Anthro121 1122 Feldmeierk

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Anthropology of Religion,

Magic, and Witchcra=

Los Angele Valley College Fall 2016: Sec6on 1122
TTh 11:20am-12:45pm EST 107
Oce hour: TTH 10:30 - 11:15 am & AGer class Where at? Right in front
of EST at the tables
Table of Contents:
Pg. 1 SLOs, Text, Course Objectives & Office hours
Pg. 2 Grades, Plan & Useful Info.
Pg.3 & 4 Calander

What is Anthro. 121?

Anthropology of Religion, Magic, and WitchcraG is a cultural study of dierent religious
ideas, mo6va6ons, and movements. This class will focus on breaking down and poin6ng
out our own ideas about religion as well as how we perceive other cultures that prac6ce a
religion dierent from our own. Anthropology 121 will begin with simple concepts of
religion, then moving onto more in depth concepts such as myths, souls, and the aGerlife.
This course will end with new age religions and how they inuence people today.

What are the goals for

the course?
- Explain the concepts of ethnocentrism and
cultural rela6vism and apply these concepts
to understanding contemporary social issues.
- Explain how the terms culture and
worldview are dened and used in
- Explain and dieren6ate between the
dierent ways religion is dened and between
the dierent theore6cal approaches to the
study of religion.
- Explain the func6ons served by various
religious phenomena, both for the individual
and society.
- Explain how religious phenomena, such as
the nature of supernatural beings and
witchcraG beliefs, reect the culture in which
they are found.
- Explain and compare and contrast the basic
concepts of the class including mythology,
symbolism, rituals, specialists, altered states,
magic, divina6on, supernatural beings, and
- Explain how and why new religious
movements happen.

What are Student Learning


Student Learning Outcomes (SLOs) are

faculty-dened expecta6ons of knowledge
and skills students can demonstrate as a
result of learning acquired in a course.
The SLOs for this course are that you will
be able to discuss other cultures in a nonethnocentric manner and evaluate
religious behaviors using basic
anthropological concepts and theories.

Rome Gyes

Is A^endance Useful?
YES!!!!!!! More and more studies show
that if you show up, you succeed. Please
make a point to be here.

Class Text;
Stein and Stein The Anthropology of
Religion, Magic and Witchcra7, 3rd ed.
[ISBN: 978-0-205-71811-5]

Grades & Useful

What is the Grading Breakdown & Useful Info ?
Your grade will be based upon two
exams worth 100 points. One midterm and then the nal. The nal is
not cumula6ve. In addi6on to these
exams I will give out classwork,
homework, and projects that will add
up to 150 points. Finally, the most
important project is the ritual
observa6on. This project is worth 100
points and encompasses all elements
learned in this course. Class
par6cipa6on is key to the func6oning
of this course. Students will be
expected to a^end and have read the
assigned chapters prior to the class.

90% - 100% A 80% - 89% B

68% - 79% C 60% - 68% D
59% and below F
Make up exams will not be accepted without prior
warning or a doctors note. Late homework and
projects will be deducted 5 points per day missed.

What are some

they useful?
If you are a student with a
disability requiring classroom
accommoda6ons and have not
yet contacted Services for
Students with Disabili6es (SSD),
do so in a 6mely manner. SSD is
located in the Student Services
Annex, room 175. You can also
call SSD at (818) 947-2681 or TTD
(818) 947-2680, to meet with a
SSD counselor. If SSD has already
sent the memo conrming
accommoda6ons required for this
class, please meet with me to
discuss arrangements.
What about Finaical Aid?


Plagiarism is the use of others words and/or ideas without
clearly acknowledging their source. When you incorporate
those words and ideas into your own work, you must give
credit where credit is due. Plagiarism, inten6onal or
uninten6onal, is considered academic dishonesty and is not
tolerated. Anyone found to be plagiarizing or chea6ng on
assignments or exams (e.g., copying or giving answers, using
crib sheets, etc.) will (1) receive a zero (fail) on the
assignment, and (2) be referred to the Vice President of
Student Services for further disciplinary ac6on, following due
process. For further informa6on on plagiarism, go to the
Wri6ng Center website (
plagiarism.html) and refer to the STANDARDS OF STUDENT
Schedule of Classes and Catalog.
If you have any unexplained absences during the rst two
weeks of the semester, you will be excluded from the class
unless you inform me that you wish to remain in the class.
The message must be received no later than Monday of the
third week of class.
It is highly recommended that you make a^endance a
priority. Eort and par6cipa6on, which require a^endance,
may be a considera6on for determining your nal grade.
Please note that it is your responsibility to drop the class if
you so wish. You may drop a class at any 6me through Sept.
13th. The deadline to drop without receiving a W is Nov.
22nd. If you stop a^ending class and do not ocially drop
through the Admissions and Records Oce, you will receive a
nal grade of F in the course. I reserve the right to exclude
students for excessive absences.

Here is the link;

Who can you go to for tutoring?

Important Dates Link;

Important Dates:
Sept. 5th
November 11 : Holliday
November 24 Thanks Giving
December 14 Final Day of Class

Tentative Class Calendar




Class intro & Def. of Anthro.

What is Culture?
Start Group Selection

Syllabus & Class Objectives

Reading: Ch. 1
Class questions
Theoretical Approaches Homework

Religion Why? Scientific approach to

understanding religion.
Group selection
Are we differnent?
Start: Cultural Relativism & Ethnocentrism

Homework Due
Finish Ch: 1

Cultural Relativism &

Examination of Religious

Read Ch: 2
Yazdis in Iraq
Muslims in U.S.

Myths, Folktails & Cultural

Start: Religious Symbols

Read Ch: 3
Handout Ritual Observation
Discuss Class Calendar &

Finish Symbols
RitualsRitual Obsevation

Read Ch: 4

Altered States/Holly Rollers

Read Ch: 5

Religious Specialists/Shamans

Read Ch: 6
1st Ritual Observation Deadline:
Where, When, & Religion
Exam 1

Magic & Divination

Contagious Magic Exercise

Read Ch: 7

Continue C.M. & Presentations

Death/History of Halloween

Contagious Magic Representation

50 points
Presentations Extra Credit


Dia De Los Muerstos

The Soul

Ritual Observation Dry Run

Read: Ch.8


Astrology & Religion


Gods & Spirits


Cont. Gods & Spirits


Witch Craft

Read: Ch. 10


New Age Religions

Read: Ch. 11
Ritual Observation Due
Final Review


Read Ch: 9
Second Ritual Oberservation
Deadline: 3 Page Obsevation

Final Exam

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