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The Aqeedah Of Barelvi

Deviant Sect Of Islam

Date: 7 Rabi Al-Awwal, 1435. January 8, 2014
Edition: 2014
Author: Abu Ammaar Saeed Ahmed
Copyright: Free to republish with authorization
Free copy is available online.
Editor: Scott Jaspen
Islamic Research Foundation New York

About The Author

Abu Ammaar Saeed Ahmed Founder and
President of IRFNY Islamic Research
Foundation New York
Abu Ammaar Saeed Ahmed is a student of
Islam and Comparative Religion. He started his
mission to spread the True Message of Allah in
2007 after listening to the lectures and debates
of Sheikh Ahmed Deedat and Dr Zakir Naik
which kindled him to learn and gain knowledge
of Islam, started from the basic tenets of Islam.
He started his journey by learning Arabic to
understand the pure Divine Language and
adhered himself to Quran and Sahih Hadith. He
had listened to numerous scholars and
researched himself from the original sources to
verify the authenticity of the information
listened which helped him to gain more
He has restricted himself to Quran and Sahih
Hadith only and do not follow any specific
section in Islam and do not follow anyone

without verifying authenticity of the information

from any scholar or speaker.
He had visited several scholars from different
sections in Islam to increase more knowledge
and also had attended several discussions,
debates, interfaith dialogs and meetings and had
successfully participated in several meetings
with scholars and international orators of Islam
as well as other religion scholars.
As the journey of knowledge moved on, while
gaining more knowledge he had opportunity to
deliver several public lectures and group
discussions on the Doctrines of Tawheed and
Bidah. His mission is to bring back Muslims to
Quran and Sunnah and to stop people from
following any customs and rituals of any
sections of Islam and from following their
elders blindly or the education and teachings of
the founder of the specific group and encourage
them to gain more knowledge of Tawheed and
He had visited several countries and visited
about forty states of America and currently

working on many projects includes Dawah,

Peace Relief, Family Counseling and Online
Islamic Education Courses for Muslims who are
interested in gaining more Islamic knowledge
from authentic source. While working on
different projects he had successfully completed
program and training under New York State
Family Court Law and currently a certified
social worker and family counselor, helping
Muslims and non-Muslims in violence, drug
addictions, domestic violence, raising children,
family and individual counseling including
spiritual and religious matters.
He had also authored several Islamic books
available in the market can be searched on
Google and currently working on upcoming
more on Islamic knowledge and issues in Islam.
He had successfully completed Tafsir Ibn Kathir
and several Hadith books includes Sahih
Bukhari, Sahih Muslim, Sunan Nasai, Sunan
Abu Dawood, Sunan Tirmidhi and Sunan Ibn
Maajah including the sorted Sahih Hadith books
by Sheikh Albani and proved by The Permanent
Committee For Islamic Research and Fataawa
of Saudi.He has also launched a website in 2010 to help Muslim Ummah

and remove misconceptions about Islam. is the only Islamic website on
internet that offers live questions and answers
thru chat system. The website has many
chapters and areas of interest that can be utilized
according to ones interest. The site has
educational materials, video and audio lectures
and debates, free materials to download, Islamic
publications, pamphlets, Dawah materials,
online Islamic courses and books, Islamic
question and answers and Fataawa.
Since 2010 has helped thousands
of Muslims answering questions around the
world and helped providing them family
counseling or any family matters. The live
questions and answers service is available
24hours to help with any questions about Islam
or counseling.
While gaining knowledge in Islam, he dedicated
himself towards studying the complete bible. He
learned the techniques and useful sources from
other Islamic scholars interfaith dialogs and
gathered all materials and memorized bible

verses that helped in debates. He started

practically having debates from streets of New
York with Christians on the topics Is Jesus God
or Son Of God, Is the Bible Word of God,
Was Jesus Crucified, Trinity.
He frequently put Dawah stalls on streets and
distributes free Islamic knowledge materials like
Quran, Islamic books, pamphlets, booklets of
questions and answers about Islam, materials
about Christianity and other religions with help
of volunteers.
More IRFNY media materials are available
around the internet and can be searched on

Bio Last updated

Sep 01, 2013

In the name of Allah, the Beneficent, the
Indeed, all praise is due to Allah. We praise
Him and seek His Help and forgiveness. We
seek refuge in Allah from our souls evils and
our wrong doings. He whom Allah guides, no
one can misguide; and he whom He misguides,
no one can guide. I bear witness that there is no
god except Allah and I bear witness that
Muhammad (pbuh) is His Messenger.
Quran 20:25-28

)( )(

) (

O my Lord! Expand me my breast (25) Ease my
task for me (26) And remove the impediment
from my speech. (27) So they may understand
what I say (28)

The Aqeedah Of Barelvi Deviant Sect Of

Islam" by Abu Ammaar Saeed Ahmed
Praise Be Allah
The word aqeedah was best defined at the time
of Muhammad (pbuh) and his Companions (ra)
because they had the best understanding of
aqeedah, because it was during the time of
direct revelation from Allah.
As time moved on till the next generations,
there were many groups that appeared in parts
of Arabia and parts of the world that had
different opinions and different interpretations
of aqeedah, based on their personal
understanding of the Divine language. Many
differed among them in understanding of the
proper aqeedah and basic fundamentals of
Many groups differed in defining the term
aqeedah, except the Prophet (pbuh) himself
and the Companions. Later, Iblees came in a

human form to divert people from the straight

path to his path, and ignorant people started
believing and following one particular leader, he
was the root cause of diverting people from true
teaching Allah and His Prophet.
The basic fundamental of Islam is to believe in
the Allah alone and that He is the Sole Doer and
Controller of everything in the universe. It is
very important for a Muslim to check his or her
aqeedah make sure he or she is adhering to the
teachings of the Prophet. In fact, in the Quran,
there is not a single verse or hadith which
mentioned that a Muslim has to follow any
particular group other than the Quran and
The true authentic teaching of Islam is to
practice the true teachings of the Quran and the
Prophet (pbuh). As Allah mentioned in the
Quran 6:153


Verily, this is My Way leading straight: follow
it: follow not (other) paths: they will scatter you
about from His path: thus doth He command
you, that ye may be righteous. (153)

Tafsir Ibn Kathir

Imam Ahmad bin Hanbal recorded that
Abdullah bin Mas`ud said,
"The Messenger of Allah drew a line with his
hand (in the sand) and said, This is Allah's path,
leading straight. He then drew lines to the right
and left of that line and said, These are the other
paths, on each path there is a devil who calls to
He (pbuh) then recited,


And verily, this is My straight path, so follow it,

and follow not (other) paths, for they will
separate you away from His path."
Al-Hakim also recorded this hadith and said",
Its chain is, but they [Bukhari and Muslim] did
not record it.''
Imam Ahmad and Abd bin Humayd recorded
(and this is the wording of Ahmad) that Jabir
We were sitting with the Prophet when he drew
a line in front of him and said, This is Allahs
path. He also drew two lines to its right and
two lines to its left and said, These are the
paths of Shaytan. He then placed his hand on
the middle path and recited this verse:
And verily, this is My straight path, so follow it,
and follow not (other) paths, for they will
separate you away from His path."
Imam Ahmad, Ibn Majah, in the Book of the
Sunnah in his Sunan, and Al-Bazzar collected


this Hadith. Ibn Jarir recorded that; a man asked

Ibn Mas`ud, "What is As-Sirat Al-Mustaqim
(the straight path)?
Ibn Mas`ud replied,
Muhammad left us at its lower end and its
other end is in Paradise. To the right of this Path
are other paths, and to the left of it are other
paths, and there are men (on these paths) calling
those who pass by them. Whoever goes on the
other paths will end up in the Fire. Whoever
takes the Straight Path, will end up in Paradise.
Ibn Mas`ud then recited the Ayah;
And verily, this is My straight path, so follow it,
and follow not (other) paths, for they will
separate you away from His path.
Imam Ahmad recorded that, An-Nawwas bin
Sam`an said that the Messenger of Allah said,
Allah has given a parable of the straight path,
and on the two sides of this path, there are two
walls containing doorways. On these doorways,


there are curtains that are lowered down. on the

gate of this path there is a caller heralding,
`O people! come and enter the straight path all
together and do not divide. There is also another
caller that heralds from above the path, who
says when a person wants to remove the curtain
on any of these doors, `Woe to you! Do not
open this door, for if you open it, you will enter
The (straight) path is Islam, the two walls are
Allah's set limits, the open doors lead to Allah's
prohibitions, the caller on the gate of the path is
Allah's Book (the Qur'an), while the caller from
above the path is Allah's admonition in the heart
of every Muslim.
At-Tirmidhi and An-Nasa'i also recorded this
Hadith, and At-Tirmidhi said, "Hasan Gharib.
Allah's statement, (so follow it, and follow not
(other) paths...), describes Allah's path in the
singular sense, because truth is one. Allah


describes the other paths in the plural, because

they are many and are divided.
Tafsir Ends
Another example for better understanding:
You are driving on a highway going straight to
your destination, but during your drive, you see
many exits on the highway going towards towns
and cities. On each exit off the highway,
Shaytan is standing there, calling you to come to
him, and he will show you a faster and shortcut
to your destination (going close to Allah).
How can we identify the human shayateen?
They will sometimes have a beard, appear to be
pious, be regarded as a scholar, performed many
Hajjs, and have lot of blessings in their hands.
Thousands of people like these people and listen
to them, follow them and accept them as their
well-wisher and true guidance towards Islamic


However, the bottom line is that they have

forgotten what the Prophet said: Do not get off
the highway, but stay on it to reach the
destination by following the Quran and
How can we stick to the Sunnah and reject other
Read the Quran with understanding, learn
about the authentic ahadith and learn to
differentiate between the ahadith. Do not follow
any who seek to take you off this path, no
matter how famous or fair-seeming they may
appear. This is the only way you will be saved,
Imam Muslim reports in the introduction to his
Saheeh that Ibn Sirin said, This knowledge is
the religion, so be careful from whom you take
your religion. (Saheeh Muslim, 26)
Shaytan always try to make a person become
involved in shirk, because he knows all good


deeds will be go vein after all. When a person

gets away from shirk and kufr, Shaytan involves
a person in bidah, a hidden attack of Shaytan
which is impossible for an illiterate or ignorant
person to even identify without knowledge.
Shaytan deceives a person through blind
following of any pious person, scholar or
teacher that belong to any sect of Islam, with
teachings that contradict the Quran and
An example of bidah is, a person standing
before a mirror, he or she will see everything
exactly the same but it will be the opposite.
However, the question is which one among
them both is the original? If an ignorant person
passing by looks at the mirror, he or she will
think it is real without further investigation,
unless he or she tests or examines it carefully.
Similarly, when a person with less knowledge
listens or study Islam from anyone without
looking into authentic material, he or she will
simply believe it and spread the same


knowledge to others. Basically, it is a deception

of Shaytan, who makes a person believe it. The
book of Allah and the confirmed ahadith are
available to search for the truth, instead just
listening to lectures of teachers and accepting
everything without searching for the truth.
As generations passed on, there came a Shaytan
in the form of human being named Ahmed Raza
Khan Barelvi. Ahmed Raza Khan was the
founder of the Barelvi sect, and he was
considered a Sunni scholar. The name Barelvi
derives from the north Indian town of Bareilly.
He came up with many new teachings which
contradicted the teachings of the Quran and
Sunnah. His teachings are still being practiced
by the vast majority of Muslims in India and
There are various practices in the Barelvi sect
which contradict the Quran and Sunnah.
Sometimes, Barelvis contradict themselves also.
Some claim Allah is everywhere and some of
them believe Allah is above the throne.


Believing that Allah is everywhere takes them

out of fold of Islam because it is shirk,
according to some scholars.
Quran 7:54

)( .....

Your Guardian-Lord is Allah, Who created the
heavens and the earth in six Days, then He
established Himself on the Throne (of
authority): He draweth the night as a veil O'er
the day, each seeking the other in rapid
succession: He created the sun, the moon, and
the stars, (all) governed by laws under His
command. Is it not His to create and to govern?
Blessed be Allah, the cherisher and sustainer of
the Worlds! (54)
Similar statements are made by Barelvis for the
Prophet: some say he is alive and some say he is
not; some say he had the knowledge of unseen,
which was one of the major issues and


contradictory statements between Barelvis and

the aqeedah of Ahlus-Sunnah wal-Jamaah.
Allah tells the Prophet (pbuh) to tell the people
that they do not have any knowledge of the
unseen, except for what Allah chose to reveal.
Quran 6:50


Say: "I tell you not that with me are the
Treasures of Allah, nor do I know what is
hidden, nor do I tell you I am an angel. I but
follow what is revealed to me." Say: "Can the
blind be held equal to the seeing?" Will ye then
consider not? (50)
This is enough proof directly from Allah for
whoever claims that Prophet has knowledge of
the unseen. However, Barelvis still use the
following hadith to justify their answers:


Narrated Ibn 'Abbas: The prophet once passed

by two graves and said, "These two persons are
being tortured not for a major sin (to avoid).
One of them never saved himself from being
soiled with his urine, while the other used to go
about with calumnies (to make enmity between
friends)." The prophet then took a green leaf of
a date-palm tree, split it into (pieces) and fixed
one on each grave. They said, "O Allah's
Apostle! Why have you done so?" He replied, "I
hope that their punishment might be lessened till
these (the pieces of the leaf) become dry."
(Bukhari, 4, 217)
The Prophet has limited knowledge of unseen
only that which Allah revealed to him but that
does not prove that the Prophet has all
knowledge Himself (pbuh), and making such
statements are shirk unknowingly. It is giving
status or equality to someone other than Allah.
Narrated Ibn 'Umar: Allah's Apostle (pbuh) said,
"Keys of the unseen knowledge are five which


nobody knows but Allah...nobody knows what

will happen tomorrow; nobody knows what is in
the womb; nobody knows what he will gain
tomorrow; nobody knows at what place he will
die; and nobody knows when it will rain."
(Bukhari, 17, 149)
The statements are similar to Christians, who
believed Jesus (pbuh) as God or the Son of God
and that he has all knowledge, but instead Jesus
said according to:
But of that day and hour knows no man, no,
not the angels of heaven, but my Father
only.[King James Version of the Bible,
Matthew 24:36]
The reason, Muslims believe on this type of
innovations because of no proper knowledge of
Quran 59:7



So take what the Messenger assigns to you,
and deny yourselves that which he withholds
from you. And fear Allah; for Allah is strict in
Punishment. (7)
Allah has set our limits to follow what the
Prophet (pbuh) is instructing us without any
justifications and providing personal logic.
Currently, the majority of the Barelvi sect
follows the well-known Dr. Tahir Ul Qadri, who
is the founder of the university Minhaj Ul
When I heard one of his speeches, he
mentioned, I swear to Allah I have studied
from Imam Abu Haneefah directly, for nine
years in Aalam e Roya (The dream world).
(YouTube, Tahir ul Qadri spent 9 years in
dream with Imam Abu Hanifah- A big lie)


No one ever claimed similar to what he claimed

and there is even more nonsense in his lectures.
Yet his followers believes that, he simply make
statements from imaginations and dreams like
Sufis and think it as a fact.
Another innovative practice is going to graves
and putting flowers on the graves and asking
help from pious people died. Kissing and
prostrating the graves of the dead, sacrificing
animals, delivering food and collecting people
to recite the Quran in the gathering are all
innovations. Such practices are not proved by
Quran or found anywhere in books of ahadith.
According to their justifying answers, they do
not worship the grave but came to make prayer
for the dead that he was pious person or great
wali of Allah.
In the video on YouTube, Dr. Qadri is standing
by the grave and pointing his fingers to the
grave and commanding the dead inside grave,


Read La Ilaaha Il Allah and also giving

Adhan next to grave and burying him with
innovated rituals.
There are no such practices are found anywhere
in the books of Hadith.
(YouTube. True Dr Tahir UlQadri Truth)
Another aqeedah of this sect is believing that
the Prophet is still alive and that he is
everywhere. Among this sect, there is another
group that thinks the Prophet (pbuh) is created
from light or that he is the light, a part of
the nor of Allah, based on miracles and
informing about unseen knowledge. Our first
source is the Quran, so lets see what the
Quran say about the Prophet (pbuh):
Quran 8:110



Say: "I am but a man like yourselves, (but) the

inspiration has come to me, that your God is one
God: whoever expects to meet his Lord, let him
work righteousness, and in the worship of his
Lord, admit no one as partner." (110)
The entire fitnah (tribulation) and division is
started by Iblees, the only thing that can fight
back Shaytan is knowledge with proper
understanding of Islam. Iblees chooses one
person of high ranking that people can praise,
follow him and accept him and follow his
teachings. Then, Shaytan use him to innovate to
misguide his followers and Shaytan knows that
the misguiding in Islam will take a Muslim off
the straight path and will end up in hell. In order
to be saved from misguiding scholars, imams
and teachers, is to adhere yourself to the correct
teachings of the Quran and Sunnah.
The most truthful of speech is the Book of Allah
and the best of guidance is the guidance of
Muhammad, and the most evil of things are
those which are newly-invented. And he


(pbuh) said: Whoever innovates anything in

this matter of ours (i.e., Islam), that is not part of
it will have it rejected.
(Bukhari, 3697)
Whoever innovates anything in this matter of
ours (i.e., Islam), that is not part of it will have it
(Muslim, 1718)
The sect, even differ among themselves on few
matters. We also see people reciting Quran in
gathering after someone die and then repeat
after 40 days. The practice is called Khatam
and after forty days it is called Chalisiwan
these rituals are practiced mostly in India and
Pakistan. This practice doesnt exist in correct
teachings of Islam.
It is innovation when it is formed at a specific
time and in particular way. Instead after a
person dies any relatives or friends can do
charity with Niyyah to send reward to the dead,


also can make supplications. Also there are

many ways to send reward to the dead by
building something, so people can benefit from
it and the reward goes to dead. Similarly any
educational institution can be built with Niyyah
that the reward goes to the dead.
Narrated by Abu Hurairah, Allahs Messenger
(pbuh) said, When a man dies, his deeds come
to an end, but three. 1. Recurring charity, 2. Or
Knowledge (by which people) benefit, 3. Or a
pious off-spring, who prays for him (for the
(Muslim, 4005)
Since the Prophet did not know what the
Muslims did after His death, it is Allah who will
inform the Prophet, that how Muslims have
innovate many matters in Islam after His (pbuh.)
The Prophet said, I am your predecessor at the
Lake-Fount (Kauthar) and some men amongst


you will be brought to me, and when I will try to

hand them some water, they will be pulled away
from me by force whereupon I will say, 'O Lord,
my companions!' Then the Almighty will say,
'You do not know what they did after you left,
they introduced new things into the religion
after you.
(Bukhari, Vol 9, Bk 88,173)
There is also a major issue in the aqeedah of
the Barelvis is, on the night or Miraj Prophet
saw Allah. According to Barelvi sect on the
night of Miraj Prophet saw Allah and referring
to Surah Najm in Quran. Please refer to the
book which has detailed explanations and proofs
from the Quran and Saheeh Ahadith.
Did Muhammad Saw Allah On Miraj
Response book by Abu Ammaar Saeed
Similarly there is an issue of Mawlid or Eid
Milad, majority who celebrate the Prophets


birthday are, Barelvis and among this sect,

many had divided with different opinions about
this ritual and separated in more groups. Some
claim it as, it should not be celebrated and some
claim it to be celebrated. Another issue among
groups within Barelvi sect, is different forms of
celebrating, some celebrate by performing dhikr
in a specific time and specific way, by
gatherings, by doing dhikr loudly, reciting
Quran in gatherings. Some celebrate by
cooking large containers to distribute to the poor
during the Mawlid. However, the point is, it is
done choosing specific time, day and particular
way. Some celebrate by setting up gatherings at
a setup place, like home or masjid, then women
and men, separately sing nausheed and singing
in musical style. Some even use musical
instruments in nausheeds. Some setup programs,
stage shows and celebrating happily by singing
songs and music and dances and use alcohols or
things that are forbidden in Islam. Please refer
to the book


Celebrating The Birthday Of The Prophet Is A

Bidah by Abu Ammaar Saeed Ahmed
Among the group leaders there is another wellknown leader, Ilyas Qadri as second leader
has millions of followers, introduced new
practices in Islam. He is well-known for
offering Wadhifas (supplications for problem),
upon researching on his teachings I realize, most
of his Wadhifas are not found anywhere in any
ahadith books.
Example if a person is sick he will provide the
piece of paper with process on how to use the
Wadhifa and also provide amulet which
includes wordings from Quran and written and
different ways. He appears on Madani Channel.
Also he has second biggest gatherings for Eid
Milad, celebrating Prophets birthday. People
still believes his teachings because of thinking
that he is wali of Allah. Majority among his
followers has least knowledge of Islam.


Example he will provide a piece of paper which

has information on how to cure and do Dhikr so
and so many times to be cured but such rituals
of practices and never done by the Prophet or
his Companions, except that Allah or the
Prophet (pbuh) has instructed. They have their
own Aqaids which contradicts the teachings of
the Prophet (pbuh). Another practice is found
among them is, visiting graves, shrines, tombs
and putting big layers of flowers on top of
graves with green piece of cloth over the grave.
According to Sunnah the grave shouldnt be
raised from ground or make masjids or building
above the graves. We will be able to see many
videos on YouTube regarding issue that vast
majority in Barelvi sects visit graves for
Abu'l-Hayyaj al-Asadi told that 'Ali (b. Abu
Talib) said to him: Should I not send you on the
same mission as Allah's Messenger (pbuh) sent
me? Do not leave an image without obliterating
it or a high grave without leveling It. This hadith


has been reported by Habib with the same chain

of transmitters and he said: (Do not leave) a
picture without obliterating it.
(Muslim, 4, 2115)
Still there are many groups within Barelvi
groups had more sub groups, similar to Shia that
has about 20+ sect within Shia with difference
teachings. The practices of such sect were
introduced later by their founder of the sect not
by the Prophet or his Companions.
The acts and justifications of innovators are
simply from Iblees. When we look at the story
of Adam and Iblees, Allah asked Iblees to
prostrate to Adam. Iblees tried logical
arguments with Allah, but instead, he was
supposed to just obey and prostrate. Similarly, if
we compare this example to innovators, they
will surely have their own justifications.
Quran 3:32


(Prophet) Say: "obey Allah and his messenger":
But if they turn back, Allah loveth not those
who reject Faith.
Quran 4:59

O ye who believe! obey Allah, and obey the
messenger, and those charged with authority
among you. If ye differ in anything among
yourselves, refer it to Allah and his messenger,
if ye do believe in Allah and the Last Day: That
is best, and most suitable for final
The verses above tell us to stick with the
teachings of Quran and the confirmed Sunnah,


instead of just following anyone blindly. A

Muslim has to dedicate more time towards
gaining knowledge, so he or she will not be
trapped by Shaytan.

And Allah Knows Best

Abu Ammaar Saeed Ahmed

Islamic Research Foundation New York


The Barelvi movement was founded by Ahmad
Raza Khan who, after two failed attempts at
establishing Islamic schools, finally succeeded
in 1904 with the Manzar-e-Islam, is the first
Islamic seminary of the Barelvi movement in
Bareilly, India. Barelvis have several beliefs
regarding Muhammad's (pbuh) nature, which
distinguish them from Deobandi, Salafi and
Shia groups in South Asia. They consider the
Prophet (pbuh) as human being but created from
light like angels, rather than from clay like other
human beings. The Prophet (pbuh) is present in
many places at the same time. He (pbuh) is still
witnessing all that goes on in the world. He
(pbuh) has knowledge of that which is
unknown, including the future. He (pbuh) has
the authority to do whatever he desires as
granted to him by God. They celebrate the
Prophets birthday while Salafis dont.


May Allah give us understanding of Quran and

increase our knowledge of Allahs Deen Islam.
May Allah remove our problems and worries
and send His blessings.
May Allah accept my work and increase our
Quran 2:127

"Our Lord!accept (this service) from us, for
thou art the All-Hearing the All-Knowing.

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