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Welcome to Super Second

Dear Families,
Welcome to Second Grade at Stonebrae
Elementary! I am happy to be sharing this special year of growth with
you and your child. The first few weeks of school is always exciting as
we become familiar with friends and establish new routines. I hope that
together we can help your child have a successful 2nd Grade experience!
Communication is key in my classroom. Please always feel free to email
me at if you have any questions or concerns!
Please also be sure to fill out the Emergency Contact form and student
information sheet that went home last week to ensure I have all
important information regarding your child. I will be setting up our
classroom email distribution list as soon as I have an email address from
each parent. We will also communicate by using your childs homework
folder, phone calls, and conferences throughout the year.
Information to keep in mind:
Homework: Second grade is a time for growth and increasing
independence! Aside from this week, homework will be sent home
on Fridays in your childs homework folder. The homework
packet should be completed throughout the week and returned the
following Friday. In addition to the packet, students are asked to
read at least 20 minutes each day. They can read to themselves, to
another person, and in any place! Our goal this year is to develop a
love of reading and your help with this is greatly appreciated.
Volunteering: Our classroom is always open to volunteers! The
school and district require that all volunteers be cleared through
providing a current negative TB test (within 60 days) and
completing the fingerprinting process through the Hayward

Unified School District. Please inquire at the school office (open

8am-4pm) to receive the proper paperwork.
Field Trips: Were hoping to go on a number of field trips this
year along with the other 2nd grade classrooms. Our participation in
these field trips is dependent upon having enough chaperones!
Chaperones need to go through the same process as our volunteers
and drivers need to also provide insurance information. If this
sounds like something you would like to do, please let me know so
we can get you started with the process as soon as possible!
Behavior Plans: Our school participates in Positive Behavior
Intervention and Support and our classroom rules reflect this as
well. Please review the classroom rules with your child (this may
be done at home). Please read the disciplinary procedures that will
take place if a behavior issue occurs. If you have any questions
regarding the classroom rules and disciplinary procedures please
let me know.
Remember that my door is always open and I look forward to working
together to ensure a successful year for your student. Let the learning
Ms. Katie McGowan
Phone: (510) 723-3910 ext: 32208
I will make every effort to get back to you as soon as possible
within a 24 hour period.
Class Website:
2nd Grade School Hours
School begins at 8:15
School is dismissed at 2:45
Office Hours 8am to 4:00pm
Office Phone (510) 723-3910

Heres the scoop on Second Grade!

Class and School Rules:
1. Be responsible
2. Be respectful
3. Be safe
4. Make a difference/ Be helpful
Weve talked about what these rules mean in our
classroom and in the various areas of our school. Please
ask your students to provide examples of what these
rules might look like as you discuss their meaning.
Behavior Plan:
Individual students receive tickets as they provide exemplary examples
of following our classroom rules. Once a month, they may use their
tickets to enter a raffle and pick an item from our treasure chest.
If students are showing exemplary behavior throughout the school, they
may also receive a Husky Treat recognizing their behavior and be
called to the office for special recognition.
The class as a whole will earn marbles to put in a jar. Once the jar is full,
they will receive a whole class reward on a Friday.
If students have difficulty following the rules, they will receive an uhoh slip documenting their behavior. After three uh-oh slips, a referral
to the office may be issued. A phone call home will happen before the
referral unless the behavior requires the student to be out of the room for
safety reasons.
I dont anticipate giving out referrals and hope that together, we can
ensure a successful year for your student.

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