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Syrian Victims.

Euan McKirdy, reporter from CNN, made a note about the Syria barrel bomb
attack updated the past Sunday 28 th. In that note we can read how a
helicopter dropped 2 bombs on a funeral wake for Syrians children which
took place on the Syrian city of Aleppo, where at least 16 people died by the
bombs. The Aleppo Media Center registered a higher number of death of 24
killed and another 30 injured in the same attack.
But this was not the only attack that Syrian habitants have suffered. How the
Human Rights Organization said the bombs attacks are result of a
government tactic in order to control the rebels in civil war since 2011.
According to the Amnesty International, more than 3,000 individuals from the
city of Aleppo were killed by the explosives in 2014. (McKirdy, 2016)
Exist a video that was posted by activists in the internet which show the
Thursdays barrel bomb attack. The authenticity of the video was not
confirmed by CNN. In the video we can see how rescuers help survivors and
search for missing ones. One of this viral and really sad videos exhibit the
real situation that civilians live in the city, including children, as in that video
show an injured child around 5 yeas old being recurred. Fortunately, he is
alive not as the 11 children that were killed.
It is really sad to know how people are killed around the world by a bad
government management, the terrorism, the civil and international wars.
This is what have to make us wonder about the real progress of the society.
How we can talk about development and education in the 21srt century, if
war is a common word used to refer the situation of many countries around
the world, where the civilians lost their freedom and contracted fear.
Fabian Caldern.

McKirdy, E. (2016, August 28). Syria barrel bomb attack: At least 16 killed at
wake in Aleppo. Retrieved from CNN Breaking News:

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