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I take this opportunity to evaluate the potential of one of my students, Mr. M.Iyyappa
Thirunavukkarasu, as he wishes to pursue higher studies at your university.
I have known Iyyappa for the past four years as a student of our department in my
capacity as Head of Department for computer science and am in a position to appraise his
performance. Despite being involved in many extra-curricular and co-curricular
activities, he has maintained a healthy academic average of over 80% and figures among
the top students of his batch.
His intelligence, as evident from the academic record he possesses, and his perseverance
and dedication has enabled him to make a place for himself among the others. The
communication skills that he has and his knowledge about the subjects are some of his
strong points. He is also comfortable with what is being taught in class easily
comprehending the concepts and matter. And most importantly he bears good moral
He has shown immense interest when it comes to learning new concepts and doing
research on it. One particular paper titled Achieving better QoS routing through
modified lexicographic optimal path routing reflected his research interests and led
him to do his final year project on same topic. He has also been member of student
technical paper committee for various symposium held by our department.
Not only has he impressed me with his qualities to lead groups and being team player but
also with the enthusiasm that he himself is capable of adding. He has held various
responsibilities like Chairperson of Computer Society of India (student chapter), during
his final year and Executive council member of Institution of Engineers for our college
student chapter. He has organized various events like tech talks, seminars, symposiums
notably ICARUS 2004 a National Level symposium which bought huge accolade to the
With the qualities that Iyyappa possesses I have no reservations about recommending him
to your university and personally feel that he shall excel in whichever field he chooses.
Moreover he shall definitely prove to be of great help to his companions and professors.
He sincerely merits the best of programs.

Dr. Muneeshwaran
Head of Department, Computer science
Mepco Schlenk Engg. College
Sivakasi, Tamilnadu

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