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Cerise Black - August 2016

IPG Lesson Plan

7th Grade Math
Math 7.1 (A) apply mathematics to problems arising in
everyday life, society, & the workplace.
Math 7.13 (B) identify the components of a personal
budget, including income, planned savings for college,
retirement, emergencies, taxes, fixed and variable

Big Understanding
Students will understand how money works and
why a personal budget is necessary to help them
avoid bad debt/credit issues.

At the end of the lesson, students will be a ble to create a 1. 40% of $2500.00
personal budget and understand how to calculate what
2. Re-write 23% as a fraction & a decimal
percentage each category comprises of the total budget.

Assessment Evidence
Students will create their own personal budget
Opening Hook
Using several clippings from news articles and magezines about consumer debt have a brief discussion
regarding their understanding and definition of debt and budgeting. Discuss misconception of the word
"budget". Use a KWL graphic organizer to determine what students already know about debt/budgeting, what
they want to learn.
Instructional Strategies/Activities
Share the official definition of debt, and then go into a discussion of how a budget can help you avoid debt.
Also discuss the differences between variable and fixed expenses. Then use a handout with a sample budget
and work with the class on completeling it. After completing the example as a group have students pair up
and work on a worksheet where they will create a personal budget for themselves. Students will play "Budget
Odyssey" game at
articles about consumer debt, sample budget handout, personal budget worksheet, writing utensils, KWL
index cards
Grouping Patterns
whole group & pairs
Ending, Summary / Reflection
Wrap up class with a quick recap and discussion on connection between debt and budgeting; ask if there are
any quesitons. Have the students reflect on what they learned about budgeting and debt by writing
something they learned on their index card and place in the "exit-slip" box.

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