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Josh D. McDowell
Cristobal Krusen

1. Why, as a kid, did Jo sh think there was no ho pe o r lo ve anywhere in the

wo rld? Have yo u ever felt the way he did when he said go o dbye to Go d as a
twelve-year-o ld?
2. Mr. Turner, Faiths dad, asked Jo sh, What is yo ur relatio nship with Jesus
Christ? Why was this a co nfusing questio n to Jo sh at the time? Ho w did he
answer it? What wo uld yo ur answer be to that same questio n?
3. When Jo shs friend Tim died, Jo sh wo ndered why the go o d perish and the
wicked thrive. Have yo u ever wo ndered this? What co nclusio n have yo u co me
to ?
4. What happened to suddenly change Jo shs military plans? Have yo u ever
had circumstances line up perfectly to help yo u change directio ns in life?
5. Ho w did the Christian gro up at Kello gg Co mmunity Co llege handle their
interactio ns with Jo sh? Have yo u ever interacted with unbelievers like he did? If
so , ho w were yo u like the Kello gg gro up? Ho w were yo u different?
6 . Who is Alan Co bb, and what ro le do es he play in Jo shs sto ry? Do yo u have
so meo ne like Alan in yo ur life?
7. What is the legal-histo rical metho d o f pro ving so mething? Ho w do yo u think
it co mpares to scientific evidence?
8 . Ho w was Jo shs perceptio n o f Go d as heavenly Father affected by his
earthly father? Ho w has yo ur o wn perspective o f Go d (go o d o r bad) been
influenced by yo ur father?
9 . Why did Jo sh go to Euro pe? What did he ho pe to acco mplish, and why did
he co me ho me thinking he had failed? Did he fail?
10 . Jo sh felt like Pasto r Lo gans sermo ns were so metimes preached directly
at him. Have yo u ever felt this way? What messages have yo u heard recently
that really spo ke to yo u?
11. When did Jo sh truly kno w that Christianity was real? Have yo u had a similar
mo ment o f certainty in yo ur life?
12. What ro le did fo rgiveness play in Jo shs sto ry? Ho w has it played a part in
yo ur o wn life?
13. What circumstance bro ught Jo sh ho me after being away at Wheato n
Co llege? Ho w was this deto ur an amazing part o f Go ds plan fo r him?
14. What did Pasto r Lo gan have to say abo ut relatio nships and the Cro ss?
What did this mean fo r Jo sh? Ho w do yo u see this truth affecting yo ur life?
15. Jo sh identified with the child in the Bible who o ffered a few fish and lo aves
o f bread to Jesus in o rder to feed the multitudes. What did Jo sh have to o ffer
Go d? Ho w did Go d multiply tho se gifts? What do yo u have to o ffer?
16 . Ho w did a cemetery beco me a seminary fo r Jo sh? Has Go d ever
drastically changed yo ur view o n so mething? Explain.



Josh D. McDowell
Cristobal Krusen

17. Why is the wo rd undaunted an apt descriptio n o f Jo sh? What do es it mean

to yo u?
18 . What are the main themes o f Jo shs sto ry that stand o ut to yo u? Ho w do
yo u relate to his testimo ny?




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