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Volume 42

Issue 16A
Revolution Soccer Game
By Madison Richards

If a Beard Was On Claire

By Jayna Wolfe

Last night I went to the Manchester United vs. New

England Revolution soccer game. This game was
a special game in a series since Manchester United
and the New England Revolution are not in the same
league. Manchester United was taking a big soccer
tour in America and one of their games was at Gillette
Stadium, and I had the wonderful fortune of attending
this game. The game started pretty slow with a few shots
on goal by each team but no one ended up scoring in the
first half. I was surprised, when I was at the game, to
see that there were as many Manchester United fans as
there were Revolution fans. Keep in mind, Manchester
United is from England. Even if there werent they were
just as excited and spirited. The second half came and
the teams switched goalies and players. Probably 20,
or so minutes into the second half Manchester scored
on a goal that was right up close to the goal. The player
kicked it to the far right corner of the goal as the goalie
dove to the left corner. The Manchester United fans
went crazy. People screamed, waved flags, and jumped
up and down. Shortly after this, Manchester scored
again and people celebrated just as much as they did
with the first goal. The game went on with Manchester
winning 2-0 when the Revolution scored. Now because
they were the home team the whole place went insane.
People fired off guns (blank of course) and the screens
around the stadium flashed and said in big letters THE
was the only goal we got. Manchester United scored 2
more goals ending in a game of 4-1 Manchester. Overall,
it was a good game to have gone to even though the
revolution didnt win.

Can you imagine a beard on the 3rd period Daily

Double CIT Claire? I cant but, I took her hair and
saw what it looks like. (If you are Claire, do not read
this next part.) It doesnt look good. According
to Rachel and Claire, it looks wonderful. If you
disagree with them, and agree with me, whenever
you pass them say Like your beard actually, not
really. If you do like the beard, please say, Nice
look, I mean it. Thank you, you wont regret.

The Life and Lies of albert Einstein, a Scary

Story and its Fiction Part 1
By Olivia Hartshorn
One day Albert Einstein was walking
through the woods. One of Alberts lies was that
he hated science but he was forced to do it for a
career. He actually loved the feel of the breeze and
the touch of the trees. So back to the scary part of
the story he walked to the place the locals called
the time and scary clowns time machine. They said
once you enter you dont come out and he wanted
to test that. So he walked to the time machine and
then he did

Jaynas and Lilys 2nd Conversation

Jayna Wolfe and Lily Gomberg

Round House
By Halle Sisenwine (retold)

Lily: Hi Jayna!! What do you want to start by talking about


There was a round house with a butler,

husband, wife, librarian, and a maid. One day,
the wife came home and saw her husband dead
on the floor. She asked the maid and asked her
if she killed her husband. But she said No, I
was just cleaning the beds. Then she asked the
butler but he said I was only sitting around.
Then she asked the librarian if she killed her
husband. But she only said I was putting the
books in the corner.
Who do YOU think killed the husband?

Jayna: I dont know. What do you want to talk about? Actually,

dont answer that cause that would go on forever. Lets talk
about camp! There are lots of things to talk about with a topic
like that!!
Lily: Okay, how about lunch. Wait!! My stomach just grumbled.
Bad topic. What about Magic in Ancient Russia, 800-600
B.C.E. Hahaha (If youre reading this and youre not in Duels,
Damsels, and Disasters you wont get that joke. Sorry.)
Lets talk about
how Im so hungry that in a few minutes Im going to
Lily: Haha no youre not ;) Can people really implode??
Should I Google it?? Wait a sec
Lily: I got things about cameras, Facebook, and a million other
things imploding, but no people.
Jayna: Oh, sorry. I just wanted to talk about something actually
Lily: No need to be sorry!!!!! That was interesting. Now Im
thinking about it. I just learned about the human body in school.
Ill go home and ask Dr. My-Dad about it!!
Jayna: O.K. I just noticed your earrings. There REALLY
Lily: Aww Thanks!! I got them from a friend for my Bat
Jayna: WOW!!!!! You already had your Bat Mitzvah. Im
gonna have mine when Im 12 or 13!!! I cant wait!!!
Lily: Yes I already had my Bat Mitzvah. And just be happy
about the missing workload. I had, like, a half hour of extra
work each night most of seventh grade. We should wrap up the
article soon, just a warning.
Jayna: K.K. See ya!!!
Lily: Yep, have fun!!!

The librarian killed him because it was a round

house, there were no corners!
By Elizabeth Napier
I was just having a weird conversation with
iGod (it was about why I wouldnt tell him my
name and the color of my hair). For those of you
who do NOT know what iGod is, I will explain.
iGod is an online program where you have a
conversation with a fake god. Anyways, I was
having so much fun when SOMEBODY
(You know who you are) told me and everyone
in the room to stop using iGod!

You should try iGod for those of you who

havent & for those of you who have, keep on
enjoying it!!!

I love iGod!!!<3

Ultimate Fusions (Part 3)

By Scott Dagen

Funny Quotes
By Sivahn Sapirstein

Hyperigatr and the others watched fearfully
as the boulder was thrown aside and the mysterious
fusion entered the base. Hyperigatr waited until the
right moment and unleashed his Frost Form special
move. Icicle Storm! Hyperigatr shouted, and a
tornado of solid ice was launched at the foe. MY
TURN! PLASMA BURST! Storm yelled, and fire
and lightning rained down on the foe. Megahorn,
Sawsbuck said calmly, catching the intruder off
guard when he charged at the foe and raked his horns
against the opponents head. Okay, okay! I give
up! the intruder spoke. I was just looking for some
Wepear Berries. Whats wrong with that? Thats
all you wanted!? The trio exclaimed. Yeah, the
newcomer replied. Sawsbuck approached him warily.
Whats your name? he asked.

The fusion, who introduced himself as
Blaze, claimed that he was a miner of Coal Village.
Coal Village? Which team? Hyperigatr asked.
Team 7, unit 9, Blaze answered. Im second-incommand. No way! Hyperigatr gasped. Your
unit was the one that discovered that nuggets were
polluting the water in Volt City! Yeah, that was
us, Blaze replied. We also found some water gems
in Rustwater Cave to help if anything else happened
like that in the future. Those blades must help a
lot when digging, Sawsbuck spoke, walking over to
them. Blaze nodded.

Hey Storm! Get ready! Blaze shouted.
Storm nodded. This training session will begin
NOW! Hyperigatr shouted. Blaze triggered his
flames, but Storm yawned. What are you doing?!
Blaze shouted, but Storm didnt respond. Fine. If
you wont attack, I will!

Im never wrong, except for that one time, but it turns

out I wasnt.
I looked up ninjas in the dictionary and it said, ninjas
cannot be found;. Well played ninjas, well played.
Dear face cream,
You say that if I put this on Ill turn ten years younger. If
I put this on my 10 year old brother will he disappear?
Hopeful Sister.

Interview with Daily Double period 3 Counselors

Sydney Asnis
(Four of their answers were different and four were the
Interview with Rachel
What is your favorite color?
Where do you live?
Do you have a pet?
What is your favorite animal?
A Dog
Do you have a sibling?
Who are your siblings?
A sister, Miriam, and a brother, Jonah
Interview with Holly
What is your favorite color?
Where do you live?
Do you have a pet?
A poodle named Jojo and a mini Schnauzer named Ella
What is your favorite animal?
A Dog
Do you have a sibling?
Who are your siblings?
A sister, Lydia

Heat? No Sweat!
By Norman Z. Steinberg

The type of beard you should have:

By Ellie Strayer

You are no doubt aware that a massive heat

wave is sweeping through the Midwest. This is a
great thing for Midwesterners, because it is sweeping
out a considerable amount of manure that would
otherwise be fed back to cows in factory farms. This
is going to be a problem for the rest of us as the heat
wave comes east. CRCAP campers, their parents,
counselors, and pets will be subjected to temperatures
reaching 100 degrees Fahrenheit.

Personally, I am concerned by this. Excessive
heat or excessive cold has never been my thing.
However, I live in New England. Im really out of

This heat wave is kind of scary, though.
Power outages have many in the Midwest. Tornadoes
threaten to strike near the twin cities. In the west, desert
temperatures are reaching 100 degrees Fahrenheit.
As previously mentioned, Fridays temperature will
be around 100 degrees Fahrenheit. The humidity
might make the heat index rise to between 110-115

How do you define a heat wave? Is a heat
wave when things spontaneously burst into flame,
when nuns curse openly on the street, and when
counselors are grouchy at pickup? Is it when you
drop the hair-dryer into the tub and getting it out
would shock you with a wave of heat?

Regardless, we know its hot. This is the
time when many people go to stores such as Sears to
buy an air-conditioning unit. The problem with these
units is that most of the ones made today are energyefficient. That means that the air-conditioners,
rather than take power from the outlet, which would
cost money, suck power from other appliances
in the house. Many nights this summer we have
been awakened by the pitiful shrieks of the toaster,
who has been with us for many years and does not
understand what is happening. Norman Steinberg
can be reached at

Below is a survey on the true inner beard that is right

for you:

[Editors Note: the author used some jokes previously

printed by Dave Barry.]

My eyes are
a) brown
b) blue
c) grey or hazel
d) green
My nose is
a) long
b) medium and straight
c) round
d) abnormal/ not any of the above
My mouth is
a) thin
b) chapped most of the time
c) wide and vertical
d) perky
My hair color is
a) blonde/ dirty blonde
b) brown/ curly
c) grey/ strawberry blonde
d) ginger
Mostly As: let the sides grow, and a mustache wouldnt
look bad
Mostly Bs: let you inner hair grow all over your face,
and be proud
Mostly Cs: a goatee would suit you well
Mostly Ds: shaving is your best bet

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