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James Martin Middle School

8th Grade Science Course Syllabus

Ms. Kelly Fields
Curriculum: North Carolina 8th Grade Science
Welcome to 8th grade science! The course is aligned with the North Carolina Essential Standards
for 8th grade science. We will cover a variety of topics which are outlined in the quarterly
breakdown. Please review the outline, classroom standards, and general class information. If you
have any concerns during the year, please contact me by email. I look forward to a wonderful
year in science class!
Quarterly Breakdown of Topics
First Nine Weeks:
Classification of matter as elements, compounds, or mixtures
Periodic table of elements
Physical and chemical changes and conservation of mass
Energy resources - renewable and nonrenewable

Environmental implications associated with energy

Second Nine Weeks
Earth History based on fossil records and landforms
Relative and radioactive dating
The hydrosphere, with emphases on Marine ecosystems and estuaries

Water quality in NC
Third Nine Weeks
How organisms interact with biotic and abiotic factors
Food webs and food chains
Agents of disease

Fourth Nine Weeks
Food as an energy source for all organisms
Healthy lifestyles
Biological classification systems

Genetic variation and environmental adaptations

Classroom Rules:

Follow all instructions given by the teacher during class and lab activities.
Respect yourself, the teacher, and your classmates.
Be in your assigned seat on time.
Come to class prepared with materials and assignments.
Do not leave your desk without permission.
If you have a question, raise your hand.
The teacher dismisses the class not the bell.
The class will not be dismissed until the tables and chairs are properly aligned and all
areas cleaned.

Students are expected to show respect and self-discipline during science class. This means that
each student will be held accountable for their words and actions. Students are expected to use
their words in a positive way, and will be reminded that if they cannot say anything positive, it is
better that they not say anything. Actions should also convey respect. Students are expected to
follow classroom and school procedures. They are also expected to monitor words, tone, voice,
and body language when communicating with others.
Students are expected to come in promptly, sharpen pencils at their desk if necessary, take a
seat, and begin warm-ups. If students are late to class, they will receive a check per the
discipline policy. Please see the school handbook on tardiness. We have a lot to do! Dont be late!

First Offense: Verbal Warning

Second Offense: Time Out and Assignment
Third Offense: Student conference with parent contact.
Fourth Offense: Office Discipline Referral

** All school-wide rules apply within the classroom. Every day students have a choice to make
about their actions. If they choose to violate any classroom or school policy, they choose to
accept the consequences that go with their actions. As always, some offenses will result in
immediate referral to the office. **
Grading Policies:

100% - 90% = (A)

89% - 80% = (B)
79% - 70% = (C)
69% - 60% = (D)
59% and below = (F)

Grading Procedures:
Overall grades will be weighted into five categories

Tests - 30%
Quizzes - 15%
Homework/Classwork/Science Journal - 35%
Projects/Class Participation - 20%

Tests: Will be given typically every 3-4 weeks throughout the year.
Quizzes: Will be given periodically throughout a unit to assess a student's progress and
Homework/Science Journal: Assignments will be given at the teacher's discretion throughout
each week to assess student's knowledge and progress.
Classwork: Classwork (Individual, Group, Whole-Class) will occur on a daily basis and students
will be required to complete each task.
Projects: Projects will vary based on the topic of discussion. Students should be prepared to
complete one project per unit. (Examples: Posters, Dioramas, Presentations)
Assignments turned in late will have 20% of the earned points deducted the first day they are
late. I do not accept work if it is more than 1 day late. All tests are cumulative, covering material
from the present unit and every prior unit as well. Class participation will be based off the
student's completion of the bell ringer questions at the start of every class.
To prevent cheating during tests and quizzes, the policy is that if a student talks during a quiz,
they automatically receive a zero on the quiz.

Students will have vocabulary words each week, provided Monday and due Friday. This will
cover all of the terms for that week that will be on your quizzes/tests, and ultimately the
EOG. Students will also have an additional homework assignment given Monday/Tuesday and
due Friday. The only other work they will have at home would be a class assignment they didn't
finish for the day, studying, a project, or an alternative/extra credit assignment. If it is something
they worked hard on in class but didnt finish, it would be due the next dayif they wasted class
time and thats why they arent through, I will not accept it.
Extra Credit:
Students are only able to do extra credit if they have completed all other assignments and want
to go the extra mile, NOT if they are missing several items and want something to do instead.
In the event that the student is absent from class, it is THEIR RESPONSIBILITY to find out what
they missed! They can check with their peers and the Absent Folder for helpful
information. Missing work must be turned in within 2 days of the date they return to
school. I will not take it after that and any missing work will result in a 0% for that
Required Supply List:
Composition Notebook AND a 5-subject notebook
Mechanical Pencils ONLY
Notebook Paper
Agenda Book - Will be provided by school
Pencil Pouch
How to Contact Me:
Please feel free to email me at at any point if you have any concerns
over your child's progress. My priority is to make sure that each student is successful in my

I have read and agree to all the policies, information, etc. laid out in the 8 th grade
Science syllabus.

Student Name Printed: ________________________________________________


Student Signature: ________________________________________________

Parent Name Printed: __________________________________________________



Date: __________________


Parent Signature: __________________________________________________

Date: ___________________

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