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How to Close Read & Annotate a Text

Article of the Week

6th Grade Language Arts
Meyzeek Middle
Step 1:
First Read the article & annotate (mark it up):
Use these symbols as you read: (+) agree, (-) disagree, (*) important, (!)
surprising, (?) wondering
Circle any unknown words or unique words.
Number the paragraphs & chunk the text into small sections of 2-3
paragraphs (draw a line under each chunk)
Step 2:
Second Read the article carefully and make notes in the margin. Notes should include:
o Comments that show that you understand the article.
o A summary or thoughtful statement about each chunk (meaning each chunked
section should have at MINIMUM a summary or comment!)
o Questions you have that show what you are wondering about as you read.
o Notes that differentiate between fact and opinion.
o Observations about how the writers strategies (organization, word choice,
perspective, support) and choices affect the article.
Step 3:
A final read noting anything you may have missed during the first two reads.
Your annotations (step 1) & margin notes (step 2) are part of your score for close reading.
Step 4:
If there are Questions on the text, answer the questions carefully in complete sentences. Use the
Paragraph #s to cite your TEXT EVIDENCE.
For your A.O.W. you will get a score that looks like this:

R (Reading)

W (Writing) or Q

You will get a total possible 5 points for your careful annotations and notes and a total possible 5
points for your questions and the thoughtfulness/text details in your responses. The assignment
will be worth 10 total points weekly. If you answer Multiple Choice and there isnt writing that
week, the multiple choice will be worth 1 point for question (usually 4) and 1 point for effort, so
still 5 total!

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