Chronological Order

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1. The Definition Of Chronological Order

Chronos is Greek Word meaning time. Chronological order is away of organizing ideas in the
order of their occurrence in time or shortly we define it as an arrangement of events in time.
Chronological order has all sorts of uses.
2. The Using Of Chronological Order
We use it to tell stories, to relate historical events, and to write biographies and autobiographies.
We also use it to explain processes and procedures.
College writing for science, literature, history, or any other subject. Use process writing to
persuade or to inform.
3. Process Essays
For example, we would use chronological order to explain how to take a photograph, how to
make a piece of pottery, how to perform a chemistry experiment, or how to set up an accounting
system. Such essays are called how to essays, or process essays.

We use this pattern to tell stories, relate historical events, and to write biographies.
We also use it to explain processes and procedures.
In a process essay, we describe how to do something or tell how something happens.
Examples of procedures:
how to send an e-mail, how to perform a chemistry experiment, how food is digested

Authors sometimes organize their writing in chronological order.

Chronological order is the order in which things happen. It is also called time
Chronological order is the order in which the events occurred, from first to
4. Chronological Patterns
A chronological pattern of organization arranges information according to a progression
of time, either forward or backward. When using a chronological pattern, each main
section of information represents a particular period of time, and the sub-points contained
within each main section refer to significant events that occurred within that time frame.
A variation of this organizational pattern involves dividing a topic into "past-presentfuture" or" before-during-after" segments.
A process essay explains how to do something or how something occurs.

An obvious example of process writing is a recipe.

A process essay should have a clear thesis statement that identifies the process and tells
why it is performed.
Read the paragraph below to help you understand chronological text structure.
My family and I went to the Kennedy Space Center in Florida. The first thing we did
when we got there was to take a tour of a space shuttle that once flew into
space. During our tour, an astronaut showed us her spacesuit. I even got to try on the
space boots. Next, we tasted the food astronauts eat while they are in space. It was
really different from other foods that I had eaten but it tasted pretty good.Finally, we
got in a special booth that showed us what it is like to be weightless! It was an
amazing day.

5. Process Explanation

Purpose is to help reader understand how a process is carried out.

Use either 1st person or 3rd person; not second person or imperative mood.
May be in present or past tense, depending on whether the writer is explaining a process
that takes place regularly or one that occurred in the past, and on whether the writer or
someone else carried out the process.


Past Tense

First Person

Third Person

After I place the chemicals in the

tray, I turn out the lights in the

After photographers place the

chemicals in the tray, they turn out the
lights in the darkroom.

(habitual process performed by the


(habitual process performed by

someone other than the writer)

After I placed the chemicals in the

tray, I turned out the lights in the

After the photographer placed the

chemicals in the tray, she turned out the
lights in the darkroom.

(process performed in the past by

the writer)

(process performed in the past by

someone other than the writer)

6. Structure of Process Essay

Introduction: identifies the process and indicates why and under what circumstances it is

Includes thesis

Introduces whatever materials or preliminary steps may be needed.

State what the process is and why it is important.

Give background information, and define the process.

State the thesis statement to include the purpose and the main idea of the essay
Body of essay

one major stage of the process in each body paragraph.

Each stage may involve several steps


May not be necessary in very short, simple process essay.

Briefly reviews the procedures major stages

Reinforces the thesis by summarizing the results of the process, or explaining its

Paraphrase the thesis statement.

Summarise the main steps of the process.

7. Thesis Statements
A thesis statement is one of the most important elements of any successful essay. A
thesis statement controls the subject matter of the essay and states something significant
to the reader. It is the one statement that summarizes the main point of the essay and
states why the essay is important and worth reading. An essay that lacks a strong thesis
will be inadequate and often lacking in focus.
The following are qualities of a well-crafted thesis statement:
A thesis statement should identify a specific purpose, a specific way to accomplish the
purpose, and oftentimes a specific audience (depending on the type of essay).
A thesis statement should assert something about the essay.
A thesis statement should be easily identifiable by a reader and should be clear and not

A thesis statement generally comes toward the end of the introduction.

A Thesis Statement: one sentence that tells your reader the main points of your topic and states
the overall plan of your essay.
8. Thesis Statement For A Process Essay
A thesis statement for a process essay in some way indicates the time order. Expressions such as
the process of, the procedure for, plan, develop, evolve, five stages, and several phases indicate
that time order will be used. Here are some examples:
follow these steps to make a beautiful ceramic vase for your home
the field of genetic engineering has developed rapidly in the past 10 years
A child learns to share over a period of time.
Heating water by solar radiation is a simple process.
Sometimes the thesis statement tells the number of steps in the process.
The process of heating water by solar radiation involves three main steps.
The thesis statement may even name the steps:
The main steps in the process of heating water by solar radiation are (1) trapping the suns
energy, (2) heating and storing the hot water, and (3) distributing the hot water to its points
of use.
Transition signals for process essays include:
First, second, third, Next, soon, after Afterwards, Initially, In the end, At the same time,
In the future, efore During Later, Finally,
9. Outline For A Process Essay
I. Introduction
Thesis: Ingestion, digestion, and absorption are the three major steps involved in the digestive
II. Food is ingested.
A. Food enters the mouth.
B. Food is chewed.
C. Food is ready to travel to the stomach.
III. Food is digested.
A. Food is mixed with acidic gastric juices in the stomach.
B. The partially liquid food moves from the stomach to the small intestine.
C. Enzymes are secreted.
IV. Absorption
A. The digested food passes through the walls of the small intestine.

B. The digested food is absorbed into the bloodstream.

V. Conclusion
Paraphrased Thesis: The digestion process involves three major steps: ingestion,
digestion, and absorption.
10.Keys To Organizing A Process Essay:
Discuss the steps in your process in the order in which they occur. Divide the steps into
separate paragraphs.

Write a thesis statement that names the process and indicates time order.

Use chronological order signal words and phrases to indicate the time sequence.

We have seen the movie twice, and now we want to see it again. Not only did my brother
break his leg, but he also bruised his rib. My friend speaks Korean and English. She also
speaks Chinese. Cheating is dishonest. Moreover, it hinders students from learning.
Students should be on time. Furthermore, they must be prepared. You must complete
this essay by 5 p.m. in addition; you must do the exercises on page 47.
I have been to many countries. For example, I have been to Russia, Canada, Mexico and
spain. He often eats strange foods. For instance, he once ate cow brains. I like travelling.
Specially, I enjoy places with old cathedrals. I love fruit. In particular, I like bananas,
pineapple, and barriers. My friend hates skiing for several reasons. The first reason is
that she dislike being cold. Another reason is that she often falls.

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