toor, Room, Masad.

Q) In which Surah Bismillah came twice?

A) Surah Naml.

Q) How many Surah start with the Initials ( Muketteat )

A) 29 Surah.

Q) Which Surah was revealed twice?

A) Surah Hamd.

Q) In which Surah the back biter are condemned?

A) Surah Humzah.

Q) In which Surah the name of Allah is repeated in every verse?

A) Surah Mujadala.

Q) In which Surah the letter Fa did not come?

A) Hamd.

Q) Which Surah are called Muzetain?

A) Falk & Nas.

Q) Which are those Surah if their name are reversed remain the same?
A) Lael & Tabbat.

Q) Which is that Surah if its first letter is remove becomes the name of one of the city of Saudi
A) Sajdah

Question And Answers about Quran

Q) How many Sura are in Quran?
A) 114

Q) How many Verses are in Quran?

A) 6666

Q) How many dots are in Quran?

A) 1015030.

Q) How many over bar (zaber) are in Quran?

A) 93243

Q) How many under bar ( Zaer ) are in Quran ?

A) 39586

Q) How many Raque are in Quran?

A) 1000

Q) How many stop ( Waqf ) are in Quran ?

A) 5098.

Q) How many Thashdeed are in Quran?

A) 19253.

Q) How many letters are in Quran?

A) 323671

Q) How many pash are in Quran?

A) 4808

Q) How many Madd are in Quran?

A) 1771

Q) How many words are in Quran?

A) 77701

Q) How many parts of Quran?

A) 30

Q) How many time Besmillah Al-Rahmaan Al-Raheem is repeated?

A) 114

Q) How many Sura start with Besmillah Al-Rahmaan Al-Raheem?

A) 113

Q) How many time the word Quran is repeated in Quran?

A) 70.

Q) Which is the longest Surah of Quran?

A) 2nd Surah , Al-Baqarah.

Q) Which is the best drink mentioned in Quran?

A) Milk.

Q) The best eatable thing mentioned in Quran?

A) Honey.

Q) Which is the shortest Sura of Quran?

A) Qausar.

Q) The longest verse of Quran is in which Sura?

A) Al-Baqarah No.282

Q) The most disliked thing by the God though Halal is?

A) Divorce

Q) Which letter is used for the most time in Quran?

A) Alaph

Q) Which letter is used for the least time in Quran?

A) Zaa.

Q) Which is the best night mentioned in Quran?

A) Night of Qadar.

Q) Which is the best month mentioned in Quran?

A) Ramzan.

Q) Which is the biggest animal mentioned in Quran?

A) Elephant.

Q) Which is the smallest animal mentioned in Quran?

A) Mosquito

Q) How many words are in the longest Sura of Quran?

A) 25500

Q) Who do you call a Muslim?
A) Those that believe in one Allah and believes that Muhammad Sallallahu Alaihe Wasallam is the
messenger of Allah and believes that the Holy Quran is the book of Allah
Q) What is the message of Islam (Kalima)?
A) La ilaha illallaho Muhammadur Rasoolallah This is Called the first Kalima (Kalima Tayyab)
Q) What is the meaning of this Kalima?
A) There is no-one worthy of worship except Allah, Muhammad Sallallahu Alaihe Wasallam is the
messenger of Allah
Q) Who is Allah?
A) Allah created humans, the sun, moon and every single creation.
Q) What do you call someone who does not believe in Allah?
A) Whoever does not believe in Allah is a disbeliever (Kafir)
Q) What do you call someone who associates someone equal to or partner with Allah?
A) We call them Mushrik and Kafir (polytheist and disbeliever)
Q) What is wrong in being a Kafir or Mushrik?
A) Allah will always be unhappy with a Kafir or Mushrik and after death they will remain in the fire or hell
Q) Will Kafirs or Mushriks never go to paradise?
A) No, never, they will remain in hell for eternity.
Q) Who is Muhammad Sallallhu Alaihe Wasallam?
A) He is the messenger and Prophet of Allah Taala. He is the highest ranking Prophet of all prophets. He
is the greatest Prophet. We are all his followers, we are from his Ummat and he is our Prophet
Q) Where was our Prophet born?
A) He was born on the 12 th of Rabbi-ul-Awwal (26 th April 570 AD.)
Q) What is the name of the Holy Prophets father?
A) Hazrat Abdullah (may Allah be pleased with him)
Q) What is the name of our Holy Prophets mother?
A) Hazrat Amina (may Allah be pleased with her)
Q) What is the names of our Holy Prophets grandparents?
A) Our Holy Prophets grandfathers name was Abdul Muttallib and his (Maternal) grandmothers name
was Wahub.
Q) How many years did our Holy Prophet stay alive?
A) After our Holy Prophet passes away, by the power of Allah he is still alive in his holy shrine. He dies on
8thJune 632 at the age of 62 years.
Q) Where is our Holy Prophets Holy Shrine?
A) It is in Madina Sharif, Which is approximately 300 km away from Makkah Sharif.
Q) How is it known that Muhammad Sallallhu Alaihe Wasallam is the Prophet of Allah Taala?
A) It is proven by the fact that, our Holy Prophet called people towards Islam, he performed many
miracles and he gave such knowledge of the unseen (llm-e-ghaib) which can only be given by none other
than a Prophet of Allah.

Q) What do you call a person who does not believe in Muhammad Sallallhu Alaihe Wasallam as a
A) he/she is a Kafir (disbeliever)
Q) What if someone believes in Allah Taala but does not believe in the Holy Prophet Muhammad
Sallallhu Alaihe Wasallam?
A) The person is also a Kafir.
Q) What is the reason for believing in the Holy Prophet?
A) The reason for believing in him is that he is a true Prophet sent by Allah Taala believe in this, believe
in every word of our Holy Prophet, love him and never disrespect or speak or think badly about him.
Q) What is the Holy Quran?
A) The Holy Quran is the book of Allah.
Q) How do we know that the Holy Quran is Allahs book?
A) There has never been a book that someone could create which was anything like the Holy Quran this
then proves that the Holy Quran is the book of Allah. If the Holy Quran had been written and created by
someone other than Allah then it would have been easy to create something similar, which of course has
not been possible.
Q) Who was the Holy Quran revealed to?
A) It was revealed to our Holy Prophet, MUHAMMAD Sallallaho Alaihe Wasallam.
Q) Was the Holy Quran Revealed all at once, or in parts?
A) It was revealed bit by bit according to the need of the people.
Q) Over how long a period was the Holy Quran Revealed?
A) It was revealed over 23 years.
Q) How was the Holy Quran Revealed?
A) Hazrat Jibraeel Alaiyhissallaam revealed, chapter and versed to our Holy Prophet, by the grace of
almighty Allah. Our Holy Prophet memorized these passages and repeated them to the people. These
people then memorized these passages and wrote then down.
Q) What is preached in the Holy Quran?
A) Everything is in the Holy Quran, i.e. regarding everything in all walks of life and the hereafter.

Q) Why was the Holy Quran Revealed?

A) To show people the right way in life. So people can recognise Allah almighty and His Holy Prophet and
so that they can live life in a pure way.
Q) Who is Hazrat Jibraeel Alaiyhissalaam?
A) He is an angel who brought messages (wahi) from Allah Almighty to the Prophets.
Q) What are Angels?
A) They are created from light (Noor) by Almighty Allah; they are neither male nor female. They dont eat
or drink. They worship Allah constantly. (Non Stop)
Q) Why are human created?
A) They are created to worship Almighty Allah.
Q) How do Muslims worship Allah?
A) They worship Allah in the following ways:
1) They pray Namaz (Salat)

2) They fast during the month of Ramadan.

3) Rich Muslim offer Zakat (charity) Muslim.
4) They perform pilgrimage (hajj)
Q) What is the best form of worshop?
A) Namaz (Salat) is the best form of worship.
Q) What is Namaz (Salat)?
A) Namaz (Salat) is a form of worshiping Allah Almighty which is performed a certain way. A person
praying Namaz, stands facing Qibla (Holy Kaaba) they recite verses from the Holy Quran and bow down
before Allah. They praise Allah, and they pray Durood (blessings) upon our Holy Prophet.
Q) How many times a day do we pray Namaz?
A) Namaz is prayed five times a day.
Q) What are the names for these five Namaz?
A) Fajr, Zohr, Asr, Maghrib and Isha.
Q) When is the Fajr Namaz preyed?
A) From the break of dawn until the beginning of sunrise
Q) When Zohr Namaz prayed?
A) Zohr Namaz is prayed from after midday until the beginning time of Asr Namaz.
Q) When is Asr Namaz prayed?
A) Asr Namaz is prayed from late-afternoon until sunset.
Q) When is Maghrib Namaz prayed?
A) Maghrib Namaz is prayed from sunset, upto a maximum of One and Quarter hours.
Q) When is Isha Namaz prayed?
A) Isha Namaz is prayed after Maghrib time has lapsed upto the beginning of Fajr time.
Q) What is the process called when one washes their hands, face, feet and pass water over their
A) This process is called WUZU (Ablution)
Q) How is Wuzu performed?
A) Wuzu is performed in the following way:
I) Pray Bismillah then perform Miswak (a five inch wooden stick) by rubbing over your teeth if this is not
available then use your index finger.
ii) Wash both hands up to your wrists three times (first right then left)
iii) Then perform a gargle by washing your mouth out three times (using your right hand).
iv) Then pass water into your nose with your left hand little finger in right nostril and left hand thumb in left
nostril, this is done three times.
v) Wash your face thoroughly by gathering water in both your palms (form a cup) and start at top of your
forehead where hair has the bottom of our chin, this is also done three times.
vi) Wash your right arm up to and including your elbow, and ensure water passes through your fingers
and pass your arms and not the other way round. Perform three times and do same to your left arm three
vii) Perform masah (wiping) by wetting your fingers on both hands and then using three fingers (small,
next and middle) on the both hands rub over your hair from forehead to back of neck. Use your index
finger in each hand to clean your ears (right finger to clean right ear and left finger to clean the left ear).
Use your thumbs to clean back of your ears. Clean each side of your neck by passing the back of your

hand over it. This Masah is only done ONCE.

ix) Wash your feet up to and including the ankles making sure that water passes every gap between your
toes. Perform this three times with right and then left.
Q) What is the purpose of Wuzu?
A) The purpose of Wuzu is to ensure that you clean all parts mentioned, and it is important that you get
plenty of water over the parts that you are washing.
Q) If a part of your body, that you are washing whilst doing Wuzu gets wet, but water does not drip
from that, then does that Wuzu count?
A) No, if this happens Wuzu will not count. As well as wetting certain parts of your body (which have been
mentioned) water must drip from those parts.
Q) At the time of Namaz, a man stands and calls people to prayer, what is this called?
A) This called the Azaan.
Q) What is the method of praying the Azaan?
A) Azaan is performed in the following manner after performing ablution (Wuzu). The person praying
Azaan stands in a high place facing the Qibla putting both index fingers in the ears (right ear, left index
finger in left ear) and praying in a loud and clear voice.
Q) What is the dua prayed after hearing the Azaan?
A) Allahumma rabba haazihid dawattit taamateh wa salaatil qaaimah tih aate sayyedina muhammadnil
waseelata walfazeelath wadarajatr rafeeatah wabas ho makaamu m m ahmoodanilazih waattaho
warzukna shafaataho yawmal qiyaamate innaka latukhliful miaad.
Q) A short while after Azaan, people pray something else in loud voice, and what is this called?
A) This is called Tasweeb.
Q) What are the words prayed for Tasweeb?
A) There are no specific words which have been Islamic law. One can pray any words which are
appropriate. These days the Durood Sharif is used quite commonly.
Q) Before the Namaz commences, one man stands in the first row and prays something in loud
voice. What is this called?
A) This is called Iqama/Takbeer. The words of Iqama/Takbeer are exactly the same as the words used in
There is only on slight difference and that is after HAAYAA ALAL FALAAH the words QADQAAMATIS
SALAAT are prayed twice in addition.
Q) When listening to the Takbeer should a person be sat down or stood up?
A) Takbeer should be listened to whilst sitting down, but after the person says HAYYA ALAS SALAAH,
and then everyone should stand.
Q) What do you call a parson who prays the Azaan?
A) He is called a Muazzin.
Q) What do you call a person who prays the Takbeer?
A) He is called the Mukabbir.

Q) What do you call someone who prays Namaz on their own?

A) They are called a Munfarid (alone)
Q) When everyone prays Namaz together what is this called?
A) When people who pray Namaz together this is called Jamaat.
Q) What do you call the person who leads the Namaz?
A) The person who leads the Namaz is called an Imam.
Q) What is the name given to those who pray behind the Imam?
A) They are called Muqtadee.
Q) What is the name given to the position when you stand up from Rukooh?
A) It is called Quwmah.
Q) What is the name given to the sitting position when you come out from sijdah?
A) The sitting position in between the Sijdahs is called jalsa and the sitting position when praying Attahiyat
is called Qaida.
Q) Should Bismillah be prayed before Attahiyat?
A) No.
Q) Should the Muktadee pray Taawwuz and Tasmeeh when he is praying behind the Imam?
A) The Muktadeeh should only pray Sanah, when he is behind the Imam and then remain silent. He
should not pray Taawwuz or Tasmeeh; neither should he pray Surah Fatiha or any other Surat.
Q) Should the Muktadeeh pray Sami Allaho liman hamidah when rising from Rukooh?
A) No, but he should pray Rabbana lakal hamd after rising from Rukooh.
Q) After Namaz, what do people pray whilst counting on their fingers?
A) They pray, Subhanallah 33 times, Allhamdolillah 33 times and Allaho Akbar 34 times. There is a lot of
sawab (reward) for praying this.

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