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Instructivo para Upgrade en Switch S3328TP-EI

1. Instalacin de parche S23_33_53-V100R002SPH008

Install the service pack S23_33_53-V100R002SPH008 on S3328 only when the current
version is V100R002C02SPC100. If this is not the case go to Step 10.
Install the service pack S23_33_53-V100R002SPH008 on S3328 only when the current version
is V100R002C02SPC100. After the service pack is in the flash memory, install the service pack
and then upgrade the device according to the upgrade guide to version V100R003C00SPC301.
Step 1 Check that the current product version corresponds to V100R002C02SPC100.
<S2300> display version
Huawei Versatile Routing Platform Software
VRP (R) Software, Version 5.30 (S2300 V100R002C02SPC100) Copyright (C) 20072008 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
Quidway S2326TP-EI uptime is 0 day, 0 hour, 2 minutes

[Slot 0] EDFE uptime is 0 day, 0 hour, 2 minutes

Startup time :2009/08/30 07:08:22
64M bytes DDR Memory
16M bytes FLASH
Version : CX22EDFE REV B
Basic BOOTROM Version : 114 Compiled at Jun 29 2009, 22:29:03
Advanced BOOTROM Version : 116 Compiled at Jun 29 2009, 22:31:23
Software Version : VRP (R) Software, Version 5.30 (S2300 V100R002C02SPC002)

Step 2 If the version is V100R002C02SPC100, check that the system does not load other files.
<S2300> display patch-information
Info: No patch exists

Step 3 If the system loads other files (patches earlier than V100R002C02SPH005), delete the
<S2300> patch delete
Patch will be deleted! Confirm?[Y/N]:Y
Info: Patch delete successfully on master board.

Step 4 Download the patch to the flash memory of the device.

Download the patch S23_33_53-V100R002SPH008.pat to the flash memory of the device in

FTP mode or through a serial interface.
Step 5 Load the SP files.
<S2300> patch load S23_33_53-V100R002SPH008.pat
Info: Patch load successfully on master board.

Step 6 Activate the patches.

<S2300> patch active

Info: Patch active successfully on master board.

Step 7 Run the patches.

<S2300> patch run
Info: Patch run successfully on master board.


Step 8 Display the information about the patches.

<Quidway>display patch-information
Service pack Version:V100R002SPH008
Pack file name
----------The patch information of slot
Total Patch Unit
: 11
Running Patch Unit
: 1 - 11
Active Patch Unit
: no patch
Deactive Patch Unit
: no patch


Step 9 Reboot the system.

2. Instalacin del Nuevo software

Step 10 Configure the S3300 as an FTP server.

Start the FTP server on the S3300, and set the FTP user name to ftpuser and password to ftpwd.
<Quidway> system-view
[Quidway] ftp server enable
[Quidway] aaa
[Quidway-aaa] local-user ftpuser password simple ftppwd
[Quidway-aaa] local-user ftpuser service-type ftp
[Quidway-aaa] local-user ftpuser ftp-directory flash:/
[Quidway-aaa] return

Step 11 Set an IP address of the S3300.

<Quidway> system-view
[Quidway] vlan 10
[Quidway-vlan10] port ethernet 0/0/1
Idle service interface
[Quidway-vlan10] quit
[Quidway] interface vlanif 10
[Quidway-Vlanif10] ip address 24
[Quidway-Vlanif10] quit

Step 12 Log in to the FTP server (the S3300).

Run the ftp ip-address command on the PC to set up an FTP connection with the S3300 and
enter the FTP client view.
Connected to
220 FTP service ready.
User ( ftpuser
331 Password required for 1.
230 User logged in.

Step 13 Download the VRP for the S3300.

Run the put source-filename [ destination-filename ] command on the FTP client (PC) to upload
the VRP from the PC. After uploading the VRP, run the bye command to close the FTP
connection and return to the user view.
ftp> put "D:\"
200 Port command okay.
150 Opening ASCII mode data connection for
226 Transfer complete.
ftp: 4940436 bytes sent in 35.10Seconds 140.76Kbytes/sec.
ftp> bye
221 Server closing.

Step 14 Specify the VRP in service, which is loaded when the S3300 is started.
<Quidway> startup system-software

If the preceding information is displayed after you run the startup system-software file command,
enter Y to update the BootROM. If the BootROM is updated successfully, go to Step 15; otherwise,
go to Step 14.
Warning: Basic BOOTROM will be upgraded. Continue?(Y/N)[N]: y
BOOTROM begin to be upgraded ! please wait for a moment
The new version is 116. Please restart to validate the upgrade.

Step 15 Upgrade the BootROM in service, which is loaded when the S3300 is started.
<Quidway> system-view
[Quidway] upgrade basic-bootrom
Confirm basic BOOTROM will be upgrade?(Y/N)[N]: y
BOOTROM begin to upgraded ! please wait for a minute...
The new version is 116. Please restart to validate the upgrade.

Step 16 Restart the S3300.

<Quidway> reboot
Info: The system is now comparing the configuration, please wait.
Info: Save current configuration?[Y/N]:
y or n
System will reboot! Continue?[Y/N]:


3. Instalacin del nuevo parche S23_33_53-V100R003SPH006.pat

Before installing the patch, do as follows (take the S5328 as an example):

Step 17 Check that the current product version corresponds to the SP.
<S5328> display version
Huawei Versatile Routing Platform Software
VRP (R) Software, Version 5.30 (S5300 V100R003C00SPC301) -- It must be
consistent with the basic product version.
Copyright (C) 2008-2009 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
Quidway S5328C-EI-24S uptime is 0 day, 0 hour, 4 minutes

[Unit 0] EFGF uptime is 0 day, 0 hour, 4 minutes

256M bytes DDR Memory
32M bytes FLASH
Version : CX22EFGF REV A
Basic BOOTROM Version : 015 Compiled at Nov 4 2009, 16:41:54
Version : 68
Software Version : VRP (R) Software, Version 5.30 (S5300 V100R003C00SPC301)
FANCARD information
Version : FAN REV B
PWRCARD I information
Version : PWR REV A

Step 18 Check that the system does not load other files.
<S5328> display patch-information
Info: No patch exists on unit 0

Step 19 If the system loads the V100R003C00SPH001 file, run the following command:
<S5328> patch delete
Patch will be deleted! Confirm?[Y/N]:Y
Info: Patch is deleting on unit 0...
Info: Patch delete successfully on master board.

The SPs later than V100R003C00SPH001 are cumulative patches and these patches do not need to
be deleted.

Step 20 Download the patch S23_33_53-V100R003SPH006.pat to the flash memory of the device.

Download the patches to the flash memory of the device in FTP mode or through a serial

Step 21 Load the SP files.

<S5328> patch load s23_33_53-v100r003sph006.pat
Info: Patch is loading on unit 0...
Info: Patch load successfully on master board.

Step 22 Activate the patches.

<S5328> patch active
Info: Patch is activing on unit 0...
Info: Patch active successfully on master board.

Step 23 Run the patches.

<S5328> patch run
Info: Patch is running on unit 0...
Info: Patch run successfully on master board.


Do as follows to check whether the SP installed successfully.

Step 24 Display the information about the patches.
<S5328> display patch-information
Unit 0 service pack version:V100R003SPH006
Unit 0 pack file name
----------The patch information of unit
Total Patch Unit
: 71
Running Patch Unit
: 1 71
Active Patch Unit
: no patch
Deactive Patch Unit
: no patch


As shown in the preceding command output, there are 37 patches in the RUN state on the S5328.
The number of patches must be the same as the number of patches described in Error! Reference
source not found..

Step 25 Reboot the system.

NOTE: If you see this during the reboot process please go to the Problem during Upgrade
process section in next page to solve it.

Upgrade system starting ...

Formatting Flash, please waiting several minutes ................................................................. done
Create file starting :

[No. 01] flash:/matnlog.dat ..success

[No. 02] flash:/$_patchstate_a .success
[No. 03] flash:/rr.dat .success
[No. 04] flash:/rr.bak .success
[No. 05] flash:/vrpcfg.cfg .success
[No. 06] flash:/$_patchstate_b .success
[No. 07] flash:/private-data.txt .success
[No. 08] flash:/notilogindex.txt .success
[No. 09] flash:/patchhistory .success
[No. 10] flash:/s23_33_53-v100r002sph008.pat ..success
[No. 11] flash:/ ... deleted
[No. 12] flash:/
Flash resource adjust ........... end
Press Ctrl+E to enter DFT, Ctrl+Q to exit...

4. Problem during Upgrade process to solve it.

If you see this during the reboot process please follow all the follow instructions.
Upgrade system starting ...
Formatting Flash, please waiting several minutes ................................................................. done
Create file starting :
[No. 01] flash:/matnlog.dat ..success
[No. 02] flash:/$_patchstate_a .success
[No. 03] flash:/rr.dat .success
[No. 04] flash:/rr.bak .success
[No. 05] flash:/vrpcfg.cfg .success
[No. 06] flash:/$_patchstate_b .success
[No. 07] flash:/private-data.txt .success
[No. 08] flash:/notilogindex.txt .success
[No. 09] flash:/patchhistory .success
[No. 10] flash:/s23_33_53-v100r002sph008.pat ..success
[No. 11] flash:/ ... deleted
[No. 12] flash:/
Flash resource adjust ........... end
Press Ctrl+E to enter DFT, Ctrl+Q to exit...

And if after the upgrade you cant use the VRRP feature:
Enter system view, return user view with Ctrl+Z.
[HN-HJSW-1]int vlan 30
[HN-HJSW-1-Vlanif30]vrrp ?
Error:Unrecognized command found at '^' position.

Do as follows:
Password: Vrp&8031
-> Shell_flashUnlockSector 4
-> Shell_flashUnlockSector 5
-> Shell_flashUnlockSector 6
-> Shell_flashUnlockSector 7
-> Shell_flashEraseSector 4
-> Shell_flashEraseSector 5
-> Shell_flashEraseSector 6
-> Shell_flashEraseSector 7
-> exit

<Quidway> reboot
Info: The system is now comparing the configuration, please wait.
Info: Save current configuration?[Y/N]:
y or n
System will reboot! Continue?[Y/N]:

While the system is rebooting press Ctrl+B as shown below:

Waiting for Aging test, Press Ctrl+Q exit ... 1787s

Basic BOOTROM, Ver310



Copyright (c) 2007-2008 HUAWEI TECH CO., LTD.

Creation date: Sep 16 2009, 00:23:12
CPU L1 Cache

: 32KB

CPU Clock Speed : 266MHz

Bus Clock Speed : 133MHz

Memory Size

: 128MB

Press Ctrl+B to enter BOOTROM menu... 2


Then in bootroom menu do as follows:

1. Boot with default mode
2. Enter serial submenu
3. Enter startup submenu
4. Display flash files
5. Modify BOOTROM password
6. Reboot
Enter your choice(1-6):3

Startup Configuration Submenu

1. Display startup configuration
2. Modify startup configuration
3. Return to main menu
Enter your choice(1-3):2

Note: startup file field can not be cleard

'.'=clear field; '^D'=quit; Enter=use current configuration
startup type(1: Flash 2: Server)
current: 1
new : 1
Flash startup file (can not be cleared)
new : <------- Introduce the Upgrade software file name
saved-configuration file
current: vrpcfg.cfg
new : press enter key
license file
new : press enter key
patch package
new : press enter key

Startup Configuration Submenu

1. Display startup configuration
2. Modify startup configuration
3. Return to main menu
Enter your choice(1-3): 3

1. Boot with default mode
2. Enter serial submenu
3. Enter startup submenu
4. Display flash files
5. Modify BOOTROM password
6. Reboot
Enter your choice(1-6): 6

Finally check the version

<Quidway>dis version
Huawei Versatile Routing Platform Software
VRP (R) Software, Version 5.30 (S3328 V100R003C00SPC301)
Copyright (C) 2008-2009 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
Quidway S3328TP-EI uptime is 0 day, 0 hour, 1 minute
[Unit 0] EOFEA uptime is 0 day, 0 hour, 1 minute
128M bytes DDR Memory
16M bytes FLASH
Version : CX22EOFEA REV A
Basic BOOTROM Version : 315 Compiled at Nov 4 2009, 15:18:00
Software Version : VRP (R) Software, Version 5.30 (S3328 V100R003C00SPC301)

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