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Volume 43, Issue 14A
Scavenger hunt at CRCAP
By Rose Gilio

Last Thursday, The CITs/
Counselors Had a scavenger hunt. There
were five teams and the team that came in
second had Jorden, Torie, Sam, Sonia, Eva,
and Emily DAngelo!

Alex Martiros

Okay, not many campers know about this
because it was after camp. But our daily double
class heard that one day after camp, CITs and
Counselors got together for a scavenger hunt.
And the prize was anything they wanted! The
winning team chose to have a feature in the
daily double about themselves! So, I chose
to write about a good friend of mine. Most
of you probably know lots of people at camp.
But Eva, one of the winning CITs, knows
EVERYBODY! She has crazy dark brown
hair and you cannot miss her big toothy grin.
Eva is an awesome CIT so if you have
no idea who she is, make it your mission to
find her and become friends. Her personality
is a bubble of laughter and fun and she cares
about everyone she meets. Try to stop and
say hello to this amazing CIT because it will
make both of your days!

By Jackson Tolliver
In the Daily Double room, Walker wrote the names
of six CIT/Counselors. One of them was Torie.
Being the only one that I know, I decided to write
about her. Torie is my CIT for Improv- A- Musical
Jr. She is a very nice person. She is always smiling
and making everyones day happy. She is always
nice and giving us constructive criticism about
our scenes and singing. If you ever see Torie, you
should say hi to her. She will respond by smiling
and saying hi back. Your day will then be happy
and complete. Thanks Torie, for being the awesome
person you are.

CRCAP Detectives
Alex Martiros

Which Counselor is Nicest?

By Jackson Tolliver and Coni Foehl

So far during the hunt for the missing flowers,
the CRCAP detectives have questioned suspects, found
out that their rice crispy treat bar was a camera,
and have been frightened by miniature versions of
themselves just yesterday. But how will this end?
Will the detectives find the flowers? Who stole the
flowers? Or will they never find them and Arlynn will
be terribly sad? I think the highlights of this search
have been Mike Casey in general, and the fractured
quotes Sam and Eliza always say at the end. The
lowlights of the search have been not opening the
camera until much, MUCH later in the skits, and.
Thats pretty much it! When they perform at the end of
the noon time shows, everyone is laughing at the funny
stuff that happens and I think they do a really good
keeping us wondering, whats up next? I think they
will find the flowers but it will be a twisted ending so
no one expects it. Or maybe they will have misplaced
it and it was one of the detectives after all! I am just
guessing but it will be very interesting to see what
comes next!!

We took a poll on which counselor is

nicest. We went around the whole camp and
asked people from whichever class we could.
If we did not come to your class, it was because
we looked into your class and you were busy.
Here are the options and results.
Emily D:3
Notes From Jackson: Wow! I didnt think
anyone could win by this much! Good job Eva!
Notes From Coni: So many people refused to
vote because each one of these people is so
incredibly nice. I agree!
Interview with Emily DAngelo
Ali Janower
What is your favorite animal? Dog
Who is your favorite person? My mom
What is your favorite hobby? Photography
What is your favorite movie? Finding Nemo
What is your favorite song? Laundry room,
The Avett Brothers
What is your favorite T.V show? Lost
What is your favorite thing? Camp, I mean
What is your favorite color? Purple
What is your favorite thing to do at camp? I really
like Daily Double with all the screaming!
Who is your favorite actor? Andrew Garfield
Who is your favorite singer? Regina
How much do you like C.R.C.A.P. for 1-10?
What is your favorite plant? Babo!
What is your favorite class at C.R.C.A.P?
Trash to Treasure
What is your favorite book? The Pact by
What is your favorite number? 3
Whats your favorite word? Bubble

Ultimate Fusions (Part 5)

By Scott Dagen

Sawsbuck stepped forward. Thank you, Hitmontorque. I wasnt sure we would have survived that if
you hadnt intervened. Hitmontorque nodded. I hate Vortex and the drones as much as you do. He needs to be
stopped. Thats what were trying to do, Hyperigatr said, switching between Frost and Blaze form anxiously.
Mind if I join? Hitmontorque asked. Sure! We could use an extra member. Blaze said.

At the enemy fortress, Vortex had just
received news of the infiltrators defeat at the
hands of the group. Tactical Drone 25719!!!
Vortex shouted. Report to me immediately! The
drone raced to the throne room. Y-yes, sir? the
drone asked, out of breath. The time has come.
Release the tainted ones! B-but sir, in order to
do th-that we would also have to r-release the pure
ones! The tainted and pure cannot be separated!
No matter. They are insignificant. Now release

Deep below the fortress, the tainted ones threw themselves at the door of their cage, roaring. At the
opposite end the pure ones sat calmly. Slowly a door at the end of the room the cage was in opened, and several
shock troops crept in. They inched their way to the latch of the cage and opened it. The cage door crashed to the
ground and the tainted and pure ones leapt out. The drones sighed in relief. This would prove to be their downfall,
for the tainted ones heard the noise and charged. Their cries of terror and pain never reached the surface. (To be

Interview with Emily

By John Skully
Food: Ice cream
Sport: Basketball
Color: purple
Movie: finding Nemo
Fish: Gold fIsh
Glasses: CRCAP
Animal: Dog

The Twin Difference Part 2

Cecelia Murphy

I went out into the yard. I sat down on my favorite rock in the
garden I share with our mom. I was dozing off into Molly daydream when
I was drenched with water. Megan snickered. I was fuming. Megan had
ruined my $99.99 plus tax tutu!

Moooommmm!!!! I screamed. Mom came running into the yard.
Megan smirked guiltily and I was so mad I clobbered her in the stomach.
I didnt mean to hurt her, I just wanted to make an impression that I was
as strong as her. Oh well. Both of us were grounded, and Megan had that
bruise on her stomach for weeks. She did overreact, though. She wore an
Ace bandage over her stomach and clobbered me so hard I cant see out
of my eye because its swollen so much my eyelids wont open. Oh well.
Megan 2, me 1. What happened to my lead??! To be continued

Help Find the Flowers

By Ali Janower
Help people find the thief! The flowers need
to be found too. Every day help Eliza and Sam. They
have a place in the noon time show every day, so
figure out a way to help. Good bye for now. Dun dun

Anna Krechevsky

All-Star Game
By Luke Martiros

Time to fly. Ashwing said. Ashwing

was a black raven with white markings and I
looked up to him. Of course thats because he
is my brother. Ready Rainfeather? He asked.
Ready! I said. This was my first time flying
and I was a little scared. My colors were gray
and light blue. Gray on top, light blue on my
belly. People say I look like a rainstorm..
I say I look like rain. Kind of the same thing
really. He took off. He was the graceful bird,
and I was the klutz. I raced across the ground
and leapt into the air. For a minute I was fine the
next thing I know Im plummeting down into
the trees. I cried out Ash!! He came flying
into view, and although I was upside-down
I could still see him. He caught me with his
talons just before I hit the ground. You know
for a beginner you are ok. He said trying to
cheer me up.
It didnt work. Nothing would! Im a bird who
cannot fly! I am a disgrace!
Soon we came to our homes. It was above
the clouds a separate world of birds lived here.
5 trees surrounded town square with a fountain
of a bird. Bushes are in the middle of each two
trees. It was always evening here. The place we
live in was called Beak burg. It was a nice town
with many friendly people. In each tree was a
small hole a door to homes. A little platform in
front of the doors was used as a landing pad.
Everyone was safe here. We landed on our pad
and went inside. My mother Rippleheart was
making dinner of tomato and basil soup. My
father Darkwing was watching Fly Sports TV
on the couch. I went straight upstairs to my
room. I heard them talking downstairs. Let me
guess she couldnt fly? My mother asked. I
just dont get it Ash said. She was good,
and then she fell! Maybe shes just not quite
ready. My father said. I think she needs to
go to flying school thats what I think. Ash
replied. she needs a real Teacher not me. She
wont go. I know it. my mother said. Im not
a teacher mother. He said. I know she needs
someone who can teach her better than I can.

The all-star game took place on Tuesday July
10 . It is a game played between the best players of
the National league and American league. The players
play a regular nine inning game but with much better
players. This year the national league won 8-0. It is the
third year in a row that the national league won. In the
first inning Justin Verlander, a pitcher from the Detroit
tigers, gave up five runs in the first inning. Then, the
National league pitchers took over. The pitchers never
gave up a run throughout the whole game. In the fourth
inning the national league added three more runs to lock
up their lead. The MVP of the all-star game was Melky
Cabrera. He had two hits and scored twice. He and his
other SF Giant teammates all played phenomenally. Also
a big story in the all-star game was Chipper Jones. This
was his last all-star game after many all-star games. He
gave a speech in the locker room and inspired his team
to come out with a win. The national league will have
home-field advantage in the World Series because they
won the all-star game. That is their prize for winning.
By Rose Gilio

On July 3rd, Me, my family and some friends
went to go see the fireworks in Walpole! As we waited
for the Fireworks to go off, me, my brother and his
friends played a Friendly volleyball game. Then
they started. I climbed on to the roof of my car and
watched them. The fireworks lasted 30 minutes. We
all thought they were pretty interesting because some
were smiley faces, some were peace signs and some
were red, white and blue.

Ten of my favorite fictional characters

By Will Edwards

In this list Ill talk about my ten of my
favorite fictional characters.
#10: N (Pokmon): Pokmon Black and White had
an amazing plot that I loved. Part of the reason was
N. N serves as the antagonist for most of the game,
being the king of team Plasma. Despite this hes
rather nice and has a sympathetic goal. The final
scene with him made me cry. Best rival in the entire
darn series.
#9: Zelda (Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword): Im
a huge of the Skyward Sword version of Zelda and
how shes treated. Zelda is Links best friend, and
the initial scenes in the game characterized her as
a friend, not just someone who needed rescuing.
The scenes between her and Link were the best in
the game.
#8: The Anguished One (Devil Survivor 2):
Mysterious and powerful, the Anguished One is
clearly a big player in the events of the game. He
runs the website that the main characters use to see
deaths before they happen and prevent them. His
ending is easily the best one, hands down.
#7: Crowley (Good Omens): I havent even finished
reading Good Omens yet, but that doesnt stop
Crowley from being a favorite of mine. An angel
who didnt fall, mere sauntered slightly downwards,
hes hilarious.
#6: Joshua (The World Ends With You): Joshua is
ambiguous in more ways than one. Is he a hero or
villain? Did he really kill Neku? His exact goals
and motives are unknown till the very end. Also, is
he gay or not?
#5: Neku (The World Ends With You): The main
character, Neku is antisocial and doesnt take well
to having to team up with someone to survive. As
the game goes on he begins to open up and I really
liked his character development.

#4: Junpei (Persona 3*): My favorite character in the

game. Junpei is just your average high school student
who gets caught up in the supernatural events of the
game. I really liked his character development, his
romance with Chidori is one of my favorite parts of the
#3: Akinari (Persona 3): Akinari serves as the Sun social
link. He starts out just waiting for his death that his
disease has cursed him to. Over the course of the social
link he starts to write a story. At first things seem very
depressing but at the end of it Akinari finds meaning in
his life. In the max social link event he dies happy that
he was born, giving the main character the notebook he
wrote his story in. That scene really tugged at my heart
#2: Katniss (Hunger Games): Born and raised in District
12, Katniss is used to having to survive on her own. She
offers herself as tribute in place of her little sister. In
the Hunger Games she fakes a romance with Peeta to
gain favor with the audience and survive. Her character
development was amazing. Now if only people could
look past the romance.
#1: Frodo (The Lord of the Rings): My favorite fictional
character. Frodo embarks on a quest to destroy the one
ring. He defeat Sauron by simply resisting the Ring
long enough to get to Mount Doom. Hes not strong
psychically but he has a strong mind. The ring could
only control him at the height of its power. Frodo is my
favorite fictional character of all time.
*Rated M

Stuff that has to do with cheese on campus

By Sophie Bean
Cheese fairy
Mac and cheese
Mike D/
Mice (maybe)
That is all I have

The Galaxy Of ROID part 4

Katie Predella

Emily and Sylvia

By Sylvia Minehan and Emilly

Hope was enjoying some food in her den

when she heard the sound of wood on dirt. Curious,
she peeked out into the forest. Trees were being cut
down. Humans were everywhere. She saw metal
being hung up everywhere. Concrete was being
rolled over the grass. Angry, she ran out of her den
and growled at the humans. One of them shouted
something and pulled a long metal tube, or at least
thats what she thought it was. Quick as lightning, a
red thing came out of the tube. She all of a sudden felt
sleepy. A rest wouldnt hurt her. Little did she know
that she had be hit by a tranquilizer gun, and that the
humans were planning to eat her for dinner!
Opportunity had just reached the jaguar forest when
he realized that he did not see a golden yellow pelt
alongside him. Hope should have been there! Where
in the world was Hope??????????? He checked the
whole line. He saw lots of other lions and lionesses,
but not one of them was Hope! Knowing that Rex
would be angry with him if he did not bring back
hope, he darted back into the forest of lions and

We enjoy different genres of music
We have different colored hair
We do not like the same foods
We go to different schools but live in the same town
We like different selections of movies
We have the same orthodontist
We have both been to new York
We both love elephants
We are each half Jewish and Christian
We both do more than 3 sports

Dogs vs Cats
By Katie Predella
Harry potter vs Hunger Games
Music vs Gym class
Why am I always on the unpopular side?
I guess its just an opinion. Im going to take
a poll on each of these and see what the daily
double thinks. I put my vote in too.
Dogs: 5 Cats: 2 Both: 5 Neither: 4 (Im
with cats)
Harry Potter: 7 Hunger games: 3 Both: 5
Neither: 1 (Im with HP)
Music: 8 Gym: 5 Both: 1 Neither: 2 Im
with music (my whole school gasps)
It turns out, I was wrong. Harry Potter over
Hunger Games and Music over Gym were
two things I never expected to happen!

What should I write about?

Alex Martiros

I am having a major brain freeze at the moment. I have no
idea about what to write. I have checked the idea box and I
STILL cant think of an idea. Hold on, I am going to ask my
neighbor, Katie for an idea. Katie is telling me to write about
a story about an elephant that has a flute for trunk. Maybe I
will but I will hold onto that idea for now. Next, I searched
some news websites. None of them gave me any idea about
what to write! Oh, wait. I know! Ill write an article about
how I have nothing to write. DARN! I already did that! I
still dont have an Idea!

Dear L&C
What superpower would you have?
By Coni Foehl
1. What is your personality?
A. impulsive
B. tough
C. Flexible/going with the flow
D. Shy
2. What are you like physically?
A. Speedy
B. Strong
C. Flexible
D. Not noticeable
3. What place would like to be in most?
A. Race track
B. Gym
C. Yoga Room
D. Somewhere by yourself
4. Your ideal job would be
A. Professional racer
B. Contraction worker
C. Olympic Gymnast
D. Spy
Mostly AsYou have super strength!
Mostly Bs You have super strength!
Mostly Cs You are super flexible!
Mostly Ds You have the power of

Dear L&C,
Today I got hit by a revolving door, and all my friends are
laughing at me. What should I do?
Dear Lonely,
Tell your friends that you dont like it when they laugh
at you. If that doesnt work, find a new friend, because
thats not a good kind of friend.
Dear L&C,
What kind of songs do the counselors like?
Dear Music,
We asked Holly and Walker, the DD counselors, and
Holly likes jazz and bluegrass, and Walker likes soul.
But if you want to know more, ask yourself! Its really a
matter of opinion.
(This was in the box) talk to Anna K, Music!
Dear L&C,
How do you get a boy to like you?!!!!! (x 2, we got 2
notes saying this)
Dear Lovestruck,
This is not for us to say, if you like the boy, do not get
all over him, as in other words, be yourself and let him
notice you!!!!!!!!

Mind Blower
Jackson Tolliver
We humans have a fear of animals that we call deadly. Bears, lions tigers, sharks ect. But, what if these
animals are trying to tell us something? What is the world is in danger somehow and theyre trying to
communicate with us? Those creatures are living things, just like us. We communicate to each other all
the time. For animals, this could possibly be their own way of communicating. Im not saying that when
you see a bear you shouldnt run, Im just pointing something out.

What Food Are You?

By Hannah Kreiss
1. What is your favorite animal?
a. A brown dog
b. A tiny ladybug
c. A white slug
2. Which type of clothing would you usually
a. A tank top with a hole in it
b. A tie dye t-shirt
c. White silk pants

Ali Janower
Go to Isabellas! If you are reading this now, instead of
going home, once your parents pick you up at carpool
ask them to go to Isabellas! There will be other CRCAP
campers there too! It will be awesome! Plus, it will earn
Isabellas lots of money! Do you think Isabellas could
still be here if we didnt go there? What do you think
would happen if Isabellas wasnt there? Anyway, it will
be so much fun!

3. What do you want to be known for?

a. Baking treats with holes in them
b. Painting a colorful landscape
c. Eating the most Boston Cream pies
4. What kind of swimming do you like to do?
a. Swimming in chocolate
b. Swimming in water-colors
c. Swimming in milk
Mostly As: You are a chocolate donut!
Mostly Bs: You are a rainbow sprinkle!
Mostly Cs: You are whipped cream!
A Pichus Tale: Part 9
By Samuel Urban
Pichu walked away from the town and into the fields. He was walking away when he noticed an unusual
shadow near the wall. Pichu saw that is was shaped a bit like a Pokmon. He snuck up on it and then attacked.
Thunderbolt!, Pichu shouted and attacked the creature. Ah!, the creature shouted in pain and started to take
form. It was a Duskull and a very familiar one at that. Why did you do that? Wait youre Pichu from the
town! Thank Arceus I found you!, said the Duskull ecstatically. What are you talking about?, Pichu asked.
Well you are from Twilight Town of course! I myself are from the neighboring town of Greenleaf., Duskull
said happily. The names stirred memories in Pichus mind and he started to remember more. The Pokmon from
other towns came to rescue you all. You see you were attacked and sent to this world. This world however is a
dream. Pichu thought about this and the dark creature from his dreams. It resembled something he had seen it
resembled King Darkrai!, Pichu shouted in realization. Yes Darkrai did all this. He took the Pokmon from
Twilight Town into the dream world and reduced their memories to nothing. The only reason you can remember
is that you fought back and his attack on you was ruined., Duskull said explaining it to Pichu. So far we know
only of a couple of his accomplices, the Munna and Drowzee clans, and nothing of his master plan. We only know
we need to stop it.
Darkrai looked around his throne room and shifted his gaze to the four Pokmon in the center of the room. We
shall now begin our attack on the Pokmon of other towns. They shall learn of our power soon but will be too
late., Darkrai said in a low monotone voice. They shall learn.
To be Continued

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