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Cave in: Workers can be critically injured or die in cave-ins. Many cave-ins occur on
small jobs of short duration, such as water, gas, electrical and sewer line
2. falls into trenches or excavations
3. tripping over equipment, debris and spoil
4. excavated material or other objects falling on workers
5. exposure to underground services or overhead electrical cables
6. unstable adjacent structures
7. mishandled or poorly placed materials
8. hazardous atmosphere (noxious gases/lack of oxygen)
9. toxic, irritating or flammable and explosive gases
10. incidents involving vehicles and other mobile equipment

Reasonable precautions under OHSA section 25(2)(h)

determine how workers will enter and exit excavation

know in advance what excavation equipment and tools are needed

consider possibility of environmental hazards (rain) in excavation

be aware of nearby vehicles and mobile equipment causing soil to vibrate

provide training to workers

Mark and locate utilities: Employers must ensure all gas, electrical and other
services are located or marked in or near the area to be excavated. If a service poses
a hazard, it must be shut off and disconnected before the excavation activity begins. If
a potentially hazardous service cannot be disconnected, the service owner must be
asked to supervise the services uncovering during the excavation.
[Construction Reg. s. 228]
Adjacent structures: Constructors must prevent damage to adjacent structures by
engaging a professional engineer who must specify in writing the precautions to be
taken. [Construction Reg.s. 229]
Soil strength: Determine the soil type to protect excavation walls from collapsing.
This can be determined by doing things such as inspecting trenches and excavations
following a rainfall, melting snow, thawing earth and overflows from nearby streams,
storm drains and sewers. The soil type determines the strength and stability of the
excavation walls. [Construction Reg. s. 226]

Wall stability: Strip the wall of a trench or excavation of any loose rock or other
material that may slide, roll or fall on a worker. [Construction Reg. s. 232]
Equipment: Keep heavy equipment, excavated soil or rock and construction material
at least one meter away from the upper edges of the trench or excavation. Do not
position or operate a vehicle or machinery in a manner that could affect the walls
stability. [Construction Reg. s. 233]
Work space: Maintain a clear work space of at least 450 millimeters (18 inches)
between the wall of an excavation and any formwork, masonry or similar wall.
[Construction Reg. s. 231]
Fall protection: Provide a barrier at least 1.1 meters (42 inches) high at the top if an
excavation does not meet regulatory slope requirements and is more than 2.4
meters (eight feet) deep. [Construction Reg. s. 233(4)]
Protect yourself: Never enter a trench deeper than 1.2 meters (47 inches) unless the
walls are sound, made of solid rock, properly sloped, shored or protected by a trench
box. Never work alone in a trench.
Protective systems: Workers must be protected against trench or excavation caveins and other hazards using three basic methods:
1. Sloping which involves cutting back trench walls at an angle, inclined away
from the excavation.
2. Shoring which helps support trench and excavation walls to prevent movement
of soil, underground utilities, roadways and foundations. Timber and hydraulic
systems are the most commonly used supports to shore up walls. Both types
must be designed by a professional engineer.
3. Prefabricated support systems (for example, trench boxes and shields)
which can prevent soil cave-ins.
"Competent person": Trenches and excavations must be inspected daily for hazards,
and when conditions change, before workers enter them. This must be done by a
"competent person", as defined by the OHSA.
A "competent person":

has the knowledge, training and experience to organize the work

is familiar with the OHSA and Construction Regulations and

can identify existing and potential health and safety hazards and/or unsafe
working conditions

Entry and exit: Provide safe access and egress for workers at excavations by means
of ladders, steps, ramps, or other safe methods of entering or exiting. Trenches must
have ladders placed in the area protected by the support system and be accessible in
the event of a collapse. [Construction Reg.s. 240]

According to OSHA, nearly 50 percent of overhead crane accidents are the result of machinery coming
into contact with a power source during operation. Power line contact is literally defined as the inadvertent
contact of any metal part of a crane with a high-voltage power line. Power line contact most often occurs
when the crane is moving materials nearby or under energized power lines and the hoist line or boom
touches one of them. Usually, the person who is electrocuted is touching the crane when it comes into
contact with the power line. But, the danger is not just limited to the operator. It extends to all personnel in
the vicinity.

A single contact with power lines can result in multiple deaths and injuries. Each year nearly 200 people
die from power line contact and about three times as many are seriously injured. Most victims are guiding
the load at the time of contact, but risks extend to everyone present at a job site.

Power line contacts most often occur because safety planning isnt considered and preventative
measures havent been taken to avoid hazards. Planning is one of the biggest accident deterrents
available. To start, its important to establish who is in charge of prejob safety planning before any cranes
arrive at a worksite. Furthermore, cranes should be kept away from unsafe working areas; OSHA and
ANSI both outline safe distances operators must maintain from a power source when working at a job
site. Areas that are considered hazardous are referred to as danger zones, and crane operators should
be clearly notified of all potential danger zones. The area within a 10-foot radius of a power line is
considered an unsafe work areaor danger zoneand it must be clearly marked on the ground by
insulated barriers, fences, tape, etc. This will help create visual clues for workers to ensure that the crane
is always positioned so that the boom and hoist line cant intrude in the danger zone.

OSHA also regulates that overhead crane operators use precautions when working near power lines
even outside of the 10-foot radius. This means, operators should consider all power lines as energized
until the electric company tells him or her otherwise. Operators should also maintain a safe speed when
operating near power lines. Crane booms or truck-mounted trolleys using an electrical remote control
system for loading and unloading can also be very dangerous. If the boom contacts a power line, the
operator holding the control box is usually electrocuted instantly. This type of equipment should never be
used near power lines. A non-conductive, pneumatic or radio remote control system is a much safer
choice when working near power lines.

Overall, its important for operators and workers to receive the appropriate training to avoid danger zones
where electrocution can occur. Operators should have workers observing nearby to assist them whenever

it is difficult to visually maintain the necessary clearance. Be sure that any ladders, tools, and systems are
non-conductive, and ask the electric company to de-energize and ground power lines or install insulation
whenever people are working near them.

29 CFR 1910.333(c)(3)Selection and use of work practicesWorking on or near exposed

energized partsOverhead lines

29 CFR 1926.550(a)(15)Cranes and derricksGeneral requirementsElectrical distribution

and transmission lines

According to OSHA, 80 percent of all crane upsets and structural failures can be attributed to exceeding
the cranes operational capacity. When a crane is overloaded, it is subject to structural stresses that may
cause irreversible damage. Swinging or sudden dropping of the load, using defective components,
hoisting a load beyond capacity, dragging a load and side-loading a boom can all cause overloading.

OSHA estimates that one crane upset occurs for every 10,000 hours of crane use. Nearly 80 percent of
these upsets can be attributed to predictable human error when the operator inadvertently exceeds the
cranes lifting capacity. Overloading most often occurs when poorly trained personnel are allowed to
operate cranes. Oftentimes, operators mistakenly believe they are able to rely on their instinct or
experience to determine whether a load is too heavy. Its crucial that any crane operator know the weight
of a load and the capacity of the crane. Using technologies such as load-measuring systems for training
and planning can greatly reduce the hazard of overloading and operator incompetency.

OSHA requires workers to provide formal training for all crane operators, but operator certification is only
required for operators using equipment with a maximum manufacturer-rated capacity of 2,000 pounds or
less. Employees who are not qualified are only permitted to operate equipment as operators-in-training
with a certified trainer. Formal training should ensure a working knowledge of crane load charts, and onthe-job training is a great preventative measure if the trainer is qualified.

Overall, most crane safety programs outline competent personnel requirements, and its a good idea to
become familiar with them. Cranes have become more sophisticated, with the ability to lift heavier loads
further and faster than ever before. Todays operator must be well trained and have a clear understanding
of load dynamics, lifting capacities at various configurations, and the conditions under which such lifting
capacities are valid.

29 CFR 1910.179(g)(5)(iv)Overhead and Gantry CranesSwitches

29 CFR 1910.179(n)(4)(I)Overhead and Gantry CranesHandling the loadHoist limit switch

29 CFR 1910.179(a)(50)Overhead and Gantry CranesRated Load

29 CFR 1910.179(b)(8)Overhead and Gantry CranesDesignated Personnel

29 CFR 1910.179(a)(35)Overhead and Gantry CranesDesignated Employee

29 CFR 1926.550(g)(3)(ii)(C)Cranes and DerricksInstruments and Components

29 CFR 1926.21(b)Safety Training and Education


Falling materials is a major concern at any work place or job site using overhead cranes. Visual
impairment, two-blocking, slipping, mechanical failure, or operator incompetency can all result in serious
injuries or fatalities. If materials are not properly secured, for instance, the load can slip and land on
workers in the vicinity or cause major damage to property. For larger or mobile cranes, undesired
movement of material can pinch or crush workers involved in the rigging process.

Statistics show that nearly 20 people died in 2012 as a result of accidents with overhead hoists. Thats
because the loads being lifted by overhead hoists tend to be fairly heavy and cause serious damage if
dropped. Slings and attachments that arent secured properly can be a major safety hazard, and when
objects begin to slip, they will eventually crash to the floor below.

One way to reduce the risk of falling materials is to perform regular maintenance of hoists. Load testing
maintenance ensures that you know how many pounds the hoist can handle, and it helps to maintain
good working condition. Maintenance should always be treated seriously when it comes to heavy
machinery. If a moving part on an overhead crane wears out or breaks the hoist, it can cause serious
damage. Performing regular maintenance ensures the hoist and overhead crane remain in good working
order and that all operations run smoothly.

Aside from maintenance, improper securing of the load or the slings that carry the load is one of the
leading causes of accidents with overhead hoists and cranes. If the load or sling holding the load isnt
properly secured, the objects can slip out, tip, and eventually crash to the ground below. Mechanical
failure can also cause machinery to malfunction unexpectedly and drop a heavy load. To reduce the risk,
OSHA mandates that operators make daily crane inspections. When mechanical problems do arise,
operators should use the lockout/tagout procedure to prevent accidental startup or movement of the crane
until the problem has been repaired.

Employees working around overhead cranes should always wear proper head, foot, hand, and eye
protection. The crane operator and any workers below should also be aware of his/her surroundings and

never walk under a lift. A crane operator must always lower a load to the ground before leaving the lift or
during idle times. When moving items, he or she should never raise the load higher than required for

When operating a hoist, properly trained employees in the vicinity should understand that they are
working in a dangerous area. Installing Hoist Danger signs around the work area will help to alert
employees that a hoist is operating over their heads. Workers should be trained to stay clear of the hoist,
and they should never walk beneath loads suspended in the air. Likewise, suspended loads should never
be moved over employees and personnel should never be lifted or transported on a hoist.

Careful operation of the hoist is another important safety factor to consider whenever overhead cranes
are used. The person responsible for managing the hoist should be well trained and qualified. Moving the
crane too quickly and jerking the hoist when its bearing a heavy load can be hazardous to the crane
operator and workers nearby. Changing or reversing direction should be done slowly and carefully.
Reversing direction can cause heavy loads to spill, and swinging the load is very risky. Operators and
controllers must maintain 100 percent focus on the task at hand to avoid potentially dangerous situations.


Typical problems Lifting operations are high risk if they are not planned and
executed properly. Typical causes of lifting failures include: persons involved
are not competent equipment is in a poor state of repair incorrect
equipment being used general misuse of equipment lack of accurate
information about the load characteristics unstable ground where mobile
cranes are used poor weather conditions poor slinging of the load
production pressure to get the job done on time. Planning the lift Confirm the
size of the load to be lifted and identify its center of gravity. Ensure that the
appropriate size of crane is obtained with a sufficient safety margin. Check
on competence of crane supplier and the operator, slinger and signaler to be
provided. Ensure that a lifting risk assessment has been carried out and has
taken into account the load, ground conditions and any adjacent structures.
Check on ground conditions. If not suitable for the load a special base may
need to be provided to position the crane and its out riggers
Executing the lift
Ensure that when the crane arrives on site it has its documentation in respect
of its last inspection/examination, at least
within the last 12 months.

Check lifting slings to be used and that they have also been inspected within
the last 6 months and there is an inspection
Check competence evidence of driver, slinger and signaler if provided.
Ensure that the crane is located on solid ground and that the outriggers and
spreader plates are fully deployed.
The crane must be level and tires correctly pressurized.
Crane shall be positioned so that there is a min of 600mm distance between
it and any fixed structure to prevent any person
Becoming trapped.
Check also for any overhead power lines or other structures.
The crane shall have a fully operational automatic safe working load
indicator, and overwind protection.
Ensure that all unauthorized persons are kept out of the area in which the lift
is being conducted.
Ensure that the crane hook is positioned over the center of gravity of the

Typical problems
Whilst lifting failures can occur with the use of cranes and similar lifting
machines many failures arise as a result of incorrect methods or use of
slinging equipment which include:
Slinging operatives not trained or competent;
Slings and other lifting tackle not maintained and therefore not fit for
Lifting equipment misused or incorrectly used;
Poor knowledge of the load characteristics;

Notes on Safe Working

1. All wire ropes, chains and other lifting tackle must never be overloaded and
must be inspected and examined by a competent person at
least once every 6 months or earlier as determined by conditions. Useful to
have a coloured tag to indicate the last time it was examined.
2. It is advisable to visually check the lifting sling before to ensure that it looks
in reasonable condition i.e. it has not suffered significant
wear or damage since it was last inspected or examined.
3. Slings should always be attached correctly to the lifting equipment either by
securing the ring directly onto the hook or by using a suitable

shackle, fitted so that the pin of the shackle is located on the load and the
hook on the bow section.
4. When handling long or large loads suitable lines (tag lines) should be
attached to enable the load to be controlled into its correct position
and also prevent it from spinning.
5. Multiple legged slings must be connected by means of a suitable ring or
shackle and load correctly distributed so that no one leg is
6. The angle between sling legs shall not exceed 90 as the load increases
7. Wire rope slings can be affected by sharp corners which
will reduce their efficiency. Use some form of packing or
lagging to minimise this effect.
8. Avoid dragging slings along a hard floor.
9. Never use a wire rope sling if it has kinks in it.
10. No lifting sling or other lifting equipment shall be used on
site unless it has a certificate that confirms its safe working
load (SWL) and there is a report of its last examination
Wind strengths
Lifting operations can only be carried out when the conditions are safe to do
so. The manufacturer of the carne or other lifting machine will have
specified the wind strength at which lifting should not be carried out.
No Description Visible effect Speed mph Speed
0 Calm Calm, smoke rises vertically 1 - 6 0 - 1
1 Light air Direction of wind shown by smoke drift, but not by weather vanes 1
2 Light breeze Wind felt on face. leaves rustle and wind vanes move 6.5 -11.0
3 Gentle breeze Leaves and small twigs in constant motion. Wind extends light
flags 13 - 19 3 - 5
4 Moderate breeze Wind raises dust and loose paper. Small branches move. 21
- 29 5 -8
5 Fresh breeze Small trees in leaf begin to sway. Little crested wavelets form on
inland waters. 30 - 38 8 - 11
6 Strong breeze Large branches in motion. Umbrellas used with difficulty. 40 50 11 - 14
7 Near gale Whole trees in motion. Becoming difficult to walk against the
wind. 51 - 61 14 - 17

8 Gale Twigs break off trees. Progress is generally impeded 62 - 74 17 - 21

9 Strong gale Chimney pots, slates and tiles may be blown off. Other slight
structural damage may be caused. 75 - 86 21 - 24

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