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Safa: Lets be friend

Learning Priority: Widening social interaction, and development of a sense of others

Safa has always been a bright and cheerful girl. She enjoyed doing art work or activities that can
improve her concentration. But lately Safa enjoyed playing with Musa. She would follow Musa every
where he would go. They played well together. They learned to take turn playing on the bikes and
the playground.
Masha Allah Safa has gained social skills and cooperative skills. She is now able to develop good
relationship with her friends. Usually she love doing activities on her own, but now she enjoys
playing with her friends.
What next for Safa?
InsyaAllah we will do a lot of cooperative play so Safa can improve her communication skills with
other and able to develop good relationship with other children.

By:Teacher Nur Aisyah

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