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Pilloried- denounce humiliate

Academic excellence
Prof excellence
Moral excellence

Cognizant=aware , mindful

Vaunted=boasted about or praised in an ostentatious way, their vaunted home and

Boasted about
Palpable= blatant flagrant overt obvious tangible

Mothballing= a small ball of a strong-smelling chemical such as camphor or

naphthalene, used for keeping clothes moths away from clothing and other

Disparities= difference inequality gap

Cohort= legion army gang group followers
Efficacy= effectiveness efficiency usefulness worth value
Intervention= interference involvement intrusion intercession
Copious= abundant plentiful profuse bountiful many numerous
Alas= unfortunately sadly regrettably

Precept= teaching principle rule guideline instruction law

Vast= huge enormous gigantic immense immeasurable infinite
Spatial= relating to, occupying, or happening in space

Precarious= shaky unstable insecure uncertain wobbly unsafe unsteady

Dissenting= rebel rebellious unorthodox nonconforming nonconformist
Partisan= follower supporter adherent fan member enthusiast devotee
Capstone polestar
Precept= teaching principle rule guideline instruction law
Peeved= annoyed irritated irked piqued upset
Sanity= Good sense Wisdom Understanding Common sense Sense
Impoverish= deprive ruin
Belittling= disparagement mocking ridicule criticism derision scorn vilification
Prevalent= common widespread rife rampant ubiquitous established customary
prevailing dominant predominant powerful
Reap= harvest gather garner
Recourse= option alternative remedy way out choice route resort
Apt= appropriate suitable fitting apposite pertinent right
Aptly= appropriately fittingly suitably rightly pertinently appositely
Airs= pride narcissism self-importance conceit arrogance egotism
Avert- avoid Prevent Stop happening Ward off Turn away Forestall
Unleash= Let loose , Set free, Give a free rein to, Allow to run free
Pretension= Affectation Pretentiousness Airs Posing Posturing Pretense Selfimportance
Preempt= Forestall Anticipate Obstruct Block Prevent

Impasse= stalemate standoff deadlock gridlock bottleneck

Perilous= dangerous unsafe hazardous risky death-defying terrifying
Overthrow= conquer defeat remove from power put an end to cause the downfall of
bring down oust depose topple
Alas= unfortunately sadly regrettably
Apathy= indifference lack of concern lack of interest lethargy laziness boredom
Indeed= certainly
Culmination= conclusion finale peak height zenith result end termination climax
Account= explanation description story report relation version
Skeptical= cynical disbelieving doubtful unconvinced dubious incredulous
Formidable= alarming frightening dreadful fearsome redoubtable terrifying difficult
tough daunting arduous impressive remarkable astounding awesome
Gravely ill
Menacing= threatening alarming intimidating ominous scary daunting
Partisan= follower supporter adherent fan
Skeptic= cynic disbeliever doubter doubting Thomas

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