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Honey Lynne Accion

Week #: 1

April 13, 2010 – April 16, 2010

April 13, 2010 is the day which I started my OJT at the MTC Academy. My first
day seems really frightens me for the reason that they are expecting something from you
that can be a help for the improvement of their system. Though that will be my work, still
I take the risk to do it. Naturally, if it is your first day of work, manager or one of the staff
will orient you about the company’s profile, it’s rules and standards and the company
do’s and don’ts. I then stand to a point of knowing what MTC Academy is; basically the
school is a Medical Training Center which is offering some program such as Medical
Transcriptions, Legal Transcriptions, Business Transcriptions and others. When the
orientation with the manager ended up, she then presented the systems they never use at
all, pointed out the program inconsistencies, and discuss the added features. But mainly, I
got to deal with her about the added features when I will be able to comprehend and
understand the system’s flow. The manager then forwarded us to our supervisor because
he as well has some other instructions. He discuss about the rules when using the
computer, what are the dos and don’ts, and what are your other roles and responsibilities
inside the company. After knowing my duties, our supervisor then instructed us to mainly
know the system and write what are its inconsistencies.

We then started our day of knowing the system. Mine is about the student
registration system and my other friend is working on the daily time record system. I
found out that most of the system’s problem merely happens because of misconception.
User might think she or he had clicked the right button but then its not. So, one solution
came to my mind is to make the system more interactive where your user will not be
On the proceeding days, most of my time is rendered in the system to mainly
understand its capabilities, functionalities, program flow and the coding scheme.

To understand a system that you will suppose to continue is really a learning

process. So every time I face the monitor, I always said to myself “How will I going to do
this? I can never do it and I will never learn if I refuse.”

By April 16, 2010, I asked the manager if what are those things that must be
added in the system. She then writes it out. The features to be added are the newly
introduce program (IELTS, Civil Service Review, CE3P, Call Center Training, Remarks
(for other related programs)) and newly introduce schedule (Whole Day, Remarks (for
other related schedule)), generate excel form of student’s information, students in the
newly added program must be viewed, create an ID for the newly created program, and
create a new registration form where new programs and schedules are added.

On this day also, I was tasked by the head of the company to edit and print few

My first week at the MTC Academy really gives me a lot of pressure. But
somehow I felt calm because people are very easy to be with and very nice.

Noted by:


IT Supervisor

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