Parental Alienation Australia

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Here is my personal story of Parental Alienation: I have three beautiful children.

If any of you are parents, you know

that your children are the most precious beings in the world to you. However, I am no longer able to see my children
anymore due to the Australian court systems which continue to be skewed against fathers rights.
To tell my story as briefly as possible: One day, I came home from work to find the mother of my children praying on
the floor atop a Muslim prayer rug and wearing a hijab. When I asked her what she was doing, the conversation
became heated. My older children were in elementary school, but the baby was lying on the floor. I stooped down to
pick him up and cuddle him because he was crying at all the yelling and commotion. I followed his mom into the
kitchen and asked her to calm down. As I began to walk away, I noticed she had highlighted the dates of Ramadan
with a big red marker on the calendar. I told her that we are a Christian family and that we dont celebrate Ramadan
in this household, whereupon I pulled the calendar off the wall and went to toss it into our wood burning heater.
As I sat on a little kids chair with my son on my knee and opened the fireplace door, I threw the calendar into the fire.
At that point, she came running towards us. As she got close to the fireplace to retrieve the calendar, she tripped over
the protective railing we had to keep the kids from the fire and hit her face on top of the heater. My son was also
knocked over in the ensuing scuffle and was pushed hard against the hot steel door. He was burned across the side
of his face and neck and then fell onto the marble hearth smashing the back of his head.
I lifted her off of me and picked up my son who was now screaming. More verbal abuse ensued as I threatened to
call the police. She had done similar violent things before. I then ran into our bedroom bathroom to wet a cold rag for
my sons face.
Realizing the situation was out of control, I got on my knees to grab some money that I had stashed in our safe so I
could get out of the house until things calmed down. As I was bending down, she came from behind and stuck her
fingers in my eyes so hard that she snapped off one of her nails which embedded in the corner of my eye. Screaming
in pain, I let go of my son to pull her fingers out of my eyes. I pushed her away, grabbed my son and ran for the front
door. After putting my son in the car, I realized in all the confusion that I had left my car keys and phone in the house.
As I walked back into the house, I heard her on the phone telling the police that I had just beaten her and kidnapped
my son. In response to this false accusation, I waited for the police to arrive. When they arrived, they simply
assumed that since I was a man, I abused her and not vice versa. I was charged with assault because she had a
bruise on her cheek from hitting her face on the heater. No concern was made over my scratches or eye injuries
which were just presumed to be my own fault for supposedly being abusive to a woman.
From that day forward, I wasnt allowed in my home again. Three days later she emptied the house of all the
valuables and our bank account via an online transfer while I was in custody. She then took off with my children
hidden from me for 9 months.
The Courts made her come back to face me in court but she kept delaying appearing by producing medical
certificates saying she was sick. After going through this hell, I initially got 50/50 shared custody but this arrangement
was breached immediately. She continued to breach every order possible, including that the girls were to remain
Christians and not be forced to wear hijabs.
At that time she married a Muslim immigrant from who was 14 years her junior. He was hurting my son and my girls
reported that he would watch them while they were in the bath (just 7 years old at that time). My son also began to
report abusive behavior from him as well. The girls were forced to remove their cross necklaces and pray to Allah 5
times a day.
All the while, the Australian Courts did nothing to stop the breaches in the custody order. They told me to go to the
Department of Human Services (DHS) which only exacerbated the situation. Once DHS got involved, they claimed I
was attempting to alienate my children from their mother due to my persistent insistence on a Christian upbringing.

When we went back into court, the kids were 100% removed from my care with ZERO contact. The case was then
sent from the Federal Circuit Court to the Childrens Court. After many delays, I finally got a hearing. It was disclosed
in court that there was a pattern of lying and abuse by their mother and her boyfriends/husbands. She was also
making false allegations of sexual abuse by me which were coached by the mother. NO evidence that I ever abused
my kids in any way was ever proven to be true.
Meanwhile, their mother has married several times to 3 different men in 4 years under Sharia Law. This is called a
mutah (a temporary marriage where money changes hands in order for them to legally not be fornicators according
to the Quran). My kids have lived in 3 different states, they have gone to 5 different schools and lived in 5 different
homes in the last 4.5 years not to mention all the hostels and hotels they have been dragged into.
Also, her most recent husband is a Pakistani Muslim with a 1foot long beard. After just 3 dates, while the kids were at
school, they were married. She took the kids to a family dinner to meet their new dad. He then decided to move
his new family to a secret location because he claims I am a violent man and he fears for their safety. This was what
he testified in court.
This man has a 2nd wife and children that he left behind in Pakistan. It is inconceivable to me that I lost all custody to
my own children to this bigamous situation! I was then granted just 1.5 hours a week to see my children while being
constantly supervised by DHS agents in a torturous prison-like cell. At first, I attempted to see my children as much
as possible under these horrendous conditions. However, I would drive very far to meet with them, only to arrive and
find out that they didnt show up due to yet another excuse by their mother.
Finally, I went to see my kids for one last time and to tell them I was sorry but I couldnt come to see them anymore
under these onerous conditions. I told them that I loved them and, when they are old enough to understand, they can
come and find me and I will tell them the truth. I was dragged out of that meeting by DHS agents like a criminal in
front of my horrified children. The appalling arrangements foisted on my family by the Court system was affecting my
mental and physical health. I often took another male Christian friend along with me for emotional support. He can
further attest to what I am recounting here. He was present to witness first hand the strained circumstances under
which I was allowed to see my children and to the final encounter which left me forcibly constrained by DHS agents
because I simply tried telling my children what was going on.
The DHS have been caught now editing documents and omitting important evidence, I have recordings of them
falsifying several more documents with incorrect information. There are several movements now organizing within
Australia to expose just how corrupted the entire system has become.
Lastly and most importantly, I want you to know that my formerly Christian children are now wearing hijabs and
praying 5 times a day to Allah. They are forced to attend mosques and learn Arabic so they can recite the Quran.
They call their 3rd or 4th new dad in 4 years daddy and papa. My precious girls are of the age now which makes
them vulnerable to more sexual abuse based on Sharia laws for child marriages and adult/child alliances. This
sickens me to the core and I cant sleep from all the worry.
I pray for God to help me all the time and I believe that He will intervene so that justice is done. Please also pray for
my mother who is heartbroken to lose her grandchildren.
The main problem is the failure to acknowledge domestic abuse often occurs against men at the hands of women due
to a slanted feminist bias that has taken over our culture. The secondary problem is that the courts attempt to
behave in a manner that is politically correct in favor of Islam instead of what is good for the children and what is a
moral action based on our Judeo-Christian nation. This is from an out of control diversity and tolerance standard
that is being forced upon us in the name of political correctness.

The foreigners in our country now have more rights that the citizens and women now have more rights than men.
There is nothing equal or fair at all about this brave new world. The end result of this political correctness is that the
children are suffering and are being removed from their natural fathers and then being culturally perverted.
I am praying, fasting and repenting for all of my actions that may have not helped with this situation in the past.
However, perfection should not be a prerequisite for being allowed to have a place in your childrens lives, otherwise
none of us would qualify. I hope that my story will wake up those in Western countries to the Sharia-law creep that is
overtaking our nations and endangering our children and the feminist doctrines that have relegated men as
expendable. On a personal level, I pray that someone in Australia will read this and be willing to help me, and others
like me, fight this battle. If the Lord is speaking to you, please contact the National Day of Repentance to reach me.
I am trusting that the prayers of the Intercessors at National Day of Repentance will help move the hearts of Christian
people towards the children and help move the Hand of God. Thank you for listening to my story.
Please pray for me and my children.

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