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In each box below, draw a diagram to show the arrangement of the particles for each

labelled part.

The three states of matter are represented in the diagrams below.

a) Identify the diagram that represents


a solid. __________

ii) steam. __________

b) Name a substance that could be represented by diagram B. __________
c) Explain why substances represented by diagram C can be compressed, but the others
d) Condensation is a change of state. Complete the condensation equation below by
putting one letter from the diagrams above (A, B, C) into each circle.



Jane is making a cup of coffee.

a) Which substance is a mixture? ________________
b) Which substance has particles fixed in place with very little
energy? ________________
c) Which substance is a gas? ________________

a) A burning candle is put on a set of electronic scales. After 30 minutes, the reading
the scales will be

the same.
more or less depending on whether the candle has melted completely.

b) Students were talking about what happened when an ice-cube melted.

Toni said, "The movement of the particles slows down and they move further
When the ice cube turns to water, each molecule splits in half."
What two points in Toni's statement are scientifically incorrect?
i) _____________________________________________________________________
ii) _____________________________________________________________________

This is the heating curve of octane (the main component in petrol).

a) i)

What is the temperature of the octane at the start of the investigation?


ii) Is the state of the octane a solid, liquid, or gas at the start of the
b) At what temperature does the octane begin melting? __________C
c) At what temperature does the octane begin boiling? __________C
d) What two states would you observe at point A?




e) What state would you observe at point B? ____________________


What two states would you observe at point C?





g) In terms of the particles, describe what is happening when the octane becomes a liquid.
The particles are:

h) In terms of the particles, describe what is happening when the octane is rapidly boiling.
The particles are:
Not everything will freeze when left in a freezer! The temperature inside a freezer is
Below is a table of the melting points for three substances which are all liquids at
room temperature.

Melting point (C)

methylated spirits
(mostly ethanol)

petrol (mostly octane)

ethanoic acid
(used to make vinegar)




Three 500 mL bottles are each half-filled with the liquids and were placed in a freezer

a) Which liquid(s) would be frozen the next day?

b) Explain, in terms of particles, what has happened when a liquid has frozen.

c) i)

Will the level in the frozen bottle(s) be higher or lower than before?
Higher / Lower (Circle one)

ii) Explain your answer in terms of the particles.


The Water Cycle


Key List

a) Choose one word from the key list to show what is happening

at arrow(s) A. __________________________

ii) to form the clouds at B. __________________________

iii) at arrow C. __________________________
b) Explain in detail how evaporation happens.


c) Hail is one type of precipitation. What are two others?


ii) ___________________________________
d) Explain in your own words why the processes shown in the diagram are called "The
Water Cycle."
Sam was investigating the water cycle. He set up an experiment. When the water in
the jug was boiling he got a large metal spoon that had been in the freezer for an hour
and put it in the water vapour.

Draw a line to match each part of Sam's experiment with the part of the water cycle it
is showing. One name under "Part of water cycle" is not needed.
Part of Sam's

Part of water cycle

Water droplets from


The Sun

Heating element in jug


Steam coming from jug

Evaporation of water

White water vapour


Water in jug


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