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Horatius Bonar
31st May 1898

 In the day of prosperity we have many refuges to resort to; in the

day of adversity only One.

 Count no sin trivial, either in yourself or another. Do not dally

with temptation. Do not extenuate guilt. Do not say, May I not
keep my beloved sin a little longer? Part with it, or it will cost you
dear. In what way it may do so I know not; but I can say this, that
sooner or later it will cost you dear, both in soul and body.

 Herein is love; not man loving God—but God loving man; so loving
man as to persist in his great work of grace, notwithstanding
man's utmost hatred and rejection

 All unbelief is the belief of a lie.

 The gospel is the proclamation of free love; the revelation of the

boundless charity of God. Nothing less than this will suit our
world; nothing else is so likely to touch the heart, to go down to
the lowest depths of depraved humanity, as the assurance that the
sinner has been loved - loved by God, loved with a righteous love,
loved with a free love that makes no bargain as to merit, or fitness,
or goodness.

 Thy love to me, O God, not mine, O Lord, to Thee, can rid me of
this dark unrest, and set my spirit free. 

 Yes, humanity is unconscious of its ruin! The human heart knows

not the vacuity that has been made in it by the absence of God; it
knows not the malignity of one single sin—one single act of
disobedience, one moment's insubordination of the will, one
moment's ceasing to love God with all the heart and soul. 

 In religion faith does not spring out of feeling, but feeling out of
faith. The less we feel the more we should trust. We cannot feel
right till we have believed.

 Life is a journey, not a home; a road, not a city of habitation; and

the enjoyments and blessings we have are but little inns on the
roadside of life, where we may be refreshed for a moment, that we
may with new strength press on to the end - to the rest that
remaineth for the people of God.

 Less, less of self each day, and more, my God, of Thee!

 Conversion calms down one storm and raises another, which is to

be lifelong.

 Upon a life I did not live, upon a death I did not die; another’s life,
another’s death, I stake my whole eternity.

 Thy will, not mine, O Lord, However dark it be! Lead me by Thine
own hand; choose out the path for me. I dare not choose my lot; I
would not, if I might; Choose Thou for me, my God; so shall I walk

 Shun the idols that speak vanity. Listen to no voice, however

pleasant, but that which is entirely in harmony with God's Word.

 “Like draws to like,” is man's maxim. In God's dealings with man,

it is the unlike that we see uniting. What more unlike than God
and the sinner? Yet they have come together. Where sin has
abounded, grace has abounded much more.

 How fast we learn in a day of sorrow! Scripture shines out in new

effulgence; every verse seems to contain a sunbeam, every promise
stands out in illuminated splendour; things hard to be understood
become in a moment plain! 

 Do not love the world! For if we love THIS world we cannot love the
world To COME.

 In all your wanderings through this world, cleave closely to Jesus.

Live for Him who died for you.

 Faith is rest, not toil. It is the giving up all the former weary efforts
to do or feel something good, in order to induce God to love and
pardon; and the calm reception of the truth so long rejected, that
God is not waiting for any such inducements, but loves and
pardons of His own goodwill, and is showing that goodwill to any
sinner who will come to Him on such a footing, casting away his
own poor performances or goodnesses, and relying implicitly upon
the free love of Him who so loved the world that He gave His only-
begotten Son. 

 Jesus is
  the infinity of all excellence,
  the vast treasure-house of all we can desire,
  the perfection of all perfection,
  the beauty of all beauty, 
  the glory of all glory.

‘Friend, remember that it is better to read 1 quote 10 times

(meditatively) than to read 10 quotes 1 time (superficially).’

Gathered by Totaf.

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