Time To Grow Up

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Time to Grow Up

There is a reason we go to church. There is a reason Believers
have come into the habit of gathering to sit under those we deem
stronger, wiser, more experienced and gifted than we are. It
should not just be to socialize or, even to assemble as Hebrews
10:25 commands us to do. Neither should we despise coming
together as Believers out of frustration with organized religion.
Why do I make all these statements? Because the purpose for our
gathering is so that we, individually and corporately, can GROW
UP in our Faith in Jesus Christ!
From this moment on I challenge you to really delve into the
passages we are studying throughout the summer, and seek God
to show you the value in sitting under those who teach in wisdom
and righteousness. If you dont have a church home, I challenge
you to begin seeking God daily to lead you to a place where you
can grow and give! If you are not growing where you are, ask God
if you can be the catalyst for growth! My point is this, dont stay
[physically or spiritually] where youre stuck! Its time to GROW

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