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Two-Column Notes


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Name: Gregory Silcox

Class/Subject: EDTL 2760

MR Title(s): Why Kids Dont Like Social Studies

MR Source(s): Schug, M., Todd, R., & Beery. R. (1984). Why kids don't like social studies. Social Education,
48(5), 382-387.
The Text Says
I Say
Notes (key concepts, direct quotes, etc.)
My notes, commentary


It is increasingly urgent that social studies educators

pay attention to what-young people, as well as others,
might be able to tell us about ways to improve the
social studies program.


One implication of student thinking about the

importance of social studies is that we do not do a
very good job of communicating why social studies
knowledge and skills are valuable. More care needs to
be taken to tell students why social studies is


Since anticipated career futures appear to have an

effect on attitudes toward courses and since few
careers are directly related to social studies, this may
contribute to an unenthusiastic response to social


As Table 7 indicates, their responses really were a call

for providing a greater variety in instructional

I agree with this statement. As an educator you need to

change your ways once in a while. You have to find a
balance between reading and interactive parts of a lesson.
You want to make sure that the kids arent bared by sitting
so get them into the lesson and they will more than likely
get more out of the material.
One thing I think about this is what are the teachers exactly
teaching. This is an older article and teachers had more
leeway. I wonder what students would say now with all the
new standards? One more thing is that I was between doing
AYA math and social studies I chose social studies because I
think we need to show the importance of social studies. The
world is constantly changing, the past repeats itself and we
need future thinkers to make the world a better place and
improve on the accomplishments of our predecessors.
Thats why Social studies is important.
I agree that as kids get older they start to think about more
and more career options. Yes, there are career options
within the branches of social studies; but at the same time
with math and science there are so many avenues that you
can go into. My idea is that people need to focus more on
the social aspect, the past, and that you will use things like
geography and other stuff learned in social studies.
Just so personal information, I come from a public school
district where we have got rid of all field trips. So, the

methods. The most frequent comments asked for more

group projects, field trips, class activities, role plays
and simulations, and class discussions, as well as
asking for more independent projects and a greater
role for students in planning the curriculum.

teachers had to gives us more interactive projects and let us

discover some on our own instead of field trips. I agree that
there should be more group work because in society you
have to learn to work with each other and thats part of
social studies. One of the big things that many of my
teachers used class discussion and current events to get us
more involved in what is happening around us.

Connections to previous MR:

Did you have good social studies teachers?
Yes, I did have many good Social Studies teachers. For the most part I liked social studies and a few of my teachers I wanted to be
like them. They are one of the reasons that I am trying to become a teacher.
Do you believe the authors' findings? Why or why not?
Yes, I believe in the articles findings for the most part. I think that Social Studies isnt everyones favorite subject but at the same
time it is not everyones least favorite subject. I think that the data would be the same if we did the test today. Also many of the
responses to the answers would be the exact same. A lot of times people like math or science because down the road there are
more jobs and it might be easier to get a job if you like or are good at one of those subjects.

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