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Sourav Das

1. What is the dress code for GD/PI?

Formals are preferred. Wear something that does not attract attention.
2. What is the importance of body language in a GD/PI?
Very important, be confident and calm. Maintain eye contact with all the
panellists. Also, when you are required to shake hands with the panellists, be
firm and confident. This is a vital exercise through which the confidence o the
person is judged.
3. Do you think one must be completely honest in a PI?
It is better to be honest about yourself. Do not concoct details about your
academic achievements or involvement in extra academic activities. However,
you can be diplomatic while mentioning your reasons for liking that particular
4. What are the basic dos and donts in a PI?
Dos: Maintain a decent body language. Avoid exaggerated gestures or any
display of arrogance or discomposure. Always highlight your strengths, but be
articulate and subtle in presenting yourself.
Donts: Never display any flamboyance.
How important in a PI is maintaining eye contact?
Eye contact is very important, and should be maintained at all times. At times,
there may be many questions thrown at you. Remember each one of them, and
answer one at a time maintaining eye contact with all the panellists. No one
should get the feeling of being left out.
6. How must one respond if the interviewer hints that your performance is not
Generally, such a remark is made only when the interview has reached a stage
where there are very limited options for rescuing the situation.
What should be done if one realises that the interviewer has misunderstood
his statement?
Clarify the situation immediately.

Does taking time to answer a question go against you even if the answer is a
good one?
Generally the final answer is what counts. Time is not the constraint. However,
if a problem is given, it is imperative that the minimum amount of time is taken.


Should one admit his mistake if pointed out or justify what he has said?
If you are convinced about the mistake, accepting it is the best way forward.
However, if the interviewer is trying to create a pressure situation for you,
fighting for your perspective on the topic is a legitimate option.

10. Were you asked any technical questions (related to academics) in your interview?

What were those questions (Please provide their answers too)?

The technical questions asked in Tata Steel interviews vary with the department
you belong to. For metallurgical students, the questions will be asked mainly
from iron making, iron carbon diagram etc. Some questions related to the
companys profile viz. the production capacity and the raw materials required
may be asked to check your general awareness.
11. What to do if you are caught in a trap:1)accept fault and give a clean chit or 2)try
to make up excuses?
Accept the fault, rather than try to lie and escape the situation as the chances
of getting caught are high!
12. How to approach the matter of intern compensation?
It is mentioned in the application itself.
13. What was the Selection Procedure like? How many rounds of interviews and what
was each round about?
Initially a form had to be submitted to the email id provided. It contained
details pertaining to the background, interests, involvement in extra academic
activities of the candidate and his reasons for choosing Tata Steel. This was
followed by a written test in which 50% of the questions were technical and the
remaining were logic based. The students selected based on the cumulative
performance of both the tests were selected to appear for the personal
interview. I would like to add, the initial form submitted online carried a lot of
weightage throughout the internship duration and was referred even during
the time for the interview for the pre-placement offer.
14. What do you think the company was looking for in each of its candidates?
The company was mainly looking for a certain amount of technical acumen, and
some amount of managerial abilities. Like any other company Tata Steel was
looking for a long term allegiance with the students, mainly in the form of
placement. So if the concerned student is interested in that, it should be
15. What courses did you have to revise, what books/ online material did you consult
while preparing for the interview?
Any separate preparation is not required. Course work was sufficient. And you
dont need any preparation for the aptitude questions either.
16. What do you know about our organization?
Mention about the companys profile, and its financial structure (for example
its current turnover, stakeholders).

17. Why do you want to work for us?

Mention your long term goals and show how the companys policies will allow
you to achieve them. For example, tell them how you want to continue your
learning process even while working for the company and how you will be
benefitted from education programmes offered by Tata Steel for its employees.
The aim should be to make the interviewers feel that the company is ideally
suited in your scheme of life and vice versa.
18. What can you do for us that someone else can't?
Mention about your leadership qualities and exemplify them to the best extent
possible. You should subtly point out your credentials without losing your
humility. Also mention about your ability to manage your extra academics with
a decent CG. Conclude by saying that given an opportunity you would
contribute in a positive manner.
19. What do you find most promising about this position?
Not asked in an internship interview.
20. What is the toughest decision you have ever had to make?
Mention about a real-life situation where you had to act pragmatically. Its a
subjective question and definite answers are not possible to give. Prepare an
answer beforehand.
21. How sensitive are you to criticism?
I am sensitive to the extent that I take positively without being getting carried
away. When I face criticism, the need of the hour is to analyze my shortcomings
and improve upon them.
22. General Points:
Try to contact someone already in the company before beginning the project. It
is better if you have a good idea about the working environment in the
The company is rarely interested in your past applications for internships in
other organizations.

Deepashree Sengupta

1. What is the dress code for GD/PI?

Formals White Shirt,BlackPants,Leather Pump Shoes.

2. What is the importance of body language in a GD/PI?

Very important. One shouldnt appear dominating. Do not shout to be heard. Dont be
over-enthusiastic but also avoid a devil-may-care attitude.

What were the topics of the GD?

Tata Steel did not have a GD,only a written test followed by an interview. But in the ITC
GD,a scenario was provided.For instance, a boy dies in hospital due to several factors.
Rate the factors based on priority which were responsible for his death. Rating questions
are common in a GD.


What are the basic dos and donts in a GD?

Do not shout or talk too much just to be heard. Also, do not adhere to your point totally,
but also do not change sides.


How much time were you given to think?

Ans. Around 10 minutes.


Do you think speaking first matters in a GD?

Yes it does, as long as you do not speak gibberish.


In a GD which is given more importance content or fluency and presentation?

Both. Fluency and presentation slightly more.60-40.

8. Is it advisable to interrupt someone in a GD?

Yes, but only if the person is blabbering on and on and doesnt seem to stop.Start in a
polite manner, I beg to differ...

If the topic of the GD is against your personal beliefs should you stick to the topic or voice
your opinion?
Stick to the topic.


How do you respond if someone contradicts you convincingly during the GD?
Get convinced. Obviously the other person is better than you.


Do you think one must be completely honest in a PI?


12. What are the basic dos and donts in a PI?

Do not fidget.Make eye contact with all the interviewers.Show your enthusiasm for the

internship. If asked Why are you sitting for this interview?, never answer on the lines,
Because i did not get through the others.

How important in a PI is maintaining eye contact?

Very important. Displays your confidence.


How must one respond if the interviewer hints that your performance is not satisfactory?
Do not look distressed. Take it with a pinch of salt. There are better companies out there
waiting for you.


What should be done if one realises that the interviewer has misunderstood his
Ans. Clarify immediately.


How do you convince the interviewer that you are fit for the job if he speaks of another
interviewee with better credentials?
Show your interest. Sell yourself by saying that you are a fast learner and can catch up


Does taking time to answer a question go against you even if the answer is a good one?
No. They usually say Take your time , especially when asking tricky questions. But one
must come up with an answer that was worth taking time.


Should one admit his mistake if pointed out or justify what he has said?
Admit your mistake. Give some justification if possible.

19. What should we focus more on pi/gd?

GD, as it precedes PI.
20. Is there any advantage of applying early?
Does not make a difference.
21. Clothing to be worn, body language for specific interviews.
Preferably the same dress code(formals, as mentioned earlier).
22. Any good books /online repositories referred while preparing for the interview?
My interview was mostly based on technical knowledge. One might just revise notes. In
third year, one generally doesnt even need that as one mostly remembers everything.
23. What to do if you are caught in a trap:1)accept fault and give a clean chit or 2)try to make up
Be honest. Accept your fault.
24. How to approach the matter of intern compensation.
They make a mention of it before hand, in pre-placement talk.

25. What to tell if asked whether applied for other interns.

Say no.
26. What was the Selection Procedure like? How many rounds of interviews and what was each
round about?
There was a written test followed by an interview, mostly based on technical knowledge.
Although the panel includes an HR interviewer.
27. What do you think the company was looking for in each of its candidates?
Zeal to work.
28. What courses did you have to revise, what books/ online material did you consult while
preparing for the interview?
I just revised instrumentation devices.
29. What do you know about our organization?
Be honest while answering such a question. But use a certain amount of tact. Find out
about the company from the internet. Also from seniors if the company has recruited
interns before.
30. Why do you want to work for us?
Ans. Both of our requirements match. I can provide you with what you are looking for
and vice-versa.
31. What can you do for us that someone else can't?
While answering such a question, one can peacefully boast about themselves. Highlight
your strengths and how you can help the company.
32. What do you find most promising about this position?
Learning experience, working in a challenging environment.
33. How long would it take you to make a meaningful contribution to our firm?
As fast as possible. I can finish my work within the stipulated deadline.
34. What is the toughest decision you have ever had to make?
Varies from person to person. Just be honest in HR-related questions. The moment you
try to cook up something yourself they will trap you.
35. Tell me about a time when you put your foot in your mouth.
Varies from person to person.
36. How sensitive are you to criticism?
Criticism improves quality.


What is the dress code for GD/PI?

Formals (black trousers and white shirt with pump shoes). If a girl is not comfortable
with trousers, she can wear a light-coloured salwar suit with covered shoes.


What is the importance of body language in a GD/PI?

Body language is given a lot of weightage. It defines ones personality. Avoid certain
gestures, like standing with hands folded. It gives a negative impression.


What were the topics of the GD?

There was no GD for Tata Steel. In the GD conducted by ITC, an hierarchy of employees
was provided and their responsibilities discussed and we had to rate them on the basis
of their importance in the firm.


What are the basic dos and donts in a GD?

In a GD, one should not be dominating. Points are awarded for initiating a conversation.
One should encourage others to participate in the conversation but also emphasise
more on the points one puts forward himself.


How much time were you given to think?

10 minutes to think and 15 minutes for discussion. They do not mention when to or who
should start the discussion.


Do you think speaking first matters in a GD?



In a GD which is given more importance content or fluency and presentation?

Content has a higher weightage in a GD.


Is it advisable to interrupt someone in a GD?



If the topic of the GD is against your personal beliefs should you stick to the topic or voice your

One should always voice his opinion.

10. How do you respond if someone contradicts you convincingly during the GD?

Accept his views if he is right.


Do you think one must be completely honest in a PI?



What are the basic dos and donts in a PI?

Do not fake yourself. Say whatever you know.

13. How important in a PI is maintaining eye contact?

Extremely important. It reflects your confidence level.
14. How must one respond if the interviewer hints that your performance is not satisfactory?
Do not show your disappointment.
15. What should be done if one realises that the interviewer has misunderstood his statement?
Try putting the same thing in a different way.
16. How do you convince the interviewer that you are fit for the job if he speaks of another
interviewee with better credentials?
Try giving an innovative and impressive answer.

Does taking time to answer a question go against you even if the answer is a good one?
No. Being prompt counts a lot but giving a good answer is more important.

18. Should one admit his mistake if pointed out or justify what he has said?

It s advisable to admit ones own mistake. Frankness is appreciated. Else a negative

impression is set upon the interviewers.
19. What should we focus more on pi/gd?
GD, as it comes first.
20. Is there any advantage of applying early?
Does not make a difference.
21. Clothing to be worn, body language for specific interviews.
Clothing would be formals. As far as body language is concerned, one should look
confident with a straight posture and correct gestures.
22. Any good books /online repositories referred while preparing for the interview.
Nothing, except department course books. For Chemical, core companies mainly focus
on the practical aspect (designing etc.).
23. What to do if you are caught in a trap:1)accept fault and give a clean chit or 2)try to make up
One should always accept ones fault.
24. How to approach the matter of intern compensation.
If not mentioned before hand, ask them about it during the course of the internship.
Always make them perceive that your interest in working with the company is higher

than monetary issues.

25. What to tell if asked whether applied for other interns.
Be frank. Tell them the truth.
26. What was the Selection Procedure like? How many rounds of interviews and what was each
round about?
For Tata Steel, I had done my internship last year too. I just sat for an interview.
27. What do you think the company was looking for in each of its candidates?
I think the company looked for team spirit and confidence in each of the candidates,
someone who is smart, expressive, fluent, can work well with everyone and comes
forward to take initiative.
28. What courses did you have to revise, what books/ online material did you consult while
preparing for the interview?
Nothing much. Just refer to Perry for Chemical Engg. It was useful for ITC selections.

29. What do you know about our organization?

Find out about the company before hand. Lay emphasis on exclusive initiatives of the
company to impress them.
30. Why do you want to work for us?
Because it is a good company and it shall provide me with a learning platform in my field
of interest.
31. What can you do for us that someone else can't?
Mention instances of your leadership skills, social work , start-up etc. and other
initiatives taken by you.
32. What do you find most promising about this position?
It is the perfect medium for me to learn many things.
33. Why should we hire you?
While answering such a question, project your credentials. Present yourself to be as
good as everyone else, not better than everyone else.
34. How long would it take you to make a meaningful contribution to our firm?
Depends on the type of job offered.
35. What is the toughest decision you have ever had to make?
Depends from person to person.
36. How sensitive are you to criticism?

I can accept criticism. I am always open to others opinions about me and my work.

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